
Playing in the rain

Butta17   July 08, 2018   | 31135 Views
I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the… banner2 I always like playing in the rain, especially during the summer. The summer is perfect to play in the rain because it will rain then sometimes it get back to hot, especially in the south. One day my girlfriend and I was in the living room watching TV, then it started to rain. The rain knocked out the satellite,  which means we can't watch TV. Then the electricity went out. It was started to get hot and boring. It was still in the afternoon so I could some of the light to read a book. My girlfriend was playing a game on her phone.  She was getting frustrated and bored.  I can tell that she was both because she kept getting up and walking around the room. I stopped reading and asked her , have you ever played in the rain.  She told me no, why. I asked do you want to play in the rain? She was hesitant about the idea. I walked outside and started to play in the rain for a little while.  Nothing to wild because I was by myself.  Then after a while,  she came out and join in on the fun.  We were playing it  . I tackle her to the lawn. She told me that she never kiss in the rain like the movies. I grabbed her a kiss her. I walked her on the porch and I told her let's get naked and have more fun. She  said let's do it. We stripped our clothes off and let them on the porch, while we ran around chase each other.  I guess I was getting aroused by seeing her big tits bounce around all wet. I tackled her again. We started to make out. Then the power came back on, we walk back to the porch and turn on the hot tub.  I turned on the hot tub, while she got our robes, two glasses and some wine. While we wait for the water to warm up. She started to give me head because I was hard.  We went in the hot tub and started to have sex . We stopped and noticed the sun came out and watch the sun set, we hold each other and drank some wine. Then we continue to have sex. She was riding me. We almost lost half of our water. We came before that happen.   We got out and dried off. Then we went outside.  She still had a smile on her face.  We walked in to the bedroom. and I push her on the bed and unwrap her robe and started to eat her pussy.  She stopped me then she gave me head while I ate her some more. We both came again and went to bed
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