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Andrea drove home from work frustrated as usual. The overweight 48 year old mom of one son had been divorced for over 10 years now and still hadn't been able to get laid. She sighed.…

Beth Morrison sat in the stands in the gym of her son Darren's high school. It was the first basketball game of the season and Darren was 18 and in his senior year, starting on the…

Jared had planned this weekend months ago. He needed to try something. His daughter Molly had been sad for almost her entire high school career so far, and he was…

"This year. This is the year." Julia thought to herself as she tied her shoes. The 18 year old senior had failed to make the basketball team for the last three years but had worked…
· 4 Years, 2 Weeks, 2 Days, 16 Hours, 34 Minutes ago

"Geeze, I haven't had a man in my house in years." April Miller thought to herself. The 42 year old divorcee had been alone for more than 10 years now. Her husband had run off with…