
Holly's 8 blackman gangbang

davie33   August 21, 2016   | 78786 Views
Bob handed her a tape measure and she placed it along it length and yes he was 9inchs long, Well there you are that’s the bench mark I don’t want any smaller than that so it would be nice if you are all as big as my Bobs monster’ Holly then started on the rest of them cheating

HOLLY’S’ 8 BLACKMEN GANGBANG! PART 1 Claire and me got talking about sex again last week at work & got on to ‘Holly’ Now Holly is the girl at work that all the lads would like to shag stupid, She is 21 & has a tiny fuck doll body with big tits & a very pretty face with long brunet hair, She is only around 5ft 3 with a ass to die for, And best of all she loves cock, Huge cock, Most at work know that she was fucking much older men when she was really young with some of then having Huge cocks. She makes a big thing of saying that a 6 inch cock to her is really Tiny & doesn’t believe that is around normal. Claire & the girls talk a lot about sex with Holly & tell each other all about what they get up to. Claire then said Well did you know she has had over 14inch’s of dildo up her, Yes I know, OH.. How do you know all this then’ She told me it all once at work, And I bet she said not to tell any one, Yes but said all the girls know anyway but not to tell the lads, Oh I well let you of then, When did she tell you all that then, Err around last xmas, Oh ha ha so you haven’t herd what’s she’s done now then, No, Well I don’t know if I should tell you as it’s really bad, Oh fuck tell me. Well I’m surprised you haven’t seen it on the web, What its on the internet! Yes I’ve seen it, Seen what, She’s doing what I want to do, What a Gangbang, Yes little Holly being Gangbanged, Oh fuck by how many, Calm down you will cum in your pants, Well she told me that she had said to Bob (That’s her boyfriend) she fantasized about being Gangbanged by…. Well get this, a load of black men, Oh fuck yes go on, Well to her surprise Bob said he would love to see her being Gangfucked by a load of men even blacks, So he only went and set it up with his mates that all work with him, Most of the men are black as the boss is, So he likes to take on the black boys, And they all fancy Holly as have seen her lots of times. What so your saying Holly has been gangbanged by a load of black men? Yes I know its Mega ha ha, But the best thing is she said she wanted it on video as well so they could watch it after, But only them, Oh. But I’ve seen it and millions have by now, What! Oh no you mean someone put it on line, Well Holly got so in to it she told them to keep sending photos & vid that was being taken at the time’ I’ve seen it so has Kim and Sue, And I recon more to as they keep bringing up Holly, Oh my god, Well lets look for it then, Don’t have to got it on the hard drive, I’ve seen it loads now, It gives me a chance to get my dildo out, But its not as big as Holly’s, Oh her super big one, Yes ha ha’ We put the computer on and clicked on the file & up it popped‘ So we sat back and watched, It stars with some Black men in a room talking and Holly walks in with a one piece very tight fishnet body stocking on, She goes to the middle of them all and stands in front of them. Her big tits really spreading the fishnets and her nipples were rock hard sticking right out around a inch. Bob then starts by saying Well Holly I’ve told all these mates of mine here that you want some black cock up you, Yes that’s right, Good because all said that they want to fuck the shit out of you cos they have fancied you for ages. Oh do they indeed’ Well I hope they know I only like big cock’ So if you have then yes you can all fuck me stupid, Mind you I can see already that your big boys from the bulges in your pants. Then bob said well come on then start playing with my little fuck doll’ Bob stared feeling her body up and asked if any one else would like to, They all jumped up and were on her like a pack of wolfs, There hands all over her tits and ass, Blimi I said to Claire how many men is it? Oh fuck 7 men and all black to, Holly was going to fuck 7 black cocks, One started pulling her nipples and feeling under her arse then just lifted her up, There was no soft four play just full on from the start, Most hands were all over her cunt and arse hole with fingers going crazy on them, Her legs got spread wide and pushed back, The hand under her arse was right under her arse hole and his middle finger just went right up her arse hole fully with more spreading her cunt lips very wide why more fingers were dipping in and out in rapid succession, One then got a bottle of baby oil and squirted it all over her, Hands rubbed it all over her body, One even squirted it up her cunt and ass, Her body was now shinning. After around 10 mins all of them had finger fucked her stupid, Holly’s face was something else as it had a non stop grin on it with and kept saying that she loved it. Holly then said Bob told me you would all like to see me play with myself, Yes we do, Do you want to see my party trick? Go on then, So she lay on the bed and stretched open her cunt and just slid her whole hand in right up her cunt and rolled it around, Wow state in’ Yes like a good girl should , I’ve been able to do that for years, But after you lot have played with it now its even easier, When you have all fucked me stupid you can all fist fuck me as then I will be well stretched out, After 5mins of her fisting herself the men started on her again, All the men fingering her and rubbing her clit like crazy , Now I could see that one man had 4 fingers in her ass two, Her nipples were sticking out a good inch bob saying he has never seen them so long, One off the men then said Bob tells us that you are in to massive cock then, Ha Ha Oh did he, Well I might be’ Errr well that’s a bit of a understatement I love big cocks the bigger the better’ Yes she’s always on Google looking for big cock’ Very long cock’ Huge cock’ Thick cock’ And black cocks’ She’s loves to watch her black cock gangbangs on DVD’ Err yes thanks bob they will think I’m a right little fuck slut’ well you are Ha Ha, So what’s the biggest cock you had then’ Err well that would be the ‘Marrow’ he was around 10inchs long and really thick’ I know he was that big as it was a bit longer than Bobs but thicker’ Yes we know Bob has told us all about it’ What! Oh has he now’ Yes you bad girl and only 16 years old as well’ Oh my god you even told them that’ Err well yes I was only …teen and it was bad I know but I wanted a proper man cock as the ones I had had were tiny only around 6 inches long and I wanted man cock in me’ As I knew I could take a much longer and thicker one from playing with my self, Oh so you had some toys did you’ Yes I would use my sisters dildos when they were out and I loved them’ She had all sorts’ long ones and thick ones and I found i could take them all easy to the base and that made me want bigger and longer ones’ So when I heard about ’the marrow’ I couldn’t wait to get slammed by him’ and he was 25 as well’ Wow did he know you were only 16’ No I told him I was …teen, So what did you think when he got his dick out then’ Well I pulled it out of his jeans and I was amazed at the size of it and it was so thick my little hand only went round half of it and thinking wow I want this to slam me stupid’ Did you take it all then’ Of coarse I did easy he was slamming that fucker in me like a mad man as hard as he could and I fucking loved it’ Wow your hips are so tiny as well. So you like it hard as well do you’ Oh god yes the harder the better’ Always super hard’ Was it a one off then’ Oh no he did me lots of times’ Go on and tell them the rest’ Well when I reached …teen I told him I wanted it up my arse’ You bad bad girl’ Yes I know but he didn’t need asking twice and it wasn’t to long before his balls were slamming against me as I took the whole thing in me quite easy’ Wow and you being so very nice and petite to’ Yes but the best thing is she now wants it in both holes at the same time’ She’s always going on how much she wants to do that saying I really want two really huge cocks slamming in me like crazy’ Well Holly we might be able to help you there’ Really are you all big then, Well why don’t you find out, Well has Bob told you that I will take wot u got, That sounds like our type of girl, The men sat down and Holly kneeled down in front of them and started running her hands up over there cocks but with them still in there pants’ Oh my wow you are big boys aren’t you, I think I well get them all out one at a time, Lets start with Bobs as I can then see how big all yours are compared to him’ She pulled his pants down and his cock sprang out and slapped his belly’ Bob handed her a tape measure and she placed it along it length and yes he was 9inchs long, Well there you are that’s the bench mark I don’t want any smaller than that so it would be nice if you are all as big as my Bobs monster’ Holly then started on the rest of them, You could see her cunt slime running down her leg’s as she was so turned on, Right I want you all to line up in order of nob size staring with the smallest first, Well that will be the white boy then Ha Ha, One of them said ha ha , Well Bob’s not small you know, They all told Bob how big they were and lined up, Bob was saying Jesus she loves it big but fuck me, She bent down and started pulled out the first one , She undid his pants and pulled them down, Well you should have seen her face, gasping at the size of it , Claire said yes that’s wot I call a womperdonger mate, Here’s the tape Holly, She put the tape on it and fuck me she said this is the small one? Err yes Bob you are the smallest, as this is just 10inch’ on the dot , A room with 8 men in it and you have the smallest nob ha ha, Wow I’m going to get the shit fucked out of me by 7 cocks all bigger than yours, Mega, The camera then moved around and went right up to her cunt, Her cunt was gaping open already, Fuck she’ oozing fanny slime like mad its all over her legs, He stuck two fingers in her and they made a loud slopping sound, The camera then came back as Holly was getting the next one out it sprang up and hit her in the face, ohh I like that and started slapping herself with it, she put the tape on it and said ohh this is bigger by half a inch and a bit thicker as well, She then got one in each hand and started wanking them, Her hands looked tiny on them only reaching half way round, God your balls are huge and rolled them around, Why see got to work on the next one Bob got behind her and started playing with her cunt with it making all sorts of slopping sounds, Each cock she got out was bigger then the last one, Fuck this ones 11inchs and I don’t think I’ve seen a bell end this fat, The rest of the men started laughing and Holly said what so funny then you think that’s fat you will change your mind in a bit hunny, Oh god wot have you got me in to Bob, Don’t blame me this was your idea, on to the 4th one, Holly’s eyes were now popping out her head at the size of wot she was seeing, The tape was now at 12&½ inches and now very thick indeed, She couldn’t stop laughing look at the size of this fucker my hands don’t go round it. This ones went up by 1&½ inch , The next one was the same length but a bit thicker, Holly slid her hand down the next pair of pants and said oh my god this is big ,It sprang out Oh my fucking god’ Fuck me, Don’t worry we will he said, Holly got the tape but all of a sudden her body started convulsing, She was having a orgasm, Bob’s hand had been going mad at her cunt, Wow bob said that was a juicy one, And they all started laughing, when she got her breath back she put the tape on his nob and said this fucker is 13&½inch’s long and the thickest yet, She looked at the next one and said your bigger than this? Jesus you must be the daddy nob then, That’s right baby well almost, She took a deep breath and ran her hands up the shaft err yes this is very big, after undoing his zip it shot out and Holly yelled out holy fuck and just stared at it in disbelieve, Fuck you are a big boy , And it’s the thickest as well and Jesus look at the size of your balls there way bigger than golf balls, At this point she went back down the line Bob come here and she put the tape on bobs 9inch and held that mark then went back up the line putting next to each one to see the size changing , When next to the last she said that’s around 5 inches longer than you Bob you maggot , Right fucking ell help! Oh wot the hell let me just get it out ,He just had his pants on, Then Holly said bring the camera here and look at this, His nob was sticking out from the top of his pants and it went way past his belly button, Right are you ready, She then slowly pulled them down, Her mouth dropped wide open and gasped out load in amazement, NOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAHHH ……….. Oh my fucking god that is fucking fucking……. FUCKING HUGGGGGE! Well you did say you like them big, eerrr yes I did didn’t I, And wot did you say you will take wot we got, Fuck I did didn’t i yes, They call him Mr Freak, Yes I can see why, And you think a tiny little thing like you can take this lot, and the super dong, Oh yes like I said I well take what you got just feed it all in, Oh fuck I’ve forgot to see how big it is, With that she picked up the tape and read the size out, No way laughing she said I cart believe it, its fucking 14 inch’s long how thick is it, she got the tape round it and said holy fuck 11inchs , She put her arm at the side of it, it was bigger than her arm and a lot thicker ,so that’s almost 6inch longer than you Bob and way thicker, Yes thanks for that. There all so heavy as well, She ran her hand over the bell end and kept saying ‘no way’ as it was just so bulbous. Right then I want you all to get round me and slap your nobs on my face hard , So they all got up and stud around her, It was now you could see just how big there cocks were at the side of Holly and all sticking there cocks in her face, She could not stop laughing as they all were whacking her hard, Holly’s head looked tiny and all the nobs were longer than it, The daddy cock stud over her and he put his dick on top of her head his balls on her forehead and his nob over her face, You could not see her face at all it was so big, Holly then grabbed Bobs dick and pulled it over so it was next to the super dong and put them side by side to compare them, and Bobs looked really small and thin and he was 9inch , Fuck yes look at that , hay get this to think that this is 9inchs longer then some of the cocks I’ve had, Fuck yes, She was trying to grab and wank them all as fast as she could why all the time getting slapped hard in the face by them and all dipping in and out her mouth or at least trying to as they were so thick, All the men’s hands were now all over her, Then Holly said right I think we should get down to some full on nasty no holes barred fucking, Now just because I’m small don’t let that hold you back, I want it full on fucking balls deep no mercy, I have a elastic cunt as bob might have told you so treat me like a rag doll and do wot you like to me and hard very very hard and I mean really STUPID HARD’ And I have 3 holes to play with, I love bob to slam his fucker balls deep but I must admit taking 14inchs balls deep in it is a bit daunting’ And bob told us that you want to take it in the cunt and ass at the same time, Oh god do I I’ve always wanted to do that , Don’t worry dear I’ve told them all how rough you like it and how much you want two huge cocks pumping you at the same time ,Oh and you can cum in me on me cunt ass mouth, Anywhere but don’t think that is your lot, I want more than one load each, Don’t you worry love we have more than enough spunk for your tiny body, One then picked her up like a little toy doll , It was now you could see what a little fuck toy body she had, One man got behind her and stuck his cock under her cunt from behind and it came right out under her hips like a flag pole, SEE PART 2

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