
Honeymoon Cruise

l_benton   October 28, 2019   | 34805 Views
Anna had planed a special second honeymoon. The day she was going to spring the news to her husband he dumped her. That is when her son came to her rescue and gave her the best week of her life. banner1

Honeymoon Cruise

               I woke with a large cock between my ass cheeks. I could hear groggy, sleepy moans being breathed into the back of my neck as he slowly ground in between my cheeks. He had his strong arm under my neck reaching around me and his hand softly cupping my left breast. His other hand around my waist reaching over my pelvis and gently holding me against his cock.

               “Roy.” I breathed out. His grinding strengthened as he continued to grind into my ass crack. “Roy.” I say again, yet still not any louder than a whisper. This time I hear a moan of sleepy pleasure and feel his finger and thumb had found my nipple that is just as hard as his cock.  

               I begin to feel the wetness between my legs, as pleasure begins to build in me. I think only for a moment that I wish he would rip this flannel night gown and panties off me and just take me. fill me with that dick that is teasing me between my ass cheeks. I wanted to yell out…. “JUST DO IT….” as an unexpected moan of pleasure leaves my lips, I know it was too loud because I feel his body stiffen and his soft groggy moans of pleasure stop. The grinding in my ass cheeks stops as well. ‘DAMMIT’ I say to myself as he slowly backs his cock out of my ass cheeks. “Roy?” I whisper out again very softly. Only this time he answers me. “Mom? I’m sorry, I was asleep.”


               One week earlier.

               I am so excited, our twentieth anniversary was in three weeks, I wanted so much to surprise my husband Eric with a seven-day cruise. It took five years for me to save for it. I had to be carful though. My husband is a tightwad. Really, the lessons I learned form him allowed me to save for the cruse. I was on pins and needles with excitement. I purchased the tickets, made a two thousand dollar prepay ship expense deposit. I had to do it with no help form my husband.

               I had asked him several times to take me on a cruse with him. he always had excuses and refused. I found out later the reason why.

               I paid extra for several things because I wanted it to be our second honeymoon as well as our anniversary cruse.

Each day came and went bringing me nearer to my surprise. Our son Roy was the only person I let in on the secret. He helped me hide it form my husband Eric. Until finally the big day was among us. I made a marvelous meal for just the two of us. I wanted to start the honeymoon tonight. Seven days before we cast off.   

I had everything perfect. Roy helped me cook dinner and I used the best china, the finest linen napkins.

I was dressed in one of my sexier dresses with stockings and four-inch heels. I had my hair done today and when I looked in the mirror, I asked myself if this was really me.

Roy came in behind me while I was looking at what I had trans formed myself into. “Mom… If dad doesn’t rip that thing off you and take you the second, he sees you, he is either gay or dead…”

My son’s complement sent shudders down my body. I turned and smiled at him and said “Thank you son.” I hugged him. “Thank you for being here and helping me with this.”

“You are so welcome mom. I loved doing it.” he hugged me really tight.

“Erick should be here any time. He told me that he had something he needed to tell me today so he won’t be late like he usually is. I am so excited!!!”

I looked at all I had done for this night to be so perfect. I was going to meet him at the door in the dress, I was going to lead him to the table where the dinner was already to be eaten. Complete with his favorite meal and desert. I had the cruise tickets in his plate for the first surprise.

               Roy was made up in a nice suit and was prepared to be our waiter, though he was going to eat with us. I could never eat a fine meal wile my son watched without him enjoying it too.

               Roy had to keep holding me down as my excitement started to get the better of me more than once.

               Finally, the front door opened and in walked the second most handsome man I have ever seen. I smiled at him humbly as I could and was about to say something but he spoke first.

               “Anna…. I need to make this as quick as I can.”

               His tone was something I have rarely heard from him, it bordered on anger. I could see his body language was set in a determination. “Erick.” I called to him but he had none of me, he continued to look threw me and finally the door opened again and in walked a woman I had recognized before as his secretary. She took his arm and pressed herself to him.

               Oh no… shit… No…. not this…. not now….

               I heard Roy, our son jump-down his dad’s throat. He kicked his whore out of the house and got right in his dad’s face for bringing her here. Then I couldn’t believe he was able to do it but he shoved Eric out of the house too.

               After all the ruckus. Roy came to me and picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. He put me on my bed then He laid with me. Holding me and letting me cry into him for hours.

I woke with him still holding me. He had a death grip on me that felt like I was in heaven. ‘Eric may want someone else but my son wants me.’ I thought to myself. I can’t describe how much better that made me feel.     

I managed to get out of bed and I was going to clean the table of the huge mistake I had made the night before. I started to shed tears again as I saw that the meal, I had prepared for my soon to be x-husband was cleaned up. There was no sign of it in the refrigerator either and the trash had been taken out.

My son had cleaned up my mistake with one exception. The tickets for the cruse was still on the table. I stared at them for a long time before I heard my son’s voice softly saying. “We will go together, you and me, We, don’t need him.”

I almost laughed at the thought. I am glad I held back for when I turned to my son his look pinned me into surrender.

He pulled out a chair for me to set and kissed my cheek softly but quickly and told me he would have breakfast ready in a jiff. “After that I will fill you in with my plan…”

I looked at him and thought for a moment. I can go on the cruse with my son. Fuck Eric and anyone else that might want to say something. I am going to have me the best time of my life and I won’t let that son of a bitch ruin it for me. I have wanted to go on a cruise all my life, and by god I will. Even if it is with my son.

               Roy did his homework. He told me that because we will be going on a honeymoon cruise and I wasn’t going to get my money back for anything in the world. We would be going as a couple.

               He told me to start practicing calling him Roy and he would call me nothing but Anna. He said that we had to start acting like a couple too. We would need to start holding hands and putting our arms around each other. That I would need to practice sitting with me as your lover not your son, and that I need to practicing smiling too.

               “Why are you doing all this so…. Roy?” I asked.

               “Mo…. Anna, you have wanted to go on a cruise for as long as I have been here. I want you to go. This is paid for and unless you have a boyfriend around, we don’t know about I am your best choice.” He smiled at me and said. “Let me restate that…  It would be my privilege and honor to escort you on this cruise. You know maybe I am being greedy, but I want to give you this.”

               I couldn’t help it; I loved my son even more now. “OH. Shit son…. Roy, there is something you might like to know, Ah, well.”
               “What is it mo…. Anna. Damen this is going to be harder than I thought.”

               We both laughed then I finally got out, “Roy, well you see I paid for the caption to remarried me and your dad during the cruise.”

               “Anna, that law that allows captions to marry people has pretty much been abolished into a pleasant yet fake ceremony. It is just something to do and say you did. and I would be fine marring you anyway. Anna….”

We both smile at the way he said Anna.

“So, you won’t be embarrassed at marring, dating and hanging on your old mom for a whole week?” I asked.     

“Hell no… it would be a privilege to be with you, I will be the envy of everyone on the ship.”

I went to him then and kissed him. It was a big thank you kiss and would have crossed the line of a lot of self-riches hypocrites that I avoided at all costs. But they didn’t know what this young man gave me. he was going to fulfill my dream. My dream of sailing the seas and going on a cruise. So, I kissed him again.

 We did a lot of practicing being a couple. He was wonderful at calling me Anna, and I got pretty good at not calling him son. And when I did, I would make it sound like Sonny Roy.

I had the locks changed at the house and put in three security cameras as well, I had them monitored wile we where gone by a security firm.

Erick had filed for divorce and after reading it I signed it and returned it to the court without complaint. I kept the house and the savings so I was great.

Eric I am sure squandered several thousand dollars out of us. However, I was ok with it just being over.

The days came nearer to the cruse and finally we were aboard our ship. I could feel tears in my eyes as I walked aboard our ship holding my date’s arm. I pulled him to me and held him tight as we made our way.

I was at one of the landings just looking around when one of the other passengers said. “Is this your honeymoon? You look like a wonderful couple.”  

I was suddenly tongue tied and couldn’t think of anything to say when Roy made up for it. “This is my fiancé.” He said in a pride filled voice. “We are to be wed on the ship. When is our wedding Anna???”  

I was speechless, first, I was living a dream I wanted for so long, second, my son just rescued me, third we are getting married???? “Oh… Oh… Ohhh… I think it is tomorrow, noon at the…. Shoot I am glad I wrote it down.” I fluttered.

“Now that is one nervous bride isn’t, she.” The woman named Joy of the couple we were chatting with observed. Well let us know if you need any witnesses.” The gentleman said smiling. “We are here for our second honeymoon. Hope we have as much fun as you will.”

Then Joy came to me and softly whispered. “He is a good-looking young man. If he is too much for you give me a call. Bill poops out pretty fast these days.”

My cheeks flame red, but her smile and giggle suddenly break threw my misgivings and I start to laugh. Roy puts his arms around me and laughs with us as well.

We found our state room and the first thing I notice is it only has one bed. The second thing I notice is it isn’t even a queen bed. It is like a double bed. OHHHH shit. I think to myself as I feel Roy wrap his arms around me from behind. “We will be ok mo… Anna. We can do this.” He holds me firmly.

As he holds me, I admit for the first time ever. He doesn’t understand. I could have slept with my son a week ago, I could have married my son a week ago, I could even have a wedding night with my son a week ago.

But now something has changed. I feel something in me that I haven’t felt since maybe three years after Eric and I where married. And I felt it with my son.





I wanted to kill the son-of-a-bitch. Dammit. I wanted him dead. And I wanted to mop up his blood with his girlfriend’s hair. How dare he hurt my mother like he did. After I threw him and his whore out the front door of our home, I told him flat out that he would not ever be able to walk again if he showed up here when me or mom were around. Then I told him I would hunt him down if he took something that didn’t belong to him out of the house.

He jumped at me after that but I cut him off and had him by the throat and softly explained. “Dad, you blew it. I am going to take care of mom now and if you want to go around with me, trust me… I fight dirty, and you will have several broken bones.”

His fight suddenly left him. He had been paying for me to go to kickboxing classes for the last ten years. The last twelve months I had been undefeated after ten fights before I quit. It just wasn’t for me. My Dad left after that without another word.

I knew my mom better than anyone knew her. She was my mom after all. I knew what this cruise meant to her; it was her lifelong dream. I held my mom most all night. It was after three in the morning before she fell asleep. I cleaned the dining room and kitchen. I took all the food out to the trash cans. I knew if she seen it, she would start to cry again.

After I had everything cleaned up, I went back upstairs and cuddled to my mom again. I put my arms around her to hold her, I wanted her to know that I had her back and I would be here for her always.

As I started to drift off to sleep suddenly, a plan formed in my mind. And I knew that I was going on the cruise with my mom. Yea. I can do that. I squeezed my mom tighter as I faded off to sleep.

The week before the cruise went surprisingly fast, each day I could see mom’s excitement and appreciation of what I was doing for her.

Finally, we walked aboard the ship and I felt like a king as my mom had my arm. Several people looked at us and smiled. A number of men young and old ogled my fiancé-mom. I felt so proud walking with her. We met someone right off the bat, they where on there second honeymoon and where married for five years now. I shook his hand and congratulated her. They both congratulated me and my fiancé for our betrothal.   

They offered to be witnesses to our wedding, suddenly another idea came to me. I was glad that the wedding was on Wednesday, this was Monday and I had barely enough time to get everything ready for mom’s special day.

At exactly midnight Wednesday morning, they kidnapped mom. A Groom is not supposed to see the bride before the wedding. I knew were they where taking her and the other brides, but mom, well she was going to get something special.

Me I waited in the state room, then I did a little shopping at the ships store. I had till 11:00 o’clock before I would be expected at the altar. To tell the truth I was looking forward to the ceremony. I haven’t seen my mom in her wedding dress yet but I know she was going to be beautiful. I made extra arrangements for her to have a complete makeover, I told them not to heavy on the makeup because my fiancé was already beautiful and didn’t need any. Ashly, the hairdresser promised she would make her beautiful. I told her that that would be the easiest job she ever preformed. I got a few “Ahhhh’s…” form the women around. But they never seen my mom-fiancé…

I ate breakfast in the buffet, and drank decaf coffee. From there I went to the ships gift shop and found a really nice suit. I bought it and a new pair of loafers, I didn’t like the loafers, I am a cowboy and I prefer boots, but they had none. I paid for my purchases with my dad’s credit card. He gave it to me after I threatened him with more physical violence if he didn’t pay for at least part of the cruise as he ruined it so completely for her.

Then as I waited for my mom’s big moment. I did nothing but pray I could make it special for her.




            I was so excited when they kidnaped me, I guess they where making sure my groom didn’t see me before the wedding. They took me to the front of the ship and I had a place to sleep. They kidnapped me with a robe, and they let me bring my dress, but no makeup. They wouldn’t even let me bring my brushes. I took my Louboutin’s I bought for just this occasion. I forgot my stockings but they had some from the ships store that I could buy.

            I slept till almost nine in the morning, the other brides where just as nervous as I was.

            I couldn’t believe I was so nervous having a fake wedding, but I was. I kept smiling and giggling to myself that I was marring my son. This is so weird.

            The surprises started showing up. first Roy had purchased a bouquet of flowers for me to carry. Then he had a neckless his grandmother gave him for me to carry, the note said something barrowed.

            Another delivery came from my son the note said ‘something new’. It was a really nice gold chain with a two-carrot ruby pendent.

            Just as I thought it couldn’t get any better another delivery came form my son that said. ‘something old.’ It was an old antique broach. I had seen it at a jewelry store, I had fallen in love with it, it was so ridiculously expensive that I knew I would never be able to wear it. But now it is mine. I felt the tears start to flow I was so happy.

            Then as if someone knew me better than I knew myself. Another delivery man tapped me on the shoulder with a blue handkerchief. The not read. “We mustn’t forget something blue… I love you MO. Anna….”

            I both laughed and cried at my son’s attempt at hummer and the way he was wooing me. I felt like I was on top of the world.

            I loved it. as my cheeks glowed and my perpetual smile lit the room. But the surprises weren’t over yet.

            I was brought to the ship’s beauty salon. There was a woman there named Ashly, she told me she had orders to make me beautiful. I laughed and said. “That will take some work.” “That’s not what your fiancé said.” I looked at her closely. “I told him I would make you beautiful and he said. ‘That will be the easiest job I ever took; she is already beautiful.’”

            I stared at her for a long moment. Finally, I said “He did not.”

            “Yes, he did.” all four of the stylists said in unison along with two of the other brides. I was dumbstruck. “He also gave me orders not to use too much makeup… he said you don’t need it.”

            I felt tears drip form my eyes, Eric never would say anything like this to me, ever.

            “OK, let’s get the waterproof mascara for this one.” Ashly teased. As she wiped one of my tears from my cheeks.

            It was like a whirlwind picking me up and placing me here and there. It was nothing like when I married Eric. Here everything was so pleasant and unexpected. I couldn’t believe it. I have never been so happy and moved. How on earth am I going to pay Roy back for what he has given me today.

            I was setting with all the other Brides in a small room. They had drinks and snacks for us, but no alcohol. They wouldn’t let us get drunk first. As I sat chatting with the other four brides we seemed to be getting along really well. With the delivery’s and the comments Roy made to the stylists I was definitely the envy of them all.

            One of the brides was Roy’s age. I wanted just for a second to entice her thinking that would be what Roy wanted. But I unexpectedly became extremely jealous the second I thought of her touching my fiancé. I couldn’t believe it.

            Finally, they started calling us in the Ship’s Chapple one at a time. Each bride walking the aisle to ‘the traditional wedding march.’ There future husband was waiting with the caption and each of them had a quick simple ceremony. Then they walked arm in arm back down the aisle by us. We smiled and said our congrats as they passed.

            I was the fifth and when they called my name. I had yet another surprise. “Mrs. Brown?” The man that we fist met asked. I looked at him. “Your fiancé asked me to walk you down the aisle if you would like.”

            Because I felt my knees almost give way when they called me, again my son new me better than I knew myself and I took his arm. “Thank you.” I muttered out very quietly.

            I stepped into the Chapple and looked up at the most hansom man I have ever seen. My he was so handsome, strong, smart caring and romantic. I need him.

            ‘Shit, did I just say I needed my son.’ I smile to myself. ‘Yes, I did. because yes, I do.’

            I made it to the alter, Roy held out his hand and I nervously took it. he gently led me beside him where I stood and took our fake wedding vows. The caption said the same thigs to us as he did the other couples and then we said our fake I Do’s.

I was very nervous wondering just how my son was going to kiss me. I was determined to let him do it anyway he wanted. When the caption said you may kiss the bride, he turned to me and reached for the back of my neck, he brought me to him and placed his lips on mine. he rolled his tongue over my lips and I parted them and he tasted my tongue with his. I felt my whole world shift then as I was now fake married to my son. But it didn’t feel fake, it felt real. We then turned back to the caption, he said lastly “let me introduce Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown.”

            We walked on out of the chapel and on to the reception the ship had arranged for us.

            We partied and ate a nice brunch and then we went to one of the lounges and danced. Roy would not let me dance with anyone but him. he kept me on the dance floor almost every song. Only giving me a few breaks to let us get a quick drink.

            I was having such a terrific time that I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. We finally went to the galley for dinner. I dint want to go to the buffet to eat being I was still in my wedding dress and the suit that Roy was warring deserved to be showed shown off.

            We sat with the couple we first met. Joy, Bill’s wife was all smiles. Bill as it turns out is a human rights attorney.

            “Well, we won’t need an attorney if our marriage doesn’t work out being that it is a fake wedding…” I sang out after Bill announced he was a lawyer.

            “Who told you that it was fake???” bill asked.

            “Isn’t it???” I asked with growing concern. Roy, was setting with his smile slowly fading.

            “All the states in the nation recognize international weddings. There are a few states that will require a blood test, but you can do that post wed. They will send you a letter if they require it. but the ships caption marries a lot of people. How much notice did you give the cruse?”

            “Just a week.” I answer with dread creping further and farther up my spine.

            “Oh, that’s great, then the ship filled for your wedding license. They can do that with your pas port.”

            I had no words. I couldn’t believe it. I was married to my son….

            Roy helped me to our room that night after dinner. He had a mischievous grin on his face the whole way. In reality I had the best day of my life. Really, I did.

Roy made it perfect. All day long he thought of nothing but me. We can get divorced when we get home. It was a mistake and I am sure that it could be seen that way. Oh well don’t worry about things I can’t change.

I sat on the bed and Roy sat on the chair facing me. “Mom, I just…”” No, Roy, it is ok. You didn’t create this we did and we will get through it. However, Roy, there is something I have to tell you…” Roy looked at me as if I was going to scold him. But instead I get up off the bed, I went to him and sat in his lap and kiss him. I kiss him closed mouth, but deeply. I hold my lips to his until it starts to feel I want more. Then and only then I back off and say…. “Thank you, Roy, thank you for what has to be the best day of my life. Thank you for everything. For the flowers for the broach, the necklaces, and mostly the hanky. You had to put a lot of time and thought into today, and I love you for it. Thank you, it has been the best day of my life.

Roy looked at me, his eyes started to shine. “Mom, I wanted to give you something special. you deserve it and more. You have always been my mom and my friend. not to mention my role model. You are the person I look to when I need direction. I don’t know what I would be if you weren’t there for me. I wanted to be here for you. I am glad I was able to give you a great day. I love you mom, Anna.” He smiles then. What can I do, I kissed him again, and held him with all I had.

            “Anna, I am going to grab a shower. From there I think I am going to hit the hay.” He smiled at me, I smiled back and told him “Sounds good. Roy. I will fallow you.”

            The shower in the state room was small and you have to strip before you can get into it. As Roy stripped this time though, I started looking at him in a different light. Dammit he is a good-looking young man.

            After he got into the shower, I stripped down all the way and waited for him to emerge. As he came out naked himself, I tried not to notice his large cock hanging down. He took one look at my naked body and I watched his cock jump up and almost slap into his belly. I had to cover the smile I had on my face as I knew I caused the reaction. I kept looking down and after he walked out of the shower I got in, then I let my smile and excitement go.

            I showered quickly and got out, again just like Roy I got out before I dried myself. there just wasn’t enough room in the shower to do it. I watched Roy as he was trying with all he had not to stare at my nakedness. I got dressed slower than I normally do, but I didn’t look like I was taking my time. I turned hoping he would stare at my ass and legs.

            I put on a flannel night gown, it was all I had brought, I didn’t think I would need anything else. I was sleeping with my son after all, and the wedding was supposed to be fake.

            Roy had his boxers on pretending to watch the ships television, but I could tell he kept sneaking glances at me. I finally made it to bed, I rolled over and kissed my Son one more time. “Good night Roy.” I say, “Good night…. Ah, Anna…” he returned.

            I tried to fall asleep, it was a wonderful day and full of great things and I loved it. tomorrow we would be in Cozumel Mexico and I was looking forward to finding something special for my new husband-son. I listened to him breath and as I did, I noticed his breathing change and I knew he was asleep now. Just as I started to dose off, he rolled over and I could feel his hard member softly pressed against my ass.


    I listened closely and was sure he was sleeping. He had his arm under my neck and his hand gently cupping my left breast. I suddenly felt wetness and thrills from my pussy as I realized how erotic this was to me. I didn’t want to admit it to myself but I really wanted him.

            I could feel him slowly grinding his cock on my ass cheek and then it slipped in-between both my ass cheeks. I squeezed my ass together and felt his response as he ground his cock into my crack with a small moan.

            “Roy?” I call out very quietly. I knew he was still asleep as he continued to grind into me. “Roy?” I say again but just at a whisper. I feel him gently pulling me into him and I let out a large unexpected moan. Instantly I feel him stop. ‘Dammit.’ I think to myself. I wanted him to take me. I wanted him to rip the nightgown and panties off me and take what is now his. As I thought all this, he softly answered me. “Mom, I am sorry, I was asleep.”

“My name to you is Anna, Roy. do not call me anything but Anna in our bed. I am your wife in our bed, only your wife.” I said it quietly, hopefully and nervously. I held very still hoping he would continue. But I knew that it had to be his choice. He would have to make the choice; I had already made my choice. Now Roy had to decide if he wanted me to be his lover as well as his mother.





After the way dad jilted my mom-wife I made him give me his credit card, and promised me to pay all the ship -expenses.

I had found out that he had gotten his secretary pregnant and that was why she was there that day. I had a lot of leverage then. I took my dad’s credit card and bought an antique Broch my mom had been admiring for a long time now. It was a special piece we had found and I thought it would be perfect for the fake wedding. The same jewelry store sold me a very nice gold chain with a two-carrot ruby pendent.

My grandma on my mother’s side gave me an old neckless. Mom new how much it meant to me so I only let her barrow it. She needed something barrowed after all. I had a set of nice blue handkerchiefs. I had one of them delivered to her as well. I couldn’t believe how nice everyone was, I only had to tip someone on the ships crew and they would do whatever I needed.

I hoped so much I did the right thing. finally, I had Bill, the man I met when we first got on board walk my mom down the aisle. I thought she might be a bit nervous, even though it was a fake wedding to her son. I thought that she would think nothing but of dad. So, I wanted to have someone hold her hand.

From the fist second, I saw my mom. I knew she had been having a great day. Her eyes, when they met mine glistened with joy. I watched her walk to me one step at a time. Bill taking his time beside her letting her set the pace. ‘Damn she is beautiful.’ Was the first thing I thought. ‘I wish this wasn’t fake.’ Was the second thing I thought.

I wandered why I would think this, but not too long. As she made her way to me. I held out my hand and she took it. I could feel her shaking as I brought her to me. I smiled and turned to the ship’s caption.

I can’t recall what we said at the altar or the words the captain used. But we said our Ido’s and we walked back down the aisle to the announcement “May I introduce Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brown.  

            I was a proud man walking with this woman. She was beautiful and everything I wanted to marry.

            We went to the reception and I danced every dance with her. I didn’t want to share her with anyone. She was mine tonight. She looked so beautiful in her wedding gown. So hot. Damn it I am not supposed to be thinking the things I was thinking. She was my mother for god sake.

            We had some drinks, we danced we ate a great dinner in the Galley as we where to nicely dressed to go to the buffets.

            We ate with Bill and his wife Joy. we were having a great time. Bill told us he was a human rights attorney. That’s when things changed. Mom said. “We won’t need a divorce lawyer as the wedding was fake.” He told both of us that, it wasn’t fake. And that we were indeed man and wife.  

I about had a bowl movement.

                        We made our way back to the state room. “I need a shower.” I told my mom-wife. She nodded and I began to strip, I had to strip outside the shower. There just wasn’t enough room to strip in the bathroom. I took everything off and I noticed that mom was looking at me a lot. I wanted to apologies to her so much. I got in the shower and took a long hot soak.

            When I got out, I grabbed the towel and opened the door. Mom-wife was there naked as the day she was born. I had to struggle to keep my eyes from wandering over her body. She smiled at me and said “My turn?” I nod my head as my mom-wife steps into the shower.

            It has been a long day, we had a great time all day, I was so glad that the spoiler at the end of the day didn’t ruin my mom-wife’s day as bad as it did mine. I laid in bed and almost instantly started to fall asleep.

            I woke spooning my mom-wife, my right arm around her neck, my left hand over her pelvis subconsciously pressing her into me. my right hand was cupping my mom-wife’s left breast. But that wasn’t what worried me most. My dick was as hard as a rock and between my mom-wife’s ass cheeks. My first reaction was to press into her harder with my cock using my left hand to increase the sensation. as I started doing that, I realized it was my mom I was grinding on.

“Roy?” my mom-wife whispered out.

“Mom? I am sorry I was asleep.” I say worriedly, trying to justify feeling her up and grinding on her.

“My name to you is Anna, Roy. do not call me anything but Anna in our bed. I am your wife in our bed, only your wife.”

            I heard her, but did I really hear her. Was she offering herself to me? Did she want me? what should I do. I wanted to ask, I wanted to look into her eyes, but the room was dark. Only the light of the muted television illuminated the room. I needed to know if my mom-wife wanted me. I knew I wanted her, boy did I know.

            I moved back away a little so that I could role her to her back, I hovered over her, and lowered my lips to her, I covered her soft lips and began to kiss her, I moved my tongue over her lips, she opened them and I began to plunder her mouth with my tongue. As our tongues began to dance a sonnet of love and lust with each other that only me and mom-wife could understand. It was with the kiss that I knew my mom-wife wanted me.

            I started to undress her taking the flannel night gown off of her. Just as soon as I pulled it off her over her head, I wadded it up and held it out to her. “Anna, if we go any further with this, I am going to tear this to shreds and burn it.” I really didn’t like the flannel night gown, I slept with her in it for two days. We would be buying something better than that in Mexico tomorrow.

            Anna giggled, then she said. “Ok Roy, I will let you pick something out for me to ware to our bed. But it better be comfortable.”

            I smile like the grinch that stole Christmas, “Defiantly comfortable.” Then I take and lower myself on her and begin to kiss her some more. I caress her with my left hand as I continue to assault her lips with mine. She response to every touch, every kiss, every sensation I give her. I lower my head and begin to suckle her nipples that are so perfect to me. Her moans carry threw the cabin and I hope the insulation is thick here. I finally lower my hand to her pussy and touch her. Her moan becomes a gasp of suspense and excitement. As I start to rub her very wet clit with my fingers she suddenly grabs me and moans into me her first orgasm of the night.

            Hearing her first, I knew I wanted her to have more. I very reluctantly lowered my mouth from her nipples and over her stomach to her pussy. I spread her legs apart and began to eat her pussy.

            She began to have one orgasm after the other, each one stronger than the one before. Finally, she pulled me from her most private place to stop the on slot of orgasms.        

            After a few moments, she said breathlessly. “It’s your turn Roy.”

            I moved around to my mother. I got between her legs and adjusted her to receive me. I knew that a lot of things where going threw her mind. However, I wanted to make love to my mother, my wife.

            “Are you sure?” I asked? I will remember my mom-wife’s answer for the rest of my life. “Don’t ever ask me that again. Roy, take what is yours don’t ask. take…”

            So, I did. I put my cock head to her pussy and pressed myself into her. Her velvety tunnel felt like silk on my cock as it slid into her right up to her cervix. Mom-wife’s eyes opened wide as I had impaled her so completely. I wasted no time before I started to fuck in and out of her wet velvety tunnel. Stroking in and out of the same hole I came out of. I was absolutely astonished how tight she was. I felt myself wanting to cum in her so bad, but I wanted her to have at least two or three orgasms before I would.

            As my pelvis crashed into her pussy with each stroke I took into my mom-wife, my mom would call out “ROY, ROY, oh god ROY.”

            I knew she had come a couple of times so when the urge came to me to cum in her again. I let it go. “AAAWWWAWAAA” I grunted as I empties my balls into my mother’s wet tight pussy. The fact that I just came in the same hole I came out of at birth was a paradox that excited me beyond anything I have ever felt before.

            It took several moments before we both settled down enough to speak. “Roy…. where did you learn to do that???”

            I had to smile, I almost laughed. “Anna, I don’t know. I think you just brought it out of me.”

            She giggled as she held me. “I would like to think that, but I know better.”

            “Anna. I have only been with two women. One time with Denice, and two times with Tammie. That is the only experience I have had with sex.”

            “Roy. I assure you that you won’t be able to say that again by the end of this cruse.” She turned to look at me. “Roy, I am your wife now, and you can have me as much as you want….”

            Wow, I think I just died and went to heaven. “Like right now?” I asked with a hopeful smile on my lips. Mom-wife nodded and said. “Anytime.”

            So, I kissed her again. hard and passionate. We didn’t get a lot of sleep that night and missed getting off the ship in Cozumel Mexico. But I found something nice in the ships store for mom-wife to wear to our bed form then on.


            Let me know if you want more of this. Leve a comment or email me at [email protected]


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