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The air held an autumn chill even if summer was supposed to be the thing right then. Or was it simply nerves about this forthcoming meeting. What would she be wearing? She should have asked. Uncertain about her own outfit, had she really taken a day off work for a get-together with this woman? Not top of her wish list from the start. Anything to please her little Emily she supposed. She’d pestered for weeks for them to get in touch in the first place. The whole thing stemmed from the time she had come out and revealed she’d not only worn the light grey floral mini dress, but all of the dresses in her wardrobe. It had come as a shock. A bit of a shock really, she had never been particularly masculine, good looking of course and quite endearing really. She’d trusted him completely and now she discovered he coveted her underwear. In fact his secret collection of underwear outclassed hers. All bought as presents for her, so the story went; now this friend appeared.
He was no disappointment as a husband, handsome and charming, she still loved him and life with him was not dull as the recent episode showed. When one hears about all the male violence in the world she considered herself one of the lucky ones. However, it took her some time to come to grips with the news and several weeks went past before she let him raise the subject. Despite his assurance that nothing at all had changed in terms of his love for her she felt unsure. And now she had talked with him, he revealed a wish to continue to dress, in her clothes mind, in the future. Giving up wearing her clothes was not an option apparently. What can one do when you suddenly discover your husband likes to cross dress and gives no inclination on any intention to stop doing so, live changing or what, and what about all of her friends? How embarrassing. Fortunately they agreed quickly, nobody else needed to know.
With the knowledge of his cross dressing she gained an element of control over his activities. Frightened of course to reveal his unusual pastime to his friends never mind hers seemed a bit selfish. He even suggested that they might share clothes more fully in the future, although not his in this awkward arrangement. At least she gained the assurance of only at home. The trouble now was one could never trust a tranny and now he wished her to meet this talented woman Arlene. On the down side despite the feminine pic she’d discovered this Arlene was only another tranny friend of Emily.
Everybody it seemed wished to use the feminine pronoun as and when it suited them. Not that Arlene appeared particularly dumb, for from it and from some of the clothes and jewelry she used not short of the readies. It was perhaps a mistake to have let Emily give her, her email address. Arlene was in full agreement she should never have allowed Emily to do so. She heard no more from her which was fine until Emily told her of how saddened she had been at rejection of her best wishes. Susan felt too soft, she’d got back in touch and apologised for her lack of courtesy. Arlene was full of understanding said to mention it no more and asked how my day was otherwise. So one thing led to another and now she was driving over to Oxford to meet her in some café.
Getting over the shock of a lying husband, something she couldn’t quite fully forgive was one thing. What did she think she was doing going to meet some tranny girlfriend? Turn round and go back you soft apeth. Curiosity got the better of her, was this woman really as feminine as looked on the TVCHIX page where she is listed as a friend associate. Could she really pull it off in real life? Emily’s TVCHIX profile looked quite good dressed, but she knew when Emily dressed for her voice soon gave it away straight away. Arlene had talked about changing the words Emily used. She suggested they meet and perhaps form some kind of plan to our mutual benefit. The thing was to work together to get little Emily to stop using the male vocabulary of want and need and use the more feminine like and wishes. There would come a time when Emily would like to do more than hang around the house. Perhaps Arlene could guide her on a way ahead now that she herself was more used to the idea. Did she need another tranny in her life, perhaps she should firmly say no thanks I’ll deal with this?
Turned out when she arrived at the agreed meeting point Arlene was impressive as a woman in real life as well. She wore a Karen Millen blue coat worth a few bob, black Louboutin heels, and the black De Melier handbag, shouted classy and certainly little sign of any bloke. And she took it all very cool, an offered cheek withdrawn before the actual exchange of cheek kiss and a velvet voice. Lovely to meet you Susan and she offered an outside table at the nearby Browns Café so that we might chat freely. She opened her coat to reveal a low cut light blue dress with a hint of actual cleavage. Her makeup was perfect, her eyes blue and we exchanged scents as she complimented on how lovely I smelt.
Together they exchanged small talk on the weather and the journey as she collected from Susan her wish for a flat white and a piece of French toast. Nobody bothered with them in the slightest. They were for anyone to see just two women having a coffee together. It didn’t feel to either of them quite frankly as anything else. It took some time to come round to Emily as the topic of their chat. They both agreed on a bit of a minx bit, self-willed and in need of some further control. She quite understood Susan’s need for confidentiality. However as a woman it was incumbent upon Susan to take control of the situation that could so easily get well out of hand.
Arlene stressed Emily’s headstrong nature and she didn’t quite share with them the faint feminine disappointment with mankind. Had Arlene ever considered a full time career for Emily? She could perhaps take a position at Browns Café as a waitress. Susan was incredulous, surely not! Arlene assured Susan the idea was not beyond reason, perhaps somewhere else or some other line in feminine employment, work at the hairdressers. Arlene flashed a wide smile; put her in her place so to speak. The exact method as yet uncertain but as women they possessed the necessary expertise and patience to make it happen. There would be no requirement to inform Emily of this initial agreement. A fuller control over Emily’s life than she has previously experienced. Susan remained unsure but agreed their meeting should remain confidential from Emily and meet again.
Arlene stopped and gave a smile and put her hand upon Susan’s. She apologised profusely, she had got carried away. Susan noted the diamond solitaire and wedding band. The gold necklace and beautiful gold earrings and the gold Longines watch spoke of quality woman. They exchanged glances and Arlene continued, realising she'd already got ahead of herself. To make things quite clear she and Emily were not an item, they only conversed on the internet, and they had never met. Sha was sure Emily still loved Susan. There was an adventurous spirit and humour that she quite liked. In fact could she be so bold to suggest that Susan shared and adventurous lifestyle/ Broadminded and strong enough to actually support a transgender husband. From what little she gleaned from a few exchanges on TVCHIX, Arlene was of the opinion that their little Emily was in many respects nothing other than a sharp witted exhibitionist. A roll of eyes confirmed her suspicion, although, her husband Brian was not transgender claimed Susan.
No, of course not, she was quite right, but certainly prepared to go to the next page on a voyage of discovery. Susan lowered her head in reluctant agreement. It was some change of circumstances. Arlene’s eyes sought out Susan’s, rest assured she and Emily were not an item. Her ambition still directed at other ‘women’ and her eyes held Susan’s eyes for a short while as a short meaningful silence fell between them. Arlene brought her hands up to her breast in indication, she was perhaps well placed to give a better understanding of Emily’ search for adventure. To ensure those adventures remained watertight did not become crass exaggerations of womanhood would be the trick for Sue? Sue’s indifference came as a surprise.
Oh, excellent, so Emily as a sort of man thing she could play with for a while gave Sue no issues. They both could play with little Emily, together. Had Susan been slightly excited about meeting her? She was excited about meeting Susan and as to finding ways to liven up an otherwise boring life, bring it on she declared excitedly. She found Susan very attractive, loved her hair. Emily or Brian was very lucky to have her.
They chatted for a while on various aspects excitement and Sue’s nervousness on the subject of cross dressing was dissipating at a fast rate of knots. Arlene highlighted some of the advantages from a feminine perspective, like placing Emily into a maid uniform, had been mentioned. There were things Arlene could do to make the new circumstances more enjoyable, she told Emily that Susan had not hit it off with her and left it at that even after Sue had got back in touch. Sue knew that, Emily complained to her to patch things up, it had been one of the reasons to meet up.
Quite, said Arlene, Emily’s self-interest would have to be addressed. Little Emily required to understand that the purpose of the maid uniform was to serve them, rather than satisfy her desire to wear a frock. Sue could find no fault with the concept. Excellent agreed Arlene; she had a plan to implement immediately. Arlene could require Emily to get permission from both Susan and Arlene before she ever wore one of her dresses again. With that in mind they could go shopping right then, buy something new. Expressly ban Emily from wearing the dress said Sue. Exactly she was ahead of her, no need to mention a meeting, merely explain to her Arlene had discovered about the new dress from a subsequent message between them and reveal that the two of them had reluctantly agreed to more talks. They could keep sweet Emily on tenterhooks for some time, might never both agree to permission and see if it worked. Susan nodded, OK.
Arlene refused to let her pay, let this be on her. In fact let the whole day could be on her. Sue would have nothing of the sort and declined the offer, very well agreed the other as she left a tip under the saucer. The click of their heels echoed delightfully as they walked through the gallery. As they came to the kerb Arlene took her elbow with a do you mind, it felt more natural for her arm in arm. With slight grin she supposed ‘someone to die with you when you fall of a heel under the oncoming traffic’. Susan shifted her elbow to embrace the hand more fully and smiled in return. There was nothing about this person shouting man she thought.
By the other side of the street all her doubt came back, maybe another time. Of course agreed Arlene, another time would give them more time to think about things, adjust to new circumstances. With a half embrace a fresh air cheek kiss Arlene insisted on holding space for them both. She expressed a wish for a safe journey home and they parted. As Arlene walked away Susan couldn’t help admire the faint roll of hips. She certainly carried some style with those heels. Only slightly down over her doubts about this quite frankly outstanding woman? Arlene on the other hand, worked on her plan to seduce this very progressive and beautiful woman as she turned slightly to wave goodbye. Sweet Emily could only benefit from such an arrangement.

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