
A Boy Scout Romp

JMoran   June 07, 2015   | 128440 Views
I had never felt a penis before, so this was thrilling for me. I could feel my panties getting wet from my arousal, and it started to feel hot, like I wanted him, sex pheromones filled the air. it was my own sex arousing me, and I could tell it was affecting him too. cheating

It was about 11:30 at night, it had just rained, so me, four other girls and the older guys (all about 18-19 years old) from my troop decided to meet up with a couple of the older guys from another troop we hang out with a lot.


We went out into a field right at the edge of the camp, it was wet, the grass was long and it was dark.


We played capture the flag a while, and then sat down in the wet grass to catch our breath. The grass was soaking wet still.


A couple of the group started smoking, and we laughed and joked until about 1:45 in the morning. 


We decided to play another game of capture the flag, about half way through I ran into a guy a liked from the other troop. Like, literally ran into him. I kind of tackled him and we both fell into the grass, disappearing.


 I was on top of him, and noticed he was looking at by tits. My tits are fairly big I'm 18 and have a C cup.


 So I thought he just liked the size of my girl. But, I was wearing a tank top that night without a bra, and the wet grass stuck the shirt to my nipples, and they showed through I guess. 

He looked up into my eyes and smirked, "Damn, I like your tits" 

I just lay on top of him and made out with him. We did this for about 5 minutes, saliva dripping in between mouths, tongues tangling in our one to one dance.


I felt a bulge from his pants on my pussy. Still making out with him, I decided to get him even hornier; I slid up on him and stroked my crotch on his bulge.

 He groped and my tits, squeezing so hard making my nipples ache under his touch.


 I groped at his dick. Reaching my hands in his pants and started to rub his dick. It was a handful, it was warm and it pulsed a little it leaked a little bit of pre-cum too.


 I had never felt a penis before, so this was thrilling for me. I could feel my panties getting wet from my arousal, and it started to feel hot, like I wanted him, sex pheromones filled the air. it was my own sex arousing me, and I could tell it was affecting him too.


I took of my shirt so he could see my breasts in the moonlight. He smiled and grabbed them. He pinched my nipples and I gasped as it felt to good.


By now, my vagina was soaked, and it was hot and throbbing, I was fucking so horny.


 “Do you want to fuck me?” I asked him


“Yes, fuck yes.” He screamed


I pulled off my pants and threw my panties in his face as a tease.


He grabbed them, sniffed and licked them.


“ wow they smell and taste so good. I want the real thing” he siad.


 I pulled off his pants twisting my body around so my vagina was in his face. I could feel his breath on me.



My face now at his dick I had seen position in a porno my girlfriends and I had watched.


He said my vagina was puffy, and he loved it, which made me blush.


I proceeded to examine his dick. He penis was larger than I thought it would be. He was at least 7 1/2- 8 inches, and it was pretty thick and muscular. I was really impressed.

 Just as I laid my tongue on his dick, his tongue found its way into my vagina. I bit down hard thinking I was going to bit his dick off. He gave a small yelp and thrust his tongue back inside me licking the juice from the out my edges and back inside me again.


This made my body shake; I have never felt this type of pleasure before so I tensed all up. Making it hard to control the sounds that were now flowing from me with delight.


Not wanting to be caught in my first time ever fuck.


“Maybe we should just have sex,” I said assuming it wasn't as hard to control my sounds and as pleasurable as oral. 


I rolled back over my breasts still glistening in the moonlight.


Slowly I lowered myself onto him. I could feel the tip of his dick at the edge of my hole and new there was no going back now.


Tonight I lose my virginity


 He helped me put it in it was a really tight fit and although I was soaked it hurt a little,


Slowly I lowered my self and raised up off him my juices coating his dick completely.


It was amazing pleasure pain all at the same time, he just laid still and let me ride him. He didn’t know it was my first time. I want him to think I knew what I was doing.


The more I rode the more the pleasure enveloped me it took over and before long I was moaning with every stroke.


Hearing my own pleasure no hearing his I came for my first time.


I bit my lip but it was no use so I bury my face in his chest my body still riding his dick as the pleasure increased until he and I could no longer hold it.


Kissing him to stop from moaning too loud. I didn’t want him to come inside me not the first time so I begged him to cum on my tits.


Cum on my blow on my breasts and I will clean you with my mouth.


With one hard thrust he pushed me to the cold wet ground and shot his cum over me just as I asked.


My fingers brought me to one more shuddering orgasm as I licked his cum off his cock and balls.


I continued to suck on his softening dick wanting to try to make him cum again until I realized everyone else was watching us, and probably had been for a long time.


I blushed so hard covering my self up.  Don’t worry one of the girls said “we all have been fucking.”


By now it was 3 am, morning was coming. We all got dressed and went back to camp.


In the morning we all woke up covered in bites and soaked, and we haven't talked about this since. But it was the best troop camp ever.

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