
A Different Direction (Part II)

egyptophil   May 31, 2015   | 36840 Views
Caron mounted the bed and immediately curled into a semi-fetal position on her right side. Enrique settled into the same position behind Caron, wrapped his arms around her and gently cupped her breasts. They remained in this intimate pose as the photographers went about their work. I chose to stand on the first riser closest to the stage. From my position I could see that Caron’s eyes were closed with her mouth slightly open and I was certain that I could hear her moan softly. After this series of shots was concluded, Enrique withdrew from the spooning position and quickly took pains to cover his groin area with both hands. It was clear that he was doing his best to conceal his erection. Caron’s skin was flushed and I could see beads of perspiration on her upper lip. Brad allowed a minute or two for the models to regain their composure before beginning the second series of shots. cheating

A Different Direction (Part II)



Caron and I retreated once again to her small makeshift dressing room.

“Brad’s thrown us a curveball here. What should we do?” I queried.

“My head tells me to run to the nearest exit and get out of here ASAP”, Caron responded. “But…”

“But what” I asked. “But my sense of curiosity has been aroused and I feel that I at least need to know where this is going.”

"Are you sure that something other than your curiosity is aroused?” I skeptically inquired.

“OK, I’ll admit that he’s an attractive guy, but I’m also confident that I can handle anything that’s thrown at me. Believe it or not, I want to see this through.”

I exhaled deeply and sighed. “This is certainly a role reversal. I’m the one who seduced you to participate in this venture and now I’m the one who is having second thoughts.”


                Inwardly I was conflicted. I often entertained fantasies of watching Caron appear nude or partially undressed in the presence of other men and I was turned on when she would tell me about experiences in which other men hit on her or would track her movements when walked by them clad in her black one-piece bathing suit. But this was different. This transcended fantasy. My lover and companion and an anonymous Hispanic stud muffin were going to be posing for nude photos together. I felt simultaneously sexually charged and threatened.


“If you’re OK with it, let’s do it” I blurted spontaneously. “But we need to insist on signing an amended release form that sets some ground rules for what goes on.”

 Caron conceded that physical touching would be necessary, but that intimate contact of any kind was unacceptable. I agreed. We decided to voice these reservations to Brad before allowing shooting to proceed.


                Having established some minimal rules of engagement, Caron and I exited the dressing area and returned to the stage. Brad was visibly relieved to see us.

“I see you’re back,” he said conceding the obvious. “What’s the verdict?” he tentatively asked.

 “I’m in," Caron responded in a strong voice that projected more confidence than she probably felt.

 Brad breathed an audible sigh of relief.

“Great! Let’s get started then,”

“Not so fast”, Caron interjected. “We want to sign an amended release form; one that places limits on the physical contact permitted.”

“I understand your concerns, Caron. I have an appropriate form that addresses them.”

Brad retreated to the back of 314B and returned with a briefcase, from which he extracted a piece of paper that he handed her.

“I’ve done many different kinds of photography and I like to come prepared with all legal CYA documents that the lawyers recommend. I think this one addresses your concerns.”

                Caron, who is a speed reader, surveyed the document as I looked over her shoulder. I was able to discern key phrases such as “superficial physical contact is inevitable and permitted” and “no digital or penile penetration is permissible.” Also the document clarified that “no physical pain may be inflicted” and most importantly. “The photographic subjects are permitted to discontinue participation in this project at any time.” Caron and I briefly consulted and agreed that this form adequately addressed our concerns.

“Let’s get started then!” Brad exulted.


                As Caron climbed on stage to begin shooting, we both noticed a change in the set. The stool and reclining couch had been removed and replaced with a king -sized brass four-poster bed with soft pink sheets and matching pillows. Arranged on small folding table that had been set up stage left, were a variety of items commonly associated with mild B&D. These included silk scarves, ropes, handcuffs and a leather flogger. I could see Caron involuntarily blush as she took stock of these props.


                Enrique, clad in his blue robe, was standing patiently at the head of the bed. Brad led Caron over to him and curtly introduced the models.

“Caron, this is Enrique, Enrique, this is Caron. You’ll be working together during this last segment of the shoot.”

Enrique nodded and smiled politely. Caron boldly offered her right hand which Enrique lightly grasped.

“Nice to meet you, Enrique.”

“Likewise, Caron. It looks like we’re about to share an adventure.”


                Brad briefly huddled with the two models and explained the logistics of the first phase of the shoot. At Brad’s command,  the models retreated to opposite sides of the stage and removed their robes. I wryly smiled at the thought that they reminded me of two fighters who were about to meet in the center of the ring, bump gloves, and begin pummeling one another. This thought was short-circuited however, when I glanced at the undraped Hispanic stud. He was a classic mesomorph, with a narrow waist, washboard abs, rippling chest muscles, bulging biceps and graceful, well defined thighs. It was obvious that when he wasn’t practicing his massage skills, he was putting in quality time in the gym and weight room. Curly black hair graced the appropriate places on this body and his thick 5” flaccid penis emerged gracefully from a forest of black hair in his groin region. I was simply awed by this prime specimen of humanity.


                I could see Caron’s eyes widen and her mouth drop slightly when she locked eyes with her male counter-part. Enrique smiled shyly as he studied my nude lover. I have to admit, they made a stunning and physically imposing couple.


                The first series of shots called for the two models to assume synchronized balletic poses that required them to stand within inches of one another. Arms extended, legs flexed, and heads turned upward. It was aesthetically magnificent and breathtakingly beautiful! Transfixed by the sublime spectacle, Carrie and Deanna, the two female photographers, dropped their cameras and could only stare, mouths agape, at this human ballet. It was a stirring illustration that nothing beats the nude human form in terms of natural, graceful beauty. The last pose required that Enrique and Caron face one another with Enrique leaning forward with his right leg extended and Caron bent sharply back. During this pose, it was obvious that Enrique’s chest was pressed against Caron’s breasts. Contact was also evident in their pelvic areas as Enrique’s penis could be seen brushing against Caron’s soft, blond pubic hair. Both models blushed and Enrique appeared relieved when the shots were concluded. As they separated from this pose, I could see that Enrique, nobly attempting to conceal a partial erection, abruptly turned away from the photographers to face the back of the stage.


                Brad had timed this series of shots to take seven minutes. His disciplined choreography and direction was flawless as the photography was completed within 30 seconds of the time allotted. Caron and Enrique were directed to take a two-minute stretch break and prepare for the grand finale. The remaining props were about to be introduced to the erotic production.        I

                Both models were sufficiently comfortable with the shooting by this time that neither bothered to don their robe. Caron stood facing Enrique and they were actively engaged in a whispered conversation that was inaudible to me. Their eyes were locked intently and Caron’s distinctive laugh managed to attract the attention of Brad and the photographers. It was apparent that the models were comfortable with each other. Perhaps too comfortable, I thought.


                Brad had alerted the photographers that the next sequence of shots were to be taken from the tenth riser. The five photographers spread out so that each would shoot from a slightly different vantage point. All lights, save for the bright spotlight focused on the four-poster bed, had been extinguished. Enrique and Caron made their way to the remaining prop and awaited Brad’s instructions.


“This series of shots will focus on Caron and Enrique locked in a spooning position on the bed with Caron facing center stage and Enrique lying behind her. Enrique, you will position your arms around Caron and put your hands over her breasts”.


                Caron mounted the bed and immediately curled into a semi-fetal position on her right side. Enrique settled into the same position behind Caron, wrapped his arms around her and gently cupped her breasts.  They remained in this intimate pose as the photographers went about their work. I chose to stand on the first riser closest to the stage. From my position I could see that Caron’s eyes were closed with her mouth slightly open and I was certain that I could hear her moan softly. After this series of shots was concluded, Enrique withdrew from the spooning position and quickly took pains to cover his groin area with both hands. It was clear that he was doing his best to conceal his erection. Caron’s skin was flushed and I could see beads of perspiration on her upper lip. Brad allowed a minute or two for the models to regain their composure before beginning the second series of shots.


                In preparation for the next sequence of photographs, Caron was instructed to lie on the bed face up with her knees raised and Enrique was directed to straddle Caron’s mid-section and simulate pinching her nipples. Enrique appeared to be a bit flustered and in this state of excitement exceeded his directions. Caron tried to suppress an involuntary squeal as Enrique had pinched her a tad too hard. I knew that Caron was turned on by the infliction of pain caused by having her nipples pinched and that she was experiencing intense erotic pleasure.


                Once again, I was discomfited by my ambivalent reaction as I watched Caron and Enrique perform these simulated sex acts. I was clearly aroused, but also felt a twinge of jealousy. I had cajoled Caron into posing for the photos and now I was on the verge of being remorseful for having done so. Beware of what you wish for I thought. Frankly I was relieved that the last series of shots would end what was becoming an uncomfortable ordeal.


                The grand finale called for the employment of the remaining props. Caron was directed to flip over onto her stomach and spread her legs. Handcuffs were locked onto her wrists. Caron secured her left hand to the head of the bedpost and I was directed to lock in her right hand. Two scarves were   used to tie her ankles to the rear posts. Enrique secured her left ankle and I her right. This spread-eagle position clearly exposed the engorged lips of Caron’s pussy. She was breathing heavily, almost panting, and highly aroused.  Enrique was told to stand at the foot of the bed with the flogger in his right hand in a raised position. He maintained this posture as the photographers shot away. Finally, Brad melodramatically shouted “cut” and the intense photographic session was concluded. I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

 Brad was ecstatic.

“Absolutely, fucking awesome!” he enthused. “Enrique and Caron, you were both fantastic. You did everything I could have hoped for and more!”

Indeed, I thought, they certainly did do more than I hoped for.


                Clanking and clattering could be heard as the photographers packed their gear and prepared to depart the setting. Enrique and Caron resumed the conversation they had commenced before the final shoot. Much of it was inaudible, but I was able to pick up on Caron saying, “Maybe I’ll take you up on that” and Enrique responding, “I hope so. There’s no expiration date on my offer.” Oh, my, I thought. What’s this about?


                Enrique and Caron hugged (a bit too long and too passionately in my estimation) as they prepared to part ways. Their reverie was interrupted when Brad summoned us to the table at the back of 314B.

“I have a surprise for you Caron. Since the shoot ran a little over on time and you did such an amazing job, I want you to have this.”

He then presented her with a check in the amount of $300, which of course was $100 more than the amount we had agreed to. Caron beamed.

“Oh, thanks Brad. I really appreciate this! It will come in handy when we go to Ireland next month.”


                Brad hugged Caron and offered me a perfunctory handshake before we made our way back to the dressing area. As we retreated behind the curtain, Caron started dressing and I commenced my interrogation.

“What offer did Enrique make?” I blurted.

“He offered me a complementary massage,” Caron explained as she stepped into her panties.

“Are you going to take him up on it?” I asked.

“Maybe,” she said with a teasing smile. 

“Well he seems like a nice enough guy. But most importantly I totally trust you,” I said.

“Thanks, Spence. That means a lot to me” she whispered with evident sincerity.

My next question was one that I was reluctant to ask, but I absolutely had to know the answer.

“What happened when you were spooning?  Enrique looked absolutely flustered and, I have to say, you looked turned on.”

Caron, now buttoning her blouse, dropped her hands and lowered her head as she processed my comments. Her face was visibly flushed.

“It was his first modeling gig. He didn’t intend to do it,” she whispered.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

“Didn’t intend to do what”, I asked breathlessly. 

“He got a full erection and partially penetrated me” she offered reluctantly.

I was simultaneously aroused and mortified, but, I needed more details.

“What do you mean, ‘partially penetrated?” I asked in an accusatory tone of voice.

“Spence, please.  Why are you asking these questions? Do you really need to know the nitty-gritty?” she murmured.

“Yes, for some masochistic reason, I do” I responded. 

“The tip of his penis penetrated the lips of my vagina!” she almost shouted. “Is that enough detail for you, you pervert!”


We both fell silent, emotionally drained by this exchange. After a minute of awkward silence, Caron tentatively reached for my hand and gasped it tightly.

“Let’s go, Spence. We need to pick up the bike at the shop before it closes.”


Hand-in-hand, we walked slowly to the door of 314B. We each had some mental and emotional processing to do.


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