
The Winter White Out - Part 1 of 3

Jay Doe   March 23, 2017   | 37390 Views
I really could not see well in that since she was kneeling in the booth I pretty much had a good view of her back and buttocks. I rapidly became aware something was not right. I saw Jim's hair off to the side of her head awfully close. Could it be? I pushed myself up with my hands in the seat. The two of them were kissing! rings

The Winter White Out - Part 1 of 3


It was only three weeks back now on a rather bitter cold evening in Upstate New York USA when I and my lady Cynthia were driving in a rather miserable snow storm. It was about 9:00 Pm in the evening and the snow was approaching white out conditions, I could barely see where I was driving. Neither Cynthia or I had dinner yet and as such she was wanting get back near home and stop and get a bite to eat someplace.

Attempting to drive was seemingly becoming more and more tedious by the minute. The snow plows were clearly waiting for the snow storm to let up and our big ole' Lincoln Towne Car was sliding all over the roads. I wanted pull off the road but Cynthia was afraid if we did we might get stuck and very few cars were on the roads. We only had a bit less than an eighth of a tank of gasoline which did not help matters or her concerns. That's when I saw some light through the torrents of blowing snow that appeared to be a pub. I suggested we stop there and get a bite to eat and wait a while for the weather to let up some. Cynthia agreed.

I parked the car and helped her get inside. The place was completely empty short of the bartender and four men sitting at a booth. We began walking to locate a place to sit when the bartender, a big burly African American fella of perhaps 300 lbs or better spoke to us.

“Hi folks!” he said, “I was just about close the place cuz' with the weather ain't nobody gonna be comin' in.”

I replied, “Yeah, it's really bad out there. Our Lincoln is sliding all over the roads and it looks like the snow plows are not running either right now. We were hoping to just get a bite to eat and maybe a few drinks until the weather lets up a little. Would that be ok?”

“Well... See'n as you and the misses are here now I guess I can stay open another hour. Besides, I really do not want drive home in this weather either!” the bartender said, “I did just clean the place up so's if ya's don't mind please have a seat either at the bar or behind those fella's over there.”

I asked Cynthia which she'd prefer knowing full well she'd select the booth as she hates sitting at the bar not that we attend many.

We sat down and the bartender brought us a few menus, Cynthia ordered a glass of wine and I ordered a glass of scotch whiskey and a beer.

“Do you really think that's wise?” Cynthia said to me. Considering what I'd been driving through I replied, “Yes, make it a double.”

We pondered the menus for a bit and could clearly hear the men sitting behind us talking in loud voices. They were construction workers and talking about how today's weather impacted the job they were on, how tomorrow would probably be and the varied duties they were likely to need do if they had any work at all. One of the men began talking about how he'd slipped on a girder beam 12 stories up and nearly fell only to find his safety strap buckle was not fastened properly as well.

Cynthia said to me, “Oh my! Did you hear that? Can you imagine having to be 12 stories up out in the open like those guys do in this cold and weather? Then almost falling? He must have been scared out of his whits!”

The man clearly heard her and looked over the bench seat where Cynthia's back was to him.

“All in a days work” he said. “You get use to occasional slips and slides. With the wind today I probably should not have been up that high. But, you do what the boss says in this business.”

Cynthia twisted her torso around to face him.

“Oh! I am so sorry. I wasn't eavesdropping. I just heard you talking and could not imagine what that must be like.” Cynthia stated.

He was Caucasian with brown wavy hair, a rounded face, brown mustache, dark beard stubble and rather intense blue eyes. I cant imagine he was more than perhaps 25 years old.

“My name is Jim”, the man said. “Like I said, its all part of the job. We get accustomed to walking on beams and the height just like someone walking down a sidewalk. But when you have many things happening at once like wind, cold, trying yell to another worker over it, lower your tools swinging in that wind things can take you off focus and that's when accidents can happen.”

“My name is Cynthia. Pleased to meet you Jim” she replied. “I can only imagine! I'd be so scared someone would have to come and get me down if they could even get me up there!

One of the other men spoke out though I could not see him.

“Dont let him kid ya honey. His mind has not been on the work for weeks since his girlfriend went and messed his brains all up on him.”

Another spoke out, “Yea... Well that's a problem we all have at times!”

Laughing followed, the bartender came back and we ordered up some food.

“It gonna' take me a bit to heat the grill back up.” he stated and Cynthia told him how much we appreciated it.

I said to Jim, “Cynthia is really amazing when it comes to understanding women and relationships. She's saved many of them while I have known her.”

That's when my cellphone rang.

I'd been working on writing some computer software with some people all the way across the country as a sub-contractor. I excused myself and walked a few booths down to talk. Requirements had changed for the work once again. I was told that the changes would be emailed to me but they needed discuss a few things right now before I sent them some of my work in the morning.

We began talking about matters and I looked over at Cynthia who was still turned somewhat backwards apparently talking to Jim and the construction workers.

Then my cellphone began to beep it's battery was near dead. Crap! I asked they hold on a second and went back to the booth.

“Cynthia. Its about the contract.” I said, “My phone is about to die. I am going to need run out to the car and hook it up to the charger to complete the rest of this call. Its really important. They changed the requirements once again and I need get this information before I send them the latest build tomorrow morning. You don't mind do you? I'll be back as soon as I can.”

“Work work work...” she replied. “I dont know why you took on that contract. Really! Oh, go ahead. Do what you have to do. Besides, the food wont be ready for a bit anyway. I am going to get another glass of wine.”

I put on my coat, kissed her said, “Be back in a little bit baby.” and out the door I went.

Now mind you friend reader, some of that which follows Cynthia relayed to me. So, I cannot validate whether its true or not but other than that... I can.

I plugged into the car charger and did not run the car. It was still somewhat warm but I did not want waste gas given we only had an eighth of a tank left and continued my conversation about the contract.

A few days after the events below happened Cynthia told me that the guys bought her another glass of wine and brought her popcorn. Not sure I believe that, Cynthia and wine are a real mix if ya know what I mean. Regardless, she told me it all started with the popcorn a moment after I walked out the door to the car.

About 20 minutes or so later my call was completed and I came back in the bar door. Cynthia was still at our table turned towards the men standing on her knees in the booth. She was laughing and having a wonderful time apparently. I sat down across from her and there was popcorn on the table and some in my seat. Cynthia glanced over to me, “Everything go ok honey?” she said.

“Yes it's fine.” I responded. I attempted to relay her some details when she turned back towards Jim and continued laughing away. Then a few pieces of popcorn came past her landing on the table top.

Two of the four men that were at the booth were no longer there. Just Jim and another man who appeared more lanky than Jim and he had a handlebar mustache with wavy blond hair.

I really could not see well in that since she was kneeling in the booth I pretty much had a good view of her back and buttocks.

I rapidly became aware something was not right. I saw Jim's hair off to the side of her head awfully close. Could it be? I pushed myself up with my hands in the seat.

The two of them were kissing!Again, days later she insisted it all began with bets.

She told me, “Jim said something and one of the guys threw popcorn at him. He caught it in his mouth and then the others threw some and he caught that too! Then he said he could catch 25 pieces without swallowing thrown one after another.”

She continued, “I bet him a beer he could not do it. You know me, I am real good at catching popcorn thrown towards me too. He would not take the bet but instead wanted a kiss. I thought it harmless enough. I thought it would lift his spirits being so broken up over his girlfriend and we were all laughing! Then he and I got in this race, both of us catching popcorn the guys threw towards us. Thats why we were laughing so much! For every piece I missed he got a quick kiss and for every one he missed he said, 'Do whatever you want to me.' ”

“He did not miss but a few, honey.” she said, “So I messed his hair up. I pinched him. Once I jokingly ran my hands down his shoulders and said, “Hey big boy! Your cute! It was all harmless.”

Sure... she's 53 years old but she only looks perhaps 38-42. She has blond straight hair that flows down to just below her breasts parted in the middle. Her 38DD's are quite firm having never had children. She's accustomed to wearing rather light clothing .vs. heavier stuff and showing a respectable amount of her cleavage is not uncommon. She's a bit overweight at 5 foot 8 inches tall and 200 pounds. A little bit of a belly but more so weight in her buttocks and thighs. She's a bit of a ghetto booty, a sized buttocks bigger than her frame that is more muscle than fat and thighs to match. She tends to wear nylon pants as again they are lightweight but they do tend show off her body as they are quite tight on her.

I've saw men both young and old men gravitate towards her as she just has this rather natural attraction that is damned near undeniable. Its odd. For example, the closer one gets to her roundish face the more beautiful she becomes. When making love seeing that atop her facial expressions, sounds and movements it's just mega-erotic.

In any case... On with the events.

So the two are kissing and the other fella still at their table is laughing hysterically.

Before I even had a chance to really think what to do Jim came around from their booth and took Cynthia's in his arms pulling her over into him. He was broad of shoulder with large arms, hands and clearly powerful much more so than my 150 lbs. As he pulled her towards him he kissed her again on her lips in a lingering kiss.

I stood up rapidly, “Hey hey now!” I shouted, “That's enough!”

Jim using one hand pushed me quite hard sending me reeling 5 or 6 feet backwards and sprawling unto the floor as I lost my balance and hit my head on the ground.

It took me a moment to recover, I was seeing double and as I pushed myself back to a standing position Jim had taken her out of the booth and moved her against the mens table her butt pressed against the table top edge. He kissed her lips and she moved her head away so Jim began on her neck. Cynthia was protesting, “Stop! Hey! What are you doing?”

I could smell her perfume in the air and I stood up moving swiftly figuring if I threw my entire weight at him grabbing him maybe I could get an edge. That's not how it went. I bounded at him alright and he caught me midstream just holding one arm out stiff that caught me direct mid-chest. It was like I ran into a piece of iron and I dropped to the floor gasping for air.

While laying there on the floor I thought, “Where the hell is the bartender? Why isn't he stopping this?”

I tried standing while gasping for air but Jim shoved me with his foot and sent me sprawling unto the floor again. I saw him lift Cynthia unto the table and press her body down atop it with his.

I struggled to get myself back upright thinking, “I'll grab a damned chair and bust it over him.”

Before I was even to my feet the other man at the table was on me. He grabbed be from behind hauling me up and locking my arms with his. He was way way stronger than me and I was still gasping trying to catch my breath.

Jim was atop Cynthia kissing at her face and lips as she tried move her head from side to side, “Stop! No! Stop it!” she said. To think, scant minutes later she would be saying, “Yes... Yes... Fuck me baby!” Quite incredible and our relationship and both our world's became larger sexually and then some as a result, I will get to that in a bit.

The other two men arrived back on the scene. They were both African American one was rather heavy set perhaps 350 lbs with enormous arms a clear combination of muscle and fat, jet black curly hair with rather fat cheeks and a flabby double chin whilst the other looked at though he could be a body builder, his head completely bald and muscles bulging out his shirt.

One of them said to someone, “Damn, that's great weed Jamal.”

Then they noticed what was happening and one of them said, “Boy! That Jimmie boy sure works quick!” and laughing followed.

Then I saw the bartender. “Why isn't he doing something!” my thoughts raged.

He did, a roll of duct tape flew through the air to one of the men who began wrapping some around my ankles, just as I was starting to get my wind back tape went over my mouth and I was hauled to a bar stool chair and my arms taped to the arm rests.

It all happened so very fast, faster than you can read this.

They picked the chair up and moved it all the way around the other side of the island shaped bar. I could see what was happening but there was no way that Cynthia laid back atop the table could see me.

Jim was all over her as the men all slid back into their bench seats whilst the bar tender went and shut off the outside lights, locked the door and began closing all the window blinds. I could not believe what was going on! It was surreal like a movie.

The men grabbed Cynthia's arms and Jim unbuttoned her blouse while she continued to protest and yelled out my name several times. Then I saw her bra go flying over Jims shoulder and his shirt come off and fall to the ground. I caught several glimpses of her right breast and he was back atop her again grabbing away at her breasts, licking and sucking them.

“Agggahhhahha! Agahahhahha!” she yelled out. “Someone help! Stop! Ahahhahha! Help!”

I saw his hand move between her legs and he began rubbing at her tight white nylon pants. Her legs shot upwards and down again trying to get away. She yelled out again and again but there was nothing I could do.

“Take that shit off her!” I heard someone yell.

Continued On Part II

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