
My wife the exhibitionist, pt 2

sparky   July 09, 2019   | 11805 Views
Standing in the queue at the checkout, Sue noticed the man behind her, he could barely keep his eyes off her shapely rear and the way those slim leather clad legs disappeared into the high-heeled black boots cheating Sue, was really developing her kinks now, one day I'd bought her a pair of leather trousers, they were normally a hell of a price, but I'd got them cheap off a client, which was good because money had been a little tight lately. she loved the shiney black leathers, and wore them quite often, in fact, it was a simple choice between two outfits, the leather, or the jodhpurs. The only thing was, while she had plenty of boots for with the jodhpurs, she had none to match the leathers, this was to change following a call-out one Saturday.
At the time I had a job, but was also doing other work for people during my time off, anyway to cut a long story short, a guy offered me good money to do a job on a Saturday, unfortunately, it was the day we should have been going out, and it took longer than expected.
To be fair to the chap, not only did he pay me well for the work, but also bought my wife a pair of very expensive black leather boots. knee-high, with a 3 inch spiked heel, and she loved them, in fact, although it was late when I got back home, she insisted on me taking her to the local pub for a drink, naturally, she'd wear her leathers and the new boots.
She practically lived in them after that, I'd arrive home from work, in my work clothes, there she'd be, hair done, make-up done, all in black leather, sometimes I'd barely get through the door before she'd want to go to the pub, or for me to bend her over the chair, pull down her leathers and fuck her! This always seemed to happen after she'd been out shopping with her mother, the fucking, I mean. I think she was very aware of the effect that pert leather-clad backside had on blokes, and I think it turned her on. Obviously, the pub was just an excuse to tease the lads.
Well, one day I came home from work, and something very odd happened, My dinner was waiting for me! I sat down to eat it, as usual, Sue was all leathered up, and seemed excited, "Won't be long, just popping out" ,she called as she disappeared out of the front door.
About 10 minutes later the door opened and she was back, and boy was she excited, "it works, it works" she squealed, running over and placing a pack of beers on the table. She poured a beer into a glass and handed it to me, "oh, it really works, I can do it again later, lets go over to the pub".
This was all getting a little weird, for the first time in ages, I'd come home to find my dinner ready, and she'd gone for beer, so why all this strange behaviour, what had happened between her leaving to get the beer, and returning with it ?
"for heavens sake Sue, it's been a long day, sit down, calm down, and tell me what the hell's going on"
"Well, I have been wondering for ages if it would work, and it does" she squealed excitedly, "what works?" I asked, no doubt sounding a little exasperated, "well, I wondered what would happen if I had a wee in my leathers, if it would show or not, oh I've wanted to try for ages, and tonight I did, and it doesn't" she babbled.
"stop it, slow down and explain" I replied, "well, it's like this, I wanted to know if I could wee in my leathers without it showing, then I could do it when we're out" she explained, "ok, so carry on" I replied. "well, I wanted to get you a beer with your dinner, so I had to go to the shop, but I also needed a wee, anyway I was quite desperate when I got to the shop, and as I was queing, well, there was this bloke behind me, I knew he was looking at my arse, and this made me want a wee even more, so I did it, right there in my pants, and he never knew, it's all in my boots". She shook her leg and I could hear it sloshing around in her boot. "bloody hell, you took a risk, what would you have done if they'd have leaked, you'd have looked well with a load of piss running down your legs, and you go there a lot", she frowned, "hadn't thought of that, anyway it didn't it stayed in my boots.
Finishing my beer I made her lower her leathers and bend over the arm of the chair, her skimpy black panties were soaking, I pulled them to one side and gave her a hard fucking for being a 'naughty girl' in her expensive leather trousers, I was as horny as hell, banging away at her and hearing the piss sloshing about in her boots, I added my own mess to the contents of her panties, pulled up her leathers and told her to sit down.
 A couple of nights later I came home from work, her mother was visiting, Sue was stood in front of the fireplace, a drink in hand as I walked in, I went and had a wash then returned to the lounge, Sue asked me to help her with something in the kitchen, "you're going to have to deal with me again later, I've wet my trousers" she giggled, "when" I asked, "just now, as you walked through the door, and mum didn't know" she continued.
Bloody hell, talk about risk taking.
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