

sparky   July 25, 2019   | 21772 Views
She laid back and parted her legs I mounted her and slowly entered her warm wet virgin pussy cheating The following day Sue rang me, for the first time, could I come earlier that night, her mum was going out in the afternoon and wouldn't be back until the early hours of the following morning. I told her that I could, but there was a small problem, I had to meet a friend after work to sort out some business, it wouldn't take long, but it had to be done, I'd arranged to meet him in a pub midway between or houses, perhaps she'd like to come along, meet him and have a drink.
She happily agreed, I said I'd pick her up about 5pm, we were meeting at 6, the pub was about 20 minutes drive away, so I thought we'd get there first, that way she wouldn't have to deal with the stress of a rather posh pub, and meeting a friend of mine all at once. My only concern, as I ended the call was if she'd be wearing those bloody boots and jodhpurs again, I hoped not, this was a rather posh pub, I'd been there several times, and being as how it wasn't in the country, I couldn't see her jodhpurs and muddy riding boots going down very well, I needn't have worried as it turned out.
I arrived at her house, parked up and rang the bell, Sue answered the door, and how different she looked, her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, she was wearing a rather nice white blouse, top two buttons undone, giving a tantalising glimpse of a skimpy white bra, and the goodies within. Looking down I saw she was wearing a pair of very tight ribbed black leggings and a pair of black pixie boots, to be honest, she looked like a different girl.
We headed off to the pub, I told her it was rather posh, but not to worry, she looked great and would fit right in, she looked a little nervous but I told her not to worry. We walked in and headed for the bar, being early evening it was quite busy, but there was still a few tables left. I ordered a pint of bitter, and a glass of white wine. Sue looked at me, but said nothing.
We found a table and sat down, I slid the wine glass toward Sue, "I don't drink wine, a lager would have done" she whispered, "try it, you'll love it, besides, young ladies don't drink lager, it's common" I replied, she glanced around the room, there was plenty of women, but none had a lager glass, "oh, I see what you mean"she giggled nervously, god she looked cute.
My friend arrived about 15 minutes later, spotted us, nodded and headed to the bar, he came over shortly after carrying a tray with  2 pints of beer, and a white wine on it, he placed the drinks on the table, "I see you've brought your young lady with you" he said, pulling up a chair, then adding, "you never said she was so attractive", Sue blushed, I introduced them, we discussed our business, then after finishing our drinks we all left.
Driving home I had to laugh, Sue said she had enjoyed the wine, it made her feel a little dizzy, but nice, lager didn't do that. We got back to her place and were soon sat on the couch kissing and cuddling, "hang on a moment"said Sue, she sat up and began to remove her blouse, followed by her bra, her nipples were already erect, "that's better isn't it" she giggled, then stretching out her legs, she kicked off her boots, "I'm sure you can manage my leggings yourself later if you want them off" she said, lying back on the couch. We kissed and cuddled for a while, then, sure enough, I removed her leggings, tonight she was wearing a pair of identical cotton panties to the previous nights, but this time they were white ones. I continued to kiss her and play with her tits, then slipped a hand inside her panties and began to stroke her soft blonde pubic hair, she was almost purring with pleasure. "are you going to wee in your panties tonight Sue" I said, smiling at her as she lay on the couch almost naked, "if you want me to, but I'd rather have another orgasm" she giggled, smiling, I slowly removed her panties, "well, I guess you won't need these then" I replied, dropping the damp panties on the floor, "which is good, because I've got something else for you, and I think you'll love it, lie back, relax, and close your eyes".
She did as she was asked and I stood up and removed my jeans and underpants, rolled a condom onto my erect cock and positioned myself between her legs, "ready now? I asked, she nodded,"ooh yes, carry on" she replied, not bothering to open her eyes. I pushed the tip of my cock gently against the entrance to her moist tunnel, and rubbed it slowy up and down against her clit, she moaned slightly and smiled, ever so gently I began to push it inside her, she was very wet, but tight, she jumped slighty as I penetrated her hymen, "relax, that's the hard bit over" I said, begining to thrust slowly in and out. It didn't take long, before she was moaning and panting, a long gasp told me that she'd orgasmed, I kept going, I was going to enjoy this, and so was she. I speeded up a little and could feel my cock twitch, I was getting close, I slowed my strokes and carried on, the feeling subsided, Sue began to pant once again, "oh god, it's happening again" she moaned, " I'm going to wee myself" I speeded up, she was right on the verge, "oh fuck, here goes" she yelled, I felt a warm wetness against my balls, only I knew she hadn't had a wee, and promptly fired my load.
I stayed still for a few moments then withdrew, Sue lay there, shaking, I leaned over, tweaked her nipples, and kissed her, " all that noise and you still din't wee yourself" I whispered, "no, but I really enjoyed it" she replied dreamily, we really must do it again, lots". We made love again that night, and most nights after that, in fact it was quite a while before she got to meet not only my friends, but also my parents, she was sex mad.
A couple of days later I was working near the stables, I knew Sue would be there and decided to pick her up when I finished, I arrived just in time to she her come riding into the yard, she'd been out on the long field around the back. She slid down from her horse and I gave her pert bum a playful squeeze as she dismounted, she tied up the horse and pulled her jodhpurs up slightly, " my panties are soaking" she whispered, planting a big wet kiss on my lips, I could see some of the other girls looking over, even they'd noticed a change in her!
"Oh , really, had a wee while you were out riding did you" I giggled, "no, I had an orgasm" she replied, "I was cantering over the field and I began to get THAT feeling again, I,ve had it before, but slowed down because I didn't know wht it was, but know I know, so I kept going, I've made a right mess" she laughed. I looked down, there was a barely visible damp patch on her jodhpurs, "good job those jods weren't lighter" I chuckled, she looked down and saw the damp patch, "that's ok, I only ever wear black or brown anyway" she laughed, she put her horse in the stables, closed the door and looked down at her muddy boots, "what's it to be then?" she asked, " are you taking me out for a beer, or home for an orgasm, or can I be greedy and have both?" I put my arm around her slim waist and led her towards the car, " you can have both if you want, but only if you promise to keep your boots on".
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