
The Twins, Part 1

TheChadDupree   November 15, 2018   | 45880 Views
Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger… rings

Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger one, plays football on a scholarship for Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. While Nicole, the older one by minutes, stayed in town for college at the University of Houston. In their high school years, they were both powerful. Influential in their own ways. They were both honor students. They were both very popular. They were both deep into extracurricular activities. They were both very attractive. Boys went crazy for Nicole. Girls went crazy for Nicholas. They even won high school homecoming together in their senior year. However, all of that was over. Nicholas had a beautiful girlfriend that broke up with him after high school. Nicole had a boyfriend also. He cheated on her. The Langston twins are now in their 20s. All they have now is each other. These are their stories.

Meanwhile, in the locker room of the Texas Christian University football facility, Nicholas Langston was changing back into his clothes after football practice. That particular day, practice was hell to him. The previous week, they lost. He just wanted to get back to his dorm when he heard…

“Yo, but she got some nice titties though,” One of the receivers named Jordan said.

“Bro, really? She has B-cups at best,” One of the tight ends, Jake said. Jake was a bigger man.

“Jake, shut up. You date big chicks.”

“Exactly, you need a little meat on them bones with me, my friend. Plus, the head is amazing,” Jake said laughing.

Nicholas let out a smile, thinking:

‘Typical Jake…’

 “Shit, my girl right now look like she got some great mouth game! And her ass? Don’t get me started…” One of the running backs, named Terrence said. Terrence was a stocky man, short and hard to tackle on the field with a running style that is angry.

“Shut up. Aren’t you still trying to talk to one of the cheerleaders? You can mow down people twice your damn size but can’t talk to a crush?”

Nicholas held in a laugh while looking at his phone. His screensaver had him and Nicole posing. All of a sudden, his best friend on the team and offensive lineman on the team, Lavon showed up. He sat next to him.

“What’s up, bro?”

“Nothing much,” Nicholas said.

Lavon and Nicholas went to the same high school. Nicholas was a senior when Lavon was a sophomore at the time. He knew that look on Nicholas’ face. It was homesickness.

“You miss her, do you?” Lavon said.

“She’s my better half, man. You know this,” Nicholas said.

“Hey, don’t you Facetime her every night?” He said.

“Almost,” Nicholas replied.

“Why don’t you do it tonight before Ken and Keith’s kickback? Say that you’re thinking of her. Then we can drive to Houston after this week’s game,” Lavon explained.

“Lavon, you brilliant bastard. Wait. Ken and Keith are having a party?”

“Yeah. There’s going to be so many bad bitches in there…” Lavon said with a smile. Nicholas was still dealing with his own breakup. He simply shook his head.

Ken and Keith were twins. Ken was the quarterback, Keith was one of the receivers. They had a raunchy sense of humor but really talented.

“Which reminds me, where’s Nick? Nick?” Ken called.

“Little Nicky…” Keith called.

Nicholas came out the shadows of the back of the back of the locker room.

“Damn, you talk too much for a dude who has a pee fetish,” Nicholas said.

“I wanted to ask you something, bro. Your sister…” Ken said, with Nicholas’ expression changing. Nicholas was always the “protective” brother. “Relax. I was about to say she’s really pretty. She has some nice skin. Pretty eyes. Nice lips.”


“What he’s trying to say is Nicole’s got some DSL’s on her. Her lip gloss is poppin’! Nice thick lips. I bet she always uses Carmex!” Keith said, excited.

“Shut the fuck up,” Ken jabbed him. 
“I’d like to see her suck a lollipop…” He said to himself. Ken glared at Keith. “What? She looked good.”
Nicholas looked at them perplexed. His first reaction was to, of course, beat them for talking about his sister like that. But about a second later an evil grin formed on his lips.

“Um, Keith… you do know I’m a twin right? You know this. We look the same. If you think she got DSL’s then….” Nicholas said, licking his lips almost seductively.

“Ew, motherfucker, no!” Keith yelled.

Nicholas smiled.

“Well played, my dude. Almost too well played,” Lavon said.

“Just fucking with you, homie,” He playfully patted Ken on the back.

“I told you to shut up,” Ken said to his brother as Lavon and Nicholas left practice. “Yo, y’all going to be at the kickback?”

“Matter of fact… we are,” Nicholas said to Keith with a grin.
Nicholas began to think about what he said in the locker room. It was something about her the last few times they talked. It was complex. He saw something in her a very selected few didn’t. They were talking about their relationship issues, and how his sister said to him:

“Well, all we have is each other now.”

That line stuck in his head. She was a beautiful young woman both inside and out. No wonder other guys went wild for her. Nicholas began to notice the subtle changes in her twin sister. She was already labeled a “late bloomer.” Her hips formed later on. He wondered that did other things match her womanly body?

Later on that evening, while Lavon was in the shower, Nicholas called his beloved sister via Facetime. The phone rang a few times. She answered. Her face was in the process of getting made up.

“Hey, little big brother!” She said.

“Hey, Nikki. What you doing, all dolled up?” Nicholas said with a smile. He looked at her lips. They were pretty and just the right shade to accentuate the thickness. He almost couldn’t stop looking, to the point that they were alluring.

“Oh, I got a blind date,” Nicole said. Nicholas’ head tilted. “Don’t blame me. It was my friends’ fault on campus thinking I should get laid after what happened with Malachi.”

“How you taking that, sis? I should’ve kicked his ungrateful ass,” Nicholas said.

“I need something to take my mind off him. At least your girlfriend broke up with you because of long distance, the bitch. Of course, the first thing after I decide to put out is to downgrade. She wasn’t even that cute. Wouldn’t mind if he’s smart, handsome, funny… you know, like you,” Nicole said. “So, what’s up with you?”

“Yeah, it is what it is with Ash. So, me and Lavon are going to Ken and Keith’s party tonight to help me forget. I’m waiting for Lavon to get out the shower,” He said to his sister. “What the hell are you doing, jerking off in there?! I got to shower!” He called to Lavon.

“Ew,” Nicole laughed. “Jocks.”

The twins were raised in a religious and respectful household. They were somewhat sheltered, but not overly sheltered. They were almost joined at the hip. They fought, like most siblings fought.They loved each other. But it felt more than your regular family love.

“Hey, Nikki…” Nicholas said to his sister.

“I heard that shit, dammit,” Lavon said half naked, emerging from the shower. “You’re talking to her, are you? Her fine ass. Hey, Nicole!” Lavon flopped on the bed.

“Hey, Lavon.”

“Yo, did you tell her about the DSL thing?” Lavon said.

“What about DSL’s?” Nicole said, with a smirk.

“Damn it, man…” Nicholas said, under his breath. “Keith thinks you have DSL’s.”

“I do not! These?” Nicole said, automatically licking her lips. “I think they’re just the right size for…” She got interrupted, puckering them.

“Who the hell you talking to?” A voice said in the distance. Nicholas and Lavon looked at each other quizzically.

“Oh, my brother. I told you he plays at TCU, right?”

She looked at the camera with Nicole.

“Oh, shit, he cute. And he bought his teammate with him?”

“Here we go,” Nicole said, rolling her eyes. “This is Savannah, by the way. The teammate’s name is Lavon. We know each other from high school.”

“Hey,” She said flirtatiously.

“Hey,” The guys greeted.

 “Anyway, I got to go, bro. I’ll see you this weekend. Love you!” Nicole said.

“Love you too, Nikki.”

“Bye, sexy lips,” Lavon chimed in.

She then kissed the screen. Nicholas thought about his conversation with his sister. Although comical, but realistically, he wasn’t aloneby far.Growing up,he found many boys that said in love letters:
“You have some sexy lips…”
He was sure he held her in higher regard.She was his star. His number one fan. She still is to this day.
But there was something about her. Something he couldn’t figure out. They spent their whole life together. He had conflicting feelings. He couldn’t stop thinking about her puckering her perfectly pouty lips in his midst...
“Yo, Nick!” Lavon said. “We’re going to be late for the party, my dude.”

“I got you,” Nicholas said. “Let me take a shower right quick.”

He left as he went to the shower. He looked in the mirror. He had this thought:

‘What the fuck, man? She’s your twin! Your twin!’ 

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