
My New Slave (part 4)

sparky   February 06, 2020   | 5655 Views
There was a small damp patch on her top as though she'd spilt her drink, she hadn't, her suit was begining to overflow cheating


Chapter Four


We spent a pleasant evening in the pub, she was really having a good time, we'd had an excellent meal, although I was only drinking soft drinks it didn't bother me, she was only drinking Lager, it didn't really get her drunk but what I knew it would do was make her need to piss, and I had no doubt that she must be pissing into her suit.

It was coming to the end of the evening and as we sat and chatted I happened to glance at her top and thought it looked a little damp below her chin, had she perhaps spilt her drink, I wasn't so sure.

She leant over to me and whispered, “master, I have a problem, I'm leaking, and I need the toilet”. I noticed that as she'd leant over to whisper to me, the small damp patch on her top had gotten a little bigger, my god her suit must be full. “OK, we'll finish our drinks and head home” I replied.

She nodded, “OK master, I understand, but I really do need to use the toilet, please may I go?” I obviously wasn't getting it, and looking back I should have understood what she meant, but I'd missed the point and what happened happened, and when I thought about it later I could have handled the situation differently.

I looked at her sitting there asking about the toilet, she seemed a little sad at this point and I couldn't understand why, it hadn't bothered her going in her suit all day, so why was it bothering her now!

“I'm sorry Jane, you know that's just not possible, think of what's going to happen when you try and get that suit off, no I'm very sorry, but you'll just have to keep it in until we get home”. She nodded, “that's OK master, I understand, I'll do my best I really will”.

I was just draining the last of my drink when I noticed a strange expression on her face, a mixture of fear, discomfort and concentration. “Jane, are you OK, you look as though something is wrong” I enquired, “master, I'm sorry, I'm really doing my best but I don't think I can hold on much longer, please may I go to the toilet”. I got up and so did she, I took hold of her hand and led her outside, we got to the car without incident although to be fair the car park was deserted, there was still a few cars, but their owners were obviously still in the pub, I unlocked the car and went to get in, she stood by the passenger door unmoving, “please master, it's going to get messy if I don't get to a toilet, I really can't hold on any longer” I began to get a little annoyed for some reason and looking around saw that we were still alone on the car park.

“right, take your top off”, she was about to say something but I cut her off, “look, you've been a good girl all day, don't start misbehaving now, the top, get it off”. She slowly removed her top and placed it on the roof of the car, “good, now the leggings, and be quick about it”, she slipped her boots off, took off the leggings and stepped back into the boots.

“good, now come here” I ordered, slowly and rather stiffly, she made her way around to my side of the car, every so often a little trickle of piss would escape from the tight collar of the suit and trickle down the front in the valley between her breasts. “right, are you sure you can't hold on until we get home?” I asked, she nodded, “positive master” she whimpered, “right get it over with then, do it now before you get into the car” I ordered. “but master it will make a mess honest” she pleaded, I don't care, it will only run onto the floor, so where's the problem, just get on with it” I told her, really getting annoyed now. “please” she begged, I cut her off, “just do it, and NOW! I said, raising my voice slightly, as I looked at her standing in the dimly lit car park a curious thing happened, a steady trickle of piss began to run out of the neck of the tight suit, then I heard a bubbling sound, I still hadn't twigged what was happening. She turned away from me, a sad look on her face, a sort of defeated look and as I admired her shapely rear and fantasized about what I was going to do to it later, a bulge began to appear, it got bigger and bigger before finally it stopped moving. She turned back to face me, “all done master, may I get in the car now please?” I nodded in silence, she opened the door, got in and gently sat down, I followed, still remaining silent, started the car and drove home.

Slowly, nervously she got out of the car, the bulge in the rear of her suit was flattened,but still noticeable! “Jane, what the hell have you done in your suit? “ I asked, “I told you I needed the toilet” she said quietly, “but you told me to so it, so I did and now my panties are ruined” suddenly the penny dropped, “so you've loaded your pants have you?” she nodded, “yes master,I'm sorry” she replied. “get in the house now” I barked, opening the front door.

She shot inside and stood nervously in the hall, “Jane, I'm really annoyed at you, all evening I've been sitting there imagining what I was going to do to you when I got you home and then you go and do THAT, in your pants!” she went to speak but I cut her off, “enough, get in the front room now”, she almost ran down the hall and into the room, “wait there until I get back” I ordered, I went into the hall, opened the door to the cupboard where I kept the coats and retrieved a thin riding crop, walking back into the front room I flicked it it made a swishing sound as it cut through the air.

“right, place your hands on the fireplace and push your bottom out” I ordered, she complied instantly and I laid six strokes of the crop across her pert bottom, not once did she cry out.

“now get over here” I said as I sat down on the couch and undid my trousers, she turned and stood in front of me, “on your knees now” I instructed, pulling my erect cock from my pants, she was on it in seconds, sucking away like a mad thing. I stroked her head gently as she pleasured me, “Jane, you really should have explained yourself better earlier on you know, I'm not a mind reader” I said softly, “ It's just that we'd had such a good day and I wanted to come back and have some real fun, but how can we when you go and do that in your panties?” she paused for a moment, “sorry master” she said, then she began that licking flicking thing she was so good at, seconds later she swallowed as yet again I fired my load down her throat.

I got up and put my cock back into my pants, “right, follow me” I said, helping her up from the floor before heading up the stairs, “ I pointed to the bathroom door, right, get cleaned up and join me in the bedroom, you'll find everything you need in the airing cupboard, oh, and there's a nice fluffy dressing gown hanging on the back of the door, I suggest you use it”.

I headed into the bedroom, closed the door and after getting undressed slipped into bed and drifted off into a deep sleep. I don't remember anything else until I was awakened by the now familiar feeling of a warm tongue gently licking the tip of my cock, and oddly enough, the smell of bacon and eggs! What the hell was going on?

I opened my eyes to see Jane wearing a white bikini and the long white boots lying on the bed sucking my cock, seeing my eyes open she stopped for a second and got up, she picked up the tray from off the bedside cabinet and placed it gently on the bed beside me. “ I was up early washing out my clothes from yesterday and I thought you might like breakfast in bed “ she said, then with a smile she laid back on the bed and began gently licking my cock once more. To be honest it was a little difficult concentrating on eating with what she was doing and I took a while longer than usual before emptying my load into that pretty mouth, she swallowed and smiled again, “thank you master, am I forgiven for last night? I nodded, yes, if you get in that situation again just tell me and you can deal with it”.

She got up off the bed and stood looking at me, “I was wondering, do we have to go out today master?” she asked, “not if you don't want to, didn't you enjoy yesterday?” I asked, feeling a little puzzled, “yes, or course” she replied, smiling, “it's just that I wanted to do some stuff around the house today, cleaning, cooking you a nice meal and stuff, and well” she paused and looked at me rather nervously adding, “ besides, I thought I could make it up to you for last night by us seeing just how messy we could get these nice white panties.

I smiled, placed my cup back on the tray and returned the tray to the top of the cabinet, “Well, if you're sure you'd rather spend the day doing housework in messy undies then that's OK by me” I said patting the bed beside me, “well, I guess you'd better come her and we'll make a start on getting those panties messy shall we”. She almost leapt onto the bed and snuggled up beside me, I slipped a hand down onto her crotch and felt the outside of her bikini bottoms, they were already a little damp, one thing was certain though, I'd make sure they were absolutely soaked by dinner time, and it wouldn't be with piss.


End Of Part Four

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