
Pleasure Broker #2

bettyheartssex - September 12, 2017 | 71499 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 55
He “wakes up” and acts shocked. “Gina! What are you doing?” he says. I lift my head and let him go. “Im sorry daddy, I was so horny and I have wanted you for so long. I couldnt help myself. Please let me go on.”

The Pleasure Broker

bettyheartssex - September 11, 2017 | 59016 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 161
Neither of us said a word about what both of us were thinking. We waited 2 hours to be sure she wouldnt come back. I went up to my room and he followed. We both stripped down I sat on the bed and he was standing next to it.

Shy girl dominant fantasy

Tagurit - February 21, 2017 | 49174 Views
bdsm, juicy sex stories profile 31
I can just imagine pushing you, face down into the bed, pinning you down. You struggling to turn your head to catch your breath, trying to push yourself up. My nails are digging into you, and I'm holding you still. I slap your ass, stinging, and sharp. Leaning over you, biting your neck, your shoulder as I tie your hands behind your back. I run my hands lightly down your neck to your back, tickling you, teasing you.

My Stepdad

Dynamite Red - February 15, 2017 | 126758 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 19
I have been in love with my Stepdad for some time. I have been waiting for the right time to suduce my Stepdad. I finally found the right time. I can't wait to get a hold of him.

A Lustful Liaison - Part 1

JSKNIGHT - September 24, 2016 | 61399 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 136
A man begins a daring, taboo relationship with two eighteen-year-old girls
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What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?