straight, juicy sex stories 91
straight, juicy sex stories 24
straight, juicy sex stories 211
I come from a traditional backward upbringing where daughters are only to be married off. Getting educated does not matter because we are like a cow which gets tied from one post to another when ripe.

Bus Ride

4everhornyagain - May 06, 2024 | 5042 Views
groupsex, juicy sex stories 7
I have been travelling by this bus for many years and both of them are very familiar faces and overtime we became good friends

Friendly Wendy

wendy52 - February 19, 2024 | 4449 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 90
It was a recurring vision and for reasons unknown the young man in my mind would always be either a black guy or a well-hung Hispanic. I had no idea where that came from but for sure it made my fantasies even more intense.
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Published erotica author under the name of Jade Melisande; kink, sex & relationship blogger at;…
straight, juicy sex stories profile 119
Why do I smile? Lots of sex that's why. If you get a lot of the good stuff you can't help but smile…
gay, juicy sex stories profile 6
I believe I have reached half way through my life. made some great decisions and some dumb ones. I try…
lesbian, juicy sex stories profile 6
I've always been into girls for as long as I can remember. Love writing erotic stories and would love…
profile, 26 3 14 3
What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?