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straight, juicy sex stories 133 Birthday March 27, 2015
sport, 1 5 stuck in traffic February 20, 2015
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hardcorefuck - March 27, 2015 | 103931 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 133
She was very good at giving blow job. she had pulled her skirt up and was rubbing her pussy as she was sucking me, faster this time. "she must have been waiting to get laid for a while" I thought. She had nice black panties on and I could see she was wet. "Give it to me bitch" I thought to myself as she was sucking harder and harder.

boom boom with wife's friend

hardcorefuck - March 22, 2015 | 184832 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 124
"I have been watching you from there" she pointed from under a tree close by. "What if my wife finds out?" i asked. "So what?" she replied. "Don't be a pussy" she said and picked up my phone and pushed play.

stuck in traffic

hardcorefuck - February 20, 2015 | 81567 Views
sport, 1 5
She came real close to me and i thought she was going to kiss me but she knelt down and started unzipping my pants. It hurt a little when she pulled my dick out. It was real hard. She kissed it on the head and said "Don't look so scared" and laughed. "What if my wife finds out" I uttered in a shaky voice. "Well its such a horny day, with the rain and all" she said as she sucked my cork, nice and slow.

Sex in a Carpark on Valentines Day

hardcorefuck - February 07, 2015 | 67828 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 27
She put her hand on my thigh, real close to my dick and said "What about your wife?" I looked at her and told her she is my wife but your friend as well and it is best we keep her out of it. The next few seconds passed by like years and she finally leaned over and said lets keep her out of this and asked me to meet her in the car park when my wife was back. Fuck!