
Adjustment Struggles

thseacrest   April 21, 2017   | 44775 Views
"Allow me to refresh your memory this once. The rule states that when urges threaten to overwhelm, the afflicted shall report the condition to the mistress - that means me - and the situation shall then be addressed. The degree your lustful seepage stains your underthings makes no difference. As I said, when I scented the scent on your hands, I had to suspect that you took a matter into your own hands. This means you violated a rule. Did you violate a rule?" stepmom She met my defiant glare with a face I would come to know as belonging to an iron dominance. And though I trembled, I vowed I should not back down. Unfortunately my ability to keep a vow was not near as able in declaring one.

"Adulthood! Due to your last birthday. Well I shall inform you - I don't care that your last birthday ushered you into adulthood. I don't care that your blossoming bust causes the men of this estate to feel inspired to entertain thoughts that they know full well pose corruptive dangers."

I felt more than saw the change about her and the sensation in my belly told me I felt a truth as true as the skies in this land were chosen to wear the bluest of blues that any sky could wear.

"But as long as you shall occupy a bedroom in this place; as long as you shall sit at the dining table and help yourself to the cook's labors, you shall abide by the rules I say you shall abide by and which I am certain I have written and placed where you could not be ignorant and I assume you have sufficient literary strengths."

By the time her lecture came to the cook's labors, she had gravitated so she stood right behind me so I could release the weary vow that already failed; as a compromise to my pride, I decided the least I could do was to maintain the stance, keeping my chin up; staring stubbornly straight ahead. She shall not break me. Since I'd lately become an adult I was not much shorter than she; she shall not cause me to feel smaller.

"Or perhaps your memory retention is poor? Is it?"

This caught me off guard and my latest vow fell into immediate imbalance. I could not form a syllable, but only barely moved my lips. First I felt sure an eagle gripped my shoulder and before I could understand she held me this way to hold me in place, I saw a blazing red light of anger and shame that was not quite as vivid as the barehanded smack she gave my bottom. It burned me even more that she was not my elder by much more than a half decade. And she did not earn her high position but only lucked into an inheritance.

"Let's try again. Is your memory retention poor?"


She struck my bottom again, harder, gripping me firmer, without which I'd surely collapsed to the floor, or I'd run from her; she knew I might and that's why she left me with the only choices of standing on suddenly wobbly legs or crumpling at her feet.


Another spank, yet harder, hotter, a burning being kindled that made me feel the strangest ever in the fact that where I'd been wet I felt become wetter and the lips that had begun to return to normal, began to fatten again and began to create a distinct crease in my panties.

"Then pray tell me, why did you not remember that when questioned you are to always reply with truth? And why did you not answer me when I asked if the scent I scented from your hands was not clear evidence that you had lately committed a trespass? Oh don't you dare try to pull back!"

She'd taken my hands because they'd tried to protect my bottom; collected them together, tightly, for she was a fit lady. Part of the horror was that if I'd really wished, I could've slipped from her; but I submitted to her; and I hated that I did. Hated that she - another woman - caused my panties to become wetter than they were when I quickly pulled them up when I heard her approach my door. I absolutely could not exert power over the rash of chills that spread over me, down my arms, down my neck, when she spoke so her lips grazed the back of my ear.

"So can you quote to me the part that discusses taking certain matters of pleasure into your own hands?"

"No. I cannot quote it ex-oh! exactly! Oh it burns! Please! I'll not - ohhh!"

She'd applied a series of spanks and no matter how I stood or tried to position my stance, there was no escape from her steel clasp of my wrists. And what had been warm below lifted and flowed through my belly and invisible tendrils discovered my nipples and flicked them so they ached with desire.

"Allow me to refresh your memory this once. The rule states that when urges threaten to overwhelm, the afflicted shall report the condition to the mistress - that means me - and the situation shall then be addressed. The degree your lustful seepage stains your underthings makes no difference. As I said, when I scented the scent on your hands, I had to suspect that you took a matter into your own hands. This means you violated a rule. Did you violate a rule?"

"Yes! Yes I did!"

Suddenly all my vows were forced to surrender when I felt her hand on me again except this time it was not to spank but to creep her fingers inside my panties where she discovered my wetness and her tips swished over my thickened lips and my throat became filled with cotton and my vision hosted a pinkish chaos as the tips twirled in my opening and then two slid into me, slowly, smoothly, my pussy hungry for them. She fucked me for a mere maddening few strokes, and maintained her steady dominant gaze at the side of my face all the while; had she fucked me a mere few more times, I'd surely exploded all over her hand, and I already could not obey her when she said for me to hold still because I could not stop myself from rubbing my pussy she'd heated against her, as though to beg her to fuck me more and longer, by which wishes I did spend a shameless stream into her cupped palm.

"Until or unless you hear otherwise and it is from me that you hear it, my fingers and only my fingers - not yours - will touch you. Do you understand?"

My lips trembled so I could barely reply that I did.

"The hour for dining draws near. Otherwise I would surely spend more time with you - I did not expect you to be the rebellious thing. Did not. But hear me. After we have dined, and you have bathed, you shall come to my quarters. We will finish what we began. And by the time I am done, you will know exactly what is expected of you."

She sent me away and said I must not be a moment too tardy coming to the dining room. And as I rushed to my room, I swept my hand against my face and I could not cease crying. My sense of self began to return and the spell I'd just been in began to recede. Thankfully the tingle of pleasure between my legs also receded though the stings she stirred in my bottom persisted and for that I became angrier and beckoned the poor vows to come back and promised they were simply taken off-guard and it would not happen again. What right had she to decide whether or not I should rub myself? She had none! My body was mine and it did not matter where I happened to be. I must remind her of this. She would not rule me this way.

But I couldn't stay with this belief - she already ruled me. I couldn't touch myself. Instead I let the heat she stirred when she spanked me and the strength with which she showed me her dominance, to bring back the tingles that kept me wet. That's how I would go to the table. I would obey and wait for the mistress of this place to summon me to her room.
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