
As Pretty as Christine

jeni   November 13, 2020   | 13560 Views
She stopped at the door with an exclamation, oh! I go Yes Miss; she waited and looked steadily at me. Yes Miss Christine, her face softens in pleasure, excellent says she, please shave properly this time, scrunched my nose in enquiry, shaved when I got home this morning. She had no doubt I did, clearly a man effort, lacking in completeness and so long ago. Stubble around ones fanny was uncomfortable and she was gone. Luxury

Well done ‘sissy boy’. Now let’s find something to go with pretty red knickers. While she had a look for something, I should tidy up, the peach fuzz hair on forearms almost acceptable, only a shame about those legs my darling, use her Quattro bikini razor to remove it all.

                She stopped at the door with an exclamation, oh! I go Yes Miss; she waited and looked steadily at me. Yes Miss Christine, her face softens in pleasure, excellent says she, please shave properly this time, scrunched my nose in enquiry, shaved when I got home this morning. She had no doubt I did, clearly a man effort, lacking in completeness and so long ago. Stubble around ones fanny was uncomfortable and she was gone.

                Found the sensation of bare legs quite exciting, the touch electric, to actually feel things on the legs and not the hair growing from them. Her return to the room brought on adrenalin surge. Reluctance and anticipation competed for my attention. Had I shampooed she called through to me. No Miss, then please do so my love, she would need to fix my hair. With application and training, we could no doubt improve upon Maggie’s fabulous vision. Take her adventurous spirit on to a higher level of conscious. My excitement rose like the bubbles in a flute of champagne to even higher levels. Hurry up my darling she would help to dry my hair.

                I opened the door, forgot your knickers ‘sissy boy’ said Christine, or would I prefer my own. Denied ownership of any, including the two pairs secreted in my drawers, liberated from a clothes lines as a teenager. All well, we will have to use hers. Let’s get ourselves sorted said she, the touch of her elegant long fingers on my legs was sensational, felt so sensual, almost like magic.

                She had this pair of tights in her hands and cuts the legs off, now climb into these my love. Yes Miss Christine. Let’s get all this tucked up into the inguinal canal out of the way. She got me to pause and turn side-on, apparently I’d a fine lordotic curve for a man and we wouldn’t wish to spoil the line; pull the tights right up to the waist. Did a pretty good job in making everything genital disappear, quite happy with the look, nothing to see, a dark blue pencil skirt lay on her bed.

                We put, sorry I put the red knickers on, looked a bit funny with the rather fine gaff. Now be very careful with these ‘sissy boy’ they are brand new and cost a fortune if you ladder them all the time. A pair of Charnos body shaper 15 denier black tights. I pulled a muscle in my shoulder getting into the second leg of the tights. Hey, no hips to boast about, but everything neatly tucked away the line looked terrific.

                She sat me down at her dressing table and I watched her in the mirror drying and back combing my hair to give the volume. When she finished with the hair dryer the hair was all fluffed out down to my shoulders, so feminine, my heart skipped a beat, really me?

                Christine helped me into a familiar bra, often seen about the house drying. We’d one of those old fashioned pulley affairs in the kitchen, too big a bra for Maggie, not smart enough for Aesha so must be Catriona’s by default. Scrunched up soiled tights to act as padding for the bra and we set to work on creams and foundation to get rid of the shadow. Then she used eyeshadow from her Charlotte Tilbury palette to bring out my eyes. If only I’d the legs of the model for the Charnos tights.

                Much too excited to remember whose mascara we used. Remembered very clearly the bit where Christine plucked away masses of eyebrow insisting her ‘sissy boy’ make less fuss and bother. They will notice, and my point was? Fuss and bother just sit still my love. She leaned to admire the look, made me look even more handsome, leaned forward again and plucked even more. Very happy, in fact delighted, when at last she said, that will have to do for now, like I was going to do that pain again.

                A dark red lip liner, just outside the line of the lips, make them look larger, she leaned back to look at her work, hand to her throat the way women do when considering things. Minor adjustment for balance and now ‘we’ chose a colour for the lipstick. Forget the name MAC used for the shade, but bright red met with approval from Miss Christine.

                The kiss me bow top in candy pink definitely belonged to Catriona although I couldn’t recall her wearing the blue skirt with it. The skirt was so tight I was frightened of breathing, scared I might destroy them. Then where would we be. I lacked the hips to do justice to the skirt. There is a pic of me in the outfit; or rather Christine has a pic of me in the outfit. Get the blouse online from chicwish ladies.

                Shoes were a problem, all too small, finally squeezed my feet into a pair of Christine’s straight heel black sandals. I know what a clash of colour, dark blue shoes or a sort of pinkish pair would have been so much better. What to wear moment in my first proper day as a chick.

                The finishing touch was on the hair. Four interlocking hairpins to pin the bangs back from my face. Startling feminine, the hair all pinned back like that, totally loved the look only hated to admit it. Like the ownership of two pairs of panties, lied again with a looked ok. Just Ok my love, far from it, totally gorgeous, great looking chick. Walk about a bit. Not the happiest, let’s get this walk sorted she implored. Let the hips fall and bring the leg straight forward, much better. Place each foot directly in front of the other. I wobbled lots, and again back to me, took me nearly an hour to achieve a walk sufficiently good to meet with her approval. Feet were already killing from nothing like what one might call a heel.

                Afternoon already and Christine was famished, we could go out for something. Not quite ready for the outside world I suggested making something up. What a lovely idea my love, did I have anything in mind to tempt her with. Chicken pasta with herbs would be easiest? Splendid says she and I clip and she pads down stairs to the kitchen.

                A bit self-conscious about someone spying me through windows Christine tells me not to worry, they would only see two chicks. One of whom looks ‘really’ gorgeous and she snuggled up to me and gave me a hug of encouragement. Stunning in fact, just a mo, and she goes to the drawer and pulls out a smock, we don’t wish to trash Catriona’s clothes straight away and she smiled. She took even more pics as I rustled up lunch.

                She’d plenty of advice on the voice as well, talk from the top of the throat, and stress the vowels more, like this and she did a, yes Miss Christine. I repeated yes Miss Christine. Make my enunciation clearer, a bit slower would help, so relax take a deep breath, and this beautiful yes Miss Christine came out. Perfect says she, you’ve done this before. Another tiny white lie, no Miss Christine, in public unsaid. ‘Liar’ she goes.

                Christine produced a bottle of white for the meal, a small glass was enough for me, and some of us were between nights. Lightheaded with joy transformed to slightly tipsy or was walking in heels always this difficult. Didn’t take too long to realise the reality of heels, so easy to fall off them and difficult as well as a painful. Very pleased to be able to sit down and eat and admire lipstick on ‘my’ glass again. Nylon clad legs crossed at the knee, pencil skirts made sitting properly so natural straight from the start.

                Half past three when we finished eating and Miss Christine started me on the cleaning up. Might as well include the girls’ dishes from the morning and I shouldn't forget to get all the lipstick off both glasses. She put the rest of the wine away in the fridge. Come and see her in the lounge when I was finished. Yes Miss Christine, slow and so well enunciated. Now way she really knows how # rewarding her positive stroking ‘good girl’ was.

                Through in the lounge her feet underneath her on the settee and she invited me to sit down with her. I’d made the meals before but she never gushed as she did then. Beautiful meal and she cuddled me, what a lovely day and reaches down to remove the sandals. Heaven arrived already and she gets me to tuck my feet under my derrière.

                Long fingers gently touch and stroke the lovely skirt and blouse, Catriona’s blouse so lovely, did I like the colour? Yes Miss Christine. Her skirt suited me so well, and she inclined her head to the side slightly in admiration seemed like, did I know just how pretty I was. Next time we’ll go shopping for a decent pair of heels. Despite the undoubted attraction of  ‘decent’ heels and a next time, sharing deepest held secret desires with the rest of the world was not at the top of my to do list. Think that might be rather fanciful, rather pleased to get them off actually. Aren’t we all says she.

                So you’ve not enjoyed our day together she asked? Well, yes and no. A nice adventure, a little dream fulfilled; only I'm very happy to leave it there. I’m sure Catriona would be mortified to see me wearing her clothes, still worried she would discover my secret life through the fact the skirt was so tight on me. Thought the button would pop anytime, could zips hold up to this sort of pressure. I do so love living here with you guys. Maggie would be fine with all of this, but it only took one to throw a fit.

                She brushed some hair away from my eyes, her lovely blue eyes with a sort of gold warm eyeshadow, so beautiful. Really loved her, only afraid to tell her so. I loved wearing her knickers, too kinky by half. She promised to look after me.

                Even a return to Steph would be fine. Everybody fell over each other to use the name because of that silly woman after her hip fracture operation, still not in game when she used Steph instead of Steve. Not an issue until she told the oncoming Bridgette the girl before her was much nicer. Not one to miss an opportunity she soon called me Steph knowingly and the name stuck. And now this lot seemed intent of taking the name to new levels of embarrassment for me.

                Not too sure how I’m going to explain my new hairstyle, not that I wish to. I pressed her on the promise, nobody else needed to know. Did I my love she queried? I nodded. Oh dear, did I not wish to meet the girls in my new outfit? Like Catriona will be over the moon I retorted. Wearing her clothes, never mind not asking to, was not the best for a harmonious atmosphere.

                Chris was sure Catriona would have no issues, while I remained unsure. Ah well, Chris conceded her pledge, we shall have to be persuasive and reach an accord meantime on our little secret. Her fingers gently played with an ear lobe, pierced would be so nice.

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