

Is it just me, or does anyone else think no one is at the helm of Juicy? The latest stories are from March and I think Piper is quickly becoming the author of the decade, not the month. Hello Juicy? Anyone home? I've attempted to upload numerous stories, but they will not go through. Anyone else having this problem? And emails are also rejected. It's too bad. I liked Juicy when I first started submitting. Okay, the site is a little dated when compared to Lush, but Juicy was never afraid of being edgy with the content and an author could upload their own illustrations. That benefited the authors, Juicy, and the readers. So what has happened at Juicy? The Juicy Team don't seem to be talking. Anyone else have a theory? [email protected]
Living near the beach
Favorite Books
Good at Games, Tuscan Holiday
Favorite Movies
Haven't seen a really good movie since The Big Night
Favorite Music
Favorite Quote
"Where are your shoes?" -my mother
To be left alone