
The Girl in a Country Song : Ch.14

Fafah   April 25, 2017   | 29435 Views
It was a normal night. A night that Lukah and Jessie had off together. Cuddling on the couch, watching a movie, with unspoken intentions of passion when they laid down in bed. Lukah… banner2 It was a normal night. A night that Lukah and Jessie had off together. Cuddling on the couch, watching a movie, with unspoken intentions of passion when they laid down in bed. Lukah had showered just after coming home from work. Upon calling it a night, Jessie asked Lukah to shut the house down while she took a quick shower. As he walked past the bathroom door, he saw Jessie already stepping out of the shower and smelled her essence mixed in the steam, now floating into the bedroom. As he clicked the table lamp on and turned down the bed. Jessie drew up behind him, kissing his neck. He turned to her, pulled her close and as they kissed, Lukah picked her up, to lay her on the bed. Following though he rolled over her, as they continued the passionate kiss. Lukah caressed her face, then lowered his hand to fondle her breast. Tracing the outline of her body. Finally reaching her soft pubic hair. The small circles of his touch, turning into light stroking motions over her mound. Lukah could feel her body relax and hear her breathing slow as she absorbed his gentle caress. Applying a little more pressure, his finger then dipped into her mound with each stroke. Every stroke dragging the hot fluid out of her pussy, covering her clit with each upward motion. She felt and smelled so good, Lukah wanted a sample of her taste. He inserted two fingers, pulled them straight out, and put her nectar on the closest nipple to his mouth. Licking the nectar from her breast, his cock quickly inflated to a full erection. The sample only teasing him to a full meal. He positioned his head to her pelvis area. Jessie then grabbed his cock, pulling it closer to her mouth. Lukah pushed away from her attempt to suck him. Guided her hand to his cock and ask her “Let’s slow down and enjoy the night?? She moaned in agreement as she felt his first hot breath on her open wet patch. Lukah then savored every inch of her womanhood with his tongue. Holding her wider with his forearm, he would occasionally dip a finger back inside her. As he started to focus more on her clit his tongue more forceful, but still slow motions. Both Jessie and he enjoying the passion. Jessie’s light moans so stimulating to him, while she was lightly caressing his hard staff. Lukah had slid his tongue down a couple of times. Licking the rim of her pink tunnel as deep as a tongue would allow, then back to concentrate on her clit. Jessie gripped his cock tight as her body tensed up in orgasm. Her legs gripping his head with force as she ground back and fourth against his face. As she relaxed Lukah lifted his head, giving her time to regroup. He could see all her wetness glisten under the beam of the table lamp. As he restarted the ritual on her clit, he could see her pussy still convulsing from her orgasm. Then it happened! Lukah was so frustrated when he saw the pale wine colored spot on the white bed sheet. “Damn, she started her freaking period” He thought to himself. Pushing himself up, he could not seem to let go of her clit. Mesmerized by the spot and the marvel happening literally right under his nose. Her delicate flow was below his point of contact. His lover still tasting so good. Even as the pale pink flow became more of a defined red. Her aroma was still very pleasant with a hint of saltiness. Knowing this was something he and most people would call taboo, he tried to draw himself away. But everything he was experiencing and witnessing was so intoxicating. Lukah had witnessed the birth of their son. And this seemed to be close to that scale of female intimacy. All of her femininity blooming like a flower for only him to view. He continued to kiss and lick the upper parts of her womanhood. A tear formed in the corner of one of his eyes. As he reflected on the beautiful female. Her small framed body, her young girl silliness when they first met, her silly giggle. But the tear was all the strengths that she had giving him, their relationship, baring kids and helping to raise them. Not to mention the challenge she had overcome that most females deal with in the working world. A woman laying beneath him, bleeding and not even aware. All the years…bleeding and still carrying her family! Still thinking to himself: “I never realized how fragile but strong and resilient….” He kissed her stomach and gave a little tug with his teeth on her belly ring as he turned around to look her in the eyes. Positioning himself over her, he stated in a soft voice how much he loved her. Noticing the tear still hanging in eye and his almost broken voice, she asked: What’s wrong baby?”. Putting his index finger over her lips, he then whispered: “Nothing my angel. Everything is perfect. You are perfect. Let’s just make love.”. He slowly pushed his hard staff inside her. Jessie still unaware. And he knowing the blood that pumped through her veins from her heart was now a part of him. He wished he could have been the one to draw her first blood of innocence. He imaged how nervous she probably was. He remembered witnessing her baring their child, and how brave she was during all the pains of labor. He also remember many of the other times they had made love and all the things she had giving or shared with him, when they had been as one. All of which seemed so much more than he had ever realized before. Not only had she given their son life. She had giving life to him and everything they had done together. It was more than sex or even love. She had put her heart into everything, he thought to himself. And now the blood from her heart bonding them so close, he had never felt such a part of her. Lukah then pinned her hands to the bed abd looked her in the eyes. As his thrust got harder, Jessie’s moans got louder and more frequent. Her canal already full of all her female juices. They both succumb to orgasm. Mixing together and no where else to go, all of the red mixture being forced out. Leaving them both stained like a sacrifice of the village Virgin who gave herself to save everyone else. The lingering tear dropped to Jessie’s cheek as she was trying to get up and speak. Lukah wiped the tear from her face, and said: “Thank you Jessie. Thank you for all you do for our family and me! started your period babe. Just lay still. I’ll get a warm wet cloth. It’s the least I can do. (This story is dedicated to all the ladies that sacrifice every day, to be a good mother and or significant other. Thank you!)
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