
Sexy Girl friend

Sunsid   January 01, 2017   | 48218 Views
So after few encounters with my girl friend we had quite some oral sex, she helped me explore all her beautiful body all by touch, we explored sex in lifts, public buses, trains, theatres… Luxury So after few encounters with my girl friend we had quite some oral sex, she helped me explore all her beautiful body all by touch, we explored sex in lifts, public buses, trains, theatres and even at home. We just became crazy for each other simply every day. And one fine day she is at my home, and is raining heavily out, one can just imagine what can one do for all the warmth in the world. She goes in to the bedroom, her hair wet, she pushes me to bed, and says my turn, now you get naked first, and she opens my pants and underwear and am all naked. She goes all down and starts playing with my hard cock and starts rubbing her boobs over my cock. It felt soft. I hug her, i get crazy. I never understood why she got a extra pair of clothes, and then it came to my sense, she says hey baby, rip it off, I want you to rip of my clothes, so do it baby. I grab her from behind as my cock rubs over her sexy ass and reference her stats where then 34-24-34, I held her boobs from behind and pressing them hard I hold the opening of her cleavage and wow I do it I rip of the part of her top,crazily just ripping every part of her cloth we both are naked, I could feel the warmth of her whole body and those beautiful bossom i suck her hard perky nipples. This was one encounter where we wanted to lose it. She opens a pack from her purse takes a condom and wraps it over my cock. And she says it's ok, am yours now just fuck me. Our hearts fucking beat so hard I slowly just try sliding my cock and 2 attempts I fail to slide in. She pulls me over her, holds the cock and pushes the cock over the vagina  s before pushing she says as you push in kiss me. I slowly push its wet but her cunt was tight, as it's a virgin cunt and as she is about to shout, I kiss her mouth as I go in and out of her tight cunt. I know she can feel the pain she wants more. We dwell in the ecstasy yes we did it. As her pain turns to passion, and pleasure. She soon starts masturbating herself as I fuck her slow. Soon the best moment of our life turns out to be the best pleasure.
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