
Personal Details

bdsm, juicy sex stories profile 12
writer...masochist...atheist.... animal lover....not necessarily in that order.
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About lucydee

  • Interests
  • animal rights
  • Favorite Books
  • Story of O
  • Favorite Movies
  • A Beautiful Mind
  • Favorite Music
  • Pink
  • Favorite Quote
  • People see things as they are and ask why, I see things that could be and ask, why not - RF Kennedy.


Sex Stories

Today_Is_Pic As it should be March 04, 2014
dinner_for_two Our First Date February 23, 2014
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Juicy Friends (2)

As it should be part 2

lucydee - March 26, 2014 | 63029 Views
There were so many rules to obey, yet there was so much we didn't cover before He left for work. Why was it so difficult, I just had to think and decide. Oh the irony! And He continued to delight in her frustration, her confusion, her angst. Such an obedient slave he mused, which was a good result for slave, He thought, although He was itching to punish her. And so His day continued where He didn't get a lot done but still managed to enjoy watching His slave working her fingers to the bone – all for an apple. How easily pleased is she...

As it should be

lucydee - March 04, 2014 | 25884 Views
Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life... As the plane touched down these words spun around in my head as the butterflies played drum solos in the pit of my stomach.

Our First Date

lucydee - February 23, 2014 | 48276 Views
She gasped, leaning back on the sofa, her legs spread slightly, accidentally of course. Eventually Dan couldn’t resist and ran his hand under her dress. Lucy lay down; her legs spread more, revealing her shaven pussy. Dan was on his knees in a flash, licking her; she shuddered with every teasing tickle of his tongue. “You do taste good, my sweet”. Lucy grinned.