
Playground 51: Cade’s Experience (pt.2)

AllieOpalXX   December 06, 2024   | 4572 Views
The person in front of them appeared to wave at someone behind him, and at least two others appeared at his side in a moment. Cade felt three bodies pressing in toward him, and a hand, from somewhere, extended to stroke his growing dick. Another reached from behind to caress his lower abdomen. With a thrill, he felt someone’s erection press against his right buttock. Why did he find that so hot? rings

[This story is part 2 of 3 the Playground 51 miniseries, but each can be read in any order.]

The waterfall was glowing blueish-green, lit from beneath as it poured out of the realistic rocky facade on the back wall of the room. It cascaded noisily into a large pool that spanned nearly the entire width of the room. Cade noticed that the half of it closest to him was separated from the pool to make a gigantic hot tub, easily big enough for twenty-plus people to sit comfortably.  

“The Grotto” was toward the back of the adult playground-slash-sex club and it was filled with people. Everyone there came in all different shapes, sizes, and skin tones, but the unifying aspect of all of them was that there was little to no attempt to be covered. Tiny bikinis or speedos were visible on occasion, but more often, complete nudity was the norm.

“There you are!” Cade received a playful shove on his arm. His buddy, Kell, was at his right. Broad-shouldered and muscular, Kell was definitely eye-candy. He had no trouble getting attention from the ladies, but The Playground was still one of his more frequented places. He had finally gotten Cade to join him this time. 

“Pretty great right? I think this room is one of my favorites.” Kell had wasted no time getting completely naked after entering the club, and was now standing right in front of Cade. He seemed not to notice Cade’s reaction. He noticed that Kell really did have an amazing body, with dark skin and rippling abs where Cade normally saw just a t-shirt. 

“Yeah, dude, this is awesome. Where’s Haley?” Cade looked around, trying to avoid staring at Kell’s very nice package. He had noticed that it wasn’t entirely flaccid and seemed quite a bit larger than he might have expected. 

There was a pinch on his butt, still covered in tight blue boxers. “Right here, silly!”

Cade turned to see his friend, Haley, wearing the smallest black bikini he had ever laid eyes on. The majority of her pale, round breasts were visible, with only a little triangle of fabric covering each nipple. Although she didn’t have a six-pack, her abs still looked solid. Haley’s long, shiny brown hair covered her shoulders, but this was the most of her he had ever seen. 

“Dang girl! Looking hot!” Cade took a joking tone with Haley, who he had known for the better part of his life. He knew she would take it lightly, but he really meant it this time.

Haley struck a playful pose as if she was modeling, and blew a kiss. “Thanks, boo,” she giggled. “Ready to get your freak-show on?” 

“I’m not sure if I have any ‘freak-show’ in me, but I’m ready to see what this Playground thing is all about,” laughed Cade. 

The three of them went up to the pool, from within which a greenish light provided the majority of the room’s dim illumination. Haley and Kell immediately went into the hot tub, slipping into the space between a couple making out and three people giving massages in a row on the other side. Cade sat near his friends at the edge with his legs dangling over. He still had his boxers on, unsure if he would get in or not. 

While his two buddies waded through the pool to flirt with some unoccupied people, Cade looked around. It was exciting for the twenty-three year old to sit and watch people freely flirt, fuck, and touch one another around him without a care in the world. As he watched one person enthusiastically sucking another one’s dick on the other end of the pool, he felt his own swell and press against his tight boxers in response.

It was clear that there were no sexual proclivities to impede anyone’s fun at the Playground. He noticed that men did not hold back from being affectionate with men, or women with women, and quite a few people there showed some degree of gender fluidity. People did not partner off solely in pairs, either, which Cade found fun to watch, as the configurations of flirtatious or sexual groups could vary in interesting ways. 

One of the house rules was “no judgement, no discrimination, no issues.” Of course, you were not made to play with anyone you weren’t interested in, but this was a safe space to have the fun you wanted. The fun he wanted. Now, that was a complicated subject. 

Cade had confusing feelings when he thought about his friends Haley and Kell. When they were all just hanging out on the weekend, or after their respective jobs or classes, it wasn’t really an issue. But, in certain situations, perhaps on a late night after a few drinks, Cade had passing thoughts of having a threesome with the others. He wanted them both in this fantasy, but pushed the thoughts aside every time they came up.

After Kell had told him and Haley about Playground 51, though, Cade found it nearly impossible not to think about. Looking on while the guy at the end of the pool pulled his partner’s hair as they took him entirely in their mouth, Cade found himself imagining Kell doing the same thing to him. He’d only ever dated girls before, so he was surprised that his masculine friend excited him in this way. 

Cade allowed his thoughts to meander where they wanted, and soon it changed to Haley going down on him, looking as if she couldn’t get enough, while Kell sat nearby, stroking his own substantial hard-on for Cade to see. He was so engrossed in his own imagination that he didn’t notice someone wading up toward him.

“Hey, cutie.”

Cade gave a start at the voice so close to him and the hand on his bare knee. A beautiful Black girl with a very sweet smile was in the water near his legs. She giggled.

“Sorry if I scared you. I saw you watching those two over there, and I was wondering if you’d like to play a little yourself?”

“Oh, you’re fine! I think I just got lost in thought.” Cade smiled back, a bit flustered. “I mean, sure, if you’re interested, I would love to play with you.”

“My name is Melina,” she bit her lip. “I see you might have a bit of an… issue… there, and I wanted to help out if I could.” She ran a hand up Cade’s thigh toward the bulge beneath the soft blue fabric. 

Cade got the hint and pulled his boxers off and put them off to the side on the lip of the hot tub. Melina pulled him gently into the warm water by the hips and gave his ass a squeeze once he was standing waist-deep next to her. She was almost as tall as he was, so she looked right into his eyes when she reached into the water and wrapped a hand around his stiffening cock.

Cade gasped at the shockingly delicious feeling. She gripped firmly at the base and pulled up, toward the top, bringing more blood into it and causing it to harden completely. He wasn’t sure what to do with his hands, so he placed both of them on her soft ass and gave her cheeks a little squeeze. She continued her steady stroking until Cade began to emit moans of pleasure.

“Okay, cutie, jump back on the edge there for me, will you?”

Cade did as he was asked and pushed himself up on the edge, causing his triceps to flex. He caught an impressed glance from his pretty partner. His arms were something he had actually been able to define at the gym, on his otherwise lanky body. 

Sitting on the edge of the pool, his dick waved in Melina’s direction. She didn’t waste much time. One swift motion was all she took to slide between his parted legs and pop the head into her mouth. 

“Mmmmm,” Cade moaned. 

He looked down at the shiny, woven, dark hair that glistened as Melina bobbed up and down on his dick. One of her hands assisted her, encircling the base, while the other gently tickled his perineum. It felt so good, but Cade knew that he was going to be too tense to cum with the pressure of a new person and all of those around him. 

Cade decided to try relaxing his body, so he glanced around to avoid thinking only of his own situation. Across the pool, he caught sight of Kell and Haley. They had each hooked up with someone else and appeared to be having a great time. Kell was out of the water on his knees and one elbow, rapidly pulling at himself as he went down on a voluptuous woman with amazing breasts. Haley, not far away, was being pounded from behind by a beefy-looking dude, both still in the water. 

Haley’s arm was wrapped backward around her partner’s neck, her small breasts thrust upward. One of his arms was around her hips so he could rub her clitoris from the front. They moved together slowly but forcefully. It was a really sexy sight. Kell, on the other hand, looked like he was struggling to find balance between getting his partner off and getting himself off. Fuck, it looked like he was really close. 

Cade watched as Kell’s right hand sped up even more, his mouth seemingly frozen between the woman’s legs, and suddenly began to spurt white fountains of cum onto the black towel under him. 

“Fuuuuuck!” Cade tensed every muscle in his body as he orgasmed, wave after wave, into Melina’s pretty mouth. 

Melina made a satisfied sound as Cade came, gulping down his fluids and pulling the last of it out with her hand from the base of his cock. She came back up, looking proud. Cade looked down at her, still trying to catch his breath. 

“Wow,” he gasped. 

Melina licked her lips and grinned back. “You’re welcome.”

Cade felt she deserved to be proud. She did have great skill, but didn’t want to let on about what actually pushed him over the edge. 

“Seriously, thank you. That was hot.” Cade replied, truthfully. “Your turn, yeah?” He sat up straight, offering to return the favor.

“Actually, I’m good, I’m going to go back and play with my friend there.” Melina looked over her shoulder at the well-endowed woman, who was apparently the same one Kell was with. She was sitting up next to Kell on the towel, smiling, but didn’t seem to have gotten off herself.

“See you ‘round, cutie,” Melina said, before wading off to her friend. Moments later, the two were wrapped around one another in the water. Cade wasn’t worried that the two would go unsatisfied after that. 


Cade didn’t wait around for his friends after he dried off. They both seemed to still be occupied at The Grotto, so he wandered away to see what other fun The Playground had to offer. He passed a “Game Room” that appeared to be filled with arcade-type games, where he spied a girl riding a mechanical bull. The sounds coming from inside were a mix of cheering and digital game music. Maybe later. It looked fun, but a little busy.

The bar was up ahead on his left, so he decided to swing by and see what they had. He tended to usually go for beers, but had heard they had some “special” menus here. After a few minutes of perusing the menus, of which there were a green, a pink, and a blue, and a short chat with the bartender, Cade settled on a Jello shot. He was told that the Jello shot was made with a special elixir that would “keep him peppy.”

The blue shot went down the hatch. And then, Cade was back to wandering. 

Off on one end of the long, museum-esque hall, there was a thick, black curtain. Above this, a lettered neon sign glowed, “Rave Room.” He could hear high-energy dance music coming from inside. Since he couldn’t see in, he decided to take a peek. 

When he stepped through, the first thing he noticed was the strobe lights. It was immediately off-putting, but he didn’t turn around. Each flash seemed to be timed somehow with the music, and gave the moving people the impression of pictures in a flip-book. He could just make out that there were cushioned benches and couches along the sides of the room, and a wide open dance floor in the middle. The flashes delineated people dancing and grinding in the middle, while those toward the periphery portrayed much more… explicit positions.     

People were going in and out of the room, so Cade got out of the way by moving toward an open bench on the other side of the floor. On his way there, he was stopped by someone he could barely see and was pulled in by the arm toward the mass of dancing people. He was surrounded by others who seemed to be generally close to naked, but it was difficult to distinguish particular characteristics of each individual. They were not shy about touching each other as they danced, and Cade quickly found himself being groped and grinded on.

The lights, thankfully, changed from strobe to more of a white disco-light ambiance along with a shift in the music. It was now harder to see the forms in front of him, but less likely to give him a headache. Someone yelled something in his ear over the reverberating base of the music.

“What?” Cade yelled back.

More unintelligible shouting.

“I can’t hear you!” Cade shrugged at the slightly taller form. He was unable to fully decipher who was speaking to him, but they sounded like they were asking something. 

He was then pulled again by the arm off the floor and into a darker, but slightly quieter corner. 

“My friends and I wanted to see if you were interested in playing,” a feminine voice asked him as they reached an empty couch. 

Although this shouldn’t have come as a surprise, being in a club specifically for random hook-ups and sexual fun, Cade felt butterflies dance in his stomach. 

“Yeah, absolutely,” he shouted over the noise.

The person in front of them appeared to wave at someone behind him, and at least two others appeared at his side in a moment. Cade felt three bodies pressing in toward him, and a hand, from somewhere, extended to stroke his growing dick. Another reached from behind to caress his lower abdomen. With a thrill, he felt someone’s erection press against his right buttock. Why did he find that so hot?

Cade, not wanting to just stand around and be the recipient, let his own hands explore. He grasped a small but muscular arm on the right, and felt the shoulder and biceps of the person there. His left hand found a butt cheek of someone else, and cupped it from underneath, feeling its weight. The same hand moved further around, cautiously, toward the front of their hips. He found a prominent boner, much like his own, waiting for his touch. 

Cade’s first instinct was to draw his hand away, but he paused for a second without moving. Before he could decide what to do, the person at his left pressed into him encouragingly. When in Rome, he thought. He grasped the waiting member in his hand. It felt a lot like his own. As soon as he began to glide it up and down, it started to pulse as if to show he was doing something right. They moaned in pleasure.

Suddenly, he was ravenous for more of this experience. He pulled the other person in by the hips with his right arm while the left started to work on the cock in his hand in earnest. His body felt aflame with new passion. This was just too fucking hot. Despite being a penis-owner, the person gave a very feminine vibe, with a small waist and long, flowing hair. Whatever that meant, he just didn’t care. He started making out with them while he tugged at the rock hard dick in his hand.

Cade’s newfound excitement seemed to set fire to the others around him, because he noticed a shift in the other’s positioning and acts. While he and the other person passionately kissed and ran their hands all over one another, someone moved directly behind him and started jerking him off from behind. He felt his own cock begin to throb under their grasp.

A moment later, someone took his right hand and extricated it from his partner, bringing it downward. His fingers were being pressed into another person’s very wet pussy. The multitude of sensations he was experiencing was wild. He pressed inward to feel the entrance to a dripping vagina, then pulled back to run his fingertips up the warm lips toward the hard outcropping of flesh at the top. He circled it a few times with his fingers, and felt the person gyrate their hips into his hand in pleasure.

At this point, Cade had lost track of who was where under the dim, ever changing colored lights, and loudly pumping music. He was only able to tell that there were several others and the group fondling was rapidly heading toward a more orgy-like situation. The person he had been making out with moved off to play with someone else, so Cade turned toward the one on his right. 

His hand was still pressed into the shorter person’s tight, wet pussy, and he now inserted two fingers and began to finger them in earnest. Even over the sounds of the room, he was able to hear them gasp in his ear. Two small hands grabbed him and pulled him in at the hips. For the next several minutes, pleasuring this person was all he wanted to focus on. 

People continued to move around him, occasionally groping him and pressing into him with various body parts, but Cade was honed in on making the person in front of him cum. He thought they were close now, practically riding his two fingers in a standing position. His thumb was positioned to where every time they slid down on his fingers, their clit was also able to rub on the larger digit. 

She - he couldn’t see them very well but could feel their small breasts and long silky hair with his free hand - was now digging her nails into his back and crying out into his shoulder. He felt her vaginal muscles start to contract on his fingers. Holy shit, he was going to make her cum on his hand. Momentarily, a flood of warm liquid escaped onto his hand, and she screamed in delight. He didn’t stop pushing into her, though, until she stopped gripping him and slid her hands down his arms. 

Cade withdrew his hand slowly, dripping wet - but, what wasn’t in this room, with all the horny, sweaty bodies? His partner pulled him quickly in by the arms and kissed his neck in thanks. 

It seemed that someone else realized Cade was free now, and he was being ushered by someone taller than him, with larger hands, to a space on the long couch nearby. He wondered what was going to happen next. There were already two other people sitting on the couch, so Cade took the place between them. 

“Sit back and relax!” Someone said loudly over the music. “Close your eyes if you like!”

Okay… what is going on here, Cade wondered. He got comfortable but didn’t close his eyes all the way. A moment later, someone was kneeling between his legs. Now he was starting to get the picture. They took his hard-on in their hand and squeezed gently as they began to lick it up and down. It already felt so freaking good. 

He could tell that each person on the couch had someone going down on them, and since they were all sitting shoulder to shoulder, he could feel them squirming in pleasure and breathing more rapidly. And, in all reality, he was doing the same. Since Cade could barely see anyway, he finally did lean his head back and close his eyes. 

Whoever was going down on him was doing a really good job using their hand and mouth in all different ways. It kept him interested and avoided making him cum too quickly. However, just as quickly as it began, it stopped. He realized that the person was moving away, which felt a little disappointing - until someone else took their place. 

It made more sense now. This was a lineup for oral sex and the ones providing it were rotating through. Whether or not it was the same three, or others from the dance floor, Cade wasn’t sure. His next partner started out seemingly slightly hesitant. A large, warm hand wrapped around his dick, which twitched in response. Slowly, it slid upward toward the tip. It seemed like the person was just getting a feel for what they were doing, or maybe just exploring him. 

After a minute or so of running their hand and fingers up and down his smooth, firm skin, they put their lips and tongue on the end of his cock.

“Ohhh…” escaped Cade’s lips, unbidden. It felt like he was being edged slowly, and every new move was tortuous but exciting. 

Gradually, the lips and tongue yielded to allow more of the head into their mouth. They sucked his tip for a moment, as if tasting a lollipop. The feeling was almost too intense, and it sent tingles all the way to his toes, which started to curl. Little by little, the mouth crept downward. It was so slow that Cade almost couldn’t take it and wanted to push their head down all the way. 

He dug his fingernails into the couch to stop himself. Such sweet agony. Eventually, he found that his whole entire dick was now engulfed in the other person’s mouth. Impressive! He wasn’t the largest guy of all time, but he knew he was big enough that most of his previous partners had struggled with taking all of him. 

Now at the base of his cock, his partner was starting to actually suck for real. He felt their lips close around his width and the tongue move as they sucked. They would move back for a moment for air before plunging back down again, and every time they did, Cade felt the tension in his body and his balls build. He was enjoying it so much that he really wished it could never end.

“Fuuuuu…” Cade moaned, eyes clenched tight. Then, seconds before he thought he might cum, his partner backed off. Cade again felt a pang of disappointment. It had been too good for it to stop this time. 

Fortunately, it wasn’t over yet. Yet another person slid up between his legs. 

He could feel that this person had narrower shoulders, with cool, smaller hands that ran up and down his dick just before plunging down onto his throbbing erection. Initially, they seemed hungry to gobble him down, swallowing as much of his dick as they could and filling the remaining space with their hands. Once again, though, he felt himself close to cumming. His body tensed and his balls began to contract.

The person on his cock pulled away. Cade almost cursed aloud in frustration, but instead bit his lip hard. Instead of moving off, though, this time, he felt a finger exploring his asshole. It was already covered in lube and circled a few times before pressing in. 

It was a bit cold and Cade shivered. He hadn’t tried much in the way of anal play before, so he had to focus on breathing slowly in efforts to relax. It was just one finger, no big deal, he thought to himself. Shortly, Cade began to notice a new feeling from inside. Whenever they rubbed a particular place in him, he felt a warmth… almost like a mixture of having to pee and being about to cum, but he couldn’t quite figure it out. Regardless, it did feel pretty good. 

Again, the person withdrew. This whole edging thing was probably going to make Cade insane if he didn’t get off soon. The person in front of him yelled toward his ear.

“What?” He yelled back.

“Turn around and put your elbows on the couch!”

“...What?” He asked again. This time he heard but was now confused about why he should do that.

“Did that last part feel good?”

“Well, yeah,” he hollered back at the form near him.

“This should feel pretty good, too. Trust me!”

Okay, just trust the person in the dark sex club that I can’t see… Cade thought. Even so, Cade found himself turning around and doing as he was told. He couldn’t help but be curious.

More lube on his asshole. Oh, lord, what have I gotten myself into, he wondered. A second later, something larger than a finger and somewhat rubbery was pressing into his ass. Relax, relax, relax, he repeated in his head. If nothing else, he just didn’t want it to hurt. 

Slowly, the rod, which he realized had to be some kind of dildo, made its way into his tight opening. Two hands gripped his hips.


This time, it wasn’t Cade who said that. It was the person behind him. Being as it clearly was not a real dick inside him, he couldn’t quite figure out what the exclamation was about, but he was also a little busy concentrating on relaxing.

The faux-cock was starting to slide in and out of his very lubed asshole. It felt a little weird at first, and Cade wasn’t sure if he liked the similarity it felt to… well, pooping. However, once things began to warm up again, he began to notice the nice sensation he had just moments ago gotten from the finger. His extreme arousal from before was not forgotten. Cade’s body seemed hyper-receptive to any attention to the area, and his dick began to jump at every thrust into his ass.

Was this how he was going to cum? He was so unused to getting off without any attention to his penis, that the warming and tingling sensation he had been feeling didn’t warn him. Suddenly, his balls and asshole contracted hard, launching stream after stream of cum onto the couch and floor before him. He came so powerfully he felt he could have hit walls 10 feet away with jizz. 

Cade was blindsided with the orgasm and it shook him hard. Legs and arms shaking beneath him, he expected the person behind him to stop. Instead, they sped up. Now, Cade was getting a real fucking. It was almost like the person with the fake dick was going to cum.

And so they were. Even over the continuous sounds of the dance music and the others in the club, Cade could hear expletives and other sounds accompanying climax coming from the person who continued to slam into him and grip him hard at the hips. 

When they finally slowed and pulled out of Cade, he got off his elbows and turned around to face them. He found that he was about half a foot taller than them, and they appeared slim, with a somewhat boyish figure.

“Hey that was cool… I’ve never quite felt… something like that before.” He said into their ear.

“I mean… me neither honestly,” they yelled back.

“Well, so, I mean, that’s not real, right, so how…” He didn’t know quite what he was even asking or if he should, but he was still curious.

“Oh, yeah, this is a super cool rent-a-dick thing I got from the arcade. It syncs up with your nerves and lets you feel everything you would with the real deal, I guess.”

“Really? Interesting!” Cade thought for a moment. “Mind if I try something?”

When they agreed, he reached down and began to stroke the silicone cock. It didn’t feel exactly real, but it didn’t feel terribly fake, either. He looked closely at the figure under the moving lights of the Rave Room and could make out that they were starting to enjoy what he was doing. Others continued moving, dancing, and fucking around them, but the person in front of him didn’t seem to notice.

Cade wanted to see what would happen if he jacked them off like he would do to himself. As he sped up, their expression changed. He pulled and twisted a little toward the tip and kept his rhythm. Seconds later, a familiar sound of his partner cumming erupted again. 

Shit, that was quick! And hot. He kept one hand on the dildo and reached down with the other. This time, he found the opening of a vagina, just below the strap-on. 

“This okay?” He asked. He saw a nod, so he pressed his fingers up and in, feeling wetness there. He worked the shaft as well as his fingers up inside the slick opening, over and over until he heard them cum, yet again. That must really be some dildo, he thought.

“Nice handiwork there, dude,” his partner chuckled. “The combo was a hit!”

Just as quickly as things had heated up for Cade at The Playground, they started winding down. As he said good-bye and moved away from his partner, whose name he never got, he started to notice how exhausted he felt. It was like what he imagined Bruce Banner might have felt after jumping off buildings and smashing things all day as the Hulk - he could only feel it all after he was back in his regular form.

After Cade splashed some water on his face in the restroom and got some clothes on, he started walking toward the entrance to see if his friends were waiting for him. Just behind him, he heard a familiar voice.

Cade turned around to see his friend Haley. She and Kell were walking in the same direction as he was, a few feet behind.

“Hey, guys!” he said, waving. 

“There you are! We were wondering where you ended up. Have fun?” Kell grinned at him. Cade thought he must have looked a bit faded.

“You have no idea, dude. This whole place is crazy!” He chuckled. “I love it.”

“Dude! See?” Kell clapped his huge hands together. So, did you have one of the special cocktails here, man?” 

“Well, it was a Jello shot…”

“Ah yes, the Jello shot of life!”

“What, have you tried it before?”

“Yeah, I really like that one. Gives you energy to go all night! I had one tonight that seemed to make my orgasms way more intense. Felt them down to my toes!” Kell grinned some more and nodded as if he was remembering some good times from the night.

“Huh. Now that I think of it, I think my hard-on lasted for almost the whole three hours we’ve been here!” That seemed to add up. “So what did you guys do after I left the pool? Did you stay there?”

“No, we weren’t there all that long. I left and Kell caught up with me at the game room.”

“Oh, sweet, how was that?”

“We didn’t stay long, but saw some cool games we should definitely check out next time,” Haley giggled.

“Like what?” Cade was intrigued.

“Let’s just say there was an adult ball-pit and a sort of… slip and slide.” Kell raised his eyebrows in an impressed way, but didn’t elaborate.

“Anyway, we ended up in this place called The Rave Room.” Haley told Cade as the three of them pushed through the front doors and stepped outside the building. “It was pretty wild. I couldn’t see or hear much in there…”

Cade didn’t say anything right away. He wanted to see what they would say first.

Haley went on to tell him that she made out with another chick - it was her first time doing that and she had been nervous, but it was exciting. 

“And then, someone in the club fingered the hell out of me! It was soo hot and I’m pretty sure there should have been a ‘caution, wet floor’ sign there after that.” Haley had both hands pressed to her chest like she was still trying to catch her breath.

“Oh, really?” Cade smiled sideways at her. He wondered if it might possibly have been…

“And damn, the people in there were HORNY. I have never had so many people try to touch me and suck on me in the same five minutes before!”

Haley giggled at Kell. “From what you told me, you weren’t only on the receiving end of the sucking!”

Kell paused for a moment, like he wasn’t sure he had planned to tell that particular information to Cade. If his face hadn’t been a couple shades too dark to tell, Cade might have thought he was blushing. 

“Okay, it's no big deal, I was just going with the flow, trying some new things…”

“Well, that’s why we all came here tonight. For new experiences! I think it’s great.” Haley smiled at her two friends. “So, Cade, what did you do with the rest of your night, after all?” 

Cade was honestly not sure if he was just fantasizing again or if it was really possible that he had actually had experiences with his friends in the dark din of the Rave Room. 

He decided he didn’t want to spoil it by letting him in on his thoughts just yet, so he just said, “ Actually, I was in the Rave Room, too. I found out that there is a really cool new type of dildo out there.”

“You… wait… what? Start from the beginning.” Kell was laughing again and had his hands on his hips.

They talked in front of the building for a while, before they all decided they were tired and it was time to go home. Just before they left, Haley gave them both a hug. After Cade’s hug, she squeezed him on the hand. 

Kell caught sight of that, and playfully swatted Haley on the ass. “Hey, where’s mine?”

“I don’t know, it was just random!” she laughed, shrugging.

“Hey, where’s mine?” Cade laughed at Kell.

Kell paused a second and then slapped Cade’s ass. Hard. It stung a bit but they all busted out laughing.

Cade smiled as he walked off into the parking lot. His new memories were a lot better than his fantasies had ever been. And after that night, he knew there would be more to be made.

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I've always been into girls for as long as I can remember. Love writing erotic stories and would love…
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What can I say?... Gotta love sex. Makes me smile. Makes me shine. Know what I mean?
Published erotica author under the name of Jade Melisande; kink, sex & relationship blogger at;…