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  • I can take all of that in my mouth.


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straight, juicy sex stories 101 Juicys Wish February 23, 2017
straight, juicy sex stories 24 Rectal Rooster #3 February 22, 2017
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Juicys Wish

juicyeeju - February 23, 2017 | 59208 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 101
My cock is hard again from watching him fuck her. I climb on her, she’s face up, I kiss her passionately

Rectal Rooster #3

juicyeeju - February 22, 2017 | 44438 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 24
Pulling out of my cunt, he pushes me over onto my stomach, my finger still rubbing my clit. He puts his heads between my legs, his body over mine and starts eating my still wet arse. He’s much taller than me so I feel his cock touching my neck, still rock hard, it dribbles my cum onto me.

Hot wife gets her first DP

juicyeeju - February 16, 2017 | 169974 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 91
She reaches round with her free hand and grabs my cock. Introduces the tip to her waiting and willing arse hole, I gently push it in. First the tip, she continues to hold it while it slides in. Her phone sounds off again, She releases me and opens the message. She reads it momentarily then shows it to me.

Juicy get's a rude awakening.

juicyeeju - February 10, 2017 | 69494 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 18
Eagerly I climb on top of him, high on my haunches I hover over his saliva soaked cock. My lips hanging, dripping with my cum, lowering myself slowly onto it. I feel its tip touch my waiting pussy as I insert him in me, I let my weight force myself down until I feel him hitting deep inside. His hands reach for my breasts, cupping them, my nipples between his fingers. He gently at first squeezes them, then more forcefully. I’m riding his cock, my hands resting on his shoulders my legs lifting me to the tip and back inside again.
straight, juicy sex stories 16
Oh fuck, I can feel his cock pounding into the wall of my pussy, it’s uncomfortable possibly painful but I enjoy it, my cunt is dribbling into my hand as I frantically finger my clit, the wetness runs onto the sheets but is eagerly replaced with lots more. His movement is forceful and deep, he hits me hard with his hips onto my arse cheeks with every stroke, his cock hits my pussy with the same force. I’m going to feel this for a few days at least, but it’s nice to feel used.