
Wagner Park-[GF-72]-part-1-of-1

charles-smythe - October 14, 2016 | 29655 Views
gay, juicy sex stories 5
When I did catch up with him he’d stepped off the trail into the bushes and was taking a piss. Without a word I sunk to my knees beside him and stared with awe at the first adult cock that I’d ever seen.

My First Fuck Buddy

MSGTDICK - September 18, 2016 | 68002 Views
gay, juicy sex stories 11
After lunch we went to the bunk house, and as soon as we got inside Howard said, 'Lets strip and proceeded to take off his cloths. With out a word I began to undressed too, then we stepped out of our shorts we looked up at each other, stopped cold seeing each naked. It was if we were each looking into a mirror, except his hair was blonde and mine was red.

The Rest Area-[GF-32]-part-1-of-1

charles-smythe - September 26, 2016 | 36244 Views
Before I gave my first blowjob, I’d had a few experiences with guys, where I played with one guy’s cock for a while before he stroked me off and another instance where I sucked a guy for just a little bit before he got me off. In both cases the guys seemed more satisfied than I was and I never got the chance to pursue taking another guy’s load. However, one night while riding around with a drinking bud, he mentioned that we should go to the rest area and ‘roll some queers.’
j, 51
So my ex-girlfriend, Barbara, dumped me recently. She said that the only way she'd even consider taking me back was if I at least tried giving a man a blowjob.
gay, juicy sex stories 5
A 20 year old Felix Barnett accepts and enters the gay world for the first time and also loses his virginity to a handsome hunk, his Dad set him up with...
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What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?