
The Wildside

AllieOpalXX   December 06, 2024   | 4731 Views
“They want us to keep going. You wanna give ‘em a show?” As it dawned on her that she might be about to do one of the craziest things she’d ever done in her life, she slowly smiled back at him. “Let’s do it.” banner1

The room was packed. Since there wasn’t any more room to sit at the bar, and Jaymie didn’t like to get in anyone’s way or call too much attention to herself, she perched at a nearby hightop and waited to be noticed by a bartender. She sat up as tall as she could in her seat and shifted around to try and catch the eye of one of the guys making drinks, knowing it could take quite a while before they noticed her there. To her surprise, the slim, bearded bartender was at her table within seconds. 

“Hey, welcome to The Wildside, do you know what you would like to drink? Or are you waiting on somebody?”

Still somewhat surprised at the speed of service she’d never experienced here before, Jaymie took a second to remember what she wanted. “Ah, yes… Spiked Arnold Palmer, please? And, yes, I think so. I’m pretty sure he’ll be here soon.” 

With a smile and nod, the bartender walked off.

Jaymie was a little nervous. She was supposed to meet a guy from Tinder tonight. Not only was he pretty cute from his pictures, he had seemed very interested in her during their chats. The only issue was that he hadn’t responded when she texted to confirm their date this morning. 

“Hey there. Can I buy you a drink?”

Jaymie turned around, excited to meet her date for the first time - but it wasn’t him. A taller man with blonde hair and a goatee was standing next to her and smiling in a way she didn’t quite understand. 

“Uh, no, thanks… I’m meeting someone.”

“Oh, okay, no worries. Carry on then.” The man shrugged and walked off. 

Momentarily, a drink arrived at her table. It was pink, with a mini umbrella in it. Not what Jaymie was expecting. The waiter gestured at a table in the corner, with two men sitting at it. “From those guys over there.” As she looked over, one of them tipped his hat at her and winked.

What was going on? Jaymie wondered. Often just a wallflower at events, she was not used to getting this much attention. 

Oh, she realized. It must have been Christina’s magic. She had let her friend from work come over to do her hair and dress her in her clothes and makeup for the date, and now had more of a college cheerleader look than her usual bookworm-grunge vibe. 

She’d forgotten that her hair, usually up in a bun on her head, was around her face in soft brunette waves, her C-cups were pushed up eye-catchingly in a tight blue halter top, and she was wearing makeup for the first time in probably months. A slim 5’ 8”, Jaymie’s legs also seemed to go for miles under her short denim skirt. 

Glancing around, Jaymie realized that she was catching the eye of more than one other man at the bar. Finally, the drink she had ordered came and she clutched it and sipped on it nervously, hoping her date would show up so she would stop getting ogled. 

Thirty minutes after her date was supposed to show up, she texted him again. Still no response.

Accepting that she was probably being stood up at this point, Jaymie finished her drink and stood up to leave. As she walked toward the exit, she took one last glance around to make sure the guy wasn’t sitting somewhere else in the bar - and walked right into someone. Beer sloshed all over her top and skirt and dripped from the skirt to the floor.

“Oh, fuck, I’m so sorry!” 

Jaymie, still stunned at what had just happened, looked up into the bright blue eyes of a man about 6’ 5” with a broad, muscular chest, one hand held up, and the other holding a half-full glass of beer. He wore a look of sincere dismay.

Jaymie didn’t know what to say, so she mumbled something about it being okay but she was going home anyway. 

“Shit, seriously, I am so clumsy. Let me get you a bunch of paper towels, and maybe at least buy you a quick drink before you go?”

Jaymie didn’t respond for a second, so the man took the opportunity to get towels in her silence. She stood by a wall for a few minutes in the bustling bar, and when he came back, he had towels and a fresh drink. Continuing to be apologetic, he gave her the towels. After Jaymie had gotten as much beer out of her clothes as she could, he handed her the drink.

“Thanks… what is this?” She asked.

“Arnold Palmer, but with vodka. Thought that might be a safe bet?” He shrugged. He had clearly made a stab at getting her something she might like, and fortunately for him, he’d guessed right. 

After the first drink together, she and Brett, as she found his name was, stayed and had a couple more. Jaymie realized she was loving this attention, and found herself loosening up between the flirting and the alcohol. Soon, the pair were making out heavily at the end of the bar. 

Jaymie felt a rush coursing through her body that couldn’t be explained by alcohol alone. She suddenly felt released from the drudgery of so many solitary nights interspersed only with the companionship of study groups and call center coworkers. For the first time in, well, she didn’t really know how long, she felt truly alive. Dizzy with lust and excitement, Jamie straddled Brett right on the barstool, her short skirt revealing a little cheek as she did. 

Somewhere behind her she heard a hoot and a clap from one or two others at the bar. Jaymie was in her own world and couldn’t care less. She pulled Brett in by the collar and kissed him passionately. He responded by pulling her in by the waist and kissing her deeply back. Jaymie vaguely noted additional noises of cheers and clapping from elsewhere in the bar, but couldn’t be bothered to look around for the source or for the reason of the excitement. 

For a few moments, during which it seemed time stood still, the two made out like there was no world around, each other’s hands in their hair, then hers on his chest, his on her hips, now hers on the back of his shoulders and neck, and now his hands squeezing her ass as she let out a sigh. Soon, she felt a warm hand on her bare lower back, sliding gradually up under her top.

Despite anything they may have felt, it appeared that being in their own world and time standing still was for Jaymie and Brett alone.

The sound of two hands slapping on the wet wooden bar was enough to shatter the illusion and cause them to look around. “Hey, guys, excuse me -” 

One of the bartenders was standing on the other side of the bar, both palms flat on the wooden surface in a rather confrontational stance. 

“Look, you guys really gotta get a room. I don’t know how else to say that, but like, you’re kinda causing a scene.”

Jaymie finally looked around. The music continued to pump and people hadn’t stopped moving around, yet it seemed that nearly half the population of the full bar had noticed them. She also realized that her ass cheeks and thong were now in full view, with her denim miniskirt hiked up around her hips, and Brett had frozen with his large hand covering the small of her back, her halter top now only covering her breasts.

Suddenly, Jaymie felt a tug back to reality. She wasn’t sure what to say or do, but she felt her face begin to flush with embarrassment. 

Before she could say a word, someone a couple tables down yelled, “Don’t get a room!”

Over the music, scattered cheers were heard. 

Nearby, someone else, possibly a little tipsy, started chanting, “Keep going, keep going, keep going!” Like drunk, happy lemmings, the rest of the bar in their vicinity gradually joined in on the chorus.

Jaymie looked back at Brett, still holding her as she straddled his lap. He had a disoriented look on his face as if he, too, had just come out of a trance. But then he broke into a wry smile. “They want us to keep going. You wanna give ‘em a show?”

As it dawned on her that she might be about to do one of the craziest things she’d ever done in her life, she slowly smiled back at him. “Let’s do it.” 

She threw herself back on Brett, who finally pushed one firm hand all the way up her braless back and hooked onto the back of her neck while he grabbed her naked ass with the other. A surprisingly loud roar of cheers erupted, drowning out all possible sounds of protest from the bartender. 

Jaymie could feel pressure in Brett’s jeans, just on the other side of her thin underwear, which was itself growing damp. As she began to contemplate undoing his belt, Brett slid her top up and over her head, and her perky breasts bounced free in front of his face. Brett grinned as the cheers renewed around the pair. 

Jaymie suddenly had a stab of fear that the bartender might call the cops or something and glanced back over her shoulder at the bar. She saw that the bartender had barely moved, and appeared to be in shock or awe, seemingly far from making any calls. At last, feeling completely free, Jaymie was at last able to lean into her own wild side. 

Topless, Jaymie slid off Brett, backed up to the bar, and hopped backward to sit on the edge of it. She could feel the wetness of the wooden bar between her thighs soaking into any areas of her panties that were still dry. Brett stood in front of her now, tall enough that his crotch was right at the level of the bartop. Jaymie wasted no time undoing his leather belt and excitedly clawing open his jeans to get to what waited inside. By now, there was not a single person in the bar not paying attention, and the screams and whistles sounded like the front row of a rock concert.

Jaymie found that Brett had no boxers to get in the way of his now very hard, and quite impressive, cock, and it sprung out toward her as soon as she pulled his zipper down. She greedily wrapped both her hands around the thick base, larger around than one alone could fully envelop. Brett leaned in toward her, hungrily, his large hands in her hair. 

“I have to admit, I’ve always fantasized about doing something like this - I can’t believe this is actually happening, though,” he said softly into her ear before putting his lips on her neck. 

Jaymie gasped in response as Brett gently kissed and bit his way down her neck, clavicles, then breasts. The softness of his lips and the firmness of his large cock in her hands were driving her wild, feeling intense warmth and wetness growing between her legs. One of Brett’s hands moved to squeeze her breast, then her barely concealed ass on the bartop, and finally just under the front of her jean skirt. She parted her thighs a little more for him and he slid a finger up along her ridge over her thong. She felt more intense tingling and wetness as he rubbed her there for a moment, and she let out a moan, barely audible except to herself and Brett over the ongoing cheering and bar music. 

Jaymie had never done anything even remotely like this before, but she was all in now. She momentarily relinquished his cock to reach for his shirt, which she pulled up to reveal a very nice hard abdomen. Fuck, was she dreaming? She pulled the shirt up and he helped her get it the rest of the way off. Shit. His arms were amazing, too. He was definitely the hottest guy she’d ever been this close to. 

A few of the girls at the bar went wild as Brett’s shirt came off, and they started flashing their tits at him. Jaymie just laughed and grabbed Brett’s cock again, eager to see what it felt like inside her. Let them be jealous while he fucked her for all to see. 

But Brett wasn’t done teasing the audience, or her, it seemed. He stripped off his jeans entirely, leaving them on the bar floor. He effortlessly swung up onto the bartop like a gymnast, and got onto hands and knees beside her, his cock swinging almost low enough to touch the tip to the bar. Swiftly, he pulled Jaymie’s legs up onto the bar and pushed her down gently to a lying position. 

“Get it, bro!” Some of the guys around the bar were yelling now. “Hell yeah man, get in there!”

Brett pushed her skirt up all the way over her hips, and pulled aside the tiny thong to reveal her freshly waxed and dripping pussy. Jaymie softly set her head down all the way on the bar as her eyes rolled back in her head at the first touch of his tongue on her labia. Her dark hair flowed around her and off the edges of the bar. She imagined what a sight they must be, her breasts pushing up toward the ceiling, and long, slender legs on either side of Brett’s head, his gorgeous body naked and on display for the whole bar. 

Brett wrapped his arms around her legs and pulled her into his face by her hips. His skillful tongue played around her vagina and up over her clit, teasing and working her up into a near frenzy. Jaymie moaned and pushed her hips up toward his face, aching for more. She pressed her fingers into his head, pulling his hair. Although she barely knew which way was up or down at this point, through the slits of her eyes she occasionally caught glimpses of those around her. 

The scene was starting to devolve, like the drunk humans were becoming a bunch of bonobos, horny and unabashed. She spotted some of the men with their hands down their pants, massaging themselves. Even some women were doing it as well, hands up their skirts or in their jeans. At one point, she thought she saw one of the onlooking bartenders grabbing his crotch off to the side. 

Jaymie was so close to cumming. She dug the heels of her stilettos into the bar and pitched her hips up, pulling Brett hard into her pussy. He didn’t pause for a second and ramped up his efforts, sliding one large finger into her vagina. The combined sensations of finger and tongue sent Jaymie over the edge, and she began to squirt - the first time she’d ever cum like that - all over the bar. 

Also a first, Jaymie heard the sounds of cheering and applause all around her - an ovation for her orgasm. She kept cumming to the sound of whistling and clapping, until the squirting ended and Brett’s drenched finger slid out of her. She was still a little dizzy and tingling as Brett sat back, triumphantly kneeling on the bar. The crowd was ready for this part of the show - stick it in her! They began to yell from all corners.

Jaymie looked at Brett through her legs, who was looking back at her like a starving beast about to pounce on his prey. For a minute, though, he sat on his heels, stroking his hard member slowly and firmly with one hand. He was already very solid and oozing precum, but seemed to be pausing for dramatic effect. It was definitely working. She wanted him so badly, and those around seemed to want to see it almost as much.

After what seemed like eons to Jaymie, Brett climbed on top of Jaymie and drove the tip of his dick into her opening. More cheers and hoots. She gasped at the amazing sensation of pressure. It had been so long since she’d had a cock inside her, and despite still being extremely wet, Brett had to pull her hips while thrusting gradually into her vagina. Within minutes, however, Brett’s entire length was inside Jaymie’s tight hole and her world was on fire with pleasure. 

Brett began to fuck her like she, and maybe no one else ever, for all she knew, had ever been fucked before. He had a strong arm wrapped under her hips and pulled her up toward his body as he repeatedly drove himself down and into her. The angle was absolutely heavenly and both her G-spot and her clit were being tantalized at a perfect rate. Before she could believe it, she was already cumming again. 

The brunette cried out, longer and louder than she had before, and dug her nails into her partner’s muscular arms. He didn’t miss a beat as her inner walls clenched down repeatedly around his thick cock. Jaymie’s juices flowed out and down his shaft, dripping from both of them onto the sopping bartop. Her second orgasm was barely over and she was still catching her breath when Brett pulled out of her suddenly. He reached for her hips to flip her over onto hands and knees. Time for the grand finale, she thought to herself with a smile. 

Jaymie’s round ass was high in the air and her forearms supported her on a bar mat. Her dark waves rippled around her face and some of it was soaking up the beer on the mat. Although she might normally have considered being elbows deep in beer dregs and bodily fluids on a hard bartop gross and uncomfortable, it seemed to actually add to the deviant and debased nature of the act, and Jaymie relished all of it. Brett slapped her ass hard, making sure it was heard around the bar. She let out a cry. She felt free and hot and shameless having her ass slapped mercilessly for an audience. 

Brett roughly took her now, grabbing her hips and slamming himself deep into Jaymie. The first three thrusts were firm, but measured, spaced a second apart for effect. Then, Brett let himself loose on her. Jaymie saw stars as he repeatedly bottomed out in her, his girth hitting all of her spots as he went. Despite the fact that she wouldn’t cum this way, she felt as high as if she was orgasming the whole time. The intensity of this position was absolutely insane. 

Brett roared into his own orgasm, making quite a show as he pumped his cum into her from behind. He slammed and shook and growled as he came. Through her hair, Jaymie noticed it looked as if the bar were collectively watching their favorite team win the superbowl. They went nuts. She was pretty sure, though, that watching someone get fucked on a bar was a lot more rare than seeing a superbowl at one.


The hands on Jaymie’s hips began to ease their grip as Brett slowed down. He slid out of her momentarily, semihard and dripping. He got off the bar first and helped her down by the hand as she dripped cum down her legs onto the floor. She couldn’t care less, and now beer on her outfit from earlier seemed like such a silly little thing. 

Before they could even start looking for their clothes, everyone seemed to want to run up and high five them or pat them on the back. They both also found they got slapped on the ass more than a few times over the next few minutes. 

“You guys should make that a show every week! Imagine how many people would pack this bar for that!” A girl with short green hair was grinning gleefully at them. Her boyfriend nodded enthusiastically in agreement.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s your turn next time,” Brett chuckled back. 

The couple raised their eyebrows at each other and laughed as if imagining themselves pulling off a stunt like they just witnessed.

“We better grab our clothes though, just in case that bartender comes to his senses and kicks us out, or worse…” Brett picked up his jeans from the floor. They were damp and a little trampled, but he shook them out and pulled them on. 

Jaymie and Brett got their clothes back on and left The Wildside together, still high on adrenaline and in disbelief. 

“Well, that was a nice first date. Glad I ran into you.” Jaymie grinned, turning to Brett. They both burst into laughter.

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