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I'd always fancied having a slave, a nice submissive one, finally I decided to do something about it.
Standing by the bar in the pub that night I was pleasantly surprised at the sight of the very attractive young lady who'd just walked through the door. She had shoulder-length light brown hair a pretty face with 'come to bed eyes' a mouth that just looked as though it was made for sucking cock, and a perfect figure, made all the more obvious by what she was wearing, a skin-tight black PVC catsuit!
She came up to the bar and stood next to me, "hi, my name's Jane, what's yours?" she said, "do you mean what's my name, or what am I drinking?" I replied, with a laugh, "your name, silly, but I'll get you a drink if you tell me" she replied, "oh, it's Phil, and I'm drinking bitter" I responded. she ordered a pint, and a Gin and lemonade paid for them and headed toward a table in a quiet corner, I followed, mesmerized at the sight of her shapely rear, encased in tight, shiny black PVC!
Over the next hour, we chatted about everything and nothing, twice more she went to the bar for drinks, I'd offered to get a round in, but she insisted on getting them, something I was definitely not used to.
After about an hour and a half, she seemed pretty relaxed with me and suddenly looked at me with a serious look on her face, "in all seriousness, can I ask you a question?" she asked, "you just have" I replied, giggling slightly, it had been one hell of a day at work and I'd felt very stressed yet for some reason this young lady had made me forget the day and finally I felt really relaxed.
"That, wasn't the question" she laughed, then added, "what I meant was, can I ask you a serious question, and get a serious answer?" I put on my best serious face before replying, "of course, what is it?" she took a sip of her drink and paused as if thinking, then replied, "well, it's not really one question, more sort of how you feel about something"
"ok, carry on," I said, wondering what it was that she so obviously wanted my opinion on. "well, I saw the way you looked at me when I walked in, that was the reason I came over to you, was it the way I'm dressed, or something else, and how do you see me, now we've got to know each other a little, do you see me as just someone who's bought you a couple of drinks and spent some time chatting, or as say, a, fuck toy, or maybe something more?"
I must admit, one of the first things I'd thought when I saw her was how good it would feel to have those luscious lips gently sucking my cock, but hearing her ask if I saw her as a 'fuck toy' or something else, was arousing, but also worrying, I might have been up for some fun, even a casual relationship, but what if her 'more' meant marriage, at the moment that was definitely not on my 'to do' list!
"well Jane, to be honest, I did think how nice it would be to have those gorgeous lips wrapped around my cock, since you asked, but what did you have in mind?" I replied. She looked me firmly in the eye and took hold of the zip on her catsuit, slowly she lowered it by a couple of inches, giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her small pert breasts! "you like those, don't you?" she asked, I took a sip of my beer and nodded, "good, well they're yours, if you want them" she whispered. What did she mean, mine if I wanted them, mine how, was she inviting me to take her home and shag her, or what?
I was pondering what she meant when she spoke again, " I saw the way you kept looking at my arse when I went to the bar, you like that too, don't you?" she went on, " in fact I bet you like everything about me, I bet you'd like to take me home and do all kinds to me, wouldn't you?" I nodded, "mmm, now there's an offer I'd find hard to turn down" I replied, smiling.
"then why turn it down, why not go for it, take me home, use me, abuse me, punish me, I'll be yours for as long as you want me". There was something about the words 'use me abuse me punish me' that intrigued me, add to that the 'I'll be yours for as long as you want me' and I was more than a little interested, to say the least!
Before I could say anything she got up from her seat, " I really need to use the loo, unless of course you don't want me to" she whispered, adding, "when I get back, if you're still here I'll assume you want to take me home, if you're not, well, I'll understand" and with that she waited for several seconds, then headed off towards the ladies toilets!
"aah, still here then" she smiled when she returned, I nodded, "certainly am, do you really want to come back to my place?" she nodded, of course, otherwise I wouldn't have asked", she replied, smiling. " in that case, just wait here, I need a pee, back in a minute" then "unless of course, you'd prefer me not to" I added, giggling.
"well, if it isn't far, perhaps you could wait" she whispered, I finished my drink and stood up, she stood and followed me out of the door, outside it was a typical late summer evening, dark, dry, and slightly warm.
We'd only walked about 30 yards from the pub, when, as we passed an entry, she pulled me into it, "how's the need to piss?" she asked, once again I was a little taken aback by the crudity of this attractive girl's language, it didn't seem right coming from such a pretty, innocent-looking young lady.
"Actually, I really should have gone before we left the pub, I'm getting quite desperate now, to be honest," I told her. she dropped to her knees and in seconds her hand was on the zip of my jeans, "allow me" she said, and in a few seconds she'd pulled down my zip and had my cock in her hand, "go on then, piss" she said, pointing the tip of my cock towards the open front of her suit!
"what, in there?" I asked, "yes, piss on my tits, let me feel it trickling down inside my suit, I want to feel in running down into my long sexy boots when I stand up" she urged. I relaxed a little and allowed my bladder to open, a hot forceful jet sprayed into the top of her suit, I could only imagine where it was going, she smiled as I finally finished, the last few drops landing on the front of her suit and forming little balls of wetness that ran downward, before disappearing into her long black sexy boots!
She leaned forward and began to lick the last drops off my cock, I felt it begin to stiffen but she pulled away, "do you want me to suck you off here, because if you want to dump your cum it's fine, I'll swallow, or you can spray it all over me, I don't mind walking home with your cum dripping off me, if that's what you want" she said, softly.
' bloody hell! what is this?' I thought to myself, I put my cock back in my jeans, zipped up, and helped her to her feet, "no, lets go home" I replied, taking her hand and leading her back to the road, it was only a short walk to my house, on the way we passed a takeaway and I asked her if she'd like something to eat, "if you want me to, then I will" she replied, I found the response a little strange, but went inside and ordered a couple of portions of fish and chips, meanwhile she stood waiting on the pavement outside, like some obedient little pet dog!
We arrived back at my house and I opened the front door and stepped inside, she stood on the doorstep, her tight, shiny black outfit glistening in the glow from the nearby streetlamp. "well, come in, don't stand outside" I told her, "sorry, I was waiting to be told to come in" she replied, stepping slowly into the hall. I switched on the lights and headed toward the lounge, once again she didn't move, "come in, I'll get some plates, there's drinks on the side, help yourself" I went into the kitchen, got a couple of plates and some cutlery and returned to the lounge, she'd placed a glass of beer on the small side table by my armchair, and stood by the door, as if waiting for something.
"didn't you get a drink?" I asked, "yes, it's waiting for you, I didn't get one for me because you didn't say what I could have" she replied, looking nervously at me. "please, help yourself to anything, anything you fancy" I said with a smile, she poured a small Gin and lemonade, "Is this ok, I've only taken a little" she said quietly, "yes, fine, and please, come and sit here" I said, patting the chair next to mine, slowly she approached and touched the soft black leather of the armchair, "you want me to sit here?" she asked, "well, if you want, or on the couch, whichever you prefer" I replied, "I'll sit where you told me" she said, sitting down ever so gently.
I handed her a plate of fish and chips, "all for me?" she said sounding surprised, "yes, all yours, eat as much or as little as you want" I replied, she sat quietly and in no time had emptied the plate. "thank you" she said, placing the plate on the table. I finished my meal in silence, put my plate on the table and spoke.
"tell me, what exactly are you looking for from me? " I asked, she thought for a moment, her eyes fixed on the floor as if considering her reply
"well, I want someone to own me" she replied, sounding a little nervous, "I had an owner, but he said I wasn't trying hard enough and made me leave, but I've learned, and I know how to please, and you can do anything you wish to me, after all, you'll be my owner, you WILL, be my owner, won't you?" there was more than a hint of pleading in her voice as once again her eyes looked down at the floor.
I thought hard before speaking, I suppose it's every man's dream to have someone to answer their every whim, to be at their beck and call 24/7, and someone who's obviously a good bit younger than them, and I'd go so far as to say stunningly beautiful, well, what's not to like? the thing is, the way she was speaking it made it sound like having a pet cat, or dog, and given that I had to spend time away from home, what would I do with her whilst I was away, after all, I could hardly take her with me, or could I? after all, this wasn't a cat or dog, this was a living breathing woman, and a very attractive one at that, I decided to ask some more questions, then reach a decision!
"Tell me, Jane, how old are you?" I asked she looked up slightly, as though trying to avoid eye contact, "I'm 21, just" she replied, softly. " I see, and how long were you with your previous 'owner'?" , somehow using the word 'owner' didn't seem right to me, I suppose it was something I'd have to get used to. "almost three years, we met the day I turned eighteen, and he dumped me just over a month ago" she answered.
"I see, and you are sure you want another owner, you don't want to live your own life?" I asked, she shook her head instantly, "no, I need an owner, someone to make use of me, in any way they see fit, in the bedroom, or the kitchen, or anywhere, I was well trained and can keep you happy in bed, and make sure you have a lovely home, as I said, I was well trained, well, on most things", a saddened look came over her face, and once more she gazed down at the carpet!
"Jane, why do you wear that catsuit, did you wear it just to attract a man tonight? " I asked, she looked up at me, with slightly sorrowful eyes, "no, I have to wear it, well I did, my previous owner made me wear it, it was because I had a few little 'accidents' so he said I had to wear the PVC, I only had two outfits, this and a pair of trousers, and he kept them when he threw me out"
"what do you mean, 'little accidents'? I asked, somewhat intrigued, she closed her eyes and spoke softly and slowly, "well, I wasn't house trained, sometimes he'd go out all day and I'd have a little accident and it annoyed him" she replied. "exactly what do you mean by 'accident', you'd burn the meal, or break an ornament or something?" she giggled slightly and seemed to cheer up, "no, a little accident, you know, leaving a puddle" she replied,"so he made me wear the PVC, that way I'd have to put up with it and it wouldn't make a mess on the floor".
Suddenly the penny dropped, "I see, and when was the last time you had one of these, little 'accidents'? " she blushed and replied quietly, "I'm having one now to be honest" I looked at her, sitting nervously in the black leather armchair, now knowing that, as we spoke, she was urinating in her clothes, I found it disturbing that a twenty-one-year-old woman would willingly do this, but at the same time, the thought excited me, I imagined a warm pool forming around her crotch, soaking her shapely bottom and eventually becoming cooler, and her sitting in a puddle of her own making until, eventually, when she got up, the lot would trickle down inside her suit and collect inside those long sexy black boots, god it made me hard just thinking about it!
"But why didn't you ask to use the toilet?" I asked, "well, you didn't say I could" she replied softly, "you said I could drink, and eat, but you didn't mention the toilet, and I held on as long as I could". "suddenly I remembered what had happened after leaving the pub, my god, she had the contents of my bladder inside the suit too, not just her own!"
I stood up and took hold of her hand, "stand up would you Jane" then added, "please". she rose slowly to her feet and I visualized all the warm urine making it's way down her shapely thighs inside that tight shiny black suit! "tell me, given what happened earlier, and what's just happened, those boots must be getting pretty full by know". she looked at me and shuffled her feet, "well, it's almost to the top of my boots" she replied, "is that wrong?". I looked deep into her eyes, "no, not at all, if that's what you have to do, then that's what you have to do" I led her out of the lounge, up the stairs and into the large wetroom I'd had installed earlier that year, "I'd like you to take those boots off please" she bent down and pulled off one of the long boots, she held it in her hand and using her free hand removed the other one, "now, tip them out please, lets see what's in them" I instructed, she slowly turned first one, then the other upside down, a good two pints flowed out of each boot, her feet must have been swimming! I took hold of the zip on her suit and began to lower it slowly, "I think you need to take this off too" I said softly, letting go of the zip, she took hold of it and slowly lowered it to her waist, for the first time that night I came face to face with her pert breasts, she pulled the suit from her arms and allowed it to fall to her waist, I gently took one of her breasts in my hand fondled it, running a thumb across the nipple, "mmh, very nice, so soft and perfect" I told her, she blushed and took hold of the waist of her suit, "they're a little small, only 34B, she replied, lowering the suit to her feet, then stepping out of it, naked except for a tiny pair of black panties.
I looked at her, she was indeed beautiful, "what about those wet panties, do you want to take them off too?" she looked at me, "what do you want, do you want them on or off?" I reached out and felt them, because they were so thin, they were only barely damp, "best keep them on for now, until we sort out something else for you to wear", she leaped forward and flung her arms around my neck "oh thank you, so you're going to keep me then" she squealed, kissing me firmly on the lips, suddenly she recoiled and froze, "sorry master, I shouldn't have done that without asking" she said looking worried, she bent over facing away away from me, the damp panties stretched taught across her shapely rear, " are you going to spank me" she asked. I ran my hand over the rear of the panties, and since she raised no objection I pushed my finger in slightly until I found her tight little anus, she squirmed slightly, "shall I take down my panties for you master" I shook my head, "no, leave them on, for now at least" I told her, running my hand down between her legs, I felt a small trickle of warm liquid as my hand brushed her pubic mound, "messed your panties again young lady" I commented, " yes, sorry, it's just nerves, I often did that before a punishment" she replied, I don't know which was worse, sitting in damp panties and boots all day, or the punishment" she replied, I never had problems holding a poo until morning when I was allowed to use the toilet, but I need a wee several times a day, so I was bound to have an accident, sometimes I was 'bound' until I had an accident, but I knew if that was going to happen, because he'd make me change into a pair of white spandex leggings, drink loads of water, then tie me up to the wall in the basement, he used to say that I always made the wetlook leggings look even wetter"
After rinsing her suit out and her boots, we hung them up to dry, we went downstairs to discuss the terms of me being her new 'owner', after all, I needed to understand what, if any her limitations were.

She came up to the bar and stood next to me, "hi, my name's Jane, what's yours?" she said, "do you mean what's my name, or what am I drinking?" I replied, with a laugh, "your name, silly, but I'll get you a drink if you tell me" she replied, "oh, it's Phil, and I'm drinking bitter" I responded. she ordered a pint, and a Gin and lemonade paid for them and headed toward a table in a quiet corner, I followed, mesmerized at the sight of her shapely rear, encased in tight, shiny black PVC!
Over the next hour, we chatted about everything and nothing, twice more she went to the bar for drinks, I'd offered to get a round in, but she insisted on getting them, something I was definitely not used to.
After about an hour and a half, she seemed pretty relaxed with me and suddenly looked at me with a serious look on her face, "in all seriousness, can I ask you a question?" she asked, "you just have" I replied, giggling slightly, it had been one hell of a day at work and I'd felt very stressed yet for some reason this young lady had made me forget the day and finally I felt really relaxed.
"That, wasn't the question" she laughed, then added, "what I meant was, can I ask you a serious question, and get a serious answer?" I put on my best serious face before replying, "of course, what is it?" she took a sip of her drink and paused as if thinking, then replied, "well, it's not really one question, more sort of how you feel about something"
"ok, carry on," I said, wondering what it was that she so obviously wanted my opinion on. "well, I saw the way you looked at me when I walked in, that was the reason I came over to you, was it the way I'm dressed, or something else, and how do you see me, now we've got to know each other a little, do you see me as just someone who's bought you a couple of drinks and spent some time chatting, or as say, a, fuck toy, or maybe something more?"
I must admit, one of the first things I'd thought when I saw her was how good it would feel to have those luscious lips gently sucking my cock, but hearing her ask if I saw her as a 'fuck toy' or something else, was arousing, but also worrying, I might have been up for some fun, even a casual relationship, but what if her 'more' meant marriage, at the moment that was definitely not on my 'to do' list!
"well Jane, to be honest, I did think how nice it would be to have those gorgeous lips wrapped around my cock, since you asked, but what did you have in mind?" I replied. She looked me firmly in the eye and took hold of the zip on her catsuit, slowly she lowered it by a couple of inches, giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her small pert breasts! "you like those, don't you?" she asked, I took a sip of my beer and nodded, "good, well they're yours, if you want them" she whispered. What did she mean, mine if I wanted them, mine how, was she inviting me to take her home and shag her, or what?
I was pondering what she meant when she spoke again, " I saw the way you kept looking at my arse when I went to the bar, you like that too, don't you?" she went on, " in fact I bet you like everything about me, I bet you'd like to take me home and do all kinds to me, wouldn't you?" I nodded, "mmm, now there's an offer I'd find hard to turn down" I replied, smiling.
"then why turn it down, why not go for it, take me home, use me, abuse me, punish me, I'll be yours for as long as you want me". There was something about the words 'use me abuse me punish me' that intrigued me, add to that the 'I'll be yours for as long as you want me' and I was more than a little interested, to say the least!
Before I could say anything she got up from her seat, " I really need to use the loo, unless of course you don't want me to" she whispered, adding, "when I get back, if you're still here I'll assume you want to take me home, if you're not, well, I'll understand" and with that she waited for several seconds, then headed off towards the ladies toilets!
"aah, still here then" she smiled when she returned, I nodded, "certainly am, do you really want to come back to my place?" she nodded, of course, otherwise I wouldn't have asked", she replied, smiling. " in that case, just wait here, I need a pee, back in a minute" then "unless of course, you'd prefer me not to" I added, giggling.
"well, if it isn't far, perhaps you could wait" she whispered, I finished my drink and stood up, she stood and followed me out of the door, outside it was a typical late summer evening, dark, dry, and slightly warm.
We'd only walked about 30 yards from the pub, when, as we passed an entry, she pulled me into it, "how's the need to piss?" she asked, once again I was a little taken aback by the crudity of this attractive girl's language, it didn't seem right coming from such a pretty, innocent-looking young lady.
"Actually, I really should have gone before we left the pub, I'm getting quite desperate now, to be honest," I told her. she dropped to her knees and in seconds her hand was on the zip of my jeans, "allow me" she said, and in a few seconds she'd pulled down my zip and had my cock in her hand, "go on then, piss" she said, pointing the tip of my cock towards the open front of her suit!
"what, in there?" I asked, "yes, piss on my tits, let me feel it trickling down inside my suit, I want to feel in running down into my long sexy boots when I stand up" she urged. I relaxed a little and allowed my bladder to open, a hot forceful jet sprayed into the top of her suit, I could only imagine where it was going, she smiled as I finally finished, the last few drops landing on the front of her suit and forming little balls of wetness that ran downward, before disappearing into her long black sexy boots!
She leaned forward and began to lick the last drops off my cock, I felt it begin to stiffen but she pulled away, "do you want me to suck you off here, because if you want to dump your cum it's fine, I'll swallow, or you can spray it all over me, I don't mind walking home with your cum dripping off me, if that's what you want" she said, softly.
' bloody hell! what is this?' I thought to myself, I put my cock back in my jeans, zipped up, and helped her to her feet, "no, lets go home" I replied, taking her hand and leading her back to the road, it was only a short walk to my house, on the way we passed a takeaway and I asked her if she'd like something to eat, "if you want me to, then I will" she replied, I found the response a little strange, but went inside and ordered a couple of portions of fish and chips, meanwhile she stood waiting on the pavement outside, like some obedient little pet dog!
We arrived back at my house and I opened the front door and stepped inside, she stood on the doorstep, her tight, shiny black outfit glistening in the glow from the nearby streetlamp. "well, come in, don't stand outside" I told her, "sorry, I was waiting to be told to come in" she replied, stepping slowly into the hall. I switched on the lights and headed toward the lounge, once again she didn't move, "come in, I'll get some plates, there's drinks on the side, help yourself" I went into the kitchen, got a couple of plates and some cutlery and returned to the lounge, she'd placed a glass of beer on the small side table by my armchair, and stood by the door, as if waiting for something.
"didn't you get a drink?" I asked, "yes, it's waiting for you, I didn't get one for me because you didn't say what I could have" she replied, looking nervously at me. "please, help yourself to anything, anything you fancy" I said with a smile, she poured a small Gin and lemonade, "Is this ok, I've only taken a little" she said quietly, "yes, fine, and please, come and sit here" I said, patting the chair next to mine, slowly she approached and touched the soft black leather of the armchair, "you want me to sit here?" she asked, "well, if you want, or on the couch, whichever you prefer" I replied, "I'll sit where you told me" she said, sitting down ever so gently.
I handed her a plate of fish and chips, "all for me?" she said sounding surprised, "yes, all yours, eat as much or as little as you want" I replied, she sat quietly and in no time had emptied the plate. "thank you" she said, placing the plate on the table. I finished my meal in silence, put my plate on the table and spoke.
"tell me, what exactly are you looking for from me? " I asked, she thought for a moment, her eyes fixed on the floor as if considering her reply
"well, I want someone to own me" she replied, sounding a little nervous, "I had an owner, but he said I wasn't trying hard enough and made me leave, but I've learned, and I know how to please, and you can do anything you wish to me, after all, you'll be my owner, you WILL, be my owner, won't you?" there was more than a hint of pleading in her voice as once again her eyes looked down at the floor.
I thought hard before speaking, I suppose it's every man's dream to have someone to answer their every whim, to be at their beck and call 24/7, and someone who's obviously a good bit younger than them, and I'd go so far as to say stunningly beautiful, well, what's not to like? the thing is, the way she was speaking it made it sound like having a pet cat, or dog, and given that I had to spend time away from home, what would I do with her whilst I was away, after all, I could hardly take her with me, or could I? after all, this wasn't a cat or dog, this was a living breathing woman, and a very attractive one at that, I decided to ask some more questions, then reach a decision!
"Tell me, Jane, how old are you?" I asked she looked up slightly, as though trying to avoid eye contact, "I'm 21, just" she replied, softly. " I see, and how long were you with your previous 'owner'?" , somehow using the word 'owner' didn't seem right to me, I suppose it was something I'd have to get used to. "almost three years, we met the day I turned eighteen, and he dumped me just over a month ago" she answered.
"I see, and you are sure you want another owner, you don't want to live your own life?" I asked, she shook her head instantly, "no, I need an owner, someone to make use of me, in any way they see fit, in the bedroom, or the kitchen, or anywhere, I was well trained and can keep you happy in bed, and make sure you have a lovely home, as I said, I was well trained, well, on most things", a saddened look came over her face, and once more she gazed down at the carpet!
"Jane, why do you wear that catsuit, did you wear it just to attract a man tonight? " I asked, she looked up at me, with slightly sorrowful eyes, "no, I have to wear it, well I did, my previous owner made me wear it, it was because I had a few little 'accidents' so he said I had to wear the PVC, I only had two outfits, this and a pair of trousers, and he kept them when he threw me out"
"what do you mean, 'little accidents'? I asked, somewhat intrigued, she closed her eyes and spoke softly and slowly, "well, I wasn't house trained, sometimes he'd go out all day and I'd have a little accident and it annoyed him" she replied. "exactly what do you mean by 'accident', you'd burn the meal, or break an ornament or something?" she giggled slightly and seemed to cheer up, "no, a little accident, you know, leaving a puddle" she replied,"so he made me wear the PVC, that way I'd have to put up with it and it wouldn't make a mess on the floor".
Suddenly the penny dropped, "I see, and when was the last time you had one of these, little 'accidents'? " she blushed and replied quietly, "I'm having one now to be honest" I looked at her, sitting nervously in the black leather armchair, now knowing that, as we spoke, she was urinating in her clothes, I found it disturbing that a twenty-one-year-old woman would willingly do this, but at the same time, the thought excited me, I imagined a warm pool forming around her crotch, soaking her shapely bottom and eventually becoming cooler, and her sitting in a puddle of her own making until, eventually, when she got up, the lot would trickle down inside her suit and collect inside those long sexy black boots, god it made me hard just thinking about it!
"But why didn't you ask to use the toilet?" I asked, "well, you didn't say I could" she replied softly, "you said I could drink, and eat, but you didn't mention the toilet, and I held on as long as I could". "suddenly I remembered what had happened after leaving the pub, my god, she had the contents of my bladder inside the suit too, not just her own!"
I stood up and took hold of her hand, "stand up would you Jane" then added, "please". she rose slowly to her feet and I visualized all the warm urine making it's way down her shapely thighs inside that tight shiny black suit! "tell me, given what happened earlier, and what's just happened, those boots must be getting pretty full by know". she looked at me and shuffled her feet, "well, it's almost to the top of my boots" she replied, "is that wrong?". I looked deep into her eyes, "no, not at all, if that's what you have to do, then that's what you have to do" I led her out of the lounge, up the stairs and into the large wetroom I'd had installed earlier that year, "I'd like you to take those boots off please" she bent down and pulled off one of the long boots, she held it in her hand and using her free hand removed the other one, "now, tip them out please, lets see what's in them" I instructed, she slowly turned first one, then the other upside down, a good two pints flowed out of each boot, her feet must have been swimming! I took hold of the zip on her suit and began to lower it slowly, "I think you need to take this off too" I said softly, letting go of the zip, she took hold of it and slowly lowered it to her waist, for the first time that night I came face to face with her pert breasts, she pulled the suit from her arms and allowed it to fall to her waist, I gently took one of her breasts in my hand fondled it, running a thumb across the nipple, "mmh, very nice, so soft and perfect" I told her, she blushed and took hold of the waist of her suit, "they're a little small, only 34B, she replied, lowering the suit to her feet, then stepping out of it, naked except for a tiny pair of black panties.
I looked at her, she was indeed beautiful, "what about those wet panties, do you want to take them off too?" she looked at me, "what do you want, do you want them on or off?" I reached out and felt them, because they were so thin, they were only barely damp, "best keep them on for now, until we sort out something else for you to wear", she leaped forward and flung her arms around my neck "oh thank you, so you're going to keep me then" she squealed, kissing me firmly on the lips, suddenly she recoiled and froze, "sorry master, I shouldn't have done that without asking" she said looking worried, she bent over facing away away from me, the damp panties stretched taught across her shapely rear, " are you going to spank me" she asked. I ran my hand over the rear of the panties, and since she raised no objection I pushed my finger in slightly until I found her tight little anus, she squirmed slightly, "shall I take down my panties for you master" I shook my head, "no, leave them on, for now at least" I told her, running my hand down between her legs, I felt a small trickle of warm liquid as my hand brushed her pubic mound, "messed your panties again young lady" I commented, " yes, sorry, it's just nerves, I often did that before a punishment" she replied, I don't know which was worse, sitting in damp panties and boots all day, or the punishment" she replied, I never had problems holding a poo until morning when I was allowed to use the toilet, but I need a wee several times a day, so I was bound to have an accident, sometimes I was 'bound' until I had an accident, but I knew if that was going to happen, because he'd make me change into a pair of white spandex leggings, drink loads of water, then tie me up to the wall in the basement, he used to say that I always made the wetlook leggings look even wetter"
After rinsing her suit out and her boots, we hung them up to dry, we went downstairs to discuss the terms of me being her new 'owner', after all, I needed to understand what, if any her limitations were.

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