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The majestic curves of an Ebony Goddess are used against her ...
Toni sighed as she finally collapsed in her recliner - it had been a very long day at the bank where she was a senior manager, and her home theatre provided much-needed chill-out time on a regular basis. Not even bothering to get changed, she simply unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped the long skirt of her corporate uniform to allow the refreshing air-conditioning to caress her ebony skin. It felt great to release her huge J-cup breasts from the mandated, but way too-tight blouse - the corporate sizings did not extend to such a magnificent bust as hers! Similarly, her luscious large bubble-butt appreciated no longer being forced into that seemingly shrink-wrapped skirt. Turning off the room's illumination remotely and selecting a comedy for some light relief, she soon drifted off to sleep laying back in the wide, comfortable chair.
Toni awoke, startled to feel both her wrists being pulled above her head! She struggled to free her arms, but felt them completely restrained by soft but strong bindings. She kicked - but her legs had already been restrained by similar bindings around her ankles. Just as she was about to scream - not that it would have helped her in the sound-proof home theatre - a male voice from behind her head spoke reassuringly.
"I will not hurt you. " Toni KNEW that voice! It was a lovely, deep voice, and it repeated more firmly, "I will NOT hurt you!"
"John! How the hell did you get in here? And what the FUCK are you doing?!" shouted Toni.
"Giving you want you need." came his simple response.
John worked for the same bank as Toni, but as he was on a different floor, she only ever saw him occasionally in the big shared lunch-room. A while ago she had caught him, out of the corner of her eye, surreptitiously checking out her huge tits. Although he looked away quickly as she turned towards him, she still decided to have some fun with the situation. Toni was definitely a naughty girl at heart, even though she couldn't overtly display it in her restrictive work-place, so she pulled up an empty chair opposite John and began to eat her lunch. As they got to talking, Toni studied John closely. Single, white, a few years younger than her, well tanned and obviously spent a lot of time working out, He'd probably be an ideal guy for her physically, but was just too damned nice which just didn't gel with the bad girl inside her. He was very pleasant, polite and softly-spoken - quite the opposite of her brashness. Beginning to tease him now, she watched with amusement his discomfort grow, almost imperceptibly, as she pushed her breasts towards him little by little, jiggling them seductively as she ate. By the time they had finished lunch, John rushed off carrying his tray vertically in front of his tented crotch! Over the next year, Toni had repeated this ever couple of weeks when their lunch schedules happened to match up, being more forward and teasing each time. Of course this left John repeatedly needing to escape from the table while trying to hide his raging erection and then spend the next hour "cooling down" back at his desk.
But John was certainly not so meek nor softly-spoken tonight, nor did he try do hide his desire. Instead, his strong hands roughly ripped Toni's already-open blouse and skirt off her, followed quickly by her black, lace bra and matching skimpy panties. She was now fully naked, arms & legs spread into a giant "X" as her ebony skin glowed in the light of the movie screen. Which certainly was NOT the comedy she had on previously! It was now an endless cycle of hard-porn scenes, with women cumming continuously and loudly in virtually every different way ... with toys, with cocks, with other women, with mouths, with their own fingers, with furniture ... you name it, they were enjoying the resultant orgasms LOUDLY, over and over again! Every so often the screen seemed to glitch for a fraction of a second and Toni's brain could almost make out the briefly-displayed image, but this was lost in the torrent of orgasmic delights that continued to overwhelm her senses.
John had thus far made no further effort to touch Toni, leaving her to take in the flood of hard-core scenes that were already having a very noticeable affect upon her. Toni shut her eyes to block out the raunchy images in an attempt to stop her pussy becoming even wetter than it already was. However, this just made the sounds of women cumming penetrate even further into her brain, and she soon found herself moaning softly in arousal as her own body betrayed itself. John was enjoying this, especially watching Toni's huge tits respond with her increasing arousal. Her overly-large, almost saucer-sized aureolas had begin to deeply pucker and her nipples had grown long and unbelievably thick! He was mesmerised by everything about these huge globes of her womanhood, watching them shake and quiver as Toni's body responded to the eroticism flooding her senses. It was only when he began to smell her musky arousal that he first touched her - albeit indirectly.
Still intermittently shutting her eyes, Toni jerked as she felt vibrations begin to course around her pussy. Previously au natural down below, John was now trimming her thick bush to leave just a thin "landing strip" above her pussy lips. The buzzing of the electric razor was causing her pelvis to buck against it with need, and every time John ran it over her outer lips she groaned lustfully. As soon as he was done trimming her, Toni's pussy received no further attention - much to her dismay due to the raging need John's activities had thus far invoked!
Now struggling with the confusion of her body's overwhelming desires conflicting with her own helplessness, Toni's will was further broken down as John deftly applied clamps around both her huge nipples. Toni moaned deeply - her breasts, and especially her nipples, had always been extremely sensitive - with the tight pressure on them now feeling incredible! She began to writhe, turning her on even more as the weights attached to the clamps twisted & tugged on her nipples, exciting them still further! Through fluttering eyelids she could see John was enjoying this, his eyes fixated on her swollen, rolling breasts! Eventually he reached towards her breasts, and deep inside Toni hoped to finally feel his warm touch on her needy flesh - but it was not to be. He simply flicked tiny push-button switches that were recessed into the hanging weights, and the resultant vibrations which coursed through both her nipples, through her heaving breasts and down into the core of her being, sent Toni to heaven! She absolutely adored her breasts being tantalised and could almost cum from this alone when done expertly!
John watched patiently in exquisite fascination and arousal as Toni's huge breasts heaved and bucked as the tugging, vibrating, squeezing clamps brought her gradually closer and closer to orgasm. By now, Toni was going wild; she had no idea how many hours she had been flooded with porn, teasingly pussy-shaved and then trapped with incredible, unending nipple stimulation, but it had left her pussy screaming for attention.
"Fuck me!" she demanded. No response from John. "FUCK me!!" she begged, "NOW!" Still nothing from John. "Fuck meeee ..." she pleaded, "Pleeeeease!" "PLEEEEEEASE !!!"
John could see very well the state Toni's curvaceous body was in. Her ebony skin glistened with the sweat of her erotic exertions; her tit-flesh had become so tight and firm that her massive J-cups now looked like twin beach-balls perched on top of her chest; her huge aureolas had become dark-purple in their deeply-puckered arousal; her nipples - those incredible nipples! - had swollen to half and inch across and an inch long thanks to their intense, endless torturing. Every part of her pussy was engorged and shaking with desperate need, even her clit poking out like a marble, all covered in dripping juices to lubricate the cock that had been denied her for so long. Toni's eyes were pleading with him as frantically as her repeated cries to be fucked, with the hours upon hours of raw sexual stimulation now focussing solely, almost painfully, on her craving cunt.
Through desperate eyes Toni saw John draw close, but she was heart-broken that he had not released his cock from his trousers to penetrate her. But her dismay lasted only for a second, as she finally felt something brush her pussy lips ... before it pushed inside. It was HUGE, and glancing down in surprise, Toni saw it was a bright purple, ribbed dildo at least 3 inches across! John continued to work it slowly into Toni's pussy, and as it pushed past her G-spot, she threw back her head and groaned gutturally ... she was sooo close to FINALLY cumming! Her pelvis thrust frantically upwards ... but instead of impaling itself deeply upon the massive instrument of impending release ...
"OW!!!!" squealed Toni, as John slapped her ass HARD with his hand while whipping out the dildo. "Noooo!!" she cried at the realisation that her oh-so-close orgasm had been ripped away from her. "OWWW!" she cried again as her ass began to grow red under a second hard slap from John.
Expecting a third slap, Toni instead moaned when the dildo returned to pummel her pussy! In and out John thrust it, driving it faster & deeper as Toni's sexually-overloaded body rapidly approached orgasm. Right on the cusp of cumming, Toni held back just marginally expecting a slap ... which didn't arrive! As she gave her body permission to finally release, it was denied yet AGAIN by the shock of a freezing ice cube pressed hard against her bulging clit!
"Oooohhh!" screamed Toni in disbelief, again denied her release. "Take it away! Let me cuuuuuuummmm!!!!"
The dildo did not return. Toni looked at John frantically, NEEDING him to give her sweet release. He wasn't even holding the dildo. Instead, after fiddling in his pocket briefly, he ran his finger up Toni's slit and over her clit just the once. She shuddered ... was that all? Looking desperately at John, Toni's pussy began to shake of its own accord as a strange heat spread through it. John had spread some type of warming gel, particularly over her clit which was now pulsating! Toni gasped, over and over again as the hot tingling set her clit, then whole pussy on fire! Shutting her eyes, the invading heat shot her rapidly towards orgasm, until with a huge lurch she bucked for final release ... only to have it shot down again as John smashed another freezing ice-cube against her clit, instantaneously putting out her raging pussy-fire.
"Nooooooo!" sobbed Toni, wondering if he would EVER let her cum as she needed so desperately ...
For the next hour, John repeated variations of this orgasm denial with Toni until she was completely lathered in sweat, her entire body shaking wildly in need, and she could barely breathe through her ragged cries of lust. Once again, John took her to the very edge with the pummelling of the massive dildo, withdrawing it at the very last moment ... but this time, replacing it with his tongue lashing again and again over her desperate clit! Toni's screams were earth-shattering as the hours upon hours of her ever-increasing sexual arousal were ultimately released, her cumming over and over again against John's mouth while her body thrashed wildly against the restraints. After orgasming continuously and wildly for 20 minutes, her body could take it no more - she passed out from exhaustion, sleeping deeply with dreams of incredible pleasure mixed with nightmares of it being unobtainable.
When Toni finally woke, she could see from the sunlight leaking through the open door of her home theatre that it was late afternoon. Though still naked, she was now unbound - and starving! An incredible aroma led her, still nude, into her kitchen where John had just completed plating up an amazing 3-course meal. These were not ingredients she had in her fridge - many were delicacies that John had clearly brought along and prepared himself.
"Well timed!" exclaimed John, as Toni sat down a little nervously at her dining table, which John had already set with her best plates and some new candles. John served Toni first, and hungry as she was, she dug in immediately. John's cooking was as excellent as it smelled! John sat opposite her, loving the sight of Toni in her nakedness enjoying his lovingly-prepared feast.
Finally when her belly was satisfied, Toni looked into John's eyes, smiled and asked simply, "Why?"
"For this." replied John, as he withdrew his iPhone from his pocket, tapped its screen, and slid it towards her.
Toni looked down at the full-screen image of a tiger. Something clicked in her brain and immediately her pussy started throbbing and her nipples grew turgid. Waves of lust began to course through her as she looked hungrily back at John, who pulled four bright-red silk bindings from his pocket ...

Toni awoke, startled to feel both her wrists being pulled above her head! She struggled to free her arms, but felt them completely restrained by soft but strong bindings. She kicked - but her legs had already been restrained by similar bindings around her ankles. Just as she was about to scream - not that it would have helped her in the sound-proof home theatre - a male voice from behind her head spoke reassuringly.
"I will not hurt you. " Toni KNEW that voice! It was a lovely, deep voice, and it repeated more firmly, "I will NOT hurt you!"
"John! How the hell did you get in here? And what the FUCK are you doing?!" shouted Toni.
"Giving you want you need." came his simple response.
John worked for the same bank as Toni, but as he was on a different floor, she only ever saw him occasionally in the big shared lunch-room. A while ago she had caught him, out of the corner of her eye, surreptitiously checking out her huge tits. Although he looked away quickly as she turned towards him, she still decided to have some fun with the situation. Toni was definitely a naughty girl at heart, even though she couldn't overtly display it in her restrictive work-place, so she pulled up an empty chair opposite John and began to eat her lunch. As they got to talking, Toni studied John closely. Single, white, a few years younger than her, well tanned and obviously spent a lot of time working out, He'd probably be an ideal guy for her physically, but was just too damned nice which just didn't gel with the bad girl inside her. He was very pleasant, polite and softly-spoken - quite the opposite of her brashness. Beginning to tease him now, she watched with amusement his discomfort grow, almost imperceptibly, as she pushed her breasts towards him little by little, jiggling them seductively as she ate. By the time they had finished lunch, John rushed off carrying his tray vertically in front of his tented crotch! Over the next year, Toni had repeated this ever couple of weeks when their lunch schedules happened to match up, being more forward and teasing each time. Of course this left John repeatedly needing to escape from the table while trying to hide his raging erection and then spend the next hour "cooling down" back at his desk.
But John was certainly not so meek nor softly-spoken tonight, nor did he try do hide his desire. Instead, his strong hands roughly ripped Toni's already-open blouse and skirt off her, followed quickly by her black, lace bra and matching skimpy panties. She was now fully naked, arms & legs spread into a giant "X" as her ebony skin glowed in the light of the movie screen. Which certainly was NOT the comedy she had on previously! It was now an endless cycle of hard-porn scenes, with women cumming continuously and loudly in virtually every different way ... with toys, with cocks, with other women, with mouths, with their own fingers, with furniture ... you name it, they were enjoying the resultant orgasms LOUDLY, over and over again! Every so often the screen seemed to glitch for a fraction of a second and Toni's brain could almost make out the briefly-displayed image, but this was lost in the torrent of orgasmic delights that continued to overwhelm her senses.
John had thus far made no further effort to touch Toni, leaving her to take in the flood of hard-core scenes that were already having a very noticeable affect upon her. Toni shut her eyes to block out the raunchy images in an attempt to stop her pussy becoming even wetter than it already was. However, this just made the sounds of women cumming penetrate even further into her brain, and she soon found herself moaning softly in arousal as her own body betrayed itself. John was enjoying this, especially watching Toni's huge tits respond with her increasing arousal. Her overly-large, almost saucer-sized aureolas had begin to deeply pucker and her nipples had grown long and unbelievably thick! He was mesmerised by everything about these huge globes of her womanhood, watching them shake and quiver as Toni's body responded to the eroticism flooding her senses. It was only when he began to smell her musky arousal that he first touched her - albeit indirectly.
Still intermittently shutting her eyes, Toni jerked as she felt vibrations begin to course around her pussy. Previously au natural down below, John was now trimming her thick bush to leave just a thin "landing strip" above her pussy lips. The buzzing of the electric razor was causing her pelvis to buck against it with need, and every time John ran it over her outer lips she groaned lustfully. As soon as he was done trimming her, Toni's pussy received no further attention - much to her dismay due to the raging need John's activities had thus far invoked!
Now struggling with the confusion of her body's overwhelming desires conflicting with her own helplessness, Toni's will was further broken down as John deftly applied clamps around both her huge nipples. Toni moaned deeply - her breasts, and especially her nipples, had always been extremely sensitive - with the tight pressure on them now feeling incredible! She began to writhe, turning her on even more as the weights attached to the clamps twisted & tugged on her nipples, exciting them still further! Through fluttering eyelids she could see John was enjoying this, his eyes fixated on her swollen, rolling breasts! Eventually he reached towards her breasts, and deep inside Toni hoped to finally feel his warm touch on her needy flesh - but it was not to be. He simply flicked tiny push-button switches that were recessed into the hanging weights, and the resultant vibrations which coursed through both her nipples, through her heaving breasts and down into the core of her being, sent Toni to heaven! She absolutely adored her breasts being tantalised and could almost cum from this alone when done expertly!
John watched patiently in exquisite fascination and arousal as Toni's huge breasts heaved and bucked as the tugging, vibrating, squeezing clamps brought her gradually closer and closer to orgasm. By now, Toni was going wild; she had no idea how many hours she had been flooded with porn, teasingly pussy-shaved and then trapped with incredible, unending nipple stimulation, but it had left her pussy screaming for attention.
"Fuck me!" she demanded. No response from John. "FUCK me!!" she begged, "NOW!" Still nothing from John. "Fuck meeee ..." she pleaded, "Pleeeeease!" "PLEEEEEEASE !!!"
John could see very well the state Toni's curvaceous body was in. Her ebony skin glistened with the sweat of her erotic exertions; her tit-flesh had become so tight and firm that her massive J-cups now looked like twin beach-balls perched on top of her chest; her huge aureolas had become dark-purple in their deeply-puckered arousal; her nipples - those incredible nipples! - had swollen to half and inch across and an inch long thanks to their intense, endless torturing. Every part of her pussy was engorged and shaking with desperate need, even her clit poking out like a marble, all covered in dripping juices to lubricate the cock that had been denied her for so long. Toni's eyes were pleading with him as frantically as her repeated cries to be fucked, with the hours upon hours of raw sexual stimulation now focussing solely, almost painfully, on her craving cunt.
Through desperate eyes Toni saw John draw close, but she was heart-broken that he had not released his cock from his trousers to penetrate her. But her dismay lasted only for a second, as she finally felt something brush her pussy lips ... before it pushed inside. It was HUGE, and glancing down in surprise, Toni saw it was a bright purple, ribbed dildo at least 3 inches across! John continued to work it slowly into Toni's pussy, and as it pushed past her G-spot, she threw back her head and groaned gutturally ... she was sooo close to FINALLY cumming! Her pelvis thrust frantically upwards ... but instead of impaling itself deeply upon the massive instrument of impending release ...
"OW!!!!" squealed Toni, as John slapped her ass HARD with his hand while whipping out the dildo. "Noooo!!" she cried at the realisation that her oh-so-close orgasm had been ripped away from her. "OWWW!" she cried again as her ass began to grow red under a second hard slap from John.
Expecting a third slap, Toni instead moaned when the dildo returned to pummel her pussy! In and out John thrust it, driving it faster & deeper as Toni's sexually-overloaded body rapidly approached orgasm. Right on the cusp of cumming, Toni held back just marginally expecting a slap ... which didn't arrive! As she gave her body permission to finally release, it was denied yet AGAIN by the shock of a freezing ice cube pressed hard against her bulging clit!
"Oooohhh!" screamed Toni in disbelief, again denied her release. "Take it away! Let me cuuuuuuummmm!!!!"
The dildo did not return. Toni looked at John frantically, NEEDING him to give her sweet release. He wasn't even holding the dildo. Instead, after fiddling in his pocket briefly, he ran his finger up Toni's slit and over her clit just the once. She shuddered ... was that all? Looking desperately at John, Toni's pussy began to shake of its own accord as a strange heat spread through it. John had spread some type of warming gel, particularly over her clit which was now pulsating! Toni gasped, over and over again as the hot tingling set her clit, then whole pussy on fire! Shutting her eyes, the invading heat shot her rapidly towards orgasm, until with a huge lurch she bucked for final release ... only to have it shot down again as John smashed another freezing ice-cube against her clit, instantaneously putting out her raging pussy-fire.
"Nooooooo!" sobbed Toni, wondering if he would EVER let her cum as she needed so desperately ...
For the next hour, John repeated variations of this orgasm denial with Toni until she was completely lathered in sweat, her entire body shaking wildly in need, and she could barely breathe through her ragged cries of lust. Once again, John took her to the very edge with the pummelling of the massive dildo, withdrawing it at the very last moment ... but this time, replacing it with his tongue lashing again and again over her desperate clit! Toni's screams were earth-shattering as the hours upon hours of her ever-increasing sexual arousal were ultimately released, her cumming over and over again against John's mouth while her body thrashed wildly against the restraints. After orgasming continuously and wildly for 20 minutes, her body could take it no more - she passed out from exhaustion, sleeping deeply with dreams of incredible pleasure mixed with nightmares of it being unobtainable.
When Toni finally woke, she could see from the sunlight leaking through the open door of her home theatre that it was late afternoon. Though still naked, she was now unbound - and starving! An incredible aroma led her, still nude, into her kitchen where John had just completed plating up an amazing 3-course meal. These were not ingredients she had in her fridge - many were delicacies that John had clearly brought along and prepared himself.
"Well timed!" exclaimed John, as Toni sat down a little nervously at her dining table, which John had already set with her best plates and some new candles. John served Toni first, and hungry as she was, she dug in immediately. John's cooking was as excellent as it smelled! John sat opposite her, loving the sight of Toni in her nakedness enjoying his lovingly-prepared feast.
Finally when her belly was satisfied, Toni looked into John's eyes, smiled and asked simply, "Why?"
"For this." replied John, as he withdrew his iPhone from his pocket, tapped its screen, and slid it towards her.
Toni looked down at the full-screen image of a tiger. Something clicked in her brain and immediately her pussy started throbbing and her nipples grew turgid. Waves of lust began to course through her as she looked hungrily back at John, who pulled four bright-red silk bindings from his pocket ...
This story remains (C) Breast Inspector. Unless titled as "Real Life", all stories and characters within are purely fictional.
I hope you enjoyed reading this! Feedback is very much appreciated :-)

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