
The Night Shift

sparky   July 08, 2019   | 12380 Views
She removed her top to reveal the black bikini bra beneath, it was the one I'd bought her. banner2 I'd been working as a security officer on and off for a number of years, but never had any real fun, until the time I ended up working as a dog handler. Now, the trick with this job is that most people are terrified of guard dogs, and leave you alone.
On the day in question I'd arrived at work and booked in, I'd wait in my office until all the staff had left, secure the gates, release my dogs, and do my first patrol, There was a young girl (about 18 or 19) who came in to clean the offices, but she wasn't a problem as she'd be inside and I would be outside, plus she wasn't afraid of my dogs.
Well this night she was late, only by 10 minutes, but wouldn't you know it, this was the night her supervisor turned up, well, her relief supervisor, and she was a right cow. The poor young girl was almost in tears as this older harriden bawled at her and threatened to sack her, I could hear all this from my office window, I'd had enough!
I stormed out of my office, and confronted her, "just who the hell do you think you are?" I demanded, "coming on hear and abusing my staff"
Clearly not used to being challenged, the hariden was now on the back foot, "she isn't your staff, she's employed by my company" she challenged,
"oh, so you own the firm then?" I replied
"no, but I'm her supervisor, and she was late" she said angrily, and she glared at the young girl.
"oh, is that a fact?" I snapped back, "and did you ask her why, are you familiar with site operating procedure?"
She stared at me, her mouth opened, but I cut her short, "for your information, the security officer, me, is in charge of the site between 1800 hrs and 07.30hrs, the security officer has full control of persons entering and leaving site during this time. All visitors, must, comply with the instructions of the security officer! Now, if you had bothered enquiring, you'd have found out that this young lady was ASKED to arrive 10 minutes late tonight, in order to allow me time to perform a security check, and as for people losing their jobs, if anyone gets fired, it'll be you, not her, now I'm instructing YOU, to leave site immediately" She stormed off to her car, got in and I opened the gates, I watched with some sense of satisfaction as she roared off down the road, we won't see her again, I thought to myself.
The young girl went off to her duties and I returned to my office, I was going to log the incident in my book, just in case there were problems later. I did a patrol, let the dogs free, and returned to my office. I'd done some paperwork, made a drink and settled down for what I knew was going to be another quiet night, people are rarely stupid enough to try and break into a site that has free-running guard dogs.
I heard a knock on my door, glanced at the clock, 20.00hrs, "come in" I called, the door opened and in walked the young cleaner, "I wanted to thank you for earlier" she told me, "I was only late because my bus was late,and she had to turn up, didn,t she".
I asked her to sit down and offered her a drink, as we sat drinking, I told her that if ever she was slightly late in future, all she had to do was say I'd asked her to come a little late, I gave her my office number too, just in case anything happened.
Normally, she'd have finished her work round 20.00hrs and be off site by say 20.15, this night it was almost 22.00hrs, when she left. I watched her walk toward the bus stop, all in all, she wasn't bad looking, not stunning, but certainly not unattractive, I wondered what she'd look like dressed up, rather than wearing those baggy black leggings and jumper, It didn't take long to find out!
The following night I arrived as usual, she arrived, on time tonight, and went straight to her duties, it was only later as she was ready to leave that once again she appeared at my office door, but this time she looked different!
I invited her in and she removed her coat and sat down, her work clothes had been replaced with a pair of skin tight blue jeans and a pale yellow top, she looked very attractive. I made a drink and we chatted, well, she did most of the talking. Quite out of the blue she began to tell me how she was back at home with her father after her and her boyfriend had split up, "I told dad I was going out after work, so he isn't expecting me back until late" she continued. She began to tell me how her ex had certain 'kinks' "he used to like me to wear leopard print undies" she explained, adding, "in fact I'm wearing a leopard print bra tonight". Before I could do or say anything, she'd whipped off her top to reveal a half cup bra that seemed to struggle holding her in, I'd say she was about 36B. "do you like it?" she asked, I nodded my approval, "I love my boobs played with, have a feel" she continued, coming to sit on my knee.
I didn't need asking twice, I cupped her firm young tits in my hands and fondled them for a few minutes, I removed her bra and her nipples were solid! I played with them for a bit, flicking and tweaking them, then began to suck them, she moaned quietly as I did this, eventually she got dressed again, we chatted some more and she left at about 22.00hrs.
The following night she stayed late again, more chat and more tit play, I began to stroke her thigh as we chatted, "I remember when I cold make a girl cum just doing this" I laughed, " mmm, I think you still can, put it this way, if you keep doing that there's going to be an awful mess in my panties" she giggled, moving my hand. That was the end of that night, on her way out she told me that she was going on holiday soon, somewhere abroad, I joked about wanting to see her in her bikini, and she replied that she hadn't bought it yet.
The following night, on my way to work, I called in at the local supermarket for some bits and pieces, while I was in there I noticed they had a rack of ladies swimwear, I took a guess at the size and bought her a black 2 piece bikini, nothing too revealing, but nice none the less.
As was becoming usual, after her work she came to my office, we chatted over a drink, but she couldn't stay late so left at about 20.30hrs, on her way out I handed her the bag containing the bikini, telling her it was a gift for her holiday.
The following night, once again she came knocking at my office door, upon entering, she came straight over and kissed me, "thanks, the bikini's lovely, I,m really going to attract some attention at the pool", she said, "hey, not too much, you're mine remember" I joked, She smiled, "I want to show you something, are you expecting anyone?" I replied that I wasn't, and she disappeared into my washroom, returning a few moments later, minus her top, but wearing the top half of the bikini I'd bought her, "vey nice, I can't wait to see how the bottom half looks" I exclaimed, admiring not only her shape, but the way her nipples poked through the thin material. "Well, I'm not wearing them, I didn't want to ruin them tonight" she said, taking her usual position on my knee, I reached up and began to fondle her firm tits through the thin material, it did so little to hide her charms she may as well not worn it. As I sat there she chatted, well, made smalltalk really for a few minutes, then, " I have a thing about candles", she blurted out, "you see, my ex used to like dripping molten wax on my nipples, and well, it turned me on, does that shock you?". I paused, "not really, it's harmless enough" then added, "if I'd known earlier, I'd have brought one with me". she smiled, "oh I wish you had, it's been ages since anyone did thet to me", her nipples seemed to grow at the mere thought of it.
Remembering something I'd seen a few days earlier, I opened one of my desk drawers and rummaged about, there it was, a candle, what it was doing there I had no idea, probably from a power cut sometime.
"hey, you're in luck" I giggled, handing her the candle, it was about 8" long and 3/4 of an inch thick.
She smiled, "go on then, light it" she said, removing her top, then adding, "don't want wax on this, do we", as she dropped it on my desk. She squirmed a little, as, holding the candle about 8" from her tit, I dripped molton wax onto her nipple, as I continued she squirmed more, I dripped some onto her other nipple, she squirmed even more and moaned loudly, suddenly she let out a shudder, I paused for a few seconds, judging by that shudder, if she'd set out that night wearing clean panties, I'd bet money on them not being clean now, I blew out the candle and offered her a cigarette, I chatted as she smoked it, " ever had wax dripped down your ass crack?" I asked, trying to sound casual, "no, but I'd like to try it, would you mind?" she asked, would I mind, of course not, I couldn't wait to see what was inside those tight trousers.
She finished her smoke and stood up in front of my desk facing away from me, unfastened her trousers and leaned over the desk, "go on then, help yourself" she giggled, I pulled the rear of her trousers down a little, she was wearing tight red panties beneath and there was a gap between the top of the panties and her ass crack. I lit the candle and began to drip it down the gap, she squirmed a little as it trailed between her but cheeks, "oooh that feels so good" she murmured, keep going, I continued for a few minutes, then decided to take it further, " there's other uses for candles you know, ever had one inside you?", she shook her head, "what up my bum you mean?" well it was her suggestion where to put it, "well, if you like" I replied, "ok, go on then, I'll try it", she laughed. I blew out the candle and turned it around, pulled her trousers down to expose her thin red panties and traced a finger between her legs, finding her anus, I probed it slightly through her panties with my finger. "so, lets get this right, you want this candle, in this hole" I giggled, poking my finger in a little further, " oh yes, but without my undies" she laughed, I removed my finger, pulled her panties to one side and slowly inserted about 3" of candle, then began to assfuck her with it, after about 5 minutes she was panting and squirming and her knees were sagging, I gently removed the candle and as a I straightened her panties, I brushed across the crotch, it was soaking.
She got her breath back, and straightened her clothes, over another smoke and a drink, she confessed that it had been a real turn on, something she'd never done before, now she felt a little guilty, she'd had all the fun, surely I must be a bit frustrated?, she brushed her hand across my crotch, "ooh, I bet that's uncomfy" she giggled, felling my erection. She pulled a chair alongside mine and asked me for the waste basket, I was mystified, she undid my trousers as I sat in my chair and began to wank me off, after a few minutes, sensing I was on the verge of shooting my load, she picked up the waste basket, feeling me start to twitch, she brought the basket closer and aimed my erect cock at it, SPLAT, SPLAT, SPLAT, she was just in time, my load fired into the basket, placing it down she took my wilting cock and tucked it back inside my pants, finally she fatened my trousers, "there, feel better now?" I nodded, I most certainly did.
There was plenty more fun over the coming months, although she'd never let me fuck her, looking back I don't think she had much if any experience and was using me to practice on, still, I'm not complaining, it's not every 40 year old that has a young lady half his age as a plaything, even less who get to do it in works time.
I remember one night and we got caught out, she was sat on my knee, her top was off, her bra was off, and there I was playing with those wonderful little tits, suddenly the office door opened and in walked one of the drivers. He'd been asked to come in and take a wagon out, but nobody had told me. Rather than just drive it out and have me thinking it had been stolen ,he decided to call in and see me, and what a sight he saw. The security officer, sat at his desk with a topless young girl on his knee, getting her tits played with!
He was the soul of discretion though, "sorry chief, I wanted a quick word, didn't realise you had your hands full" he said, walking out and closing the door behind him, he never ever mentioned it again, even when months later, after leaving the company, he saw me at a party.
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