
Sarah Night of 6 Cocks

eroticwilly   May 09, 2020   | 19191 Views
When me and Sarah finally got married and brought our first home, the feeling of having your own space and what you could do and eat was like for everyone in the same position the… stepmom When me and Sarah finally got married and brought our first home, the feeling of having your own space and what you could do and eat was like for everyone in the same position the most wonderful feeling.
After around 6 months we became very friendly with the man who lived next door unfortunately not long after we moved in his wife passed away and he was left with his 19 year old son and 16 year old daughter. One particular day Roger called around to ask if we could keep an eye out on his son (Robert) as he was taking his daughter away for the week and Robert did not want to go with them, he said could he eat his meals with us and that he'd leave some money for food etc, of course we will.
That Sunday Roger and his Daughter left for their holiday and Robert called around to have his meal, after arriving I was watching a football match and he asked he could stay and watch the remainder of the game. My wife Sarah was going to church as she did every sunday with her father, she went upstairs to get changed and after about 30 minutes or more she came back down wearing her open blouse and black stockings and suspenders on, as she left her make up bag down stairs, I looked at Robert who's eye's were now on storks staring at Sarah beautiful body, Sarah said you don't mind Robert do you I bet you've seen plenty of girls like this being a good looking young man, he just nodded.
She finally got dressed and went to church, upon her return Robert was still here he stayed for a further 10 minutes and then said he had to go home as he was up early for work the next day, but before leaving he said he was having some friends around tomorrow and that he wouldn't play music loud or be annoying, but Sarah asked what about your dinner, he said he'd grab something but Sarah being Sarah said just bring your friends around and we'll have dinner together.
The next day I arrived home a little later than normal and I could see all these pairs of shoes in the hall way, I moved closer to the door and could hear laughing, I opened the door and I could see Sarah in the kitchen preparing the dinner and on the sofa and floor was Robert and 4 of his male friends, they all said hello and introduced themselves. I went into the kitchen to kiss Sarah and say hi before heading up to get changed, later in the evening after watching a film I started to feel tired so I said I was going to bed, Robert said we'd better be going now but I said no stay and watch the rest of this film, and I'll see you tomorrow.
Sarah followed me upstairs talked to me while I was getting ready for bed and then went over to her dressing table and squirted some perfume, it was at this point the lamp shone onto Sarah's body and I could see her black stocking and suspenders through her beige tight denum skirt, I said how long will you be, and Sarah said shoudln't be that long and kissed me and closed the door and went back down stairs.
I had a one way intercom down stairs and immediately switched it on I could here the tv on and Sarah asking if anyone wanted a drink, to which one of the lads replied we'd rather see your sexy arse and legs, I could then here Robert shout at his friend to be quiet but Sarah said why what has he been saying, to here the lad say only what he saw yesterday.
Anyway she poured some drinks and I didn't here anything else for about half an hour before I heard the film credits start, Robert then said we'd better start going, of which I heard Sarah say, before you go can you just help me replace the buld in the ceiling fitting, so I heard the ladders open and Sarah climing up them, the next thing I heard was Sarah saying hold me as the ladders feel wobbly, a few seconds later I heard one of the lads say are you wearing stockings as I can feel them, to Sarah's reply yes why would you like to see them, the next sound was of 5 lads all saying wow and corr, the next sound I heard was Sarah saying who's first and then the sound of the sofa bed being pulled into place, at this point I came down stairs opened the door to find Sarah laid on the bed with a cock in each hand and Robert playing with her pussy and 2 lad just wanking away, she looked at me and said are you joining in or what, 3 whole hours passed and Sarah was spit roatsed numerous times and spunked on 6 times her who body was red from were groping and pressing had taken place she absolutely loved it and wouldn't shut up about in over the next week or two.
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