
The hot neighbor

Butta17   April 02, 2017   | 61986 Views
I started running a couple months  back, when I decided to get back in shape because I  was playing again weighting around 195. After the first month of waking up early and… Luxury I started running a couple months  back, when I decided to get back in shape because I  was playing again weighting around 195. After the first month of waking up early and running around the neighborhood,  it became routine for me.  Every once a while, I would see the neighbor pulling up in her driveway. She drove a candy red Mustang.  She was really attractive. She was around 5 feet slim with a good size Tits and a scoop boot up. One morning, it was hot from the sun rising. I ran for two miles, and when I got back to my house, I saw my neighbor on the phone. I checked the mail, and I was watching her while she move. She was wearing some shorts, and a tank top. I  was trying to see if she was wearing a bra, but I don't wanna to be noticeable.  I just got the mail and went inside, but not before I wave and said hi to her. I decided to take a shower  because I was sweaty from head to toe. I jump in the shower and I was rinsing off and I heard the doorbell range. I jumped out the shower,  and I went to the door with just a towel around my waist. It was my neighbor,  and I  was shocked to see her . I asked her, what's up. She asked can she come in? I said I am naked,  she said don't mind. I told her to come on in. She kept looking at me , and wonder what I have underneath my towel.  She wanted some advice and some sugar for lemonade.  The sugar was high up in the cabinet.  When I reach for it,my towel fell down and I was completely  naked now, and I tried to get my towel,  but she took it and held so I won't get it. She asked me to show her my Dick and I showed her. She pushed me down and gave me head.  I was about cumulative. Then  she said not yet. She got on top of me and rode me. I came a lot and she came and I went to sleep naked , while she walked out the door. When I woke up , I saw a note, and it said see you again next week.
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