straight, juicy sex stories 97
the bathroom door opened and she slipped quietly inside, grabbed my overalls and disappeared

Horror evening with a MILF

LucasChan - August 28, 2020 | 20128 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 101
A horror nigh with a Milf

Can I Speak to the Manager

Jonny Dough - August 05, 2020 | 29664 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 120
Karen’s address was in a gated community with a security booth. The officer at the gate eyed me wearily when I pulled up. “What’s your business here, son?” “I am here to work on Ms. Smith’s computer.” “Oh? She did not leave word. I will have to call.” I waited and could not help laughing when I heard her yell at him over the speaker phone. “Well! Let him in!” “Good luck fella,” He said, rolling his eyes when he opened the gate. I found her address. Whoa, what a big ass house. Not a mansion by any means but they were apparently well, and I mean, Well Off.

Sex With My Teacher

Sroyon - July 20, 2020 | 63070 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 26
Having sex is a dream come true for any desperate teen. Sex with a teacher is the ultimate goal.

A Wonderful Body Game

PrivateSatisfier - May 09, 2020 | 26552 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 71
This is a true story that happened 8 months back.Since i was looking for some good investments, My friend promised me that he will ask his friend, working on mutual funds, to call…
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Published erotica author under the name of Jade Melisande; kink, sex & relationship blogger at;…
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I believe I have reached half way through my life. made some great decisions and some dumb ones. I try…
straight, juicy sex stories profile 119
Why do I smile? Lots of sex that's why. If you get a lot of the good stuff you can't help but smile…
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What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?
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I've always been into girls for as long as I can remember. Love writing erotic stories and would love…