
Jake and his sleeping pills

Jess41   July 29, 2019   | 48091 Views
About high school best friends who had a secret feelings for each other they kept for years. banner1

Jake and I has been friends for almost four years now. I met him when we where freshmen and he was my classmate. And now, we're already in fourth year. 

Back then, I knew that I'm in love with my best friend but he's not the type who shows affection to women. He's not a gay, if you're thinking that. It's just that, he's an old school and a serious type of person. I barely see him smile and those are the only times when I make fun of him. I don't know why I'm still with him until now even though he's a boring person. Maybe, because I'm still inlove with him.? 

When we were in third year, I decided to leave my unsaid feelings for him. I realized that friendship is the only thing he could offer to me. 

I never told him about anything. I just shut my mouth up and pretend that I've never been in love with my best friend. 

Not until yesterday. 

We went to his house for a sleepover. We had a science project and as always, we're partners. 

I took a bath on his shower while he's still working on our project. He said that it's okay if I don't mind about the project cause he can do it all by himself. He's good at everything, that's why I admire him. And maybe I like his cold nature cause it excites me. 

I watched him while doing his business and it really brings back my feelings for him that I threw a year ago. 

I told him that I'm going to sleep cause the math subject that we had this afternoon gave me a headache. And he said, yes and made me a milktea. 

I drink it and I went to his bed and laid there. We've been friends for four years now, so I don't think about malice whenever we sleep together. 

The next morning, I feel tired and feels like my whole body is in pain. I don't remember myself running last night, so I'm really wondering. And my private part is in pain. I've been eating a lot of junk foods lately, so maybe I had UTI. 

I turned around and look at him next to me. He was facing the wall and was lying aside. I didn't try to wake him up cause maybe he's tired last night. 

His parents wasn't home that day and we're alone, so I made him a breakfast. It's been our hangout for the last four years.

He went to the kitchen looking weird as usual. He didn't talk to me for the whole morning. He's been always like that but this time, it's different. I didn't take notice and we went to school together. 

After a week, Saturday specifically, we once again had a sleepover. It's nothing new cause every week we had a sleepover in his house and he sometimes sleep in my house too. 

And as usual, we had a movie marathon. It was almost twelve when we finished. 

I told him to make me a drink before going to bed. And so he did. But accidentally when I went downstairs to ask him something, I saw him putting something in my drink. I immediately went back to his bedroom so that he won't notice.. 

I think I saw a sleeping pill. I don't know why he did that but maybe it's to make me fall to sleep faster cause lately I've been having an insomnia. 

He came into his room and gave me my drink.. I don't want to drink it, actually. So, I made a fuss and asked him to get something from downstairs which he undoubtedly did. I went to his bathroom and spilled the drink and returned the glass to his table. When he came back, I was still in the bathroom brushing my teeth. 

I went to his bed and pretended I was feeling sleepy. He told me to just sleep if I wanted to. I closed my eyes and didn't move for a moment pretending that I had already gone to sleep. About twenty minutes after, he turned off the lights and he went to his bed. I felt him sat next to me and held my face. He kissed my forehead down to my nose and lips. 

I was so shocked to what he did. But I won't deny that I really liked it. My heart starts to beat faster but I shouldn't or else he'll notice that I wasn't really sleeping. I started to calm myself. 

He moved and went on top of me. He started to kiss my lips once again. I wanted to kiss him back but I just shouldn't. His lips are so warm that it makes me lose my mind. He warm kisses went down to my neck. He kissed me so gently to not wake me up. I could feel his warm breath that touches my skin. I feel my body heating up.

But I'm scared about what might happen next. I never had sex before cause I was holding back my feelings for him and still hoping. 

I opened my eyes a little but he won't notice it because the only light that lightens us were the streetlights outside the house that reflects inside. 

He took his shirt off and I slightly saw his toned body. He crawled his hands inside my dress and reached for my chest. He gently caressed my boobs and I moaned a little. 

He might thought it was just normal so he ignored it. And I said to myself to not to moan again. 

I wanted to stop him but my body is refusing me. It wants this so bad that I couldn't do anything but let him. This is what I wanted for all these years. I wouldn't want to miss the chance. 

He unbuttoned my sleeping dress and that's when my bra is shown wide open. I feel so exposed. He took off my bra and that's when my whole chest is open. He licked my nipples so good that I couldn't stop myself. My hands were trembling, I wanted to touch him so bad but I just can't. 

After he's done with my boobs, he went down to my belly button and sucked it for a while. And after that, he took my pajamas away. We licked my private part while my underwear is still on it. 

I feel so aroused that I thought I'm cumming. Then he slowly took my underwear away. He split my thighs and put his head in between them. Then, I slowly felt his warm tongue licking my pussy. 

Damn.! It's just so good. I felt like I'm a slave or a slut. I just hate myself for making him do his way. He played with my pussy for a while. 

I reached my limitations and at last I cummed. I don't know what he's thinking right now. I felt embarrassed and all of the emotions rushed in me. 

We went back to my lips and kissed me once again. He stopped for a moment and said something. 

"Anna.? You're not sleeping, right.?" he calmly said.

Into my shock, I didn't notice that I opened my eyes. He looked directly into me and I into him. I can't find the right words to say. I'm panicking and sweating. 

"I'm sorry, I've been holding back this feelings for you for a while now..!!" he said. "I'm sorry for using your body without your permission.! I sexed with you last week when you were asleep.!" he confessed. "I just couldn't stop myself lusting for you. I've been in love with you from the first time we've met and I'm glad that you stayed by my side after all these years despite of my weird personality.!!" and he sit in the bed while I'm still lying and listening to him and still in shock. "I've been thinking about it for several months about raping you but I just can't do it. Until it happened last week..!!" and I got up and sit in front of him. "I'm really sorry for what I did.!!" and he looked straight at me. 

All of the emotions was in me that moment. I can't think of anything. I just wanted to feel him. I swiftly kissed him and hugged him. I put my naked body closed to him. I want to feel his warm. He kissed me back and hugged me tight. 

"I've been in love with you too, Jake. I just can't tell but I do.!" I said to him after I kissed him. "Could we stop holding back ourselves now.??" I naughtily asked him. 

He smiled and kissed me again. He laid me on the bed and kissed my neck. I've been caressing his back, it's all I can do. 

After all the foreplay on me, it's my turn to turn him on. He took away his pajamas and underwear and showed me his dick. He has big size, so now I don't wonder why my private part was in pain last week. 

I sucked his dick and I wasn't good at it. I'm still learning. While I'm licking, I noticed that it became more hot and big. 

After the blowjob, he laid me once again. He aimed his dick on my pussy and rubbed it on. It tickles me and excites me more. He inserted the head slowly and put it back outside and in and out and so on. He still wants to be careful. I know I'm not a virgin anymore since he sexed with me last week. But I'm still tight and it still hurts. 

As my moan goes good, he enter a bit deeper until he inserted everything. I felt his warm dick inside me and it drives me crazy. We did it soft and slow. Enjoying every stroke. I started to breath heavy as his stroke is getting stronger. But everytime he hits my g-spot, I moaned for pleasure. 

"Uuugghh, Jake, it's so good.! Come on, I want more..!! Ugghhh" I begged him as I moaned. 

His breath starts to get heavy too as he stroke much faster. I feel cumming again. 

"A-anna.! I'm.... I'm cumming.!!" he said first as he strokes more faster and stronger. 

"Ugghhh.. I'm cumming too.. Let's do it..!!" I said to him. 

My toes are stretched straight as I release my cum. And so he did too. It burst out inside me and I felt its warm. 

"Uuggghh.!" I moaned. It feels so good that I want more. 

He removed his dick inside me. And touched my boobs and pressed them gently. 

"We're not done, right.?" I innocently asked him. He looked at me and smiled. 

"Of course, we're not..!!" as he grabbed me and positioned me in a doggy style. 

He inserted his dick once again and started to stroke in an average speed. 

"Ugghhh.! Ugghhh..!!" I moaned as I curved my waist for better penetration. 

He was holding my ass as he stroke from the back. Then, his right hands crawled in my right boobs and caressed it. 

"It was so good..!!" I complimented him. "Jake, fuck me more.. Let's release the feelings that we haven't said back then..!" 

He didn't say a word, he's just so focused on what he's doing. 

Then, we changed position. He laid and I sit on top of him. I slowly sit on his dick and felt it's warm. I ride on top of him and I saw him moaned for pleasure. 

"Uuggghh, Anna... You're all that I wanted..!!" as his eyes rolled upward. 

At last, he said he was cumming. So, I went faster. He sit and assisted me. He held my ass and turned me up and down. I hugged him tight and wrapped my legs on his waist. He went even more faster and then he shot his cum inside me. Then I also cum but a little late.. His breath is heavy and when his breath turned back to normal, he looked at me and put my hair at the back and kissed me softly. He didn't took out his dick. I just stayed on top of him and then few moments later, I felt his dick getting softer inside. Then we fell asleep.

The next morning, he made me a breakfast. The atmosphere is very different that morning. He starts to talk a lot to me and asked me to be his girlfriend which I didn't refuse. 

Since then, we've been more close to each other. I'm glad that we sexed that night. Thanks to his sleeping pill, we admit our feelings to each other. 

The End.

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