
my kinky ex girlfriend

sparky   October 21, 2019   | 11191 Views
the whole room fell silent as Tina entered, perhaps it was the heels of her thighboots on the tiled floor, or maybe it was her tight pvc leggings, either way it got peoples attention cheating I met Tina at work, well lets put it another way, she came to the business one day just as we were closing and needed something, since she was extremely attractive, and since I owned the business, I had no problem letting her into the shop, to make a few purchases.
She looked quite attractive in her jeans and T-shirt and explained that she needed a few things as she'd just moved into the area and was sorting her house out. I said I was more than happy to help, and, if she needed any little jobs done then I could pop over after hours, I'm a practical bloke and like helping others, plus I suppose I was hoping there might be one or two advantages with this situation.
A couple of days later and she was back, could I help her sort a few things at home, and in return she'd cook me a meal and throw in a few beers, no problem, I'd be round that afternoon. I closed the business and made my way the few hundred yards to her house, it was a nice little house very clean and tidy, not like some of the places I go to. I sorted out the jobs and we sat down to a meal and a few drinks, we were getting on great, but since I had driven to work I had to be careful drinking, as I had to drive home later. She said not to bother about driving home, why not have a few more drinks and stay the night? I readily agreed to this, and when it came to bedtime she led me upstairs, it was a 2 bedroomed house, but there was only one bed so I assumed I was either in for a very good night, or I was sleeping on the couch.
She explained that the heating wasn't working and the landlord was coming tomorrow to fix it, so, since it was a cold night she thought we'd better share the bed, and, she insisted that was all we'd be sharing, nothing else! She pulled off her T-shirt revealing a sexy looking black bra, inside this, I guessed, was a very firm looking pair of 34B's, this came off and then off came her jeans revealing a pair of soft velvety looking red panties with little clips at the sides to open them.
She slid into bed and I got undressed and slid in alongside her, she had her back to me and as I got in I couldn't help but look at that pert little bottom with only the thinest piece of material between me and it, god I hoped I didn't get a hard on in the night!, we chatted for a short while, then, just before we fell asleep she reminded me once again not to get any ideas, in other words, keep out of her pants.
The following morning I woke up reasonably early, I had to go to work again, she was already awake and just lying there, she told me she couldn't believe I hadn't tried it on with her and wonered if I didn't fancy her. I said I did fancy her, but, as she hadn't initiated anything, I'd not touched her, I didn't fancy being locked up. She laughed at this and asked if I'd like to play with her tits, we kissed and cuddled and I enjoyed giving her 34's a good fondling. We got out of bed and I got dressed, she turned away from me and removed her panties, boy did she have a sexy arse, she pulled on her tight jeans and her top and we went downstairs, she said if I'd like to pop back around after work she had an identical pair of panties in black and perhaps I'd like to help her out of them!
I did go back that night, and I helped her out of them, I helped her with a number of things that night, it was a night of helping each other. she told me she'd not had sex for a long while and was feeling frustrated. I in turn told her that the sight of her in those little red panties had made my balls ache, she replied that if I would like to take off my pants, she'd see what she could do about it, so not long afterwards I found myself balls deep in a very wet and very tight pussy, it was heaven.
We began to see quite a lot of each other, she even started coming into my shop in the afternoon,one day, not long after she came in and said she had a damp patch that needed looking at, would I help? I said I'd be happy to and locked the shop door, she dropped her jeans and showed me her skimpy panties, sure enough there was a very visible daamp patch, and that's the type of damp I don't mind dealing with, lol.
One day we were chatting and I said I was suprised seeing as it was winter that she never wore boots (I love a girl in a long pair of boots) she said she hadn't got any, so I said I'd buy her some, to which she replied, well, make them long ones, I couldn't believe it, how lucky was that, anyway I bought her a pair of black thigh length boots in leather, she looked great in them, but, she'd look better in a tight pair of jodhpurs!
The following day I went to a local equestrian store and bought a pair in dark blue, to make sure they were really tight I got a size smaller than she needed, later when she tried them on, they were like a second skin, and together with the boots, well, she didn't keep them on long, lets put it that way.
A couple of days later we were at her house in the evening as usual, once again she was wearing the boots and jodhpurs, after a couple of drinks we were both pretty relaxed and she got up and said she needed a wee, I made a joke about what would happen if I didn't let her go, how long could she hold on for, her reply was immediate and direct, I'll just wee in my pants, she replied, in that case I'd have to spank your sexy little bottom, I said. There was a few seconds of silence followed by a loud hissing, in that case you'd better get ready to spank me, because I've wee'd in my pants, she giggled.
I looked at her as she stood there and sure enough there was a stream trickling down each leg into her long sexy boots, when she'd finished I made her bend over my knee and spanked her on her wet jodhpurs, then she lowered them and told me to fuck her, I didn't need telling twice, and shortly after we made our way to bed, she undressed and I noticed that she placed her boots beside the bed, she didn't bother to clean them.
The following morning I woke up to find her stroking my cock, she wanted it inside her again, but I was desperate for a piss, as I am most mornings when I wake up. I was about to get up and go to the bathroom when she handed me one of her boots, piss in here, I want to feel it inside later as I walk around, she told me, about 5 minutes and a long piss later and we were shagging again, only this time she was wearing the boots, the one's I'd pissed into minutes earlier!
She turned out to be really kinky and when I suggested buying her some really tight shiny black pvc pants, she was right up for it, she even said she'd wear them when we went out, something my ex would never do, as she said she didn't want to look like a slut!
We bought the pants, very tight, very black, and very shiny, and a matching pair of boots, together with some sexy black velvety underwear, (bra and panties) and one of those sheer blouses in red, the type you can almost see thru, I must say when she got all dressed up that Saturday night I wanted to take her straight to bed, but, we'd arranged to go out, I'd booked a table at the best restaurant in town, and she was raring to go, my balls would have to wait.
We drove into town and parked outside the restaurant, I opened the door and we went inside where I informed the waiter who I was, and, that I had a reservation for two in the restaurant, he checked my name in the register and asked us to follow him to our table.Wether it was the click of her boot heels on the tiled floor, or the sight of her red blouse with the black bra clearly visible below, or then again it could have been the way those tight pvc pants disappeared into the long shiny boots, I don't know, but something about her made the whole room fall silent. I could see the older less attractive women glaring at her, their husbands staring at her, seemingly forgetting they were with their wives, wondering no doubt, what treats were hidden under that oh so sexy outfit.
The waiter led us to our table and said he'd be back in a moment with the menu, and would we like a drink, I ordered a couple of drinks and we'd barely been sat down for 5 minutes when it happened. As we sipped our drinks and waited for the menu, I became aware of a man heading purposely towards our table, from the way he was dressed I knew he wasn't a waiter, probably the maitre-d or manger, or whatever else they call themselves in these posh places.
He arrived at our table, but suddenly seemed a lot less confident in his manner, either he hadn't had much experience of doing what he was about to do, or he was worried about how I'd react, a lot of people say I can look a bit intimidating. Well, he stood there and cleared his throat, the way they do, then, I'm very sorry sir, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you and your, erm, lady to leave, we're a respectable establishment and don't go in for things like that! he looked across at Tina, like she was something he'd trodden in, images of Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman flashed into my head.
Tina hadn't realised what he was inferring, but I had, don't go in for things like what, and what exactly do you mean by calling her my erm, lady? I snarled. He looked rather odd at this point, rather nervous and unsure what to say, gone was the confidence of five minutes earlier, I knew what he meant, I just wanted to hear him say it!
Well, you know, those type of lady, the one's who wear what she's wearing, he said, nervously, at this point I picked up my drink and drained the glass, telling Tina to do the same, I placed the empty glass on the table, and, just has he was begining to think he'd got away with it, I exploded!
WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, CALLING MY WIFE A WHORE! I snarled, loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear, once again the place fell silent. If ever any of the other diners had wanted a show with their meal then tonight they were in luck, because I was going to make this a night for them to remember!
Now, on the backfoot, and doubtless begining to regret what he'd said, the maitre-d, looked a lot less smug, and a lot more nervous, I didn't call your wife a whore, he blustered, OH, REALLY, SO WHAT EXACTLY DID YOU MEAN WHEN YOU SAID YOU WERE A RESPECTABLE ESTABLISHMENT AND DIDN'T GO IN FOR THINGS LIKE THAT, AND WHY WERE YOU STARING AT MY WIFE WHEN YOU SAID IT?. Well, it's erm, it's erm, it's the way she's dressed, it's a bit. erm well I thought, well, you know. he blustered. Once again I raised my voice, OH, I SEE, SO BECAUSE A VERY ATTRACTIVE YOUNG WOMAN, IN A VERY NICE OUTFIT COMES INTO YOUR RESTAURANT WHICH IS FULL OF OLDER PEOPLE, SHE HAS TO BE A WHORE, AND I HAVE TO BE HER CLIENT, WELL, FOR YOUR INFORMATION I HAPPEN TO BE A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSMAN. I growled.
We got up and I stormed out of the restaurant, not even paying for our drinks, once back at the car Tina realised what had gone on and, suprisingly found it all quite funny, then quite out of the blue said to me, so he thinks I'm some kind of cheap whore does he, well thats  there loss, not ours, then added, damn, I should have had a wee before we left, still, never mind. Once again I heard a familiar hissing sound, fortunately her tight leggings were waterproof, she laughed oh well, when you've got to go, you've got to go, and now we'll have to go home without our meal, still at least I can do something about that ache in your nuts. I smiled and opened the car door for her, well, we can always call at the chip shop if you don't mind sitting in those sexy piss filled boots a bit longer, I giggled.
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