
Personal Details

United States
Is it just me, or does anyone else think no one is at the helm of Juicy? The latest stories are from March and I think Piper is quickly becoming the author of the decade, not the month. Hello Juicy? Anyone home? I've attempted to upload numerous stories, but they will not go through. Anyone else having this problem? And emails are also rejected. It's too bad. I liked Juicy when I first started submitting. Okay, the site is a little dated when compared to Lush, but Juicy was never afraid of being edgy with the content and an author could upload their own illustrations. That benefited the authors, Juicy, and the readers. So what has happened at Juicy? The Juicy Team don't seem to be talking. Anyone else have a theory? [email protected]
Jo-Anne Wiley
Joined Juicy
United States
Waiting out the hurricanes in the DR

About Jo-Anne Wiley

  • Interests
  • Living near the beach
  • Favorite Books
  • Good at Games, Tuscan Holiday
  • Favorite Movies
  • Haven't seen a really good movie since The Big Night
  • Favorite Music
  • Blues
  • Favorite Quote
  • "Where are your shoes?" -my mother
  • Dreams
  • To be left alone


Sex Stories

straight, juicy sex stories 72 Don't April 22, 2016
ShutterBuggered_, _CoverConcept1 Shutter-Buggered August 30, 2015
More Stories

Juicy Friends (0)


Jo-Anne Wiley - April 22, 2016 | 196664 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 72
God. It was almost midnight and she needed to call her husband: “...hello dear… yes, well the reason I’m late… some of the guys from work wanted to fuck me. No big deal. Soon as I get dressed, I'll be right along. There's some leftovers in the fridge...”


Jo-Anne Wiley - August 30, 2015 | 50743 Views
ShutterBuggered_, _CoverConcept1
Turning, she studied herself carefully from the waist down. The soft angora ended three inches above the elongated belly button, which, like a beauty mark, highlighted her tight tummy. And below, like a milk-pod hung between her high hip bones, the curve of her belly accentuated the proud rise of her pubis. Pubic hair, glistening like a golden mantle, barely hiding the protruding lips of her swollen sex. Swallowing hard she opened the door and stepped out into the chill of the library.
“He's into this mother and daughter thing. I said I would talk to you. He wants us to do stuff to each other while he takes a video of us.”

“Trash your bra!”

Jo-Anne Wiley - May 17, 2015 | 49805 Views
“Ray, just throw this away for me, would you?” His eyes widened as she continued twisting buttons. She couldn’t look up but she could hear his breathing. She pulled the front of the blouse open; pushing it back from her shoulders, she let it drop to the floor, behind. She moved a step closer. “Please, Ray. Don’t say anything. Just throw this out for me.” Her hands went behind her back. The cups sprang forward and the cool air hardened her nipples. She slide the straps down and she bunched up the lace.

Lollipop for a good boy.

Jo-Anne Wiley - May 05, 2015 | 38807 Views
Tim saw her leaning in the doorway. She wore a lab-coat that hung to her knees but, thankfully, the buttons didn't go all the way down and when she re-crossed her legs, he got a glimpse of trim kneecaps. He wondered if she might be naked underneath and in a rare moment of benevolence, he forgave his girlfriend for forcing him to make the appointment.