
How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 6

RobertLStevenson   July 03, 2022   | 32535 Views
‘…Let's examine Miss Elizabeth's vulva as she stands here, and please score her as you like.' The boys knelt eagerly to get a closer look… stepmom

With the ring of a bell, twenty high school students had begun filing into the classroom and taking their desks, and as he watched them from in front of the blackboard, smiling and nodding and greeting them as they passed, Ryan Desilva concealed his nervousness as he consulted his notes and curriculum again.

In his early thirties, tall and lean, with a thick shock of dark hair and kind eyes behind a well-chosen pair of glasses, he could be described as Clark Kent-ish.

He and his wife and two girls had moved from Texas a few months ago, where he had been a middle school science teacher, and he'd quickly gotten a job at the high school as a substitute while he searched for more permanent employment.

The transition had been great for the whole family, though substitute teaching had its downsides—Ryan usually only had a short notice to get a feel for what he would be teaching on any given day, and he was highly detail-oriented and committed to doing quality work in serving his students and the school administration.

But he was adept at thinking on his feet, and he enjoyed working with the students, so altogether it was a positive situation.

He'd gotten the call last night to step in and teach today's social studies class for John Marshall, who had become suddenly ill and was in bed. And Ryan had to admit he was looking forward to the class.

As the last students found their seats, Ryan stepped forward and with a smile introduced himself as Mr. Desilva and explained the situation.

'Now as I understand things, this semester has been about social institutions. In the first part of the semester you studied the legislative process, and I believe you concluded that portion with a mock legislature to learn and practice parliamentary procedure, correct?'

The students nodded and agreed, and a clean-cut young man raised his hand and eagerly reminded everyone that he had played the role of speaker of the house, which received a combination of cheers and boos, presumably in proportion to the students who had formed either side of the aisle when parliament was in session.

Ryan chuckled, 'Then you spent a couple weeks studying the justice process, right? And then you did a mock trial?'

Again the students nodded.

'Excellent,' Ryan continued, 'so for the last two weeks you have been studying the Festival, and how it impacts various parts of society, yes? So today it looks like we will be doing a mock Festival Pageant!'

This time there was a chorus of cheers and groans. The boys were understandably excited about this idea, while most of the girls were slightly less enthusiastic. Ryan paid little attention, however; whether it was math, english, social studies, or any other subject, students naturally found some subjects more or less interesting or fun—but in the end his job was to simply teach them all.

He raised his hand to quiet the class, and, consulting his class packet, began to organize the project.

'We're going to have three boys take the roles of the judges—do I have any volunteers?'

Immediately eight hands went up as every boy offered his services to the learning opportunity. Ryan chuckled to himself and chose three at random, and beckoned them to the front of the room, where he handed them Festival scoring sheets which were clearly marked 'Replica—For Training Purposes Only'.

After learning that their names were Andrew, Samuel, and Max, Ryan turned to the class and asked if anyone remembered how the judges were selected for the Festival.

'They are the three oldest men in a district still able to have sex with a girl,' a young lady in the front row answered.

Ryan nodded.

'Correct. It is a position that is earned each year in the selection process, and it's a position of honor and respect. They have had the most experience with the female body, and are considered best able make determinations concerning the desirability of any given girl.'

Another young woman raised her hand.

'Mr. Desilva, how are they actually selected?'

'Great question,' Ryan replied, 'I'm actually new in town, and I know customs can vary, but back where I'm from in Texas they held an application event where anyone who wanted to be a judge could try out at the courthouse. Three girls who were serving light jail time would be brought in, and in exchange for assisting in the selection process they could have their sentences reversed.

'Then each applicant had fifteen minutes to demonstrate that he could successfully have sex with his choice of the three girls. The three oldest qualifying applicants became the judges each year.'

This explanation was met by several exclamations of 'ew!' and 'gross!', which Ryan played off by recommending that none of the girls in class do anything that might make them go to jail.

He continued, reading from his syllabus.

'So the goal of today is to complete this model Festival exactly as it is written here, and that is meant to accomplish two things: 1) help the young men in the class begin to develop a better understanding of how the young female body is evaluated in the Festival, and how they can use these same concepts to increase their appreciation of the female body in their own practical applications, and 2) help the young women in the class understand more clearly how they will be evaluated in their own Festival, and how they can apply that understanding in their own personal experience.

'So next we need three girls to volunteer as the Festival participants-anyone?'

This time only one hand went up, toward the back of the room. Ryan smiled at the owner, a tiny little thing with dark hair and full lips and an obvious energy one might call 'attitude', and asked her name as he beckoned her up.

'My name is Amia, Mr. Desilva' she answered, bouncing to the front of the room with a giant grin and sparkling eyes.

'Well thank you for volunteering, Miss Amia,' Ryan said, shaking her hand and leading her to stand in front of his desk. She was obviously not shy, and stood with her hands on her hips, gently wagging her backside as she waited for further instructions.

Ryan turned back to the class.

'Let me ask this—has anyone here already celebrated their Festival? I know most of you are a couple years too young to have, I believe.'

Two hands were raised this time, and Ryan smiled and told the owner of the first to put it back down.

'Shannon is my daughter, class. We're from Texas, and she has already been through this process—and she came in fifth! Thank you sweetheart, but I think you can stay in your seat today.

Ryan then turned to the beautiful brunette with green eyes who had slowly raised her hand, and asked her name and why she was in this class.

As she stood up to answer, Ryan saw she was wearing neither a bra beneath her sheer white school blouse, which was still only buttoned to just below her substantial breasts, nor was she wearing a skirt-she stood beside her desk wearing only her sheer white regulation panties, and her heels.

'My name is Jordanna,' she said softly, 'and I have had to repeat two years of school. I had my Festival last year, but I have a hard time with school stuff sometimes. Especially math.'

Ryan heard some embarrassment in her voice, but was pretty sure it had more to do with her academic insecurities than the fact that she was practically naked. He probed a little deeper.

'Miss Jordanna, based on your state of dress am I right in guessing that you have discipline problems as well?'

Jordanna nodded, frustration welling in her voice. 'Yes, Mr. Desilva. But it's not my fault-I just forgot to do my laundry yesterday, and I only had a black bra, and a black skirt! Mr. Dennison stopped me in the hallway on the way here, and he said since it's my second time this week not complying with the uniform code, he needed to confiscate them. I really try, Mr. Desilva-I really really do!'

Ryan felt badly for her, and decided not to risk making her feel more uncomfortable in front of the class. He smiled kindly.

'Miss Jordanna, I'm sorry to hear all of that. You may be seated, but please stay after class so we can discuss some ideas I have for you.'

Jordanna sighed in relief, and took her seat, and Ryan returned to his task of finding two more participants.

Scanning the classroom, his eye was caught by what appeared to be a pair of identical twins sitting next to each other and giggling-two delicious blondes, with strong, curvy frames, impressive breasts, and broad, nordic features. Approaching them, he learned their names were Serena and Selena.

'What are you laughing about, young ladies?' he asked

Serena, who appeared to be the more mischievous of the two, fought off her sister's attempts to prevent her from answering.

'Selena just said...she thinks you're...kind of cute, Mr. Desilva,' she laughed, much to Selena's horror and embarrassment. Selena flushed bright pink, and covered her face in her hands.

In spite of being both amused and flattered, Ryan frowned in his most teacher-ish way, and reminded the girls that not only was talking in class not allowed, but the subject matter was certainly not appropriate either.

'Miss Selena, I think that since you are having a difficult time sitting still and behaving yourself here, you should come with me and help the class in learning this important subject,' he said, taking her hand and leading her to the front of the classroom to stand by Amia.

Selena was definitely the shyer of the twins, and her mortification at being selected for such a role caused her to flush an even deeper shade of pink. Nevertheless, she was cooperative and strove to be a good student, so she didn't protest as she took her place.

Finally Ryan looked out over the room again, and chose an adorable redhead with a soft smile and big glasses named Elizabeth, and motioned for her to join the other two girls with him at the front.

'Alright, class,' he said, consulting his notes once again, 'now I'm going to draw a scoring chart on the blackboard, and while I do that, young ladies you can please remove your blouses and skirts. Since this is just for educational purposes, and none of you have celebrated your Festival yet, you may leave on your bra and panties.'

He began drawing a simple graph with boxes for each of the girls' names above several empty boxes he would fill in with various scores. The girls looked at each other with a little dread, and began undressing.  

Amia was the exception, however-it was evident she enjoyed showing off her body, and she gleefully stripped to her undies and struck a little pose when she was finished.

It was a beautiful sight, and Ryan took a moment to enjoy it along with the young men in the class-three lovely females in the most minimal of coverings, lined up at the front of the class as three of the most interesting teaching tools ever devised.

Allowing them to retain their underthings sounded more generous than it was in practice, as the school uniform regulations, while carefully considered, were not written for the sake of modesty.

All three of the girls wore the prescribed white open-cup shelf bras, which provided some support while ensuring that their nipples remained in direct contact with their blouse during the school day.

Normally the constant gentle rubbing of the fabric, along with the air flow, kept them erect and visible through the light cotton; now, however, their nipples were simply exposed completely, perched above the edge of the bra along with their entire areola.

It was difficult to tear one's eyes away from the six delightful little buttons of flesh that were so elegantly and frankly offered, but down below the view was nearly as good-sheer white panties were the rule, and the requirement was that 'some detail' of what lay beneath should be visible.

In this department, too, all three girls were compliant, and the eyes of the class flicked enthusiastically from one barely obscured cunny to the next.

Ryan returned to the class packet and retrieved three numbered armbands, which he handed to each of the girls.

'These are just like the armbands worn by the contestants in a real Festival, class-Amia, you'll be number one, Selena, you're two, and Elizabeth, you can be three, ok?'

Elizabeth pushed her glasses up her nose and smiled shyly at Ryan as she took her armband.

She was studious and smart, and she wanted to be a physicist one day. Being practically naked in front of her classmates wasn't the way she had wanted to spend the morning, but she knew that certain laws governed the entire universe, and she took comfort in the fact that she could learn to follow those laws to get what she wanted.

Right now, those laws said she would volunteer to help her classmates—and herself-better learn to navigate the complex system of social mores that they had been born into. She was ready to perform that duty to the best of her ability.

'Class, you'll see on the chalkboard I've also listed 1, 2, and 3, with boxes we'll use for scoring, and the gentlemen playing the judges should also have sections for each contestant on their scoring sheets.'

Ryan walked to the chalkboard and indicated the chart he'd created.

'Samuel, will you please read each of the categories on your sheet there?'

Samuel stepped forward, and in a clear voice began reading:












Body Fat/Composition


















Front View (legs closed, general score)

Rear View (legs parted, general score)

Direct View (legs spread)



Inner Labia Shape


Hymen (must be intact)



Ryan was startled as Samuel read the last section, and went to take a look at the boys' scoring sheets.

The syllabus had indicated that because this was a class which had not yet celebrated its Festival, the girls playing the contestants would remain in their underthings and the evaluations would be simplified-but sure enough, the scoring sheets provided in the course packet were exact replicas of official scoring sheets, and included detailed genital scoring.

He shook his head and pursed his lips. This was extremely annoying-nothing was worse than inconsistency, and it was frustrating that somehow the course writers had missed this contradiction.

All Ryan wanted to do was make sure he taught his students well, and it made things so much more difficult when the course was giving conflicting directions. He had to make a decision.

'Alright class, so like I said earlier, the purpose of this exercise is to give you the best understanding of how the real Festival works and for you to discover what you can all learn from that—so I think in the interests of thoroughness, girls, I'm going to ask you to take off your bras and panties as well please. I know you have not celebrated your Festival yet, but this is purely an academic exercise being performed for the benefit of a group of peers, so everything we do will fall under the 'Acceptable' category in the Treatment and Handling of Pre-Festival Females regulations.'

The reactions of the three girls were amusing in their variety.

Elizabeth pushed her glasses resolutely up her nose, gave a nod, and with a dutiful 'yes, sir', calmly removed her remaining clothing in a business-like fashion.

She placed her panties on her other clothing, and returned to standing stock-still, hands at her sides, like a mannequin.

She knew that as a future scientist her mission was to always contribute to furthering the cause of knowledge, and she was being called upon to submit her body for the purposes of science and education. She was proud to offer it in whatever way would be most beneficial to advancing that cause.

Selena blushed again; the thought of exposing herself completely to the substitute teacher whom she had been betrayed for thinking attractive was simply horrifying-but she had no recourse, and she slowly, reluctantly undressed.

She turned away from the class (and Ryan) as she pulled her panties down her impressive butt, obviously uncomfortable with letting everyone see her, and as she returned to her place, Ryan had to reprimand her gently to remove her hands from in front of her cunny and from covering her breasts.

With pleading in her eyes, she complied, slowly bringing her hands to her sides as she knew was expected, and letting Ryan and her male classmates appreciate everything she had to offer.

Ryan's cock leapt to life as she did; she was a spectacular young woman with a full, athletic figure. Her vulva was thick and juicy looking, with a fine sprinkle of blond hair that shimmered in the sunlight coming through the classroom window. A deep, dark crevasse in the middle of her mound hinted at untold richness inside.

Amia had no such qualms about sharing her body, for her part. She locked her sparkling eyes with Andrew, a well-built, athletic boy with a nice smile, and pulled her panties down first-then stood there, bottomless, with her legs apart, so he and the rest of the class could enjoy viewing her pussy while she slowly removed her bra.

When she finished, she returned with a naughty smile to her hands-on-hips pose, making sure everyone could see everything.

Ryan tore his eyes from Selena for a moment and returned to instructing the class.

'Ok we are going to move this along a little-we have a lot to cover still! Let's talk about how the evaluation process works.

'Gentlemen, you will evaluate each girl on her own merits, and score her accordingly on a scale of one to ten in each of the categories that Samuel read for us. That means that you aren't ranking the girls-just focus on one girl at a time, and in each category indicate the level of desirability of each element, on its own. You will use your own sense of pleasure, beauty, and desirability to do this-pay close attention to your impulses and physical and emotional responses as you do each evaluation. That intuition will be your main guide.

'All girls are desirable—they are created literally FOR pleasure. The objective of an exercise like this, and the Festival itself, isn't to point out things you don't find attractive—rather, we want to develop a thoughtful, fine-tuned appreciation for all the various aspects of every girl.

'Part of being a well-developed man is being able to derive pleasure from many varieties of the infinite possible iterations of the female body. Just take a look at your three classmates here-each of them is completely unique, each one a delightful and lovely interpretation of what a young girl can look like, from their faces, to their bodies, to their girl parts. And in this exercise we're going to take a deeper look at what makes each one especially alluring to each of you.

'At the end of the evaluation process your scores will be averaged both within the categories, then as an aggregate, which will determine the overall most desirable girl and the ranking from there down.

'Let's go ahead and begin with girl number three, Elizabeth-can you step forward please?'

Ryan took her firmly by the arm and led her a couple steps in front of the desk so all the students had a clear field of view.

'Gentlemen, much of the evaluation is visual in nature, and you can begin to fill those boxes in now. She has a very cute face and quite a nice little button nose, would you guys agree?'

He gave Elizabeth a little twirl, so the judges and the rest of the class could get an appreciation of her backside.

'Judges, do you have any comments about her butt?'

The three boys were obviously highly turned-on by the wealth of femininity displayed in front of them, and they seemed a little tongue-tied. Ryan saw some instruction was needed.

'Gentlemen, I know when you're younger and new at this it all seems so amazing that it can be hard to articulate your thoughts-and they might all be great thoughts, and we are here to learn and grow, so I encourage you to try to separate yourselves a little from the experience.'

He indicated his own aroused state, which was visible beneath his pants.

'I'm as aware as you are of how delicious Elizabeth and Amia and Selena are, and how great it would be to just dive in and enjoy any and all of them-but as you can see I am maintaining my composure, and am able to calmly discuss important things and do my job as a teacher in spite of those desires. So let's practice using our words as the gentlemen we are, and work together on the evaluation process. Here, come a little closer.'

The boys moved around Elizabeth and began, tentatively at first, then with more confidence and enthusiasm, to discuss their thoughts on how she should be scored.

'I really like her butt,' Andrew said, marking a '10' on his sheet. 'And her face, and her breasts...actually, I really like ALL of her, Mr. Desilva-is it ok to put ten for everything?

Ryan chuckled.

'It is, Andrew, but remember to consider each section carefully, and only mark that ten if you can honestly say that you feel that body part could not in any way be better—that it's essentially perfect.

'Don't just put tens to be nice or to not hurt Elizabeth's feelings; she'll score well regardless, and it's only fair that she know the areas she can work on to improve as well. But again, if you truly feel that every part of her that is indicated on the sheet is a ten, well, put that down.'

'Mr. Desilva,' Samuel spoke up, 'I put an eight for her legs and belly. But a ten for her facial symmetry and her jawline. That's ok, right?'

'Absolutely, Samuel,' Ryan answered. 'It's totally normal for a girl to have some parts that are more attractive than other parts. That doesn't mean she's not attractive or that anything is wrong with her, it's simply a recognition of her strengths and weaknesses.

'Ok gentlemen, let's discuss her breasts. You should have already filled out the boxes for proportion, symmetry, and shape, yes? Elizabeth has some very nice breasts, full and well-rounded, but not very large-did any of you adjust for their size in the 'proportion' section?'

Samuel and Max raised their hands, and Samuel said that he thought they could be a little bigger to fit her body better—but they were still very nice.

Ryan smiled and congratulated them on a good job carefully considering how Elizabeth's breasts integrated with the rest of her body, and then he invited them to begin the manual evaluation for the remaining sections of the scorecard-but he was alarmed to hear a yelp from Elizabeth as all three of the boys rushed in and began squeezing her breasts, knocking her off balance and causing some pain.

'Gentlemen, gentlemen, stop stop STOP,' he barked, stepping between the boys and the unsuspecting Elizabeth, and catching her from falling backward with a well-timed hand on her behind.

'I see that some instruction on how to appreciate a girl's breasts may be invaluable for the whole class. Elizabeth, please stand here where you were, and Samuel and Max, I'd like each of you to stand on either side of her-Andrew, you'll go next.

'Selena, I'm going to use you for a moment,' he continued, taking Selena by the arm and leading her forward so the rest of the class had a good view. She was truly magnificent, and his cock swelled again as he looked her up and down.

Selena was in a constant state of blushing at this point, and her fair skin was a lovely shade of pink all across her extraordinary bust. Ryan gathered himself and addressed the class.

'Judges, please follow along with me and do as I do. Whenever you touch a girl, start out VERY slowly and gently. A girl's body is very sensitive, and remember that we want everything we do TO them to feel good FOR them.

'Give them a little time to get used to your touch and begin responding to it-you'll learn later that once they get sufficiently positively stimulated they can actually take-and even enjoy-considerable force, but today we are going to confine ourselves to gentle touching with the goal of eliciting a calming, relaxing response from these three girls.

'Begin by gently cupping her breast from underneath and feeling the weight of it—don't squeeze it! Just hold it for a few moments, and you can slowly heft it slightly a couple times. Then, maintaining contact with her, slowly slide your whole hand up and across her entire breast, brushing the nipple as you go. Use this as an opportunity to GENTLY squeeze, so you can make an appropriate score in the box marked 'Firmness'.

Ryan demonstrated all of this on Selena's right breast as he stood beside and slightly behind her. His left hand steadied her with firm contact on her left buttcheek, and the combination of these two incredible handfuls made it difficult even for him to focus on his teaching duties. She kept her eyes down, and he felt her tremble slightly as he squeezed her breast.

He continued, knowing she would relax soon. He could feel her heart racing through her breast, but she wasn't fighting him-in fact she was very subtly grinding her smooth round buttock into his hand-and he was fairly sure that she was becoming aroused by his careful, experienced touch. He looked forward to confirming his suspicion when he facilitated her genital evaluation with the boys.

'Good job, gentlemen. Notice how Elizabeth is already more compliant, and she even appears to be pressing her chest into your hands a little. That's a good sign you're doing this right.

'Now, carefully take her nipple between your thumb and forefinger, and squeeze it gently and rhythmically several times to see if it will grow more erect and prominent. Generally speaking, larger, better-defined, and more responsive nipples are scored higher.'

Samuel looked up from his work and remarked that Elizabeth's nipples seemed to not change as he tried his best to follow Ryan's instructions. Ryan looked over and could see that Elizabeth's nipples were indeed naturally understated, and nothing the boys were doing would change that.

'That's perfectly fine, Samuel,' he assured the young man, 'Those are completely normal-some girls' nipples are less sensitive, and that's ok. You may certainly reflect that in your score, but regardless, Elizabeth's breasts are really quite nice. Now go ahead and finish up, and let Andrew complete his evaluation.'

He released his hold on Selena, who gave a gratifying whimper of disappointment, and returned to Elizabeth.

'Now let's fill out the final section of the scorecard. First, let's examine Elizabeth's vulva as she stands here, and please score her as you like.'

The boys knelt down to get a closer look, and Elizabeth, pushing her glasses up her nose again, stood dutifully still, her legs slightly apart, doing her very best to ensure that they got the maximal educational benefit from viewing her private parts. Ryan noticed her efforts, and realizing how seriously she was taking this responsibility, thanked her for being such a good helper.

'Oh my gosh, thanks Mr. Desilva! I really want to do my best always!' she laughed, breaking into a giant smile for the first time.

'I can see that, Miss Elizabeth,' Ryan assured her, 'and I can always use an enthusiastic assistant like you. We may be able to work together on a number of projects this semester, if you're willing to give it your all like you are today.'

Elizabeth smiled again, and was about to reply, but Ryan knew that it was important to keep the teacher-student relationship from getting too familiar and comfortable, so he held up his hand and cut her off somewhat curtly.

'The boys-er, judges—have finished evaluating your vulva from the front, Miss Elizabeth. Please turn around, bend at the waist with straight legs, and place your elbows on my desk so they can score you from behind.'

Elizabeth complied immediately, thrusting her backside out toward the class with a fresh energy. The boys' eyes grew wide as they watched her full, round butt cheeks spread under the tension of her stance and reveal a set of soft, fleshy vaginal lips below a tight, cleanly defined anus.

Ryan was impressed; this mousy little redhead with the giant glasses was obviously highly motivated by positive feedback, and she was doubtless going to excel in her studies of her female duties after her Festival.

Andrew raised his hand. 'Mr. Desilva, I don't think I really like bigger lips like that.'

Ryan was quick to reprimand him.

'Andrew, remember that this is not about what you DON'T like, it's about noting your honest response on your scorecard, but then exploring HOW to appreciate many variants of the female body.

'More prominent labia are actually delightful-they feel amazing between one's fingers when they are well-lubricated, and they are fun to suck and nibble on when performing cunnilingus.

'Alright, Elizabeth, lastly I'm going to have you lay back on the desk here and open your legs for the final section of your evaluation. And actually, given how we started the breast portion, I'm going to have Selena hop up here beside you as well so I can demonstrate how to evaluate and score a girl's vulva.'

Selena gave a look like she was about to die, but Ryan took her firmly by the arm again and guided her onto the desk next to Elizabeth. Both girls lay back, and he adjusted their feet and legs so the whole class had a clear view of their private parts.

The view was spectacular, and the oohs and ahhs from the class confirmed it. As they spread their legs, both girls' vulvas opened, exposing their slick interiors. Elizabeth's dark, textured labia contrasted starkly with the delicate wishbone that Selena's lips formed above her opening, crowned by a perfectly sculpted clitoris that pressed insistently out from beneath its protective hood.

A trickle of clear, viscous fluid ran from her opening, over her perineum, and down to her anus; as her lips opened, they were criss-crossed by a spider web of the same fluid. Ryan had been right-in spite of her embarrassment, Selena was highly aroused by the mock Festival.

Ryan took his place at Selena's side, and casually rested his hand on her mound. As he spoke, he slowly combed his fingers through her short, golden pubic hair.

'As with a girl's breasts-or any body part, for that matter—when you touch her genitals make sure to start lightly, slowly, and gently in order to allow her to acclimate to your touch. If she's well trained, she shouldn't pull away or protest even if you're accidentally a bit rough, but once again, our goal is that what we do TO her feels good FOR her.

'Go ahead one at a time, and first note your score for Elizabeth's visual appeal. Then, after wetting your thumb and fingers with your tongue, carefully press into both sides of her opening so that her labia spread wider and you can get a better view inside her, like this.'

Selena's mouth opened wide, then she bit her lower lip as Ryan slid his hands down between her legs and coaxed her open.

'You may be able to see her hymen; if not do not worry about that—in the actual Festival the judges will manually check, but I'm not going to risk having you boys inserting your fingers in these girls-Max, I said DO NOT try to put your finger in Elizabeth!

'However, you should also be able to make your score for lubrication at this stage. As you can see, girls respond differently, and while it looks like Elizabeth is a little wet, Selena is becoming quite the mess here.

'This brings us to the final two sections on your scorecards. Go ahead and gather up some of Elizabeth's juices like this, by lightly swirling your fingers in her opening, then rub them gently into her clitoris to assess how responsive it is.

'It may pop out and become enlarged and stiff, like Selena's is, and usually clitorises like this get higher marks.'

As he demonstrated the technique, Selena's breathing became ragged and her body suddenly froze in place, every muscle tensed as Ryan held her pussy firmly with one hand so he could irresistibly coax her tiny, swollen clitoris into view with the other.

'And finally, gentlemen, take those same fingers, swirl them once more around her entrance, brush her clitoris on the way back up, and then bring them to your mouth so you can taste the girl and appreciate her various notes of health, vitality, and pleasure.'

As he did this, Selena suddenly let out a scream that she muffled with her hand, and her body shuddered and bucked on the desk so violently that she was in danger of tumbling to the floor. Ryan was prepared, however, and before she had even started he had brought a firm hand to her throat to keep her in place, and augmented his hold with a solid but gentle grip of the other hand on her spasming vulva.

The class was silent, mouths agape, as they watched Selena climax. Every boy in the room had been painfully hard for what had seemed an eternity already, and doubtless her loss of control had caused several of them to do the same in their pants, much to their commingled relief and chagrin.

As she shuddered to a halt, Ryan soothed her with soft caresses of her breasts and belly.

'Well, class,' he smiled, 'it appears this session is even more educational than originally planned. That, for those of you who have never had the privilege of seeing one in real life, was a girl's orgasm. An eternal pleasure to watch, a matter of pride to be able to elicit, and extraordinarily gratifying to experience while fully inserted inside her.

'Gentlemen, we must continue if we are to finish by the bell; I'm sure you've filled in your sheets for Elizabeth, so let's move on now to Selena. Since she is already in position, we'll start at the bottom of your scorecards and begin with her vulva. Go ahead and make your notes on its appearance-don't neglect to credit her for her extreme levels of lubrication, which you can see is all over my hand and spilling onto my desk-and then come up one at a time and dip your fingers in here and taste her.'

Selena whimpered and flinched each time one of the boys scooped his finger into her entrance; she was incredibly sensitive now, and every touch caused her vagina to pulse and contract powerfully.

The boys were unanimous in their praise of both the shape and the taste of her girl parts, and they commented favorably on the cleanness of the lines of her labia and the delicious fullness of her mound, as well as the deep contractions she demonstrated as they touched her, which they surmised would feel extremely pleasant on their cocks.

Ryan, who had been holding her open for them with one hand while fondling her breasts with the other, agreed and commended them on their judicious evaluation.

'I concur, gentlemen. Girl #2 has truly what we might call a Grade-A, elite-level, competition pussy,' he said, smiling encouragingly at her and giving her tender vulva a few brisk, business-like pats as one might a good filly. Selena gasped and arched as he made contact, his hand making a wet, slapping sound against her soaked, swollen lips.

Ryan had little time for more playing, however, and brusquely took her by the arm and urged her to her feet so the boys could continue their evaluation. The poor girl was wobbly and unstable, but Ryan took her by the back of the neck and helped her stand, while the boys assessed her vulva from the front and carefully inspected her gorgeous breasts.

There was much discussion concerning how large, firm, and well-shaped they were, as well as how dark and prominent her nipples were against her soft, pale skin, and the relatively small size of her richly colored areolas.

Selena did her best to stand still so her classmates could do their duties, but every touch sent shivers down her bare backside and her knees went weak as they twisted and pulled at her nipples.

Ryan found it most effective to support the half limp girl by her neck with one hand, and to simply hold her up by her pubic bone with his other hand between her legs, so the boys could take the proper care in examining her breasts. 

It was challenging work, what with her shuddering and flinching, and the endless slickness of her nether parts made it even harder to maintain a solid grip, so it was with a sense of relief that he finally turned her around and lay her across the desk on her belly, her legs akimbo.

The boys crowded close, and Ryan gently spread Selena's cheeks so they could get a good view of her pussy and her anus. She whimpered again as he used his index finger to trace around and around the outline of her little star while commenting on how attractive it was, and describing several different pleasant things it made a man want to do to it; while down below, from between her flushed, pink lips, a long, clear drool of girl cum began stretching toward the floor.

Ryan had been uncomfortably hard pretty much the entire class, and as he played with Selena's anus and watched her shiver on the table with girl cum streaming from her vagina, he nearly lost control of himself. Fighting to regain his composure, he verified that the boys had completed their scores, then somewhat more roughly than needed he stood Selena up, turned her to face the class, and marched her to stand next to Elizabeth.

They had to finish with Amia, and then Ryan knew that he'd have to obtain some relief if he was to remain functional for the rest of the day.

Amia bounced forward with a grin, eyes flashing, proud of her body, and presented herself for the boys. She was extremely petite, with dark hair and a fine nose and jawline that perfectly complemented her giant brown eyes. She was part Dominican, and her skin was a rich honey brown.

She was still officially a virgin, but Ryan could tell that she wasn't afraid of sex and was champing at the bit for her Festival and the education that would follow. He wouldn't have been surprised to learn that she had already sucked half a dozen of the boys' cocks at the school, mostly upperclassmen, and she loved the taste of cum.

The poor girl had been suffering interminably over the last forty five minutes as Elizabeth and Selena were fondled, ogled, and handled, and as she offered herself for inspection Ryan noted that her inner thighs glistened from her own lubrication, and the dark nipples of her tidy, B-cup breasts were already hard and pert, straining away from their rich, half-dollar sized areolas as they desperately awaited the boys' touch.

Ryan watched with approval as the boys put into practice everything they'd learned with the first two girls, officiously inspecting each part of the willing Amia, discussing soberly amongst themselves their opinions of her small, delicious body. Andrew had taken the part of the de facto head judge, and took responsibility for politely yet firmly directing Amia into each of her positions.

For her part, Amia clearly revelled in her role. She maintained eye contact with each boy, smiling, giggling, putting extra effort into ensuring that each one had the best chance to view, feel, smell, and taste all the parts of her that the scorecard listed, and displaying little shivers, whimpers, and moans of pleasure to show that she welcomed and enjoyed the attention. Ryan spoke up.

'Class, who remembers the Three Intangibles that contestants are graded on in the Festival?'

Several hands shot up, and a girl answered, 'Poise, Generosity, and Grace!'

Ryan nodded.

'Correct. I just want to point out that even though it's beyond the scope of this particular exercise, Amia is displaying tremendous Generosity-she is making sure the boys feel welcome as they touch her, letting them do whatever they feel is needed, and most importantly, displaying enjoyment of their efforts-without seeming overly sex-focused. 

'There is a delicate balance the judges will usually be looking for-girls score higher when they communicate clearly with their body language and their voice that they want to share their bodies with a man-or men-but they should avoid appearing too eager, flippant, or tawdry about it.

'Even though every girl is required by law to accept training from any properly ranked man, special favor can be enjoyed by females who bring a sense of enthusiasm, creativity, and fun to their lessons. 'Generosity' is the term we use to describe that attitude, and Amia is doing a great job at it.'

As he had been speaking, Amia had been waggling her naked but playfully at the class with her elbows on the desk as if to prove his point. Andrew knew that time was of the essence, and sternly requested that his classmate hold still so he and the other two boys could finish their task.

One by one they took turns carefully spreading her tidy pussy lips, examining the slick pinkness inside-which earned her extra marks for how bright it was, and how dramatically it contrasted with her dark skin-and then scooping up some of her juices and tasting them.

Looking at how small her hips and butt were, and how tiny her vagina was, Ryan thought she must be terrifically tight. His cock ached with the strain of nearly an hour of erection, and he could see that Amia knew exactly what she was doing.

He was fairly sure that she was probably more sexually active than was allowed for a girl her age, and he wondered if there might be a need for some remedial discipline as the school year progressed. He made a mental note to check with the principle on how such issues were handled here.

In Texas there were several students whom he'd had to put on standing weekly disciplinary appointments for various lengths of time, and they had been required to meet with him privately in his office to face the consequences of their actions. As committed as he was to the long-term success of his students, he was certainly willing to carry on such a program here, in spite of the additional time it took from his already busy schedule.

Of course, since these were students trusted to his care, discipline could only rarely involve actual sex. With a little imagination, however, there were a multitude of methods and scenarios of varying degrees of severity that could be devised to effectively teach even young girls right from wrong when it came to their bodies, without crossing the line of intercourse.

A little pain, a little unwilling exposure and embarrassment, and a dash of unexpected pleasure for their hormone-wracked bodies were the ingredients of a potent disciplinary cocktail that had infinite possible combinations.

The boys having finished filling out their scorecards, Ryan instructed the girls to stand side by side at the head of the class while the boys did the math, averaging their scores for each category. As they read off the results, Ryan recorded them on the chalkboard. As he finished, he turned to the class and with a flourish announced the winners of each category while the class applauded and cheered each winner.

'Ladies and gentlemen, Best Face belongs to Selena, with an 8.6! Best Body Overall goes to Amia with a 9.12; Best Legs belong to Elizabeth with 8.9; Best Breasts go to Selena with 9.5! Not surprising there-however, interestingly, Best Nipples belong to Amia with a score of 9.8. They are very nice and long, Amia-congratulations.

'Best Butt goes to Selena, who scores 9.3. And Best Vulva also goes to Selena, with 9.7, as well as Best Lubrication-you were very wet, Selena. Best Flavor goes to Elizabeth, for 8.9.

'And ladies and gentlemen, the award for Best in Show, Most Desirable Girl Overall goes to...Selena, with a score of 9.8!'

As he finished, the bell rang, and the students, still cheering, gathered their belongings and began filing out of the classroom. Ryan nodded at the three girls, thanking them for helping, and gave them permission to get dressed and join their classmates. 

He caught Jordanna's attention, however, and reminded her to meet him at his desk before she left.

As the last students left the classroom, he returned to his chair and motioned Jordanna to stand in front of him, and had a little chat about her history at the school and some of the challenges she had faced academically.

She was beautiful, and her full breasts barely fit in her tight white blouse, her bare nipples clearly visible against the sheer fabric. Her nether regions were similarly exposed, with a clean, dark landing strip pressed against the thin fabric of her white panties, perched above a dark slit that vanished into the gusset between her shapely legs.

Jordanna explained why math had always been hard for her, and Ryan, listening carefully with an understanding smile, couldn't resist gently caressing her vulva through the insubstantial fabric. As he shared his ideas for helping her with her school work with some private tutoring, he eased her panties halfway down her thighs and traced his fingertips up and down her slit. 

It was one of the most wonderful things about being a teacher, he thought-he loved the privilege of being a source of hope and knowledge for his students, working closely and intimately with them, and in return for that work, to be able to simply enjoy the pleasures of the sight, touch, and smell of their young bodies as a result of the proximity and trust that came with it.

Jordanna shuddered, her legs shaking gently as she pressed her mound into his hand. She understood that Ryan was going out of his way to help her, and she was very grateful for his attention and assistance.

She knew better than to distract from the important conversation he was having with her, and she wanted to show she was grateful for his consideration, so she bit her lip as she forced herself to focus and continue discussing how best he could help her, thanking him for his thoughtfulness as his fingers gently stroked her clitoris. 

'Excellent, Miss Jordanna,' Ryan concluded, 'I think this will be a capital plan. Now for a final issue.

'We have five minutes until you need to be in your next class, and I have been extremely, uncomfortably stimulated for the last hour-if I am to be functional at all for the rest of the afternoon, I need some release. I'd like you to assist me please.

'Kneel down here, if you will, and I am going to have you gently suck on just the head of my cock for four minutes. I am very close to exploding as it is, so that's it, dear girl, just very slowly and softly on the head, just like that. Oh my god, that feels amazing. After four minutes of this I will cum in your mouth, and I need you to simply swallow it down as it comes-don't spill any of it, as we mustn't stain your blouse.'

The compliant Jordanna nodded dutifully as she looked up at Ryan with her big dark eyes, her lips wrapped hungrily around the head of his cock as she nursed it with urgent commitment. Ryan smiled and softly caressed her cheek and played with her nipples as he felt himself approach his climax.

With one minute left on the clock above the door he tipped over the edge, grasping Jordanna's head with both hands and holding it in position, just the tip of his cock in her mouth, and began releasing pulse after pulse of semen onto her tongue.

He was so pent-up that the force of his orgasm felt like waves of cum were flowing from deep in his belly, and he reveled in the power of each pump as his semen sprayed into the young girl's waiting throat.

Jordanna's eyes grew wider as she realized she had been unprepared for the volume of Ryan's cum, and the force with which it would be shot into her, and she almost gagged and pulled away-but Ryan maintained his hold on her head, keeping her motionless so he could finish emptying his testicles into her. To her credit, the girl kept her lips locked on the head of his cock, and not one drop escaped.

As he finished, Ryan smiled kindly and helped Jordanna to her feet-just as the bell rang and the next group of students began filing in. He thanked her and told her she had done a good job, and then pointed her to the door so she wouldn't be late for her next class.


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