
The year is 3012

Mr Juicy   June 29, 2014   | 35285 Views
Unlike anything I have done before, the sensation of sucking and biting just a little spurs me on more and more until my want for her overrides any conscious thought about The One and the rules that govern our fate. “I want to be inside you Delta, I need you.” I say as I raise my body above hers. Her hand cups my face. “I am yours do as you will, take me Zion take what is yours.” She says, her words breathless. I lower myself down kissing her lips as her hands roam my raw body, running her hands through my hair and back over me again. banner1

The year is 3012. The wars that decimated the world have ceased and the robots that once brought peace to the land now control it.

The problem is they are now so lifelike that you can never tell who is who.

The underground, those that were left, have long been banished past the wastelands.

The new society thrives in piece. Crime is not a problem, respect now rules where disrespect once stood. Integration is in place where separation once flourished.

Love has given way to the new convention of allocation. Couples are paired up at the behest of The One.  

My name is Zion I am now in my 19th year of existence. And so today I qualify for my own allocation day. I walk into the Grand Hall dressed in white flowing robes, the same as the other chosen males this day.

I take my place. 119 is my allocated number and there is an empty square also numbered 119 beside me. As I stand waiting, my heart races and my mind wanders into unknown territory. Thoughts I never dared to imagine of passion and the female form now fill my mind.  

I stand waiting for what seems like a lifetime, and then finally the grand doors open and the chosen females flow in.

They are all dressed in flowing, light yellow dresses and each carry a ribbon in their right hand.  I wait looking down at my feet. My nerves jangle my insides.

I hear her before I see her; she swishes quietly into her square. I lift my head and look. She is mesmerising. Her long blonde hair flows onto her shoulders and shines like sunlight. Her eyes are as blue as any sky I have ever seen. She is just a bit smaller then me and her smile beams bright.

We stand together as one for the first timeamongstmany others but my eyes are just for her. She turns to me.

“I am Delta, it’s nice to meet you.” she says as she offers out the hand containing the ribbon.

I raise my hand and she ties the ribbon around both of our hands. She does it perfectly as if she has practiced it many times over.

“My name is Zion, I have dreamt about you for many years and feel honoured that you have been chosen for me and we are here today.” I said.

The words are mine, rehearsed over and over with my departed mother from when I was just a boy. But they don’t sit right with me.

It isn’t Delta that is the problem. She is a gift far beyond my station. The problem for me is the whole premise of life being controlled and ordered such that free though is rarely thought and never spoken.

Delta smiles at me as the connecting ceremony begins.

The representatives of The One, the governing body recite the memorandum of connection, which we all repeat. Pledging ourselves to the betterment of life and the world we live in. And now Delta and I are connected for life.

We receive a large envelope, which contains cards and a new blank screen. There is a small pin-like badge with one symbol on it. We attach those right away. These are our connectors to each other and also as a means for The One to follow our every move.

From what we buy to where we go and who we meet, every part of life is tracked and now. My life is connected to Delta’s. So what I do she counts the cost for and as so for me.

I turn to Delta. Part of me is ecstatic inside but another part is disappointed in me for not speaking out and bucking convention.

“Are you ready?” I ask.

“Yes” she says with a small nod. She is unsure but willing to follow the rules her new life has delivered.

“Let’s go.” I smile.

We walk out to the transport area and find our new means of transport suppled by The One. The hover is ready - they run on sunshine like everything these days - so there is no need for the thing the we used to call fuel.

After a short pre-programed ride, Delta and I arrive at our new apartment in the newly build area 2042. Apartment 11234 is to be our home. Gifted, as well, by The One.

I walk in the front door into an open, sprawling room with high definition screens on every wall. I find our one bedroom; our new clothes are stacked and hung in cupboards awaiting our inspection or use.

Delta walks behind me.

“Zion I am connected to you. All I am and all I have now belongs to you.” She says looking down.

“Delta” I reply. “Look at me, see me for who I am. I am connected and will share myself with you.” I reply.

I walk closer and closer to her, reach out my hand and pull her close.

“From this moment we are one and I will always care for you.” We kiss I feel a fire in my belly and a rumble in my loins I have never sensed before.

Delta starts to disrobe. I start to remove my clothes then I stop and look at her. She is beautiful, a perfect embodiment of woman.


I follow her to the bed where she was lies completely raw as she was created. Her hair is spread perfectly on the pillows as her breasts and nipples stand firm. I kiss her again.

“Zion please connect us. I want you to cyber link us now.” She pleads.

Cyber linking is the new word for what was once called sex or lovemaking.

You lie next to each other, attach stimuli to your temples and pleasure zones and imagine and feel the sensations provided to you.

Babies are now made in test tubes and grown outside the body. Sex had been replaced with cybering - the ultimate form of pleasure.

I try to lie still to enjoy the sensations. Delta is obviously doing the same but to no avail. I want her and intend to have her.

I pull my wires and probes away, slide down between her already spread legs and unattach the probe connected to her pleasure mound. I lean in close, smelling her before I finally taste her.

I kiss and lick her lips, as I had imagined a million times, and to my surprise she lies back and allows me to continue. My tongue is going to work on her now very moist spot.

I feel the sensations of my male pleasure organ as it gets harder and harder pushing into the bed. My tongue and lips continue to play attention to Delta’s mound. She starts to lift her hips to my face in slow bucking movements as I start to suck on her and lick just a bit harder and faster.

Her moans are audible and I stand up and remove the probes she has left connected to her.

“This is our time, our space, our pleasure. The One cannot have it.” I said.

“I am yours Zion - take me.” replies Delta.

I suck and lick and kiss her perfect breasts and roll her nipples around in my mouth moving from one to the next and back again.

Unlike anything I have done before, the sensation of sucking and biting just a little spurs me on more and more until my want for her overrides any conscious thought about The One and the rules that govern our fate.

“I want to be inside you Delta, I need you.” I say as I raise my body above hers. Her hand cups my face.

“I am yours do as you will, take me Zion take what is yours.”  She says, her words breathless. I lower myself down kissing her lips as her hands roam my raw body, running her hands through my hair and back over me again.

Our kisses evolve into passion as she raises her hips, beckoning me to take her.

I did enter her slowly, she is tight and it is hard to push my way through her outer lips. I see her face contort as if she is in pain, but for just a moment, and as our rhythm starts her face softens and her smile reappears.

You are so beautiful I whisper in her ear as I slide in and out of her, increasing my pace to match the bucking coming from beneath me.

“Zion yes! That’s nice. Do that, don’t stop, do it!” She lets out a scream as I continue to enjoy the sensation our connection is creating.

Delta lifts her legs so that now when I buck her love mount is filled and my pelvis crashes into hers as the heat rises.

I continue to take her and enjoy her, pinning her to our bed, our new bed. I feel her tight pleasure hole squeeze even tighter; squeezing me like her pleasure is trying to milk me.

And then it happens, a complete sensory overload sweeps through my body starting at my brain and exploding through ever fibre in my soul. I am no longer in control of my wants or desires or self.

I pound into Delta with all I am, pleasuring her and me with our connection.

She screams again.

“Yesssss Yessssss!” as I unload my juice deep inside her pleasure, pounding wildly until I am spent and falling into her arms and holding her tight.

Delta’s arms wrap around me and she runs her nails over my back. I fall off her and pull her close, both of us covered in perspiration and completely content in what we have just done.

Sure we broke the rules… and I intend to break them every day.

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