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United States
About anonymous.a

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anonymous.a has posted a story
Red hair. Baseball cap. Tall, slender frame. A pear-shaped ass that filled those corduroys to near-bursting – he always wore corduroys for some reason, never jeans. In the summer it was well-worn cargoes. His ass cheeks had a way of jumping up and down as he walked, as if the muscles were exaggerating the effort of taking a step.Read full story
anonymous.a has posted a story
What attracted me to him was his smile. How can I describe it? The word “radiant” springs to mind. When he cranked those ruby red lips into a grin his entire face bloomed into a portrait of happiness, his cheeks flushing red and his eyes widening in wonder. It didn’t hurt that he had slimmed down, shedding all that baby fat, until his ass became a pinchable bundle of tight-fitting muscle. I wanted to grab that ass with both hands and squeeze it, like a melon.Read full story
anonymous.a has posted a story
His dick left my crack for a moment and when it returned, it was hard and slippery. Was he carrying lube in his pocket? No matter. I felt it rub against my anus and I tried to relax and open myself to him. I felt his knob push against my ring and slowly, almost gently, it slipped inside.Read full story
anonymous.a has posted a story
I slowly lowered myself on his pole and did not stop until he was balls-deep inside me. I looked into his eyes and he was staring at the ceiling, as if he were focused entirely on the sensations spreading along his shaft. I reached down between his legs and, using my middle finger, found his crack and began exploring it until my fingertip settled on his asshole. I began rubbing it as I gyrated on his cock, not up and down like you see in all the porn videos, but back and forth, working it with my sphincter muscles.Read full story