
Guilty ride at a Swingers club

LucasChan   September 09, 2020   | 18796 Views
Something very regretful happened at a swingers club Lesbian Two years back, my friends (a Couple) invited me to visit a swingers club. I never saw a swingers club before. I searched online, and it said they are open from 10 PM to 4 AM. Due to my inexperience, I visited early. I saw barely ten people in the club. Nobody said "Hi" to me. In my mind, I thought people are going to have sex everywhere. I called my friends; they said you're very early and we won't be there at least by midnight. I was walking around the club for one-hour and exploring it. Slowly people started coming. I saw some action here and there.

At 12.30 AM, my friends showed up. I said hello, and we all sat down at a table. I saw people coming and greeting them. I guess they are very famous there.

Slowly everyone was getting wild. I saw naked people almost everywhere. A couple of guys were eating my friend's pussy. I ate her pussy hundreds of times, so I was not much interested.

At 1 AM, a hot drunk lady approached us (Me and my friends). She greeted them, and it looks like they were friends for a long time. My friends introduced me to her.

She said, you're cute and started touching my dick over my pants.
I was scared she might fall (as she is drunk). She removed my pants, and I was naked waist down. She was already naked. She grabbed my dick and took me to one side of the room where they had a couch.
She laid down on the couch; I started sucking her nipples. People began gathering around us, and I saw people watching us and masturbating. I saw men cheering for me. This is very weird; I never had anyone cheering for me during foreplay.

She has a nice clean, shaved pussy. I went down and started eating her pussy. A mature lady in the 40's joined me and started eating her pussy along with me. The mature lady started sucking me. Now it became a 3-way action: me eating my friend's friend pussy and the mature stranger sucking my dick.

The mature lady left after a few minutes. My friend's friend removed my shirt, and I'm butt naked now along with her. She grabbed my hair and gave me a juicy kiss. Trust me; she is very good at kissing. We kissed for nearly 5 minutes. The Crowd started gathering us, and I saw people cheering and screaming. 80 Percent of the club members were watching us kiss.

All of sudden [TAP] [TAP] [TAP] [TAP] on my shoulder. I stopped kissing and turned my head to see an angry man.

He: That's my wife

I removed my hands from her.

He: Did you kiss her with her consent? (ANGRILY)

Me: Yes

She: Fuck off (Insert husband's name). This guy did some things you never did.
He: Fuck off BITCH!!

Both of them started arguing for 5 minutes.

People started gathering around us. I'm in the middle of the argument, butt naked, and this heated argument made my dick soft. The incident was very, very weird.

He grabbed her bag and said, you're coming home now. She hesitated, but he took her home. While taking her, he gave me a serious look.

Crowd: [Murmering] nothing like this ever happened....blah blah....who is this new guy?...Blah!! Blah!!

Everyone is looking at me like I made a big mistake. I'm butt naked, and everyone is staring me, and it's not in a good way. I started searching for my clothes. I got my shirt from we made out. I went to the table we sat to get my pants. My friend is looking at me with an expressionless face. I asked her did I do anything wrong.

She said the couple who walked off are members of this club for a very long time. They had one rule, "NO KISSING ON THE LIPS." This rule is for both of them. Unfortunately, you kissed her on the lips. In their 20 years of marriage, she didn't kiss any man other than her husband.

I felt terrible and asked my friends to convey my apologies. I wore my clothes and left the building.

That kiss and her husband's [TAP] haunted me for a week.

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