
A female passenger in my taxi I couldn't help myself.

Davy Smith   March 02, 2019   | 15766 Views
I picked up a regular one Friday night in the town, this time she was with a group of girlfriends, not her boyfriend, and my eyes popped out when she was wearing my fantasy black PVC gear. Lesbian I had been taxi driving for about 4 years, was married for 18 years, caught my wife cheating on me before, but I never had.
A couple I regularly picked up were Goths by their appearance, he was tall and skinny, but she was about my height (5'11"), had a lovely face, shoulder length dyed black hair, nice breasts but a slightly big bum and the tops of her thighs slightly fat and always looked tight in her black jeans.
They were always cheerful and talkative, I would often take them into Newcastle and sometimes pick them up again to bring them home.

But one night I will never forget, I had to pick HER up, not both of them, this time she was with a group of girls.
My eyes nearly popped out, she was wearing my dream fetish gear.

Walking towards my car on her own, away from the group, she was wearing a shiney black PVC sleeved jacket,
the main body was formed like a basque with buckles across the centre, forcing her breasts upwards, a black PVC tight mini skirt that made the top of her thighs bulge out slightly, and black PVC boots that came up just below the knee. Not stilletto heels, but slightly high.

Over the months I had got to know her as Louise, he was James, she was 31 years old and he was 34. They knew me as Dave.
As she got into my taxi, shouted 'see ya' to her friends, then 'Hi Ya Dave, you alright?'
'I'm fine' I said, 'where's James tonight?'  'Oh girls night out tonight. I'm finished with him, the bastard.Gone off with some ginger tart weeks ago. I live on my own now'
'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that'.  'Well I'm not, good riddance!'

'You look very fetching tonight' I said. 'Do you think so?' she answered. 'Yeah I love PVC stuff like that, especially the mini skirt and basque.'
'I used to wear it for him. Why do you like it then?'
'Well, I'm into PVC latex shiney stuff. My wife sometimes wears it for me in the bedroom, but she won't go outside in it, except for once.'
'Really' she said.'Do you shag her in it? He liked to shag me in it.'
'Well when she's in the mood, which isn't often. I bought her a pair of PVC thigh length bedboots that you can wear with stilletto heel shoes.'
'Ahh' she said, 'then you should see me in my full gear. I've got stilletto heel thigh boots that zip right to the top, and then you tie round the thigh with a lace. Tell you what, when we get to mine, come in for a coffee and I'll put then on for you. Tell me what you think.'
I laughed, she giggled, but truth was I did want to.
'Can't tonight I'm afraid, we're very busy. Friday night and that.'

'Just for ten minutes, that's all. Come on.'
We pulled up outside her house, she paid me the fair, then again 'come on in, just for ten minutes, tell me what you think.'
I wanted to, but guilt was setting in - plus I knew we were busy.
'Ten minutes.'
'Ten minutes then.'     We got out and I locked the car, but as I watched her lovely arse in that tight mini, I was getting a hard on. She fumbled in her bagk, got out her keys and opened the door.

'Sit in there' she pointed to living room, turned on the light and pulled the curtains shut.
Off she went upstairs and I sat down.

A few minutes later in she tottered in, in her thigh lengths.

My God. An absolute vision. She had tied her hair back, and now had black lip gloss on.
'Well, what do you think ? Is it what you said you liked?'

'Yes' I stammered. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
'Well, I can see you like it by that bulge in your pants, and guess what, I've even put my split crotch pants on for you, look.'  She pulled that tight mini up to show me. Her pubic hair was poking out thru the slit in the panties. She leant forward, took my hand, and pressed it against her pussy.

'You know you want to. Let's relieve that pressure in your trousers.'
Before I could stop her, she pulled down my zip, put her hand inside, pulling my underpants down, and my cock shot out to attention.
'There now, isn't that better?  Oooh, your dripping. Lets do something about that' then began wanking me.
I unbuckled my belt, pulled my pants down, grabbed her by the hips and threw her on her back on the sofa.

I pushed my face against her panties and stuck my tongue in the split. As I licked, she pulled the panties open further and I could smell her lovely pussy and a smell of pee. She wriggled and said I should lick it clean for her.
After only a few minutes of this she said 'put your cock in now and I'll put it out of it's misery.'
I lay on top of her, she grabbed my pulsing cock, and guided it inside her. She was very wet.
'Oh Louise, you're beautiful. This is lovely. I won't last a minute.'
She giggled, and I began pumping away at her. My guilty feelings had gone. Anyway, my wife had cheated on me before.
Her pussy was so wet and slippery, my thrusts became faster and more urgent until she said 'STOP'.
'Take your time, go slower, but deeper.'  It was too late. I began spurting inside her. Louise moaned and wrapped her legs around me.
We lay there like that for a while until my cock softened and wilted, then slid out.
'Dave, you naughty boy. Now you'll have to clean up the mess down there.'

She pushed me away from her and I fell on my back on the floor. She stepped out of her panties, stood over me so I could gaze up those thigh length boots, pulled her pussy lips apart, and began squirting my cum out of her. It oozed and hung in a long string, then she sraddled my face and asked me to lick her clean.
'You see Dave, I'm not just a Goth, I like to be in charge. That's what James didn't like-so he left.'

I didn't care now. I didn't care the taxi office was busy. I was in heaven. Though I wasn't so keen on licking my own cum out of her.
Louise stood up, unzipped her boots and removed them, then pulled the side zip down on her mini skirt and stepped out of it.
'Come on, we'll go upstairs and fuck properly.'  She pulled my shoes and trousers off, then my underpants,
then begen wanking me again, dragging her long black fingernails up and down my shaft. My cock was slowly coming to attention again, and she led me by it up the stairs to her bedroom.

We lay on the bed for a while while she played with me,still wearing her PVC basque, then asked if I was ready again, and told me to get on top. She guided me into her pussy, this time slippery with my own cum.
'Just go slowly this time, 'til it's my turn to cum. I'll tell you when to get faster.'
I started again, this time my cock was almost numbed.After about ten minutes (when I was almost knackered) Louise began moaning gently. She began moving her hips rhythmically up and down, then commanded 'FASTER'. I complied. 'That's it Dave, yes, faster. Faster. You can do it. Go on.'

Now I wasn't sure I was enjoying this. Until, suddenly, her hips shuddered. I felt her vaginal muscles grip my cock, she shuddered again, then began milking me with her in up and down motion, her pussy muscles tight around my cock end, then with another of Louise's  fantastic gasps and shudders, I shot my load inside her again!
Louise fell limp, then wrapped her arms around me. 'Was that nice?' she asked. It was wonderful.

I got dressed again -I had been there nearly two hours-and would have lot of explaining to do.

When I went back to say goodbye, Louise was massaging my cum into her labia and smiling at me.
'Can I see you tomorrow? I've got a sex swing and some stirrups. They'll keep my legs up so you can get in nice and deep. And I'll wear my split crotch PVC hot pants this time!'

Well, I went back a lot of times, though Louise always wanted to give the orders, and that didn't suit me.
She didn't inflict pain, far from it, even bought me a shiney pair of latex shorts with built-in cock ring, which really made me erect, you could see the veins nearly bursting. She liked me to fuck in those while she wore the stirrups and her knees were nearly in line with her chin. That was good. But the novelty wore off.

Finally, when she wanted me to leave my wife, I decided that was it. I called it a day.
But if I had known was was to come 2 years later, when MY WIFE left me for a younger man, I would definitely have moved in with Louise. I looked for her, but she had moved away.
You should never look a gift horse in the mouth, oh my PVC angel, how I miss you now!
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