
Doctors Appointment

Cum4Fun   August 20, 2020   | 104917 Views
I have several fantasies, which I use regularly during masturbation. This first story is one of my favourites, which I hope you will enjoy.   I am 17 years old (probably because… banner1

I have several fantasies, which I use regularly during masturbation. This first story is one of my favourites, which I hope you will enjoy.

I am 17 years old (probably because this was my age when I first imagined this fantasy) and as usual feeling hot and horny. I am desperate for some naughty fun, and want to do something naughty and different.

(I am sure you know that sensation, girls, when you are feeling so sexually aroused and frustrated, when your pussy is tingling and begging for attention, a mixture of painful torment and intense pleasure, when all you can think about is fingering yourself, but knowing that the longer you can resist that urge, the more intense the eventual orgasm will be.)

My sexual imagination is running wild all morning, creating a teasing wetness between my legs that is leaving my panties damp.

So, finally an idea springs into my mind. I decide that I need to visit the doctor. I ring up and make an appointment for later that day. I then spend the next few hours deciding what to wear and what I'm going to do.

By the time I arrive at the surgery, I am tingling with sexual arousal. Wearing a pink crop top, my nipples can be clearly seen protruding through the thin material. My slender, flat stomach is naked, and I am showing off the full length of my long, slender legs by wearing a 9 inch mini skirt and strappy, open sandals with heels. I look absolutely stunning, with my long shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes.

After a short wait I am called into the doctor’s room. I walk in, and I can feel that I am right on the edge now. The dampness between my legs gives away my inner turmoil.

He is sitting at his desk writing something down. He is in his late 40's, a bit grey but good looking. I close the door and he turns around to face me. I can tell immediately by his expression that my appearance has made an instant impression upon him, as I stand there looking fabulously sexy.

"Ah ,erm yes, er, come in ,come in," he stumbles, standing up to show me to a chair opposite where he sits. I smile shyly at him and sit down, crossing my long, tanned legs.

After a few moments shuffling paper around his desk he looks up at me and smiles.

" Good , Good", he says, as he tries not to stare at my legs, " Its Katie ........., is that right?"

I nod, "That's right".

"Ok. What can I do for you today, Katie?"

Now I put my naughty plan into action - the one I've been thinking about all day. Its quite simple really. I am playing my role as the stunning, horny teenage girl, who is at the same time naive and innocent; unaware of the effect she has on men, with no understanding of how her behaviour is interpreted, or the impact of her appearance.

I smile shyly at the doctor. " Well, it's a bit embarrassing really............." I reply. There is a pause, as I look at the floor.

"Katie, just take your time, there's no hurry. Anything you tell me will remain confidential. What happens in this room is between us, OK?"

I nod. "OK. Well, I just wanted you to check that I've got nothing wrong with me".

"I see", he says, "Well, I'll certainly try. What are you worried about in particular?"

"Well, er..............I been having, coming out... from .....," I look down, and vaguely point down to my crotch area, "down here".

"I see", he says. " And when does this happen - how often?"

"Well............its usually when I know.........touch myself down here," I reply, and point between my legs.

“Oh..I see,” he replies.

He leans back in his chair, and I look at him, blinking innocently. There is a pause as he turns and writes down something in my medical notes.

" So, this happens when you masturbate - is that what you mean Katie?" he asks, still writing.

"Yes that's right", I reply in a quiet, embarrassed voice.

" And when this fluid comes out, does it cause any pain at all?

" No - no pain. It just feels .............strange."

He looks up at me, and gives a reassuring smile.

" Is there any sign of blood in this fluid?" he asks.

"No..I don’t think so"

"And how long has this been happening, Katie?"

I think for a moment. "Well, I suppose about 2 or 3 years. But I've been too embarrassed to see anyone about it. Its just that I'm really worried now that there is something seriously wrong with me, that’s why I came here today." I put on a worried expression, biting my bottom lip anxiously. 

He leans forward. "Katie, don't worry, I'm sure we can get to the bottom of this". I give a weak, shy smile.

"Can I ask you how often you masturbate?" he suddenly says.

"Er, depends really...." I begin, " I guess 2 or 3 times a day, I suppose".

He leans back, his face showing slight surprise.

"And , er, does the fluid, er, appear when you have sexual intercourse as well?" he asks, his voice slightly quieter.

I smile shyly at him, looking embarrassed. "Actually, Doctor, I haven't had sexual intercourse yet," I reply.

(In reality, this is a lie - in fact I lost my virginity when I was 17)

"Oh, I see, er........yes , I see", he says, and I know he can hardly believe that this horny, sexy, 17 year old girl is still a virgin. He looks up something on his computer screen.

"But I see that you are taking contraceptive pills, from your records here" he states.

" Oh, yes, I do," I reply, " My mother wanted me to, just in know...........I needed protection."

"Ah well, yes..... very sensible", he says. His face has flushed a gentle shade of pink.

"Well.........perhaps I could just check you out, Katie. Blood pressure first."

He gets out his blood pressure monitor and takes my reading. It’s fine, of course. Then he asks me to open my mouth and he checks my tongue and throat, and finally uses his light to check my eyes. He sits back down.

"Well, all seems to be ok there" he says.

"Well that's good news", I say, feigning relief.

He writes down something in my notes, and as he does so he asks, "Could you tell me what the fluid looks like, Katie?"

"Er...... well, its sort of like... cloudy water. Sometimes it’s almost clear. It changes sometimes," I reply. I can feel my heart beating now. Even just talking about it is causing me to tremble down there.

" And how much comes out when this happens?" He is looking at me now, and I feel my pussy tingling, as I reply.

"Well, sometimes just a small trickle. But other times it can be quite a lot. Do you think it could be my bladder, Doctor?" I ask. " Do you think there is a problem?" I gaze at him, my blue, limpid eyes displaying a childlike quality, despite my obvious teenage sexuality.

He pauses, and shifts in his chair. Then in a low, husky voice, says, " Well, I would hope not, but I would like to examine you, to see if there is anything serious to worry about. Could I ask you to remove your skirt and panties, Katie, so I can take a look?"

I give him a nervous, puzzled look. “ mean... I ask, trying to sound worried now, but inside feeling the excitement build.

“Yes, if that’s alright”, he replies gently.

" Oh, thought you would just be able to tell me whether there was a problem, without know.....having to examine me," I say, my cheeks becoming hot now.

He gives a little cough. "Well, I really would need to carry out a proper examination, in order to diagnose the symptoms correctly. After all ,I wouldn't want to miss something important."

I pretend to look embarrassed, but inside my heart is pounding and my pussy is hungry.

"Well, ok then," I say, shyly. “So... you just want me to take my skirt off?”

“Well...yes, but I will also need you to remove your panties as well,” he replies, “just so I can examine you”.

“Oh...ok”, I say, almost in a whisper.

I stand up hesitantly and, as the doctor looks on, I unclip my miniskirt and place it on the chair. He gives a small cough, as I then bend to take of my sandals. Finally, I hook my thumbs inside the elastic waist and pull down my pink, lacy knickers, giving a little wiggle to allow them to drop to the floor by themselves, before stepping out of them. Looking down, I notice a small, dark pink patch of dampness on them. And so does the doctor.

I am now stood a metre away from him, as he now gazes at my smooth, shaven, naked pussy. His face is a picture! Here he is, sat watching this horny young girl strip off for him, apparently an innocent 17 year old virgin, with a beautifully smooth, shaved pussy, which he struggles take his eyes off, taking in the sight of the dark pink, glistening lips of my puffy labia.

" good," he says eventually. He stands up, and walks across the room.

"Now, could you just come over to the examination table for me, Katie," and he leads me to his black, leather clad table in the corner, which has a white pillow at one end. He unrolls a length of white paper towel and spreads it over the table.

Inside I'm now trembling with arousal, finding it more and more difficult to keep up the pretence of my role.

“There we are. If you could just climb up on there with your head on the pillow for me please,” he instructs.

I follow him and climb up on to the table, laying my head back against the white pillow behind me.

"Thank you," he says," and now if you could just place your feet apart for me, and open your knees."

I part my feet, as he pulls on a pair of white latex gloves, and then leans forward over me.

"I'm just going to examine you down here now Katie," he says, “So if you could just open your knees wide for me?”

I slowly and shyly comply, and immediately feel a trickle of pussy juice run out from between my lips.

And with that his hand is between my legs, and I feel 2 fingers delving between the lips of my cunny. I'm so well lubricated down there that he has no difficulty in slipping them easily inside, and I try not gasp as he does so, anxious not to give away just how aroused I am now feeling.

There I am , lying half naked, as this doctor is now giving my pussy a good fingering.

"Let me know if I'm hurting you," he says, and his trembling voice gives away his aroused state.

"Ok," I gasp in reply, as I allow my feet to move further apart, to give him more access to my dripping puss. I bite my bottom lip, desperately trying not to let out a moan of pleasure, as he thrusts deeper inside my hotness.

"You are very wet, Katie. Is this normal?" he asks, as I feel him delving deeper inside me.

"Oh, ..................yes" I gasp, half reply, half pleasure. " I'm like this most of the time...thats why I am worried that its my bladder". My face is now hot and flushed.

" I see" he replies. He looks down at me and smiles, as his fingers are now pushing in and out of me, in deep rhythmical motions, and I know that this is no longer simply an anatomical examination. He is actually masturbating me! I can’t believe my luck! I never imagined it would go this far!

“And how does this feel?” he asks, as I look up at him, trying to keep control of my urge to scream. “Do you feel any pain when I do this?” 

My hips involuntarily rise up off the table, to meet his thrusting fingers.

“ pain,” I gasp, as the sound of his fingers sliding in and out of me fills the room.

“Well, that’s a good sign”, he replies, studying every detail of my wet, gaping pussy as he pushes his fingers deeper inside. 

I suddenly feel his finger rub my firm clitoris in a circular motion, just for a few seconds. His face is flushed too now, and despite his medical training, his natural sexual desires have taken over. How could he resist the opportunity to finger a shy, sexy 17 year olds hot, wet shaved pussy?

After a few more moments, he removes his wet, sticky latex covered fingers.

"Well, everything seems normal there," he says, his cheeks now distinctly pink. I also notice a bulge in his trousers.

“Oh, thank goodness”, I say breathlessly, knowing that he has brought me to the very edge of cumming.

"Now, could I ask you to turn around, Katie, onto your hands and knees, and bend over for me?" he says. By now I can feel small quivers inside my pussy as my vaginal muscles begin to spasm with arousal.

“Oh..I thought you had finished”, I say, looking puzzled.

"Well, I would like to check you out again... from behind this time. It allows me to examine your bladder from a different position," he says, hoarsely.

I'm sure he cant believe his luck. Here he is with the horniest of 17 year old girls in his surgery, giving her a very personal examination, and she willingly allows him to do anything he wants! He is in heaven!

Now, I am bending over on hands and knees, my legs spread wide, allowing the doctor a perfect view of my red, swollen, wet pussy lips from behind.

"You have very ..swollen labia," he says, his breathing heavy. “Do they feel sore?”

“No..not really,” I reply “But quite tingly.”

I hear him moving behind me, and glance around. He has removed the latex glove from his right hand, and then I feel his naked fingers once again enter me - this time harder and deeper than before - now ramming me in and out, in and out. I am gasping for breath, as I know I am about to cum. I push back against his hand, forcing his fingers to penetrate me deeper than ever.

" Doctor," I gasp, " I think its going to happen soon" . And I moan with pleasure.

“What is going to happen, Katie?” he asks, pretending he doesn’t know I am on the verge of an orgasm now.

“Its going to happen..I can feel it,” I say breathlessly, “The fluid is going to come”

He continues to thrust his naughty fingers in and out of me now, as I lay my head on the pillow, my pussy pushed up behind me, exposed and vulnerable to his eager fingers. He is in heaven now, his fingers slipping deep inside my tight, quivering puss, the aroma of my hot juices filling the room.

And then, in a rush of orgasmic pleasure I cum.

As the doctors fingers pound my eager puss, he looks on in amazement, as I suddenly erupt, sending a stream of my hot, aromatic cum spurting out all over the examination table beneath me, soaking the white paper towel. It makes a swooshing sound as the force of my ejaculation squirts out like a fountain, drenching his hand and spraying over his shirt.

He jumps back in surprise, pulling his fingers from between my swollen lips, as another gush of cunny juice squirts out at him.

And he cant believe what he is seeing - this half naked, 17 year old “virgin”, having a squirting orgasm in his surgery.

With his hand removed, I can’t help myself, and reach down between my legs to rub my tingling clitoris, moaning loudly now, as wave after wave of pleasure rips through me, causing my vagina to quiver and contract. Another squirt of fluid pours down my inner thighs onto the table, as I gasp and writhe in front of the stunned doctor. 

The fluids stop squirting out, but my vagina continues to spasm as the orgasmic waves rip through my whole body. My legs tremble, and my back arches up as I rub my tingling clitoris. The doctor is stood beside the table, amazed to see his horny teen patient performing this intimate act in his examination room. I let out a moan of pleasure, as my cum trickles down my inner thighs onto the already soaked paper towel beneath me.

Another wave passes through my shuddering body, causing me to gasp as my hips shake uncontrollably. I remove my hand from between my legs, remaining on all fours on the table. The Doctor is still standing there, watching as his half naked patient quivers and shakes from the orgasmic sensations now engulfing her nubile young body.

With a moan of extacy, I collapse, face down on the soggy table, drenched in my wetness. Panting, I try to regain my composure, and look round at the doctor, my face flushed and my hair damp with perspiration.

He is now sitting in his chair, watching me, taking in every moment of this teenage girls ecstasy. I notice my fluids all over the front of his shirt. I give him an embarrassed smile, as I climb off the table and walk shakily back over to my chair, my knees still trembling as the remnants of my orgasm continue to ripple through me, and wetness trickles down my inner thighs.

“I’m so sorry, Doctor. I couldn’t stop myself. I’ve made such a mess.”

He looks at me thoughtfully, his penis obviously erect in his trousers.

“ don’t apologise. I think perhaps my examination was too much for you, so really I should apologise to you. How do you feel?”

“Oh..a bit shaky actually,” I reply, trying to regain my role as the innocent young teen.

He nods. “Yes I can see that.”

I pull my knickers back on, followed by my mini skirt, and sit back in the chair opposite him.

He is making some notes on the computer screen, seemingly unconcerned that he has just committed a sexual act on one of his young female patients.

"Well, do you think I have a problem with my bladder Doctor?” I ask in a concerned voice." You saw how much I wet myself."

He looks at me over his glasses, and gives me a reassuring smile.

"No Katie, there is nothing to worry about. You are a very healthy young lady."

He then proceeds to explain to me the facts about the female ejaculation.

"Oh I am so relieved," I tell him, getting out of the chair.

Then I give him a knowing smile.

"Well, thanks Doctor - you were great - I really enjoyed that."

And without another word, I leave.


I have several other versions of that fantasy - one involves there being a young medical student in the room, who is asked to examine me on the examination table. In another, I am not wearing panties, and allow the doctor to peep at my pussy. Over the years various versions have evolved, but all have me playing the innocent, horny teenager role.

It has often occurred to me to turn this fantasy into reality, but I have never had the courage to do it, although I did come close once.

About 3 years ago I had to see the doctor about pains I was having in my stomach.

It actually got to the point where I was lying on his examination table, wearing just my short skirt, with nothing underneath, as I don't wear panties at all these days. He had asked me to remove my blouse, and so I was just in my bra and skirt.

I don't know whether he ever knew I was panty - less, but it certainly got me feeling horny!

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