Personal Details

An English gentlemen now living in Australia.
About Letsbeavenue
- Favorite Music
- Queen, Rolling Stones, Motown
- Dreams
- For you to find out!

Sex Stories
Juicy Friends (0)

It was a warm summers day and I was playing soccer in the garden with friends. Both my parents were out - I cannot remember why. In the late afternoon my friends had to go home, but I carried on practicing my soccer, kicking the ball against the back of the garage. I took an angled shot and the ball bounced off the brick wall, shooting straight over the 6 foot high fence into our neighbours garden. I knew the lady who lived there. I’m guessing now that she would have been about 35 to 40 years old, but as a teenager guessing age was difficult to determine. Anybody over 21 was old! She lived on her own and was very quiet. We rarely saw her.
Eventually I plucked up the courage to go round and knock on her door to ask that aged old question - “can I have my ball back please?”. After a short wait she opened the door. She was wearing a floral summer dress down to her knees and black stockings.