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She'd been in New York for 2 days now, her feet were sore
from walking, it was 40 degrees above - way too hot for comfort and her friend’s
flight over had been cancelled at the last minute. She'd exhausted the number
of things a single girl can do in New York by themselves and had been looking
forward to some company and girly fun.
As it stood, her friend wouldn't be in for another 24 hrs.
Looking around Yvonne spotted a nearby coffee shop or ‘cworfee’
as these yanks seemed to pronounce it. She took a deep breath to prepare
herself and began the slow trudge towards the cafe with her accumulated
paraphernalia from New York’s finest shops in hand.
‘Finally!’ she sighed as she slumped into one of the leather-clad
booths with her gigantic latte. She could almost feel herself begin to melt
into the sticky burgundy leather as fatigue began to take over.
Just as she was drifting off into the oblivion of her own
daydream something caught her eye. There, in the doorway, stood a man. Not
being great at judging heights it was difficult for Yvonne to see how tall he
was. Judging by the woman in front of him in the queue, he was shorter than 6ft
tall, maybe 5'9”?
His golden hair caught light from the window, giving it the
appearance of being flecked with gold. His tight black t-shirt showed off his
tight chest and splendidly formed arms. Even from this distance Yvonne could
see the light catching off wisps of chest hair teasing out the top of t-shirt.
In awe, Yvonne couldn't help but allow her gaze to trail
down his body. She tried swallowing but her mouth had gone surprisingly dry, as
she took in the firmness of his thighs in the faded black jeans he wore and the
bulge at the front that tightened things below in her she'd recently thought
long gone.
The stranger was enveloped in a halo of light that created
an ethereal look about him. He glanced up at the menu board with an intense
looking face and the light caught off his beard. The light penetrating enough to show off his
strong jaw line that his well kept beard usually kept hidden.
In this light it was easy to see his beard had different
tones to it. His moustache was a fairer colour similar to his hair but the rest
of his beard had almost an auburn quality to it.
Nestled between the two were a pair of lips that looked
sensually soft. Almost feminine in their plumpness. Yvonne had the briefest image of kissing
those lush lips flash in her mind.
As she watched him scan the menu she could see the intensity
in his eyes and the subtle hints of crows feet which deepened into furrows as
he smiled at the woman behind the counter to place his order. As he smiled with his eyes Yvonne couldn't
help but smile too. It was such a
genuine expression of merriment that she suddenly understood why his eyes
looked as intensely as they did. Here
was a man that smiled a lot. As if he
took genuine pleasure in everything around him.
As Yvonne continued to stare, dumbstruck with awe, there was
a loud clatter and the glow disappeared as an old lady banged the cafe door
closed behind her and began shouting in a typically American drawl that she
needed 3 ‘cworfees’ to go and she needed them yesterday.
Yvonne suddenly refocused herself only to realise that the
man had gone. She felt sadness well up and then laughed out loud at herself for
her foolishness. Yvonne hadn't paid any
heed to a man in such a long time. Not
since the last two fiascos of relationships she'd been in. One with a no hope
waster with anger issues and another with an emotionally crippled fool.
She'd vowed to stay clear of men ever since. That was almost
18 months ago.
She'd managed to remain disinterested in the opposite sex
for so long that she'd forgotten what it was like. Maybe she was just tired and
dehydrated from her shopping and the unnaturally warm weather. She gave her
body a shake and then mentally slapped herself, focused again before settling
to drink her latte.
4 hours later Yvonne found herself in her hotel bar, nursing
a bottle of white wine. She'd headed back to her room and dumped her bags
before standing under the cool shower for half an hour trying to wake herself
up and ease her aching legs and feet.
She had inadvertently found herself thinking of the stranger
she'd seen before and had imagined all sorts of naughty things he could do to
her. Her hands seemed to find her pleasure spots all by themselves and she had
ended up almost doubled over in an orgasmic shudder.
After composing herself and getting her breath back she'd
gotten dressed in one of her new black dresses and matching shoes before
heading down to eat alone. Now an hour
later she was cradling her wine glass and beginning to feel the warm haziness of
alcohol taking effect. She couldn't wait
till tomorrow when she would have her friend here to alleviate her loneliness.
She glanced around the room and noticed how empty it was.
There was an old couple in the corner that appeared to be together but ignoring
each other and a couple of business men nursing some beers.
Yvonne sighed and was about to take another sip when a voice
next to her spoke.
It was deep and languid and sounded like honey dripping. Yvonne
turned to face the voice and was confronted by the stranger she'd seen before.
She stared in shock as the mans lips moved. She was transfixed by those full
juicy lips as they opened and closed.
"Excuse me ma'am, are you ok?"
Yvonne refocused, "huh?" she stuttered.
"I said can I buy you a drink?" the man smiled,
apparently enjoying Yvonne's sudden awkwardness. "I noticed you were alone
and I'm new in the area. I was hoping we could keep each other company for the
evening. Unless you're busy?"
Yvonne tried desperately to pull her gaze from the hypnotic
effect his mouth had on her. She could already feel herself getting warm bellow
and those same stirrings that rose in the cafe were rousing here.
"Oh, erm, no, I mean yes! Yes, I'll have a drink"
she blurted out.
Going red at her clumsiness. She immediately began
regretting having already finished most of a bottle of wine by herself.
"Oh, wait!" she stammered, "I have some wine
left here, why don't you get another glass and share it with me?"
His smile beamed at her. Such an amazing smile he had. It
put her at ease and turned her on at the same time. He turned and headed for
the bar and Yvonne quickly began trying to undo the effects of the last hours
drinking. Sorting her bra and dress and making sure her hair wasn't all over
the place.
She couldn't believe this man was talking to her. All her
insecurities about herself began to rear their ugly heads when suddenly he was
back with another glass and another bottle.
The next two hours flew by.
His charm wasn't just an external factor. He was incredibly
funny and witty. They discussed various diverse topics, fuelled by the
increasing consumption of wine, from the brashness of New Yorkers to the
trouble in the Middle East and to such things as their favorite type of donuts.
His name was Ricky and he was amazing company to have.
As the evening wore on Yvonne's insecurities faded away
under the intensity of his gaze and the depth of his smile. She found herself
leaning over the table with her hand on his, laughing at some joke he had just
made. Even that touch alone took her breath away. His hands were big and strong
and she noted, incredibly clean and manicured.
He looked down at their hands and smiled that incredible
smile of his and placed his other hand on top of hers. Immediately Yvonne's
loins jumped in response. She could feel the heat across her chest and in her
groin and even flushing across her face.
Ricky suddenly surprised her then by leaning in close and
kissing her.
Yvonne exploded in a rush of senses. His breath was warm and
sweet from the wine, his face, rugged and hairy yet soft, smelled like soap,
his lips were full, soft and warm. There was a subtle spiciness from his
aftershave mingled with his own intoxicating muskiness. For a split second she
took in the closeness of him before melting into that kiss.
It seemed to last for an eternity and Yvonne could feel her
body reacting to it. His firm tongue gently probing and caressing as his lips
skilfully joined with hers. His hand lifted and held the side of her face
sending another shiver of pleasure down her body.
Yvonne didn't know if she could take any more and would've
sworn she was almost ready to climax there and then.
He slowly pulled away and gazed intensely into her
eyes. Yvonne suddenly found herself
wondering why she felt so at ease with this man she hardly knew. Usually she
would shy away from even casual glances from passers by and here she was
staring into the deep ocean blue eyes of a complete stranger she'd just been
kissing. She'd never had so much as a one-night stand before so to be kissing a
total stranger in another country was a total first for her.
Ricky's hand gently played with her hair and Yvonne
tightened her grip on his other hand.
"I want you," she whispered, never breaking their
"I want you too, Yvonne." he whispered softly
back. "I feel like I've known you for ever."
Somehow they managed to get back to Ricky's room without
succumbing in the hotel bar. Once through the door Ricky spun Yvonne round and
gazed into her eyes once more. His gaze trailed down swallowing every detail he
trembled with anticipation.
He trailed his fingers down her bare arms causing little
sparks of pleasure to jump from her. Her breathing quickened in response. He
encircled her fingers with his and leaned in to slowly kiss the nape of her
Yvonne's eyes closed and she tilted her head back enjoying
the sensation of his warm lips on her neck. He moved slowly up to her ear where
he began nibbling gently before biting slightly harder causing her to breath in
sharply and grin. She wrapped her arms around as much of him as she could.
This close, he was a
big man. She could feel the power of his muscles through his jacket and she was
keen to feel more. While he teased her neck and ears with his splendid lips she
began removing his jacket and top. She had to catch herself again as he started
running his hand up her calf to her thigh though.
He mixed the sensations of that with his other hand tracing
up her spine to undo her bra clasp. Finally she had him topless and the sight
of it was amazing. His chest was indeed perfect, with wisps of curly hair that
demanded she run her fingers through it. She traced both her hands over his
chest and trailed her fingers over his nipples, giving them a squeeze that took
his breath away.
She lifted his face and plunged her lips into his as her
passion jumped another level again. They clumsily hastened to the bed where Ricky
straddled her and removed the rest of her clothes, leaving her with just her
lace panties on. Yvonne lay there gazing at his broad shoulders while he drank
the sight of her, the lust in his eyes building even more.
He quickly removed what garments he had left and kneeled
above her. Yvonne was once again awestruck. Ricky's hard cock was worthy of the
Greek gods themselves. It was thick and curved and the tip was flushed a bright
red like a juicy berry begging to be placed between her lips. Her hands were
drawn to it and as they encircled it Ricky let out a guttural moan that spoke
to her.
He closed his eyes as she began to rhythmically move her
hands. She moved her body into a better position and licked her tongue up the
soft front of his hard shaft before enveloping the juicy tip of him in her
mouth. She could hear Ricky's breathing quicken in response and feel herself
getting even wetter as she traced her tongue around him, his smooth hard end
feeling delicious in her mouth.
She ran one hand up his chest to his nipple while the other
played with his balls and caressed his shaft. She slowly moved up and down with
her mouth in a twisting motion so as to feel every part of him in every part of
her mouth. She could feel his body tightening and his breathing becoming more
ragged as she sucked and licked him to ecstasy.
His hands gripped out spasmodically as he finally released
himself into her mouth. His juices tasting sweet and salty and filled her
mouth, she slowed her pace as he jerked uncontrollably and moaned out loud. She
looked up at him with his cock still in her mouth and he gazed down with a huge
grin on his face.
"My turn" he said.
He lifted her up and kissed her, taking his own juices into
his mouth from her. He carried on kissing her while he moved her onto her back.
He pulled away from her lips to trail down her chest where he found her nipple.
He sucked hard causing her to breath in and her loins to tighten in response.
While he sucked and played with her nipple his hand reached up to caress and
play with her other breast, teasing her other nipple and bringing a sigh to her
His other hand played across her stomach and slowly down up
her panties. He teased a finger in and felt her short, newly-trimmed hair. He
then carried his hand down to her ankle where he dug his fingers in slightly
and traced them back up the inside of her thigh.
Yvonne bit her lip, wanting him to touch more intimate
areas. He moved his head lower, kissing her as he went until he got to her
panties. He kissed her along the waist of her panties and down over her crotch.
She lifted her hips to meet him and sighed
"Please Ricky" at him.
He slowly teased away the last barrier between him and her
moist sweet area. As he pulled them over her feet he began kidding back up her
leg till he got to the top of her inner thigh. He then licked his firm tongue
over her swollen lips, taking one into his mouth to suck on gently.
He stroked her other lip between his fingers making it feel
like he had two mouths, both expertly sucking and kissing her. He then placed
his tongue at the entrance to her body. Yvonne's body writhed with the thought
of and the actual pleasure. He kneaded his tongue around her entrance and
slowly moved up to her swollen bud. As soon as his tongue touched her there her
back buckled.
He simultaneously began moving his fingers inside her with
languidly moving his whole tongue up and over her. This on top of the already built
up sexual pressure was too much. She quickly began to feel deep pressure and
heat welling up inside her. Wave upon wave of pleasure was building up. My god,
she didn't know what he was doing but she no longer had any control.
Her back began arching and her legs trembled as his tongue
and fingers worked in unison. The pressure finally gave and she began screaming
in ragged breaths as all thoughts but pleasure racked her body. And still he
didn't stop, he shifted his fingers slightly and found another spot inside her
she didn't know existed and the pleasure changed and reached a new crescendo.
She felt as though a floodgate of pleasure had been opened
and her body succumbed to it. She could no longer breathe and she could no
longer think.
Eventually he stopped and looked up at her.
Yvonne couldn't move, her body spasmed continually from
waves of pleasure that refused to die down. Evidently the waves of pleasure had
gushed forth spectacularly as Ricky smiled with Yvonne's juices dripping from
his face. Yvonne desperately tried to catch her breath as Ricky dried his face.
He then pulled her closer to him and kissed her deeply.
As he kissed he slowly slipped his newly hardened member
inside her quivering opening. The width of him took her breath away once more
and she came just from the intensity of it.
He began rhythmically moving backwards and forwards, the
feeling of him filling her making Yvonne bite down on her lip again and dig her
nails into his tight buttocks. He carried on moving, tilting her hips so he
could get deeper, thrusting progressively harder and faster building more waves
between them.
Eventually the waves came crashing down and they both were
left crying out and gasping for air. He collapsed on top of her, his ragged
breathing vying for more oxygen.
He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled into her neck.
She held onto him tightly trying not to die from lack of
oxygen, more waves crashing over her and causing her body to twitch
They snuggled into each other and let oblivion slowly wash
over them. Just as Yvonne was away to succumb to her energy finally giving way
she was woken with a start
Yvonne looked around confused. Her friend sat next to her
smiled knowingly and asked
"Nice dream, Yvonne?"
Yvonne flushed bright red and stared out the window as they
prepared to land and begin their two week holiday in New York.

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