
The Girl in a Country Song Ch.11 The Last Dance

Fafah   March 25, 2017   | 17159 Views
It was a beautiful warm morning. Lukah could hear the birds chirping and the breeze blowing through the open window. He could smell the aroma of breakfast as the door creaked open.… banner1 It was a beautiful warm morning. Lukah could hear the birds chirping and the breeze blowing through the open window. He could smell the aroma of breakfast as the door creaked open. In his soft aged voice he said “Jessie?”. There was no response. But the beautiful blonde continued through the door and proceeded to him. As she slid his writing journal aside and sat his plate down. One more time he asked, “Jessie?” “No” the blond responded. “It’s Amy”. (Lukah’s long time friend and caregiver.) She patted the back of his hand and reminded him that Jessie had been gone for some time. Then she said: “But it’s ok. It’s a new beautiful day and together we will get through it. “
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