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You've never been to the Lickery? Wow, really? Well, you should go. You should go, its THE place to be. You're going to understand what the weak males are for. You're going to realise your potential girl, you really are!!
Naomi had never been before, to the Lickery. But then these last months had been a time of discoveries and truth be told of wonderment. Hidden within the polite and well mannered society of the city was a wholly different and a much more sensual society. It was unashamedly unequal, it was interracial, it was woman satisfying, it was, well, she thought, it was intoxicating. The journey had just begun for Naomi. Ben was slowly being denied all coital sex and now he was rewarded with cunnilingus only, when he was self effacing. If he humbled himself before her, if he encouraged her evenings out, with 'the girls' then he was rewarded their intimate way. She had been introduced to Saul. A perfectly animal, perfectly delicious black man, with the sort of abilities in bed that made her shudder. The diminution of Ben had a purpose. There would come the day when Ben thanked Saul for fucking her, owning her. Lola was Saul's sister, a beautiful afro haired young woman with the most amazing hazel eyes. Lola the whisperer, Lola the maiden of pleasurable instruction. Lola told Naomi once that she was 'chosen'. She had been covertly assessed. Beautiful, tick, fertile, tick, well bred and attitude proud, tick, with a husband that might either be subjugated or else excluded entirely, tick. Lola admitted, it was political. The people she knew, the people she loved, wanted to smash the old racial ways and to breed a new interracial society.
Naomi and Lola were driven to the Lickery by Gordon, Lola's father in law. Lola explained that Gordon like her husband Phil, was 'to heel'. First she had dominated Phil and begun her affair with Daniel. Daniel a man of Africa, a source and a seminal man. Black man, black woman, compelling beauty. Then, when Phil had bent his knee and accepted the utter beauty of this she had seduced and subjugated Gordon. He had come to judge her affair and ended up submitting to it too. A very fashionable comfortably resourced young black woman now had not only a husband who paid his wife to be a bitch with Daniel, but also a sugar daddy faher in law who paid handsomely to live as her slave too. Gordon drove silently. He spoke only when Lola told him to.
'So what is a Lickery?' Naomi asked as they travelled through the tree lined streets of London's surburbia.
Lola smiled. There was a look of distinct pleasure on her face. It was a look of erotic contentment.
It's a pleasure palace,' she said and squeezed Naomi's hand, 'we go there, alpha women, to have our sex licked. We go there to socialise, to drink a little, to gossip. Think of a Roman Bath but with oral pleasures'.
Naomi stared. Another revelation! She now had Ben licking her sex regularly, and soon that would be with the explicit knowledge that she was full of Saul's semen. But the thought of a public place where this happened and women of rank could socialise. Wow!
'Sometimes we take our cucks there, our slaves, and sometimes we go for the pleasure of a stranger beta male licking our lady gardens,' Lola observed, watching the plane trees slip by down the long avenue. 'All the lickies there are medically checked, certified clean, and of course we have to show this week's medical check card to the mistress who owns the place. It's all managed carefully.'
Naomi glanced at Gordon in the mirror. He'd not flinched at the discussion. It seemed that Gordon knew all about the Lickery.
'And who are the Lickies, if they're not slaves that we take along?' Naomi wondered. The idea was surreal, erotic, compelling, but way beyond her easy comprehension.
'They're betas being disciplined. Usually they are men who have failed to comply with mistress requirements, those who have shown dissent in some small way. They are judged by a tribunal of brothers and offered a week down here, or else a beating. Most think that this is the easy, the sexy option.'
'Isn't it?' Naomi asked, 'You said that beta males become addicted to pussy, filled pussy, the taste and the smell of us.'
Lola smiled. 'They do darling, but can you imagine what licking for hours on end is like, beneath a series of mistress crotches? Do you know how cock and tongue sore those poor souls get? They tell me it gets quite claustrophobic...they don't dissent that often afterwards.'
The Lickery was simply a house. It was large with nicely printed drapes and an expansive front drive so that cars could be parked. Naomi counted three Porsches and a Ferrari on the front drive. Alpha women became very rich indeed. Lola pressed the door bell and confirmed her code entry and appointment time over the intercom. They were admitted to the hall way where a young man in a slave collar received them and took them to the reception desk to complete the usual paperwork checks. Like all the beta males that Naomi met at Lola's socials, this one talked with his head down, as though he worshipped the boots that they wore beneath their leather skirts.
'M'am, will you be using Gordon or pooling him today?' the young beta male asked.
Lola said that she would 'gift' her father in law to Naomi first, but after that he would spend a couple of hours in the pooling. Little of that conversation made sense to Naomi at first, but insights came in train, one after the other. They went through to the bar and behind the facade of the respectable house, there was a viewing window that occupid most of one internal wall. On the other side were men, dressed casually in black, all wearing slave collars and all 'in the pool'.
'They can't see us, but we can see them' explained Lola, once you have used Gordon we come back here and we select others for our pleasure. Do you see how they have numbers on their collars?'
Naomi stared at the men. Some were older, even in their fifties. Most though were enslaved in their twenties or thirties. Some were branded on their shoulders with the mistress mark. You only branded a beta with the combined intials of your lover and yourself when the fellow was deep owned. That was usually, when he continued to serve you both after you had born your lover's first child. Branding was terrifying. It wasn't just a inked in tattoo, like the Queen of Spades one that Naomi would eventually wear. It was a searing hot indeilible mark that signalled the status of the beta forever. Three of the Lickies were so branded.
'Of course, ' said Lola, 'they're all white, but very different backgrounds. That one, seated in the corner, pretending to read and trying to hide his collar, he licks very nicely indeed.'
Naomi looked at '26', he could be no older than that in years.
'Let me show you the hall' said Lola and led her through to a very large square room in which unnusal seats were positioned around the edge, lbuilt into a continuous wooden platform around a central stage area. The centre of the 'stage' was a four screen monitor, which showed by turn excerpts of sexy love making videos, black on white and by turn close up camera images of men licking pussy. The empty seats had beautifully smooth open apertures in the seat and beneath a pillowed head rest. Naomi understood and she shuddered. The Lickies were positioned beneath the seats, crawling into position via anothr entrance and the alpha women to all intents of purposes sat on their faces. Six or seven women were already seated, close to each other, chatting, drinking whilst they accepted service. The women moved with pleasure, sometimes they winced with the sheer eroticism of the licking, they giggled, and talked, but it seemed so civil, so relaxed.
'It's a good place to come, to realise what weak men are for Naomi sweets' said Lola. 'One day, you will bring Ben here, perhaps to serve a girlfriend of yours for an hour. It is very convivial.'
That was the first time that Naomi felt self concscious. She was rapidly concluding that Ben had been a disappointment, that he wasn't what she needed, but it seemed a major step to assign him duties in a place like this! Naomi tried to imagine sending Ben here if he dared to disobey Saul! Lola smiled. She had guessed.
'A step at a time sweets, there is so much to learn isn't there.'
They came to two seats in a row and on one had been placed a slip reading 'Gordon'. You couldn't actually see the whole of his face down through the aperture, just a mouth and the end of a nose. Lola had explained that alpha women dominated beta men. It wasn't just a case of owning her husband with Saul. So somehow Naomi had to cope with this.
'Bring me 26 will you, ' Lola said and sat on the seat beside her protege. Neither of the women wore panties or thongs. It was a matter of etiquette.
'Don' be afraid to slide a little forward so that Gordon licks your bottom sweets' Lola advised, 'but that is dessert, don't have him come back to pussy afterwards, otherwise you'll get an E coli problem.'
Lola tapped the seat that Naomi sat upon. It was Gordon's signal to begin. Lola waved to the young blonde woman seated three seats down. That was the Ferrari owner Lola whispered to Naomi.
When Gordon ran his tongue across Naomi's labia she almost jumped. It was a wet, a delicious but a particularly unsettling sensation.
'Tentative licks tickle, 'Lola explained, 'I've trained him to lick generously. You'll see, it's lovely'.
Before them the screens flicked periodically between seduction and licking images. One minute a handsome black male was fucking a auburn haired woman and the next there was the cubby hole intimacy of wet tongue working on pussy. Just whose tongue was licking where, Naomi wasn't sure. One image though she knew was hers. There was the clitty bar with the diamond end studs that Saul had insisted she was pierced with. Gordon's tongue was playing with it. The sensation, was.....it was.......well.........
'Are you going to Epsom for the races Lola?' the young blonde woman asked across the seats.
'But of course!' Lola enthused back. There was a social scene to this. Lola tapped her seat, 26 had been inserted.
Naomi sipped her vodka and orange. God, this was difficult. Gordon wasn't the most appealing man, he wasn't the ugliest of men, but he was a man in his late fifties and he was licking her 23 year old sex. He licked expertly, attentively, his tongue swirling around her pussy in a wet vortex. when he ran his tongue up between her swelling labia she felt a climax building. She felt instantly out of control. Her breathing sharpened and began to race.
'Tell him to ease' said Lola, 'you're the boss.'
Naomi did so. That hadn't been something she had mastered with Ben yet. After he sniffed her, perhaps scenting another male, who could tell, he licked greedily. He licked so greedily that thinking about Saul fucking her, Naomi had tended to climax wantonly and quickly. Naomi gave her whispered instructions. It was like easing back the accelerator on a car. It worked.
'That better?' asked Lola who was smiling as a young white woman sucked black cock on screen.
'Yes' answered Naomi who now found the tongue bath gently arousing, delicously pleasurable, like a massage.
'Would you like to cum in Gordon's mouth or shall we share 26?' Lola asked, pointing to a particularly enthusiastic tongue in action that momntarily graced the screen.
Naomi wanted 26. He had indeed looked cute the other side of that window. But she knew something of the etiquette of these matters. if she 'used' Gordon that would please Lola. Forever afterwards he would be especially submissive towards her. She would have progressed.
'I want Gordon to heel' Naomi said, and smiled. It was meant to look casual but she felt aroused, tense, conflicted at the very idea of using another man, just for her casual pleasure.
'I'm thinking of converting Phil's brother' Lola said. He's not married so there is no hassle in that regard and he makes a good living as an accountant.'
Naomi repositioned her body so that clitty started to receive Gordon's lapping tongue. After the gradual arousal of a gentler tongue, feeling that dance across her bud now was exquisite. On screen a huge black man was drilling his cock into a gasping woman. Lola followed suit, positioning herself so that the hapless young 26 could suck her clitoris.
'Is he sucking?' Lola asked.
Naomi nodded. It was achingly perfect. On screen the black man was pumping, relentlessly pumping.
'Don't be ashamed, some girls piss when they climax, it doesn't matter here, with them' Lola breathed, sensing the delights of 26 to the full.
Naomi groaned. She had not heard any of the more experienced women do so, but she couldn't help it! Lola's father in law rolled his tongue like a straw and with it near rigid, he flicked Naomi's swollen clit back and forth.
Lola watched her companion grip the seat front. The blonde woman down the row smiled and nodded quietly to Lola.
Now, now.....God......Naomi couldn't fight it and she splurged on Gordon's mouth. There was a gush as her juices exploded. The climax, so dirty, so public, so surreal, was way harder than she had yet trained Ben to give her.
'Shit!' Naomi breathed. Her whole body tensed, her labia pulsing against the tongue of her servant. She could feel herself draining into his open mouth.
'He mustn't feel clever Naomi sweets, make him lick botty' Lola advised.
Naomi moved with relief. If she allowed that tongue to lap there any more, her climax would have reignited! She shifted forward and the tongue wet her bottom. She could feel her botty clenching as the tongue swet back and forth.
'Keep him at it, he hates botty, but he must worship' Lola said.
Naomi tapped the seat, a reminder to attend enthusiastically. She could feel Gordon straining his head up, licking deeper into her crack.
'Nice?' asked Lola.
'Very nice' admitted Naomi.
'Shall we go and get another drink? Thn I suggest you chose a pool Lickie. I want to talk some more with you about Ben whilst that one attends you.'
'Yes' said Naomi. Her face had a distant, a lotus eating expression upon it.
Lutheran Maid

Naomi had never been before, to the Lickery. But then these last months had been a time of discoveries and truth be told of wonderment. Hidden within the polite and well mannered society of the city was a wholly different and a much more sensual society. It was unashamedly unequal, it was interracial, it was woman satisfying, it was, well, she thought, it was intoxicating. The journey had just begun for Naomi. Ben was slowly being denied all coital sex and now he was rewarded with cunnilingus only, when he was self effacing. If he humbled himself before her, if he encouraged her evenings out, with 'the girls' then he was rewarded their intimate way. She had been introduced to Saul. A perfectly animal, perfectly delicious black man, with the sort of abilities in bed that made her shudder. The diminution of Ben had a purpose. There would come the day when Ben thanked Saul for fucking her, owning her. Lola was Saul's sister, a beautiful afro haired young woman with the most amazing hazel eyes. Lola the whisperer, Lola the maiden of pleasurable instruction. Lola told Naomi once that she was 'chosen'. She had been covertly assessed. Beautiful, tick, fertile, tick, well bred and attitude proud, tick, with a husband that might either be subjugated or else excluded entirely, tick. Lola admitted, it was political. The people she knew, the people she loved, wanted to smash the old racial ways and to breed a new interracial society.
Naomi and Lola were driven to the Lickery by Gordon, Lola's father in law. Lola explained that Gordon like her husband Phil, was 'to heel'. First she had dominated Phil and begun her affair with Daniel. Daniel a man of Africa, a source and a seminal man. Black man, black woman, compelling beauty. Then, when Phil had bent his knee and accepted the utter beauty of this she had seduced and subjugated Gordon. He had come to judge her affair and ended up submitting to it too. A very fashionable comfortably resourced young black woman now had not only a husband who paid his wife to be a bitch with Daniel, but also a sugar daddy faher in law who paid handsomely to live as her slave too. Gordon drove silently. He spoke only when Lola told him to.
'So what is a Lickery?' Naomi asked as they travelled through the tree lined streets of London's surburbia.
Lola smiled. There was a look of distinct pleasure on her face. It was a look of erotic contentment.
It's a pleasure palace,' she said and squeezed Naomi's hand, 'we go there, alpha women, to have our sex licked. We go there to socialise, to drink a little, to gossip. Think of a Roman Bath but with oral pleasures'.
Naomi stared. Another revelation! She now had Ben licking her sex regularly, and soon that would be with the explicit knowledge that she was full of Saul's semen. But the thought of a public place where this happened and women of rank could socialise. Wow!
'Sometimes we take our cucks there, our slaves, and sometimes we go for the pleasure of a stranger beta male licking our lady gardens,' Lola observed, watching the plane trees slip by down the long avenue. 'All the lickies there are medically checked, certified clean, and of course we have to show this week's medical check card to the mistress who owns the place. It's all managed carefully.'
Naomi glanced at Gordon in the mirror. He'd not flinched at the discussion. It seemed that Gordon knew all about the Lickery.
'And who are the Lickies, if they're not slaves that we take along?' Naomi wondered. The idea was surreal, erotic, compelling, but way beyond her easy comprehension.
'They're betas being disciplined. Usually they are men who have failed to comply with mistress requirements, those who have shown dissent in some small way. They are judged by a tribunal of brothers and offered a week down here, or else a beating. Most think that this is the easy, the sexy option.'
'Isn't it?' Naomi asked, 'You said that beta males become addicted to pussy, filled pussy, the taste and the smell of us.'
Lola smiled. 'They do darling, but can you imagine what licking for hours on end is like, beneath a series of mistress crotches? Do you know how cock and tongue sore those poor souls get? They tell me it gets quite claustrophobic...they don't dissent that often afterwards.'
The Lickery was simply a house. It was large with nicely printed drapes and an expansive front drive so that cars could be parked. Naomi counted three Porsches and a Ferrari on the front drive. Alpha women became very rich indeed. Lola pressed the door bell and confirmed her code entry and appointment time over the intercom. They were admitted to the hall way where a young man in a slave collar received them and took them to the reception desk to complete the usual paperwork checks. Like all the beta males that Naomi met at Lola's socials, this one talked with his head down, as though he worshipped the boots that they wore beneath their leather skirts.
'M'am, will you be using Gordon or pooling him today?' the young beta male asked.
Lola said that she would 'gift' her father in law to Naomi first, but after that he would spend a couple of hours in the pooling. Little of that conversation made sense to Naomi at first, but insights came in train, one after the other. They went through to the bar and behind the facade of the respectable house, there was a viewing window that occupid most of one internal wall. On the other side were men, dressed casually in black, all wearing slave collars and all 'in the pool'.
'They can't see us, but we can see them' explained Lola, once you have used Gordon we come back here and we select others for our pleasure. Do you see how they have numbers on their collars?'
Naomi stared at the men. Some were older, even in their fifties. Most though were enslaved in their twenties or thirties. Some were branded on their shoulders with the mistress mark. You only branded a beta with the combined intials of your lover and yourself when the fellow was deep owned. That was usually, when he continued to serve you both after you had born your lover's first child. Branding was terrifying. It wasn't just a inked in tattoo, like the Queen of Spades one that Naomi would eventually wear. It was a searing hot indeilible mark that signalled the status of the beta forever. Three of the Lickies were so branded.
'Of course, ' said Lola, 'they're all white, but very different backgrounds. That one, seated in the corner, pretending to read and trying to hide his collar, he licks very nicely indeed.'
Naomi looked at '26', he could be no older than that in years.
'Let me show you the hall' said Lola and led her through to a very large square room in which unnusal seats were positioned around the edge, lbuilt into a continuous wooden platform around a central stage area. The centre of the 'stage' was a four screen monitor, which showed by turn excerpts of sexy love making videos, black on white and by turn close up camera images of men licking pussy. The empty seats had beautifully smooth open apertures in the seat and beneath a pillowed head rest. Naomi understood and she shuddered. The Lickies were positioned beneath the seats, crawling into position via anothr entrance and the alpha women to all intents of purposes sat on their faces. Six or seven women were already seated, close to each other, chatting, drinking whilst they accepted service. The women moved with pleasure, sometimes they winced with the sheer eroticism of the licking, they giggled, and talked, but it seemed so civil, so relaxed.
'It's a good place to come, to realise what weak men are for Naomi sweets' said Lola. 'One day, you will bring Ben here, perhaps to serve a girlfriend of yours for an hour. It is very convivial.'
That was the first time that Naomi felt self concscious. She was rapidly concluding that Ben had been a disappointment, that he wasn't what she needed, but it seemed a major step to assign him duties in a place like this! Naomi tried to imagine sending Ben here if he dared to disobey Saul! Lola smiled. She had guessed.
'A step at a time sweets, there is so much to learn isn't there.'
They came to two seats in a row and on one had been placed a slip reading 'Gordon'. You couldn't actually see the whole of his face down through the aperture, just a mouth and the end of a nose. Lola had explained that alpha women dominated beta men. It wasn't just a case of owning her husband with Saul. So somehow Naomi had to cope with this.
'Bring me 26 will you, ' Lola said and sat on the seat beside her protege. Neither of the women wore panties or thongs. It was a matter of etiquette.
'Don' be afraid to slide a little forward so that Gordon licks your bottom sweets' Lola advised, 'but that is dessert, don't have him come back to pussy afterwards, otherwise you'll get an E coli problem.'
Lola tapped the seat that Naomi sat upon. It was Gordon's signal to begin. Lola waved to the young blonde woman seated three seats down. That was the Ferrari owner Lola whispered to Naomi.
When Gordon ran his tongue across Naomi's labia she almost jumped. It was a wet, a delicious but a particularly unsettling sensation.
'Tentative licks tickle, 'Lola explained, 'I've trained him to lick generously. You'll see, it's lovely'.
Before them the screens flicked periodically between seduction and licking images. One minute a handsome black male was fucking a auburn haired woman and the next there was the cubby hole intimacy of wet tongue working on pussy. Just whose tongue was licking where, Naomi wasn't sure. One image though she knew was hers. There was the clitty bar with the diamond end studs that Saul had insisted she was pierced with. Gordon's tongue was playing with it. The sensation, was.....it was.......well.........
'Are you going to Epsom for the races Lola?' the young blonde woman asked across the seats.
'But of course!' Lola enthused back. There was a social scene to this. Lola tapped her seat, 26 had been inserted.
Naomi sipped her vodka and orange. God, this was difficult. Gordon wasn't the most appealing man, he wasn't the ugliest of men, but he was a man in his late fifties and he was licking her 23 year old sex. He licked expertly, attentively, his tongue swirling around her pussy in a wet vortex. when he ran his tongue up between her swelling labia she felt a climax building. She felt instantly out of control. Her breathing sharpened and began to race.
'Tell him to ease' said Lola, 'you're the boss.'
Naomi did so. That hadn't been something she had mastered with Ben yet. After he sniffed her, perhaps scenting another male, who could tell, he licked greedily. He licked so greedily that thinking about Saul fucking her, Naomi had tended to climax wantonly and quickly. Naomi gave her whispered instructions. It was like easing back the accelerator on a car. It worked.
'That better?' asked Lola who was smiling as a young white woman sucked black cock on screen.
'Yes' answered Naomi who now found the tongue bath gently arousing, delicously pleasurable, like a massage.
'Would you like to cum in Gordon's mouth or shall we share 26?' Lola asked, pointing to a particularly enthusiastic tongue in action that momntarily graced the screen.
Naomi wanted 26. He had indeed looked cute the other side of that window. But she knew something of the etiquette of these matters. if she 'used' Gordon that would please Lola. Forever afterwards he would be especially submissive towards her. She would have progressed.
'I want Gordon to heel' Naomi said, and smiled. It was meant to look casual but she felt aroused, tense, conflicted at the very idea of using another man, just for her casual pleasure.
'I'm thinking of converting Phil's brother' Lola said. He's not married so there is no hassle in that regard and he makes a good living as an accountant.'
Naomi repositioned her body so that clitty started to receive Gordon's lapping tongue. After the gradual arousal of a gentler tongue, feeling that dance across her bud now was exquisite. On screen a huge black man was drilling his cock into a gasping woman. Lola followed suit, positioning herself so that the hapless young 26 could suck her clitoris.
'Is he sucking?' Lola asked.
Naomi nodded. It was achingly perfect. On screen the black man was pumping, relentlessly pumping.
'Don't be ashamed, some girls piss when they climax, it doesn't matter here, with them' Lola breathed, sensing the delights of 26 to the full.
Naomi groaned. She had not heard any of the more experienced women do so, but she couldn't help it! Lola's father in law rolled his tongue like a straw and with it near rigid, he flicked Naomi's swollen clit back and forth.
Lola watched her companion grip the seat front. The blonde woman down the row smiled and nodded quietly to Lola.
Now, now.....God......Naomi couldn't fight it and she splurged on Gordon's mouth. There was a gush as her juices exploded. The climax, so dirty, so public, so surreal, was way harder than she had yet trained Ben to give her.
'Shit!' Naomi breathed. Her whole body tensed, her labia pulsing against the tongue of her servant. She could feel herself draining into his open mouth.
'He mustn't feel clever Naomi sweets, make him lick botty' Lola advised.
Naomi moved with relief. If she allowed that tongue to lap there any more, her climax would have reignited! She shifted forward and the tongue wet her bottom. She could feel her botty clenching as the tongue swet back and forth.
'Keep him at it, he hates botty, but he must worship' Lola said.
Naomi tapped the seat, a reminder to attend enthusiastically. She could feel Gordon straining his head up, licking deeper into her crack.
'Nice?' asked Lola.
'Very nice' admitted Naomi.
'Shall we go and get another drink? Thn I suggest you chose a pool Lickie. I want to talk some more with you about Ben whilst that one attends you.'
'Yes' said Naomi. Her face had a distant, a lotus eating expression upon it.
Lutheran Maid

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