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Marina was fucking hot when she was pissed off and she was most definitely pissed off with me now.
I had a buddy over yesterday who I caught red handed digging through her laundry. He was holding a sexy red pair of her dirty panties right to his face.I said “what the fuck dude” and then burst out laughing. I was still giggling at the stupidity but was genuinely upset that my friend violated Marina’s privacy. I sat down on the couch and was about to unleash hell on his ass for the creepy disrespect.
Just then my roommate walked in the front door.Standing at the entrance she stopped dead. Her eyes were wide open and eagle focused on buddy with her dirty panties in his face. She gazed for a few seconds mind blown and then changed the focus to me. “As if you bring assholes home” she said.
She took off a hot pair of white sandal style shoes and whipped one at my head. It just missed me and hit the back of the couch landing harmlessly beside me.I tried to explain that I literally just caught the dude and burst out laughing out of shock. I was fully planning on giving him shit. She would have none of it and gave me the fucking evil eye. She was super pissed off and to me especially hot as fuck. There was something about the aggressive way she moved when she was pissed off that I found breathtaking. Marina had tits like an angel and her huge areola and nipples got hard and hot puffy when she was upset. I couldn't help but crack a sly man smile. Of course, that pissed her off more.
My disrespectful friend left immediately. The fucked up part is that he stuck the hot dirty red panties in his pocket anyway. He walked right passed Marina and I with a stupid grin on his face. He didn't get far before Marina slapped him hard in the back of head to encourage a speedy exit. There was a very distinct “Twack“ sound that seemed to echo. Fucking creep” she said. She walked past me still wearing one shoe and slammed her bedroom door.My roommate is a slob and was finally going out this weekend. I couldn't wait until she got the fuck out. We got along strangely well but have been butting heads recently. Sometimes friends just need a time out, right?
This was my weekend and if she doesn't leave for a while I'd likely snap.A few minutes later, she opened her bedroom door. She was holding the same laundry basket that held her stolen panties, the sexy patterned sundress she was wearing when she came in was on top. Her tits looked magical in that dress. She's going away with some fucking idiot she's known for a month and now they are in love. In my head the Amityville horror house said "Get Out".
Now half-dressed and still wearing one shoe, she looked at me and said “You own me a quality pair of panties bitch”. She was wearing tight knit black fishnet stockings with a purple tank top. She had a fuck ya hot pair of purple panties on too. Marina had healthy handful sized pointy tits with naturally puffy nipples. Her anger swelled boobs made the purple low-cut tank top an extra fucking special site.Seeing each other naked or in various stages of undress was fairly routine, after all we did share a home and had “for real” respect for each other. Win win as far as I was concerned.
I could hear her swearing under her breath, still walking around with one shoe on. A moment later she was standing right in front of me and said "where is my fucking shoe?". To be an asshole I kept eye contact with her as I shoved the pretty white shoe that she through at me into the crack of the couch. I responded with "I don't fucking know, you through it at me cra cra bitch". She was holding a bottle of some Katy Perry perfume in her hand. I guess she didn’t like my response and tossed Katy Perry extra fucking hard right on my foot. "Fuck you He-Man" she said and walked away, still with one shoe on.
My fucking foot hurt man, there was a small cut and a drop of bright red blood where the bottle hit me. It was most definitely going to leave a mark. As I bent down and to rub my injured foot, I found the bottle of perfume. I picked it up and stuffed it in the couch hole with the shoe and thought to myself, “good luck finding your shit bitch”.
Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw something coming fast in my general direction. Marina was standing at the hallway entrance still in full major league pitcher pose, her other shoe shot past me like a comet. The stupid lamp I always hated took the full impact of the shoe and it flew off the table and shattered into about 8 meaningful pieces.I burst out laughing. It was obvious she disagreed with my laughter and stepped hard and fast towards me. I stood up quickly because I wasn't sure what to expect.
Marina took one last aggressive step towards me and stopped. She looked eagle hard into my eyes for a moment and then immediately down at my crotch. A slow super fun smile appeared on her face. This time it was her who burst out laughing. She looked at my eyes again, this time with genuine amusement and said "As if you have a hard cock".
Fuck me. I looked down at my own cock and confirmed it was indeed rock hard. I didn't even notice. Like synchronized swimmers we both burst into hysterical laughter. After a few seconds she wiped her laugh tears from her eyes, took one more look at my rock and put her right hand to her forehead. She actually saluted it Military style. I was amused and delighted. With a playful smile on her face, she looked at me and said “Captain Cock”. She turned around and walked away, her purple panties riding up the crease of one ass cheek as she moved toward her bedroom, she glanced back at me briefly with a hot smile and then slammed the door.
I had a moment of awkwardness where I wasn't sure what the fuck to do with myself. I sat down to chill on the couch, but my boner was still there all proud and praying. I swatted at it all jokingly and said "down boy” I giggled to myself as I watched my man girth, sway back and forth exactly like a fucking pendulum."Fucking idiot" Marina said, from behind the crack of her mostly closed bedroom door, "do something with the rock Captain Cock" she laughed again and closed her bedroom door hard. I brough my eyes back to my own swinging cock until it fully stopped and burst out laughing. 2 Seconds later I heard the door open a crack again and Marina burst out laughing again. This time she closed her door slowly. My man brain for an instant thought “Was that an invite?”
We never fucked, Marina and I. We've always found each other's bizarre sense of humor was what attracted us to each other. We were more intimate in mind than any couple either of us knew. Neither of us held back, friends with zero strings = fuck ya freedom.
We talked lots about all kinds of shit, including sex with other people. We did have special bond that only comes with the melding of like minds. A true fucking super power if you ask me.
This one time (resisting urge to say "at band camp") she showed me one of her new sex toys, she plopped it on table, smiled and looked at me. She said "check this fucking thing out". It was pink and egg shaped with a long pink tail thing. It reminded me of an individual sperm in a race to fertilize the girl crop.I had no clue what it was. I was about to say something when Marina chimed in again. "This pink bitch knows fucking Kun-fu!!". We both looked at each other and laughed. "Ok Marina, what the fuck is it" I said. I call it "Pink Bitch" she said with a hot grin." It's a vibrator with remote control". " What?" I said giggling. "It has no fucking arms or legs; how could it possibly know Kun-fu?". Marina just laughed and said "It has a fucking kick alright" We both giggled again. A devious smile formed on Marina’s pretty pink lips. If I didn't know better, I'd even say she was drooling a little.Suddenly, pink bitch started dancing all over the table, bumping and grinding and vibrating. She pressed some buttons on her phone and the vibration pattern changed each time. The vibrator on the table sound changed with each press. I'm pretty sure there is one setting that made this sex toy do fucking somersaults.“Bitch this thing even moves to music” she said. “There is nothing like my favorite song making me cum”.
She was fucking animated hot. “My own music fucks me hard”. Her wet smile sent shivers down my spine. I legit had fucking goose bumps. “What the fuck are you talking about cra cra bitch?” I responded. She took a moment, fucked with her phone a bit and next thing I knew Phil Collins, “In the Air Tonight Was playing. Sure enough, pink bitch totally vibrated to the song. Marina smiled and started singing “I can feel it cumming in the air tonight, Oh Lord!”. The way she said “Oh Lord” was probably the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.
0My stroll down memory lane ended lightning quick when I heard “In the air tonight” coming from behind Marina’s closed bedroom door. I was fucking hypnotized. I could hear her moaning gently. The noises she made were absolutely indescribable. I was literally shaking in fucking awe.A minute or so later I heard her say “Captain Cock, come here now!”. My goosebumps turned into mountains and the hair on the back of my neck stood up cock stiff. That sound again “Oh Lord”. It wasn’t just a word anymore; it was the sound of heaven and earth pleasure with a big fucking red bow.
It took me a second to register. Did she just ask me to come to her now? I was paralyzed with excitement and shaking like a cold rabbit. I apparently was not fast enough because Marina screamed at me “Now Bitch!!”. I sprang like a ninja from the couch and ran to her bedroom door. I tried the handle but the door was clearly locked. There was a distinct “Click, Click” as I turned the knob back and forth. That fucking sound again “Oh Lord!”“WTF” Marina, I said. “The door is locked”. “You can’t come in” She replied. “Sit down now!” she said all sexy as fuck.
I obeyed and sat down in front of her bedroom door; Phil Collins was now doing his drum solo. I heard Marina get off of her bed and an instant later felt cold air coming from the crack between the bottom of the door and the floor as she dropped a soft blanket down.Here I was sitting on the floor in front on a locked door, with my roommate on the other side. I could hear pink bitch vibrating to Phil and could feel her squirming around. There was enough space under the door for a finger to fit, sure enough Marina’s sopping wet index finger poked through. “Smell me” she said.It was an academy award moment for me. “I’d like to thank the academy” I said under my breath as I adjusted my position and was now laying on the floor in front of Marina’s sexy finger. I put my nose directly on her wet and breathed in deep. The smell was strong, musty and fucking delicious. “Oh Lord!” rang from behind the door.“Marina, little pig, honey, let me in” I said. “No” she said firmly. A heartbeat later a pair of sexy purple panties, wet as fuck came to me from the door crack.
“How do I taste” without missing a beat she added “Now wrap my tasty panties around your cock”.I didn’t need a rocket scientist to draw me a picture, “I’d like to really really thank the academy” I thought to myself as I took my pants off. I quickly wrapped her warm wet panties around my cock and began stroking. An instant later two of Marina’s wet fingers appeared from under the door. “Lick them clean and fuck my panties bitch” she said all hot as fuck.
We fucked each other between closed doors. “Oh Lord!” echoed again. “Cum in my panties and give them back” Marina said. It wasn’t long before I did. It was probably the sexiest moment I’ve ever experienced in my life. I was shaking like a scared kitten as I gave her panties back. An instant later she screamed like heaven and earth were fucking and moaned like a porn star.
“Now fuck off bitch” she said “I’m going to bed”

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