
My first gay sex experience

Ocockslong   January 24, 2019   | 68550 Views
Our bodies were entangled in a muscular mess of sweat and moaning and I knew what was going to happen next....... cheating So I have had some good experiences so far in my life but nothing can beat the first time I lost and made someone else lose there virginity.

it was about in grade 11 when I had this encounter. There was this boy at school with me, a bit shorter than me and quite stocky but was quite cute in my eyes. I had a feeling that he was gay by the way he acted around me and could sort of tell that he liked me. I also notice his bulge forming in his pants every time we were around each other for long enough and I had to fight my urge not to let him see my bulge as well cause I was still ‘straight’. So I decided one weekend to invite him to my house.

lucky for me it was one of those cold weekends when he came to stay so we just stayed in side. Fortunately for me I lived in a very small apartment with my parents and only had a double bed in my room so we slept together and I didn’t mind, I don’t think he did either.

on the Friday night we just lay in bed and chatted and that is when he came out to me and said that he was gay. I quickly put my finger on his lips and drew my face closer to his. Our lips met instantly and I got hard instantly as well. The feeling of his tongue swirling in mine and mine swirling in his was amazing and I knew it was going to be a good night. After about 5 minutes of kissing we started undressing each other. I slowly put my hands in his night shorts and could feel his hard on in his underwear. I pulled of his shirt and pants and he did the same till we both lay there i our underwear super hard.

 We entangled ourselves and I let my hands wonder around his stocky body. i theM felt a soft hand go into my underwear and start rubbing my fully erect cock. I moaned silently to let him know that I liked it and decided that we should both be naked together. so we oth took each other underwear off and embraced his hard thick 6 inch cock and my thick 8 inch spewing warm precum on to our stomachs. I was uncut and he was cut but I didn’t mind neither did he. Entangled in this muscular of sweat and moaning I knew what was going to happen Next.

He slowly bent down kissing his way along and headed to my massive cock and started licking away the precum and demanding more. I had never felt something better than this before and I knew it would not be long before I would cum in him. 

While he was bent down sucking my cock  started playing with his and rubbed his balls which hung down nicely. I was so horny. I started playing with his glory hole with my finger and spat on it to moisten it up. Then I stuck my index in and he stared to suck harder. It was amazing.

at the point of nearly cumming I flipped him onto his back and applied some more saliva to his hole. I was going to get in there. I applied some lube because it was my first time and wanted it to be a good one. Then I whispered to him if he was ready and he grabbed my dick and put it to his hole. I pulled my foreskin back and stuck my massive head in only. He was so tight and he pained louder and so did I.

i was teasing him until I final went slowly full in and I could feel my head touch his insides and new that it wouldnt be long. I started going more rapidly and he moaned and moaned. I was beating him hard and was impressed with my knowledge for a beginner. As I came I left some in and pulled out and spewed the rest on his stomach. We embraced and kissed again and then I new it was his turn.

i went for his cock and swallowed his thick dick whole. I wated his cum so much but I knew I wasn’t going to get it that easily. I tickled his balls and rubbed his prostate just to get a bit of cum but nothing came. His dick was definitely thicker than mine but not as long though.

then he turned me over and put me I the doggy style position and pulled my hair and whispered ‘are you ready’ in my ear. I replied by moaning and telling him I wanted to be stretched and stretched is what I would get. 

He he went straight in and I was surprised i didn’t get cut in half. It felt like  was having an ejaculation over and over again and I didn’t want it to end. He was way more experienced than me and he did me from many different angles. It was bliss. Then he stopped and I could feel his dick swell even bigger and he cam and the turned me around and sprayed his warm juicy mess on my face. I lappedmit up as it came wanting more. Then we kissed exchanging the cum.

it was amazing. We slept naked together for the whole night and I knew that this was the best moment of my life
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