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I found that I enjoy putting the stories in my mind down on paper. I am vanilla by day and kink behind closed doors as a true Daddy Dom.
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United States
NC - Charlotte

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th_101 Missy's Diary September 09, 2020
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Spontaneous Surprise: EVE

Swiftcreek - April 13, 2021 | 15744 Views
straight, juicy sex stories 25
“Wow, she was right. You do have the sweetest cum” Eve said as she gathered her things. “She talks to you about me as well?” I asked. “Oh, yes. She loves to discuss the guys we have both been able to experience.
straight, juicy sex stories 18
I then asked, “what about your husband?” “He is not here, and besides I don’t fuck him very much anymore. He has his side pieces and I have mine” she said with an affirmative tone. “Take off those pants and show me that beautiful cock that stretched me out so well a while back!”
straight, juicy sex stories 66
This room was huge with a four-post bed, mirrors on the ceiling, and a sitting area with an antique chase lounge. The four-post bed had leather cuffs at each post for some bondage fun. Eve turned around as we entered the room and said, “I want you to blindfold me, tie me up, and have your way with me.”
straight, juicy sex stories 118
This pecker-neck leads my slut to a room in this house that had shackles on the bed at the hands and feet. He so wanted to be a Dom but when he told my slut to get on the bed and to get ready, she was having none of that. She grabbed his face and squeezed his cheeks as she spoke down to him. She grabbed his crotch and told him what was going happen, and you should have seen this sissy cower into his place.
“Look Daddy, feel how smooth my pussy is. I shaved it just for you to show me how you are gonna quench my horniness”. When she talks naughty to me my cock gets hard immediately. I did enjoy playing with her little pink pussy on the ride over to the coffee shop.