
The Sun and The Moon AMBW Pt: 02 Recover

Tessela   July 02, 2019   | 9543 Views
Short stories revolving around a shy woman and hotheaded man. rings

She saw him from across the room. He was dressed to the nines in a suit that fitted his body in all the right places. Lucille watched the way he interacted with the big shots around him and idly wondered whether or not it was within her place to formally introduce herself to a man of his status.

Next to her, her friend, Rumi was babbling on about some story when he caught her eye. His hair was slicked back and curled slightly at the ends from the gel he used. His eyes held something akin to disinterest but his nods of approval or assurance betrayed the boredom that laid within them. He stood around a group of older gentlemen who laughed heartily and one clapped a hand over his back from time-to-time. Lucille tried her best to stay inconspicuous whilst shooting him longing glances. She tried her damnest to maintain little details of her otherwise forgotten conversation but ended up engrossed in the possibility of what was going on in the mind, life, and soul of a man as handsome and mysterious as he.

She watched him shake the hand of an older gentlemen with salt and pepper hair when he then turned his head to face her directly and locked solid eyes with her. Shocked and taken aback, his eyes sent a jolt down Lucille's spine as her eyes widened as big as saucers as she quickly averted her gaze and turned back to her former conversation.

Hiro was confused. Since the moment he walked in, he felt the eyes of this woman undressing him all night. She had a dumb look on her face, her eyes glossed over with apparent lust and a childish crush whilst her mouth hung slightly ajar. Such a look would be a turn off for a man like him and considered downright rude, however, it oddly made her seem very cute. She reminded him of a cat staring through the window of a fish shop. Although he didn't directly see her, he would use his peripheral and strategically stood within the circle of businessmen in order to properly see that dumb look on her face and it amused him.

But he wondered, why didn't she just approach him like a normal person if she was this enamored with him? He wasn't going to outwardly stare back at her just yet. When he had just finished shaking hands with a man he knew as Dilan Dartmouth, a business tycoon from Europe, that's when he decided to make it known that he wasn't stupid and knew she was staring him down.

He wanted to smirk at the way she jumped at his pointed stare and how she quickly turned away from him. He sighed and took the time to fully take her in with his full sight. She was a short, slender woman with a dress that hugged her generous curves with love. Her hair was curly and parted down the side, the mass of ebony and honey sweeping her shoulders. The lights in the room were dim but he could still see the red burning her ears like a fire. He didn't understand how could she be so bashful now when she was unashamedly ogling him mere moments ago.

"What's wrong Lucy?" Asked one of her friends who saw her sudden jump.

"Nothing," the shy woman replied back quickly. She mentally chastised herself for staring so hard that he probably felt the heat from her vision.

Hiro raised a brow but turned away when he realized she would not meet his gaze once again. Feeling a little disappointed, he was then whisked away by his assistant to speak to another promising business client.

Lucille's heart couldn't beat any faster. Although she felt his eyes boring holes the size of craters into her body, she tried her best to loosen up and talk smoothly with her friends.

She laughed at a joke her co-worker, Jackson, had said and playfully slapped his shoulder. When she felt at ease enough, a nagging sense of curiosity gnawed at her again. Trying to play it off, she turned at an angle to catch another glimpse of the mysterious business man and saw that he was talking to a lady scantily clad in a dress that fell off her like sparkly ocean waves of green. Her hair was parted and voluptuously curled to perfection whilst framing her sharp and almond-shaped face. Lucille felt out of her league while watching how the lady's thin crimson lips curl with lustful intent as she listened to the mysterious man.

She wondered if he was as enamored with her as Lucille was and turned away a little defeated.

Hiro was impatient with the woman before him. She was the wife of one of his business partners and she insisted on dropping sexual hints on him during their intended platonic conversation.

He stole a glance behind the lady and towards the odd woman's way and saw her turning away from his direction. For a moment he wondered if she saw him and hoped she didn't get an idea from this interaction that he may be interested in a gold digger like her-

Wait, what was he thinking?! He shouldn't care about the opinion of a woman he didn't even know. How foolish of him to even think of such a laughable notion.

He wanted to roll his eyes and remind the lady in front of him of the diamond ring she donned and the binding symbol it held, but he bit his tongue out of respect for his colleague.

Instead, he turned his gaze passed the lady again and locked eyes with molten dark brown. She didn't turn away this time, instead she held his gaze for a moment and he smirked at her.

Lucille felt like a deer in headlights but she didn't dare shy away again. She shot him a smile and waved a little his way. Hiro lifted a brow and smirked.

The lady he was supposed to be talking to- Crystal was her name- hadn't caught on to Hiro's disinterest and continued her one-sided conversation about herself.

Lucille's eyes wandered down his body which she could tell was well toned beneath clothing that molded so well against him. She snapped her eyes back to his face and found a lecherous smirk staining his lips that foretold of something naughty. She bit her lip and winked.

Ah, so she was interested in him after all, huh? He imitated her gaze and swept over her body with a lustful look akin to the one she did moments ago. He didn't understand his interest with a woman like her, didn't understand why he did what he did, but it was something different and he liked it.

Lucille smiled before playing a little hard to get and turned back around to her friends, leaving their silent conversation hanging. All the while, she was squealing like a schoolgirl inside at her bold actions. She was never one to outwardly flirt because of her shyness, but she was feeling awfully spirited tonight and wondered where this would take her.

She excused herself from her friends and walked towards the punch bowl, making sure to swing her hips a little as she went. She stopped at the punch table and poured herself some of the green concoction into her cup. Turning around, her eyes instantly locked onto her target.

Hiro's smirk couldn't get any wider as he watched her toy with him. She pursed her lips into a mischievous smile and sipped her punch.

Hiro's brow furrowed at her action and decided two could play that game and excused himself from his former conversation before easing through the crowd.

Just as she tried to pick back up on conversation, she felt a hand rest on her lower back and turned to see the apple of her eye joining the semi-circle of her friends and co-workers.

"Good evening everyone, I trust the party is to your liking?" Said Hiro to the group. He raised a brow when everyone including the girl who was ogling him stood with their jaw in their lap.

One of her friends, Sarah, was the first to break from her stupor and speak. "Y-Yes, Mr. Kaneshiro." 

"Excellent, would you mind if I were to joined in on the conversation?" He asked, but in all honestly he really didn't care for whatever they were talking about, he only wanted to toy with the woman next to him.

"N-Not at all!" One of her friends sputtered and they hesitantly finished their water-cooler talk. Lucille felt uncomfortable next to him, his hand was burning firmly against her lower back and the warmth spread south for her whilst Hiro took in the fine curve of her spine and imagined it arched beneath hi-

He stopped his thoughts momentarily again to chastised his impure thinking. Idly, he wondered. How long has it been since he indulged himself with a woman? A month? Three Months? He deduced it to being a very long time.

"Mr.Kaneshiro?" Someone said.

"Hm?" He replied smoothly, inwardly happy it didn't sound rushed.

"Are you and Lucille friends?" A blond woman with freckles and glasses asked. Lucille?

"Yes, I am very well acquainted with Lucy." He lied.

"Wow, why didn't you tell us Lucille?" One of her colleagues, a man with glasses asked.

Lucy blushed under their sudden scrutiny and stuttered shyly. " didn't think it was a big deal?" She shrugged with a nervous smile. Everyone stared at her blankly for a moment and it was the worst feeling in her life, but then suddenly they all broke out in laughter.

"Talk about holding out." Someone said while elbowing their friend.

"Yea, if that's her idea of something that isn't a big deal, I wonder what is a big deal to her."

In the midst of their laughter, Hiro excused he and Lucille from the group and swept her away just as a slow song was beginning to play. He noticed the heavy blush in her cheeks and raised a brow.

"What are you doing?!" Lucille whispered tersely.

"Toying with you," he replied.

"Well congratulations, you're doing a good job of it. Now they think we're probably sleeping with each other."

"Is that so bad?"

"Yes! I don't even know you!"

"Hiro Kaneshiro." He said, his name rolling off his tongue with great pride.

"Oh, um, I'm Lucille Valentine. I would say you can call me Lucy, but you seem to already."

They trekked to the bar where he ordered them an expensive glass of champagne. Lucy was afraid to reject the alcohol- she didn't like to drink while technically on the job but to turn his offer down could potentially be disastrous for her so she sucked it up and downed her drink. The liquid burned her throat and slithered down her leaving a feeling of warmth that trailed to her belly.

"You've been watching me all night." Said Hiro after a moment of their drinking.

"You're a handsome man." Lucy replied with a smile.

"And you, a beautiful woman." He returned the look, but his was more sultry and made Lucy turn away with a bashful smile. She didn't know where this could go or who he was and the power he held, but at that moment she threw caution to the wind. Her usually shy and conservative demeanor was waning with the effect of the liquid courage in her veins. Oh what the hell.

"So what are you doing after this?"


Hot lips pressed to her neck welcomed her into the house. She didn't even have time to marvel at the beauty of the mansion when he ushered her up a crystal spiral staircase! They shed clothes on their way up and wasted no time jumping into bed.

There was an air about her, an air of naivety that intrigued Hiro. He didn't think she was easy- no, she piqued his interest. She ran her fingers through his hair and bit her lip suggestively as they stared each other down, heat rising in their eyes and loins.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to her neck, trailing down the column of her throat. Lucille couldn't help the sweet groans that passed her lips and light giggles that accompanied it when his lips tickled her. His hand grabbed the fleshy mound of her breast and kneaded it softly like dough all the while sucking on the tender caramel flesh of the other with the intention to bruise it like fruit. His tongue traced her dark areola before firmly placing his lips on her nipple, sucking and nipping the sensitive flesh.

Lucille mewled beneath him, urging for more but he ignored her pleas and in exchanged, thoroughly lavished her other breast with the same treatment whilst rubbing the perky tip of her other nipple under the pad of his finger. One hand was used to prop himself up and the other one then traveled down her stomach. His fingers met the elastic of her waistband and traveled farther to feel the heat coming from her core. Her panties felt damp beneath his fingers and he felt pride swell in his chest knowing he was the cause for her arousal.

Lucy felt small beneath him all of a sudden. Her shyness was creeping back up and urged her to push him away bashfully, too afraid of what he could be thinking about her body under his lustful gaze. She could imagine him seeing all the flaws in her body, all the weird parts that even made her a bit bad about herself  but her body protested her decision to shy away. His mouth felt wonderful, his hands explored with a pleasurable intent and the fun hadn't even started yet. Besides, he didn't seem bothered by any of her flaws, it was like he didn't even acknowledge if she had any.

She felt his lingering fingers stroke her from outside her panties and she bit her lip in anticipation. Hiro glanced up to meet her gaze and saw a look shrouding her eyes that turned his primal side crazy. She challenged his stare and he accepted it with an arrogance as his fingers pushed aside the fabric separating himself from her and peeled apart the petals of her glistening flower. Her heart sped up as he leaned over her, his free hand coming to rest behind her neck and forcing her to keep eye contact with him. Her breath fanned against him and she gasped sharply as she felt a sudden intruder. His finger entered her with ease and he slowly pumped it rhythmically before inserting another to join. Her entrance was reluctant to take a third, as it proved to be a challenge to have three. She was still practically fresh and he would be liar if he said that didn't shock him.

The boldness that's been lingering in her eyes all night had led him to believe this wasn't her first rodeo and he was a fool not to pick up on the gentle innocence she carried along with her. Little did she know he was a man that did not deserve the purity that still lied within her because he himself was far from it. Corruption was his middle name and deceit spelled his last one. For a moment, he felt the need to make her feel a little bit special, to make this night slightly more memorable for her. She was cute, she smelled nice, and she seemed like an interesting enough person. Maybe he didn't mind treating her a bit different than he would his other one night stands.

But he wouldn't make this a habit.

She groaned with an arch, her lips nearly brushing against his as she took her free hand from his hair and attempted to remove her panties but was stopped by the man above her.

He slowly slid the damp article of clothing down her legs and allowed her to kick it somewhere in the room. He separated her legs and situated his self so that he was between them. He kissed the inside of her thigh before nipping the sensitive flesh, feeling her muscles tightened from his action. Being one of consistence, he gave the other thigh the same treatment but with a bite that made Lucille yelp from overhead.

"That hurts~" She groaned.

"Learn to love the pain." His voice was husky against her.

He peeled her petals apart with his thumbs and found her bundle of nerves hiding beneath its fleshy hood. Lucille wasn't prepared as he gave one good lick of her clitoris. She gasped and her hips rolled in response but he had her thighs locked in place. He licked it again and received the same response. The tip of his tongue circled the delicate pearl with a feather-light touch that drove her wild. Lucille grabbed his hair as she found herself moaning out his name, shivering in pleasure. Satisfied, but not finished, he then latched onto her firmly. Her thighs clamped his head but he locked them back in place and rode out against her hips as she fought him. The tip of his tongue spelled out his name against her, leaving his brand on her as she felt the feeling of an orgasm looming over her. Two of his fingers reentered her once more, twisting together before pumping vigorously.

Lucy rolled her head as she felt him hit the right spot. And he continued to hit it until she felt like a pot boiling over. Her body stiffened as she wavered around his fingers. Her lips formed a permanent 'u' mid phrasing of 'fuck'  as she rode out her orgasm. Hiro rubbed circles in her clit with his free hand and went to lap away her precious essence.

At that point, sleep was looming over Lucy, but she knew Hiro didn't receive his satisfaction. Said man grabbed her by the thighs and aligned his member with her. He slid on a condom effortlessly and now settled himself against her entrance. He gathered some of her essence on the tip of his member and slowly eased inside her. The duo exchanged satisfied groans as she felt herself being filled up and he felt the pleasure of her core around him.

He wasn't one for slow paced things, but he told himself he would do this one a little differently and went a moderate pace, and watched her beautiful face as she closed her eyes and savored the moment like it was the finest chocolate made from the hands of the most talented chocolatier.

He committed the image of her ethereal beauty to memory with a small smirk before speeding his pace. He wanted to hear his name fall from her tongue once more like a forbidden chant and craved her approval of his skills. He was never the type to leave a bad taste in someone's mouth and he wouldn't want to tarnish his reputation now.

He gripped her thighs with a purpose and hooked them around his waist as he shadowed over her. Lucy took that as an open invitation to warp her arms around him and pressed his face to her neck running her fingers through his hair as he bit and sucked his brand into her flesh. All the while he stroked her, he felt the familiar promise of release coming over the hill for him.

His breath became huskier as the sensations within him climbed to a new peak. The lust within him greedily consumed the pleasure jolting up his spine and his senses drank in the smell of her sweet perfume, the feeling her soft skin running beneath his calloused fingers and the sight of her plump lips as they took in soft breath after breath of the air that was filled with mystery and desire. Just like a man standing at the edge of the cliff, he was pushed over but he welcomed the feeling that engulfed him afterwards.

His body stiffened against her as his release came strong. He continued to thrust while riding out his orgasm and Lucy felt the slight throb of his member against her walls. She watched his brow crease as he made a face she thought was cute and funny. She nearly giggled at how serious and concentrated he looked at that moment. He was so handsome, she almost felt like kissing him but thought instantly against it.

You don't kiss strangers. No matter how cute their orgasm faces are.

Even though she couldn't kiss him, she could still admire his face..and his body.

After they recovered, Hiro glanced over and saw a mischievous look in her eye that foretold something interesting. "Hm?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to know if you were ready for round two."

"Round Two?" He sighed. They didn't have a five minute break!

"Give me ten minutes of a nap and I'll be ready." He groaned, rolling over.

"Old man," Lucy laughed as she settled into his sheets, unknowingly she had just stirred the pot.

Her comment was enough to get him fully awake and recharged. "Old Man? Now I will have to teach you a thing or two about respecting your elders young lady."



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