
What the Cuck: Trishna's treat.

Jambo   December 06, 2021   | 11253 Views
Trishna was really excited and was recalling our threesome with Kelly, saying she wants to have another one but wants to try other things like a having black woman, or 2 men as these were fantasies of hers and she wanted me to be a part of it.  banner2

I’m not going to lie, I was pissed off. The way I felt Kelly could fuck off and so could Gary. Me and Trishna spoke throughout the night, she was of the thinking that Kelly was a bitch and Gary just listens to her, I didn't care for their dynamic as far as I was concerned they are both adults with free will.

Trishna wanted to have words with Kelly but I told her not to, she has a good thing with Kelly and I wouldn't want her to ruin it. Trishna understood what I meant but she shared my view which I thought was sweet. It got quite late so we retiredfor the night knowing we will see one another the following day.

The next morning I had another distracted journey to work, my emails were all read and I had niggling feeling in the back of my mind... Let me look at this video again I thought. After the point where I had stopped watching there was nothing significant, she had told him about the state of his office and what I had done to her, with a load of insults about his inability to satisfy her etc, it was pretty sad really.

I walked into the office expecting to be the first in and there was Trishna, wearing a blue dress with white pinstripes, it was professional looking with a mesh cleavage and it was fitted around the waist but straight cut from her hips down to her knees where it stopped, she wore long socks and court shoes, innocent looking indeed. I told her she looked nice like butter wouldn't melt, then she lifted up her dress, flashing me her underwear and playfully running into the kitchen.

Just as she would have expected I followed her in, then she asked me how long it would be until anyone else is here and I told her about 15-20 mins, she smiled at me and lifted her dress again this time pulling her panties to one side and says,

"I've always wanted to be fucked in a kitchen.” She said.

I rushed forward hooking my left arm under her leg and my right arm holding her waist lifting her onto the counter, I saw her bite her lip as I lowered my head to give her tight little pussy a lick. I longed for it even more than she knew, I really do enjoy orally pleasuring a woman for a multitude of reasons, the taste, the texture, the aroma, the sound of her approving moans and groans, the rhythmic twists and contortions of her body. It's like an aphrodisiac to me so even though I knew time was against me I pulled her panties to one side and licked her brown lips open to get at her pinkness below.

I heard her groan as she arched her back and tilted her hips giving me more access to her most sensitive parts, I circled her clit then sucked it into my lips stroking it with my tongue and returning to start again getting more intense with each repetition.

"Oh fuck", she said "Quick, I need you inside me" she demanded.

I savoured the taste of her delicacy as she scooted off the kitchen counter and bent over with her dress pulled up and her knickers between her fingers as she held herself open in preparation for me to enter. I had my belt undone and pulled my trousers and boxer shorts down to my thighs, I took my erect cock and began to tease her pussy with it, sliding it with her juices all the way to her clit and back, teasing my tip against her opening, only to slide it back up to her clit again. She moaned,

"Stop playing with me, I awwfaaaaaawk....".

I was waiting for her to say something and pushed my cock through her tight wet hole plunging my cock half way into her, her body stiffened and her stomach dropped down lower as I did it. I edged myself deeper and she stood tip-toed in front of me, one hand was now on the counter and the other still holding her knickers half way up her arse cheek, I hooked my thumb under it and anchored it as I held onto her hip, with my other hand I grabbed hold of her breast and squeezed.

"Fuck yes" She squealed, "Faster" she beckoned.

And as I complied with her wishes she kept on repeating for me not to stop.

Her pitch was getting higher with each demand, I knew what she wanted, a repeat of yesterday when I jackhammered her in the meeting room. I knew time was short so I thought fuck it, I went at it again thrusting my hips into her ass cheeks hard, fast,  and deeply, pulling her hips back with every push until I felt her pussy contract around my shaft and her words transformed into inaudible jibberish and her body turned to jelly.

Her contractions triggered me also but she got so wet and tight it was like she had pushed me out, I grabbed my cock to put it back in but she was quivering and everytime I put it in, she jolted away from me. This was when I realised that she was still making some odd sounds and had made a puddle all over the floor and on my trousers and my underwear.

Figuring I'll have to deal with that later, I stood over her cute bare light brown arse cheeks and pressed my cock between them wanking furiously until I bursted my load all over it. Finally I heard her say,

"Oh fuck, that was good." She said.

Knowing we had a lot to tidy I reached for some hand towels and handed her some so we wiped ourselves up and tried to get decent, my boxers were saturated and my trousers patchy, she was lucky to be wearing a dress I pulled up my now soiled underwear and trousers and rushed uncomfortably to the restroom.

After drying my boxers with the hand dryer I re-emerged and went back to the kitchen where I could see Trishna had mopped up the mess and was finishing up making us tea and coffee. We heard the door open and started talking some miscellaneous nonsense while walking out and back to my desk, the person we had heard enter hadn't identified themselves or even stepped into the main walkway so it could only be one person, Gary.

His light was on, he stepped just into view looked at us and closed his door, his office was in the same mess I'd left it in the evening before with Kelly, paperwork was strewn all over the floor, stationery scattered across the room, the phone was left off the hook... I could imagine the desk with sticky watermarks and residue from our bodily fluids. One by one the blinds closed and not a sound could be heard from within.

Me and Trishna sat down and started to work not sure of what was going on in there, I was glad that he had to come into that scene, but there was a strange eerie feel at the same time. Only once the office began filling up with other colleagues did it feel like some form of normality had returned, finally about an hour later the blinds reopened and Gary came out and offered the office a round of tea's. He seemed in good spirits and even complimented Trishna on her dress, the rest of the day flew by although he avoided any direct conversation or eye contact with me.

Thursday was a non-event, me and Trishna flirting as usual but no sneaky sex as the whole place seemed to be buzzing with people everywhere and some frosty tension between myself and Gary but nothing to write home about.

Then came Friday, I knew Kelly would be in at some stage but when I walked in Gary was stood by the door looking in towards his office, I walked in and passed him glancing into his office, and as I did I saw Kelly sat on his chair with her face in between Trishna's legs who was sitting on his desk, she turned to me and cracked a smile and then closed her eyes and licked her lips.

I didn't stop, I put my bag down and went to the kitchen to make myself and Trishna a tea and a coffee and returned to my desk. Kelly called out my name as I began logging into my laptop, I looked at her through the glass wall of Gary’s office and she beckoned me in, I raised my palm and smirked at her shaking my head then turned back to face my screen.

Moments later she was stood beside my desk with her hands on her hips asking,

"Why aren't you coming in? We haven't got a lot of time, and I want you to come and fuck us!"  Said Kelly demandingly.

I told her "Trishna is very capable of taking care of you, I have work to do but if Trishna needs me later she knows where to find me." Once again turning away from her.

She gave me a disgusted look and stormed back to Gary's office pulling him in with her, Trishna came out as Gary's door closed and she cane and sat next to me, she was shaking her head and belly laughing.

"Ooh tea, thanks" she began, "Kelly is sooo pissed off, and it's going to be Gary's fault, she is such a bitch but at least I got mine!" she said.

"Imagine how pissed she would be if we snuck off now...", she continued.

I laughed! "You are trouble" I told her, "She would probably kick open every door to find us, vagina ready!" I said as we both laughed at our situation.

We chuckled together for a bit and then Trishna opened up a little,

"It's weird that I'm so much more comfortable doing things with you, I've been creeping around with Kelly for much longer but it feels weird now especially this morning with Gary watching, this is fucking weird." Trishna said now being a bit more serious.

We started hearing Kelly raise her voice to Gary so we stopped talking so we could hear better, it was the usual insulting behaviour I had come to expect from her. Finally I told Trishna what I really thought of Kelly and the story of when I brought the cement slabs over to their house for Gary and she understood why I had that view of her.

The office began filling up after that and we had to start behaving professionally and stop gossiping so we did.

Midway through the morning Gary called me into the office, I went in expecting some form of strong-arm tactic to get me to acquiesce to his will or to be propositioned by a compromise of some sort but it was much different to what I had expected. Gary told me that I had been put forward for an industry award being held in a fortnight and I had been shortlisted.

This came as a surprise as it's the first time being mentioned to me and the nominations would have been made ages ago, he told me I get a stay at a local hotel for the night of the conference and travel and food expenses are paid for by the business, the details were going to be emailed to me and then he thanked me and I left. Kelly snarled the whole way through and her mood was foul, the tension between myself, Gary and Kelly remained for the preceding fortnight until the morning of the conference.

The weeks flew by, I had asked for a double room at the hotel because Trishna was coming as my plus one. She was really excited and was recalling our threesome with Kelly, saying she wants to have another one but wants to try other things like a having black woman, or 2 men as these were fantasies of hers and she wanted me to be a part of it.

I knew some things, a friend had introduced me to a swinging website/app where I can find people by location, couples and singletons of all orientations and preferences, I signed us up as a couple in a bid to give Trishna what she wanted.

I drove to the hotel in Bristol with Trishna, we arranged to arrive at 12pm to get settled, have lunch and then prepare for the dinner reception, award ceremony and conference. We arrived about 10 minutes before Gary and Kelly did and waited for them in the foyer before checking in, when they arrived Gary seemed shaken and Kelly a bit annoyed. I put it down to the long drive and began the check-in process with Gary, as Trishna excitedly went over to Kelly it being her first hotel stay away without her family.

Me and Gary finished checking in and began taking the bags upstairs with the ladies chatting behind us, it was a black tie event and I knew Trishna had a stunning dress that she was excited to wear. I had new pair of suit trousers, and 2 tuxedo jackets to choose between depending on the type of crowd I saw. I told Gary that me and Trishna will put our stuff down and get lunch at a pub we passed around the corner, he said he needed a nap and a shotgun for Kelly, I gave him a knowing nod and we went to our separate rooms which were across the hall from one another.

Trishna was so excited she bounced on the bed saying,

"I sooo want you right now, if you don't get me any black pussy tonight I might even get some for myself!”

We hung our clothes up and put our toiletries away then headed out for lunch. We got to the pub and ordered food and a few drinks, as we sat at the table we took selfies to upload and began scrolling through the site looking for prospective couples to invite to our room later. Trishna was in her element we messaged about 15 black couples within a 10 mile radius from a variety of age groups. She wouldn't stop talking so much so I was glad when the food turned up.

We were mid-dinner when out of the corner of my eye I saw the familiar outline of Kelly and Gary entering the pub.

"Hi guys" I said as they slowly approached.

"We'll sit here with you guys" Kelly said sharply.

As she pulled out two chairs, Gary went to the bar and made their order, then returned to our table. Trishna seemed to immediately withdraw a bit, we made small talk but she didn't really seem to want to engage. I noticed my phone led flash... I had a message, a couple I deduced; I could see a notification pop-up and it was from the app, but I turned the phone face down inconspicuously to avoid anyone seeing it.

Kelly then asked bluntly

"So, are you two a thing now?" She enquired.

"We've become a lot closer and we enjoy each others company.” I replied.

Her's and Gary's drinks arrived but she seemed more interested in quizzing me than her drink,

"What does that mean? Are you an item or not?" She pressed.

"Not" I replied, "We are friends, colleagues and we like to spend time together doing fun things.” I told her.

"Well", she responded smugly

"You wouldn't mind if I borrow her for the night then, I've got an itch that needs attending to" She said as if this was now a foregone conclusion.

"Yes, I would mind, I invited her to be my company and I intend to keep my plus one and enjoy her company as I'm sure you are well aware of.” I responded bluntly, and with an assertive tone.

Gary tried to interject but Kelly snapped at him saying,

"I initiated this whole thing and now they want to leave me out because of you and your loser perversions, now you want to sit here and not say a word! Maybe I should be the whore of the party and fuck as many of these suited fuck toys as I can, and then I'll sit on your dumb face and show everyone how much of a wimp you are, I’ll even wave at them all as we leave while holding your arm shall I?" She spouted.

Then she slapped him on his arm, and he looked down into his glass, silenced by the vile venomous words barked by his wife as she snatched her drink from off the table and began to gulp it, leaving Gary to timidly reflect upon her words.

Trishna and I then hurriedly finished our food and drinks before excusing ourselves, we went back to our room leaving them behind as they begun eating their meal. As you would expect we ended up speaking about Kelly all the way home, Trishna was feeling guilty and sorry for Gary, I could see why but assured her that none of it was her fault and asked her if she wanted to enjoy herself or have some pity sex, she went with the obvious answer.

As soon as she got in we got talking to some of the people who had messaged us back, there was one couple there who really interested us, the woman's name was Deborah and the guys name was Wayne, she was in her late 20's, he was in his early 30's and it was their date night, from their pictures they both looked into their fitness as they were impressive. Her skin was dark chocolate brown, she was slim with nice hips and a small waist, and she has a full plump looking pair of breasts which filled out her sports bra impeccably.

Wayne was light skinned he looked mixed raced with a beard and a bald head, he definitely worked out and looked like gym buff, they were both sports coaches and personal trainers and wanted to meet prior for a social. I told them where we were staying and that we weren't familiar with the area along with my phone number so we could talk to arrange but following that message I heard nothing.

Trishna took a long shower and came out in just her towel, she had just washed her hair and was too hot to start straightening and styling it so she just lay there on the bed checking her phone, I took the initiative and got out some body oil and began to massage it into her skin. She lay there and a simple rubbing of oil turned into a full body massage, Trishna hummed as I glided my hands up and down her various muscle groups and by the time I had finished she was fast asleep.

I toyed with the idea of waking her up with her sexual intent but decided to cover her up and jump into the shower myself. When I got out of the shower I saw the light from the screen of my phone just go off, Trishna was still asleep to I assumed it was a message, and went to have a look but it was a missed call from an unfamiliar number so I took the phone back to the bathroom and called it back, it was Wayne.

"We got your message and thought that as we live nearby we would just pop in and have a drink at the bar here at the hotel, it’s really busy in here today, we're here now. " He said.

I told him that Trishna had just fallen asleep and I've just come out of the shower but I will wake her up if needed, Deborah said something to him in the background and he just replied,

"Don't worry about waking her, just come and have a drink with us, I'm sure she won't want to rush about because we turned up last minute." He said.

I agreed and said I will be down in 5 minutes and we ended the call, I flung on a t-shirt and jeans and made my way down to the bar, Trishna was out for the count.

I recognized them straight away from the pictures and they were no lie; they looked like a beautiful couple, he stood up to shake my hand, it was a firm shake as if he wanted to convey dominance but as he was around half an foot shorter than me I shook back confidently. Deborah had long black and blonde corn row braids, she wore a sporty pair of leggings and a cropped hooded top; she was stunning, she had these eyes which undressed me instantly, the pictures I'd seen had done her no justice, in the flesh she looked twice as amazing.

I sat with them and we spoke and drank for about half an hour, they asked me about my relationship with Trishna and I was open with them, they asked how we got into swinging and they loved the story. They were very intrigued by the Kelly and Gary dynamic, even moreso when I told them that they were here too, they even joked about inviting them too apparently Wayne loves to tease a cuck! They assured me that they will definitely be coming back later after they go out for their date night and some drinks, I told them the Conference Gala timings so we could coordinate and then we parted ways. After a relaxed man hug I finally got to wrap my arms around Deborah and her hot body, she left me with a lingering kiss on my cheek and a telling smile this was going to be a night not to forget...

I rushed back to my room and Trishna was still asleep but I was buzzing, I rushed back out and went to an off-licence I'd spotted nearby to get a bottle of Disoranno, Whiskey and a Southern Comfort which is what Wayne and Deborah were drinking with me and I got a couple bottles of Rosé wine for Trishna and rushed back so I could wake her up and tell her all about the social meeting.

I sat down on the bed and she stirred, I ran my hand over her calf and said,

"I've got something to tell you...", I teased.

"What" She muttered into the pillow beneath her head,  I replied,

"Guess who's coming to play tonight..." I said,

Trishna lifted her head and turned to me,

"I've got it all sorted, all you have to do is turn up or else I'll have some black pussy all to myself.” I said sarcastically.

She smiled,

"There's no way that's going to happen!" She replied.

She then got up to use the toilet. Trishna spent the rest of the afternoon perfecting her hair then makeup, now these things take time but by the end she looked stunning, her hair was down and with curls spiralling over her shoulders to the middle of her back, she had brought 2 dresses, a black one and a red one both figure hugging and full length, I loved them both but the red one was absolutely traffic stopping. It was halter neck and showed a small amount of cleavage, it traced the outline of her smooth waist, hips and pert deriere, it had a slant to the hemline and a split to her mid thigh, the material sparkled like it belonged on the red carpet, she wore strappy heels with diamante's to accent it and had a sprinkling of jewellery to finish the look, she was a picture of elegance and great genetics.

I changed into my suit with a white ruffled shirt, black bow tie and black and burgundy patterned dinner jacket with satin lapels, admittedly Trishna helped to select my outfit for me from the selection of garments I brought and the standard white shirt and blazer was not an option, we were going for sexy sophisticated and downright dapper. Before we knew it we'd finished our first bottle of rosé wine, taken a truck load of pictures and it was already time to go downstairs and meet the others.

I was getting my shoes on when a knock came at the door Trishna answered it and in strutted Kelly,

"Are you ready?" She said.

While scanning firstly Trishna, then me, then the room with her eyes clearly pausing on the bottles of drink we had lined up on the side table, Trishna looked taken back by the boldness of Kelly and was stuck for words for a second, I then stepped forward and told her

"We'll be right behind you.” I said.

And called Trishna over handing her glass to her to finish before we left, Kelly wandered out and shouted,

"We'll be at the end of the hall, hurry up I need another drink.” She said.

We drank up and left the room looking and feeling like a million pounds.

We walked to the lifts together, and I said to Gary and Kelly that they looked nice, Gary complimented us back and Kelly reluctantly complimented us also adding that we looked like we were expecting a red carpet. She did look nice in her all black evening gown, loads of cleavage and a pair of patent black heels you could tell she put in the effort, Gary looked smart in a classic dinner jacket, white shirt and bowtie, they clearly had been drinking way more than us because I could smell it on them, I reached out to Gary and shook his hand firmly and said,

"Let's have a good evening of it, no ill feelings okay?", I said.

I looked and nodded at Kelly she gave a half smile back and said,

"Say's the cat with all the cream.” As she turned towards the lift doors.

She then glanced over to Trishna, oozing with attitude and that's when the lift door opened and we all walked out.

We were lead to our table by an usher and sat with another 3 couples, Gary knew two of them and there was a young couple called Sarah and Gregg who we hit it off with, the drinks flowed, the food came and went, and we sat and applauded after each speaker, I was shortlisted for an award which I didn't win but was grateful for being considered.

It was a good atmosphere and all in all we had a good time, Kelly began shamelessly flirting with one of the guys Gary knew at the table, his wife didn't seem too amused by it one bit and they left the moment it all ended. Everyone else stood around schmoozing and finishing off the drinks while slowly migrating into the bar, we continued talking with Sarah and Gregg while descending into the bar and a familiar figure caught my eye, it was Wayne.

He and Deborah were sitting on a high table visible from the entrance of the bar, he wore a white shirt with a tan coloured suit, his shirt clung to his physique and his top buttons were undone, Deborah had her back to me but I could see her dress was tight fitting, thigh length and only covered one of her shoulders, it was black and shimmery and her hair was to one side and held together with a clip. I guided Trishna closer to me and walked straight towards them while still in mid conversation with the other two. Wayne looked up at just the right time and stood as I approached, we immediately greeted one another as if we were a pair of old friends and then began introducing Trishna, Sarah and Gregg and he did the same with Deborah. Gregg bought a round of drinks and said that he must leave to get the last train afterwards, we all spoke for a short while filling in Deborah and Wayne about our conference and some of the embarrassing table moments with Kelly and Gary, and just on queue guess who appeared... The couple of the hour Gary pretending not to notice his wife being off her face and Kelly staring at Trishna like a scolded child wanting her toy back.

One last glance at the time and Sarah and Gregg were off, I suggested we have drinks upstairs and Wayne and Deborah were receptive to the change of scenery, the bar had gotten a whole lot louder and busier than when we'd first walked in. Trishna and Deborah were very complimentary of each other and spoke with familiarity, Trishna told Deborah that the moment she saw Deborah's profile pictures online she knew that she wanted to meet her.

Deborah thought her frank innocence was hilarious and kept laughing as Trishna persistently reiterated how much she was enthralled by her, me and Wayne were laughing with each other also.

"Does she ever stop?" Wayne asked me,

"And last time at band camp..." I joked referencing American pie, which Wayne picked up instantly...

...and then we arrived by our room.

I poured some drinks and turned around to see Trishna wasting no time locking lips with the insatiably beautiful Deborah, I handed a glass to Wayne and the pair of us watched as these two stunning ladies embraced. I got a full view of Deborah at this point, she wore the hell out of that dress her breasts were looking full, they were holding her dress in place with her one exposed shoulder basking in the light the making a smooth, dark glow radiate from her. Her hips were powerful, curved muscular and lean, and with her dress being thigh length you could see the muscle tone in her legs and the tightness of her skin.

Trishna began to run her hand up Deborah's thigh and the action ensued, Deborah squeezed Trishna's breasts and pushed her back onto the bed, the kissing never stopped and the hands kept on exploring, I was transfixed as Deborah's hand disappeared under Trishna's dress and so was Wayne as I heard him begin to breathe heavily. Within a few seconds they were moaning softly into each other's mouths as they rubbed and fingered each others pussies, Trishna was the first to crack removing her hand and tasting the warm serum from between her fingers, she ummm'd loudly while still being played with herself and got up to turn and begin kissing Deborah's thighs.

Deborah mirrored her position and they were now both laying on their sides with one straight leg and one standing leg bent at the knee, after shimmying each others knickers off my pupils dilated, I felt like Deborah's clit had just pouted at me it was plump and proudly aroused, it was dark, glazed and completely hairless, the beautifully folded skin just begging to be consumed and then within a second Trishna was all over it.

Wayne must have been thinking the same thing as me because both of us began to undress, as we stood in our shorts I raised a glass to him and we knowingly touched glasses before taking a swig. I was about to walk over to the bed when Wayne stopped me producing a blue pill and breaking it in two, now I don't usually do that but damn, Deborah is so sexy and I wanted to make a good first impression so I took it, took another mouthful of drink then we walked over to the ladies. I stroked Trishna's hair and tongue kissed her as she turned to look at me, she immediately returned to Deborah's pussy and I started to stroke and kiss Deborah's raised leg, I kissed my way to her ankle and then unbuckled her shoe, kissing her feet and making my way back up her leg from her calf to her inner thigh biting gently as I got closer to her pussy.

I could see Wayne did not waste any time warming up as he was already face deep in Trishna and she was now on her back trying to pay Deborah attention but being rather distracted. I relieved her of her duties when my tongue circled Deborah's opening, allowing Trishna to lay back and enjoy Wayne's attentions as I began to work my tongue into Deborah's divine pussy and making her hips circle in synchronicity with my lips. I knew her clit longed to be sucked, I teased it with my tongue travelling all the way up to the fold beneath it, kissing it from below, moving around it with my lips touching but never focusing on it.

Her body was trying to navigate me to it but I resisted, kissing away from it before suddenly latching on and sucking her engorged clit into my mouth. Her body sunk onto the bedsheets as I began to stroke her clit with my tongue with varying intensity while my lips were wrapped around it. I hummed approvingly letting her know I was enjoying her shrine as she enjoyed my appreciative tongue tribute to her.

My hands wandered up her dress from her waistline and up towards her succulent breasts, they were firm and more than a handful. Her nipples were rock hard and I ran my fingers over them before pinching them softly, and then squeezing both of her breasts whole, as her body sunk into the mattress and she began to scratch the back of my head with her nails. I could hear Trishna and Wayne inches away from us, they sounded more hurried than we were but they were enjoying whatever they were doing, the slow but intense groans coming from Deborah seemed as if they were coming from deep within her diaphragm.

Her moans were like a melody to me so I tongued my way to a crescendo of absolute climax, I traced her beautiful smooth skin with my hands back to her hips and then back to her breasts while licking her erect clit with real vigour while maintaining my suction causing her body to tense up and jerk uncontrollably. Deborah momentarily squeezed my head with her thighs and then started going limp intermittently until she threw her hands down to her sides, thrashing her head from side to side while having a full on body shiver.

I removed my shorts while her spasms were passing over her and climbed on top of her, I lifted her dress over the top of her head and threw it onto one of the chairs where it fell in a crumpled heap, her bra was already loosened by Trishna and came off with it too so her beautiful smooth skin was now fully exposed. It glowed in the dim light, I kissed her plump breasts and licked her now visibly stimulated nipples. Her back arched and her body moved with nearly everything I was doing to her, her sensitivity was clearly heightened, kissing her collar bone, neck, ears; all had her squirming and running her hands and nails from my head to my arse, squeezing, scratching, stroking and pressing her nails into my skin.

Our foreheads met and I looked her dead in the eyes before she locked lips with me and I finally felt her warm plump cushioned lips against mine, I lay in between her legs with my cock now on top of her vagina as we kissed as if nobody else was in the room. Our tongues intertwined and our rhythm overspilled to the point that our bodies were now also moving in a similar fashion, I could feel the moisture of her pussy lubricating my cock as it glided against her slit and teased a few small spasms out of her. Suddenly Wayne and Trishna got loud and the bed began to rock as they started to fuck, Deborah turned me onto my side grinding her pussy against my cock and kissing me even more passionately than before. She then pushed me flat onto my back and spun around, grinding her pussy against my shaft and slowly crawled down so she was knelt above my face and her full lips began to kiss my balls, followed by my shaft, and then she grabbed my cock, cupped my balls and insulated the head of my circumcised manhood with her warm mouth, my hips followed along as she squeezed my balls and bobbed her head up and down my cock.

Looking up I could see Deborah's sweet moist pussy above me, I raised my head to kiss it once more and she jumped, it must have been still very sensitive from the licking I'd just given her. I caressed her beautiful arse cheeks with both of my hands and then parted her pussy lips with my thumbs and began to rub her along both sides of her clit, I could feel her opening getting more wet as I continued and then I cautiously licked her opening again for a taste. She was sucking my cock now with real gusto now and humming loudly so I took the initiative and began to thumb her clit more purposefully, moving my other thumb over to her anus as a barometer to see if she approved or not, then she hip tilted sharply sliding her asshole towards my mouth so I slipped my tongue into her...

"Ooooh FUCK!" She said aloud.

As she jolted initiating another climax, her body quivered and she groaned loudly and I pushed my tongue as far into her arsehole as I could. Her thighs buckled dropping her whole bodyweight on top of me and jerking to the wriggle of my tongue, I was more than ready to fuck now rolling her onto her side giving her a short respite while I put on a condom.

Trishna and Wayne were still going at it and he was grunting away while she moaned into a pillow, the live sex show just added to the atmosphere except for them being more animalistic while Deborah and I were both harvesting sensual energy which felt like was combining to create a chemical reaction of epic proportions.

I stood over where Deborah laid, she looked me directly in the eye and rolled onto her back, reached for my neck, bit her bottom lip as she pulled me closer and whispered into my ear,

“Make love to me.” Deborah’s words surprised me.

I turned back to face her she looked into my eyes again softly and tongue kissed me passionately, slowly and lovingly, I know I'd just met her that day but it felt more than physical, this was real lust, as much as I was lusting for her, she was seemingly lusting after me. Her man and Trishna was only a few inches away but didn't hear what was said between us, she reached down and guided my penis to her vagina and I slowly pushed it in.

Her pussy was so wet that the tip of my penis edged in with relative ease, but as I edged deeper and deeper her pussy felt tighter and tighter, her knees were raised towards her armpits and her hands were gripping and pressing into my back, shoulders and the back of my head. I built up a steady rhythm and held her tightly beneath me, my forearm under her neck anchoring her and pushing her down as I pressed my manhood deeper into her, I ran my fingers over her hair and pulled her head to each side while I kissed her neck, earlobes, chin and then those voluptuous lips. Her tongue explored my mouth as mine did hers, I looked over to Wayne and Trishna momentarily as it had all gone quiet over there, they were watching us like a pair of revellers in a movie auditorium. Deborah licked my neck and kissed it as I turned back to her, she reached down and squeezed my arse as I penetrated deeply inside her making her back arch and her shoulders press down into the duvet, she whimpered intensely

"Oh fuck... you feel soo fucking gooood... awwww." Deborah groaned.

I continued to grind her like we were dancing to a slow jam, and when I tried to speed it up she held me firmly and just said,

"sloooow." She said it with a soft voice

As she uttered that instruction she closed her eyes lifting her chin and sinking her head into the mattress.

I now knew what she wanted and how she wanted it so I pulled her towards the edge of the bed, stepping back onto the floor, standing upright taking in the sight of her stunning fully naked dark brown body which glistened with the light layer of perspiration on the surface of her skin. I glided my cock in and out of her tight lathered pussy and took hold of one of her legs and began kissing along her calf, she forced her head back and got louder

"Oh my God," she repeated with varying intensity.

She moved her leg across my chest to be closer to my mouth, I maintained my motion and kissed her from her ankle to her pedicured toes, my cock felt even stronger due to her approving tones and body pivots, after being thorough with one foot she raised the other leg for me and I held them both against my chest while I began to thrust my cock into her with more intensity, I continued at her pace but with her juices building up pressure, and my motion gathering more friction from her elevated leg position she yelled

"Oooooh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" She chanted.

What happened next took me by surprise as she then had a full on orgasmic seizure where her words turned into inaudible ramblings and her body stiffened and then shook violently.

My hands moved to her hips to hold her in place at first as I tried to keep going, but as each thrust seemed to directly correlated to more jerking and uncontrollable contorting I paused to let her come back to her senses. Trishna crawled over to her and held her face in a curious and concerned way, Wayne got up and poured another drink and began to swig it,

"Fucking hell man.” Said Wayne.

Then he approvingly raised his glass then swigged again, I moved slightly and Deborah shook again, Trishna told me to pull out so I did and Deborah curled herself into a foetal position, panting hard and being comforted by Trishna. I spooned her from behind and she melted backwards into my body, her skin felt hot and she was sensitive to touch, I then wrapped my arm around her and when it brushed against her breast she sunk into me more.

Trishna looked at me and said,

"Wow, that was fucking hot, I'll finish you off." She said excitedly.

Deborah who finally came back to her senses said,

"I need a drink." As she looked over at Wayne.

She then staggered to her feet and walked over to Wayne who was now sat in a chair, Trishna removed my condom and sat down on my cock and began to ride me slowly, the mood was different, strange even, the height of the sexual chemistry I was having with Deborah was all but gone and I was fucking with only a fraction of the intensity I had moments before.

I was distracted but didn't want to disappoint so I scooted down to the edge of the bed and lifted Trishna into the air giving her a good hard fuck just the way she likes it when she is feeling really horny which I knew she was due to her excitement level. We fucked for our audience and our bodies clapped together loudly as we carried on uninhibitedly, I turned and released her onto the bed, rolled her onto her side and continued to fuck her with hard deep pounding actions. I could feel myself building up to a finish so as it drew near I warned her, she begged me to cum inside her so few thrusts later I was spent, I held myself as deeply as I could get and emptied my semen into her eager pussy. Trishna tried to reach back and grab hold of my leg to grind against my cock while I came, but she started cumming too and then she lay and twitched on the spot before flopping her arms down, and breathing deeply against the bed where I flopped down to join her.

Wayne offered me a drink immediately joking,

"Fuck man, if we wear these two out too quickly we'll have to call your boss!" he said wittingly.

I chuckled and replied,

"They won't need inviting, Kelly would probably knock at the door at some point to try her luck." Half sarcastically.

Wayne responded,

"Let her come, I'll deal with her and her husband, he will need to see how I handle her!" Wayne’s response informed me that he really did want to fuck Kelly.

Trishna chimed in,

"Be careful what you wish for, she will eat you alive!” Trishna bantered.

Wayne laughed,

"We'll see." Wayne replied.

I raised my glass to him and he clinked his with mine and we drank.

Wayne went to the toilet and I asked Deborah if she was alright, she said she was fine but she had never came like that before and needed a bit of a time out, Trishna suggested that I give her a massage and she was receptive to that idea so I got her to lay down so I could get to work.

Wayne came out of the toilet and Trishna ordered him to give her a massage too, Wayne just went along with it although in all honesty he didn't know what he was doing, I revelled in the chance to rub oil all over Deborah's delicious body so they both lay down on their stomach with their heads facing the foot of the bed, I put the body oil within touching distance of myself and Wayne and began to massage and caress Deborah's body. I took my time and thoroughly massaged her, Wayne got bored of trying to mirror what I was doing in favour of getting his dick sucked, Trishna kept on giving him a quick suck and then telling him he will get more when he is done massaging her. I could tell that he was not used to having to work for it, it was quite funny to watch actually albeit not for him, then suddenly out of nowhere...

Bang, Bang Bang!

There was a knocking at the door, Wayne spun around excitedly and asked

"Is it your boss?" He asked.

I told him to open the door and see, knowing full well no hotel staff would come knocking at our door like that so it had to be Kelly, he disappeared butt nakedly down the narrow passage to the hotel room door and opened it...

"Oh my God!" I heard Kelly slur,

Followed by a shuffle and the sound of the door being closed, after a brief few words which was too low for me to hear, then it went silent again, followed by more shuffling, and then the unmistakable uck sound of somebody’s throat resisting its gag reflex, Wayne clearly hadn’t wasted any time with Kelly.

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