Personal Details

I'm a professional erotic author, possibly the best you've ever seen, and I love posting samples of my work here, for you guys to enjoy.
If you like my stuff, check me out on Amazon so that I can afford to keep doing this for a living.
About RichRichardson

Sex Stories
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As my other fingers wrapped around Carter, I could feel him twitch in my hand. This happened more and more, as I began to move up and down his shaft, and soon his head was pushing against my dress, wetting the fabric as it begged to bury itself inside of me.

“Tell me what you want.”
This time there was no hesitation; no second guessing. She knew exactly what she wanted and she told me in only two words.
“Fuck me.”

“I only have one goal,” Carter said, full of that same unshakable confidence. “You’re going to spend the night with me, and when you wake up the next morning, you’ll find your legs wide open and your, I’m assuming, very tight pussy pleasantly sore.”
· 7 Years, 4 Months, 2 Weeks, 6 Days, 19 Hours, 13 Minutes ago